
General Information

This site offers helpful tools for students of the Latin language.

Latin-to-English shows results from both the Whitaker's Words dictionary and Lewis and Short's A Latin Dictionary. Inflected words are parsed automatically.

English-to-Latin is powered by Whitaker's Words.

Grammar analysis shows the possible grammatical functions of any word.

Latin Reader

Regarding the Reader: A helper for reading Latin texts. We must always learn Latin from the dictionary, and this keeps the dictionary before our eyes. From a few words, to a paragraph, to an entire chapter or book. Paste your text in, and it will be reformatted line-by-line, with the relevant dictionary entries prepared beneath each line in a smaller font. I developed this to give my first-year Latin students a boost in their efforts. It has proved immensely useful in creating homework sheets, and on the projector screen for classroom work. Once you have some basic familiarity with grammar, it will enable you to breeze through longer texts without needing to pause to look up unknown words. Example:

Example of Latin Reader.

Details about Latin Reader

Word Frequency Table Generator

The Word Frequency Tool generates vocabulary lists from (very) large texts. It determines which dictionary entries are referenced, and sorts these by most frequently cited. It can be useful for focusing on the most common words in a given text. Obviously there will also be some false positives in the results, as it casts the net as widely as possible. A word like est, for example, will be flagged as both sum,esse and edo,esse.

General Updates

Source code for the website is freely available upon request.

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