Dictionary Entry | Definition | Occurences | Permutations |
et CONJ | and, and even; also, even; (et ... et = both ... and); | 1993 | et |
in PREP ACC | into; about, in the mist of; according to, after (manner); for; to, among; | 1597 | in |
in PREP ABL | in, on, at (space); in accordance with / regard to / the case of; within (time); | 1597 | in |
is, ea, id PRON | he / she / it; | 1067 | eius, eorum, eos, ei, eo, eum, eis, eam, iis, ea, ii, eique, is, earum, eas |
meus, mea, meum ADJ | my; | 951 | meum, meus, meae, mea, mei, meam, meo, meos, meis, meorum, mearum, meas |
qui, quae, quod PRON | who; which; that; what; | 922 | qui, quod, quem, quam, quae, cuius, quorum, qua, quo, cui, quibus, quique, nequam, quos, quas |
tuus, tua, tuum ADJ | your (sing.); | 901 | tuam, tuum, tua, tui, tuos, tuae, tuo, tuorum, tuarum, tuas, tuis, tuus |
I, me (PERS); myself (REFLEX); | I, me (PERS); myself (REFLEX); | 810 | ego, me, mihi, mei |
sum, esse, fui, futurus V | to be; to exist; | 808 | erit, sunt, es, est, sum, sit, ero, fuero, fui, eris, erat, sint, sumus, esto, sim, fuerunt, fuerimus, erunt, fuerit, esset, eram, erant, fuisset, fuerint, fuisti, fuit, erimus, estis, sisarae, esse, essent |
dominus, domini N (2nd) M | lord, master; | 789 | domini, dominus, dominum, domino, domine, dominorum |
idem, eadem, idem PRON | the same, the very same; | 691 | eius, eos, ei, eo, eis, iis, eandem, ea, eique, idem, eas |
you (sing.); yourself (REFLEX); | you (sing.); yourself (REFLEX); | 489 | tu, te, tibi, tui |
Deus, Dei N (2nd) M | God; god; | 451 | deo, deus, deum, deos, dei, deorum |
edo, esse, -, - V TRANS | eat / consume / devour; eat away (fire / water / disease); destroy; spend money on food | 409 | es, est, esto, esset, estis, esse, essent |
non ADV | not, by no means, no; [non modo ... sed etiam => not only ... but also]; | 395 | non |
Non., abb. N M | Nones (pl.), abb. Non.; 7th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 5th elsewhen; | 395 | non |
queo, quire, quivi(ii), quitus V | be able; | 385 | qui, quis, quietis, quique, exqui |
qui ADV | how?; how so; in what way; by what / which means; whereby; at whatever price; | 342 | qui |
suus, sua, suum ADJ | his / her / its (own); | 306 | suum, suo, sua, suas, suis, suarum, suae, suos, suam, suorum, sui |
omnis, omnis, omne ADJ | each, every; all / the whole of; | 298 | omnia, omnes, omnibus, omni, omnis, omnium, omnem, omne |
deus X | god; God!: Oh God; | 290 | deus |
meo, meare, meavi, meatus V (1st) | go along, pass, travel; | 286 | mea, meo, meas |
facio, facere, feci, factus V (3rd) TRANS | to do, to make; | 260 | faciet, fac, faciat, feci, facit, fecit, fecisti, factae, fecerunt, faciens, factus, facies, facis, faceret, facti, factum, faciam, facias, facientibus, facta, facientes, facere, faciemus, facite, factorum, factura, facientem, faciendum, facitis, facerent, faciunt, fecimus, faciendas, faciendi, factis, faciant, faciendam |
quoniam CONJ | because, since, seeing that; | 255 | quoniam |
psalmus, psalmi N (2nd) M | psalm; Psalm of David; | 222 | psalmus, psalmum, psalmi, psalmis |
ad PREP ACC | to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w / NUM; | 215 | ad |
ad ADV | about (with numerals); | 215 | ad |
terra, terrae N (1st) F | earth, land, ground; country, region; | 212 | terrae, terram, terra, terrarum, terras |
a / ab / abs PREP ABL | by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin / time); after (reference); | 208 | a |
supo, supare, supavi, supatus V (1st) TRANS | throw; pour; strew, scatter; (usu. only in compounds); | 205 | super |
super PREP ACC | upon / on; over, above, about; besides (space); during (time); beyond (degree); | 205 | super |
super PREP ABL | over (space), above, upon, in addition to; during (time); concerning; beyond; | 205 | super |
super ADV | above, on top, over; upwards; moreover, in addition, besides; | 205 | super |
suo, suere, sui, sutus V (3rd) | sew together / up, stitch; | 171 | suo, suas, suis, suam, sui |
de PREP ABL | down / away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to; | 169 | de |
we (pl.), us; | we (pl.), us; | 156 | nobis, nos, nostrum, nostri |
quia CONJ | because; | 151 | quia |
ut CONJ | to (+ subjunctive), in order that / to; how, as, when, while; even if; | 145 | ut |
cor, cordis N (3rd) N | heart; mind / soul / spirit; intellect / judgment; sweetheart; souls / persons (pl.); | 143 | corde, cordibus, cor, corda, cordis |
anima, animae N (1st) F | soul, spirit, vital principle; life; breathing; wind, breeze; air (element); | 142 | animae, anima, animam, animas, animabus |
meio, meere, mixi, mictus V (3rd) | urinate, make water; ejaculate; (somewhat rude); | 139 | mei, meis |
noster, nostra, nostrum ADJ | our; | 138 | noster, nostra, nostrum, nostri, nostrae, nostro, nostris, nostros, nostras, nostram, nostrorum, nostrarum |
cum PREP ABL | with, together / jointly / along / simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached; under command / at the head of; having / containing / including; using / by means of; | 131 | cum |
cum ADV | when, at the time / on each occasion / in the situation that; after; since / although as soon; while, as (well as); whereas, in that, seeing that; on / during which; | 131 | cum |
sicut CONJ | as, just as; like; in same way; as if; as it certainly is; as it were; | 129 | sicut |
sicut ADV | | 129 | sicut |
misericordia, misericordiae N (1st) F | pity, sympathy; compassion, mercy; pathos; | 129 | misericordiae, misericordiam, misericordia, misericordias, misericordiarum |
cordus, corda, cordum ADJ | late-born / produced out of / late in the season; second (crop of hay), aftermath; | 127 | corde, corda, cordis |
-ly; -ily; Converting ADJ to ADV | | 124 | die, corde, honore, impie, fide, pacifice, inique, variegatis, iustificate, latere, iniuste, maligne |
dies, diei N (5th) C | day; | 122 | die, dies, diem, diei, dierum, diebus, dii |
domino, dominare, dominavi, dominatus V (1st) INTRANS | be master / despot / in control, rule over, exercise sovereignty; rule / dominate; | 119 | domino, dominaris, dominare |
dius, dia, dium ADJ | divine; w / supernatural radiance; divinely inspired; blessed, saint (Latham); | 116 | die |
manus, manus N (4th) F | hand, fist; team; gang, band of soldiers; handwriting; (elephant's) trunk; | 112 | manibus, manuum, manum, manus, manu |
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus V (3rd) | to say, to speak; | 111 | dixit, dicunt, dicitis, dixerunt, dicit, dicat, dixi, dicam, dicent, dic, dicant, dicitur, dico, dicens, dicentes, dicet, dicite, dixissem, dicta, dicetur, dixisti, dicebam, dicebant, dixero |
nomen, nominis N (3rd) N | name, family name; noun; account, entry in debt ledger; sake; title, heading; | 109 | nomen, nomini, nomina, nomine, nominis, nominibus |
neo, nere, nevi, netus V (2nd) | spin; weave; produce by spinning; | 106 | neque, ne |
ne CONJ | that not, lest; (for negative of IMP); | 106 | neque, ne |
ne ADV | not; (intro clause of purpose with subj verb); [ne....quidem => not even]; truly, indeed, verily, assuredly; (particle of assurance); (w / personal PRON); | 106 | neque, ne |
saeculum, saeculi N (2nd) N | age; generation; [in ~ => forever]; | 105 | saeculum, saeculi, saeculo, saecula, saeculorum |
populus, populi N (2nd) M | people, nation, State; public / populace / multitude / crowd; a following; members of a society / sex; region / district (L+S); army (Bee); | 105 | populi, populum, populorum, populos, populus, populo, populis, popule |
populus, populi N (2nd) F | poplar tree; (long o); | 105 | populi, populum, populorum, populos, populus, populo, populis, popule |
ipse, ipsa, ipsum PRON | himself / herself / itself; the very one; | 105 | ipsorum, ipsi, ipsius, ipsis, ipse, ipsum, ipsa, ipso, meipso, ipsae, ipsam |
autem CONJ | however, also; | 102 | autem |
inimicus, inimici N (2nd) M | enemy (personal), foe; | 101 | inimicos, inimici, inimicum, inimicus, inimicorum, inimicis |
inimicus, inimica -um, inimicior -or -us, inimicissimus -a -um ADJ | unfriendly, hostile, harmful; | 101 | inimicos, inimici, inimicum, inimicus, inimicorum, inimicis |
homo, hominis N (3rd) M | man, human being, person, fellow; [novus homo => nouveau riche]; | 100 | hominum, homo, hominis, homines, homine, homini, hominem, hominibus |
fio, fieri, factus sum V SEMIDEP | to happen; to be made; to become (facio PASS); [fiat => so be it]; | 100 | factae, factus, facti, fias, factum, fiant, fieri, facta, fiat, fiunt, factorum, factura, factis, fiam |
sus, suis N (3rd) C | swine; hog, pig, sow; | 96 | suum, suis |
filius, fili N (2nd) M | son; | 96 | filius, filio, filii, filios, filiis, filium, filiorum |
eo, ire, ivi(ii), itus V | to go; | 93 | eo, eam, ii, ita, is, iam, ibunt, isti, irent, eas, ibimus, euntes, ibant, ibo |
ille, illa, illud PRON | that; | 91 | illos, illum, illius, illis, illi, illo, illorum, illa, illud, ille, illam |
aeternus, aeterna -um, aeternior -or -us, aeternissimus -a -um ADJ | eternal / everlasting / imperishable; perpetual, w / out start / end; [in ~=>forever]; | 91 | aeternum, aeternos, aeterno, aeterna |
misericors, (gen.), misericordis ADJ | merciful, tenderhearted; | 87 | misericordia, misericors |
aeternum ADV | eternally, for ever, always; perpetually; also; constantly; | 87 | aeternum |
David, undeclined N M | | 87 | david |
David, Davidis N (3rd) M | David; | 87 | david |
do, dare, dedi, datus V (1st) TRANS | to give; | 86 | dabit, dabo, dedisti, dedit, dabis, das, da, datus, dat, dederunt, dabitur, dare, date, endor, dabunt, des, dante, det, data, detur |
video, videre, vidi, visus V (2nd) | see, look at; (PASS) seem; | 84 | video, vide, videbit, vidisti, videbunt, videret, videre, videant, videbo, videntes, videam, videbant, vidit, videte, videat, viderunt, videbimus, vidi, videbis, vidimus, videbas, viderit, viderem, videns, visi, videbitur, videamus, videas, videbam |
justitia, justitiae N (1st) F | justice; equality; righteousness (Plater); | 84 | iustitiae, iustitia, iustitiam, iustitias |
saluto, salutare, salutavi, salutatus V (1st) | greet; wish well; visit; hail, salute; | 80 | salutari, salutare, salutes, salutem, salutaris |
iniquitas, iniquitatis N (3rd) F | unfairness, inequality, unevenness (of terrain); | 79 | iniquitatem, iniquitas, iniquitate, iniquitates, iniquitatibus, iniquitati, iniquitatum, iniquitatis |
sanctus, sancta -um, sanctior -or -us, sanctissimus -a -um ADJ | holy; | 78 | sanctum, sancto, sanctus, sanctos, sancti, sancta, sanctam, sanctorum, sanctis |
sancio, sancire, sanxi, sanctus V (4th) TRANS | to make sacred; ordain; | 78 | sanctum, sancto, sanctus, sanctos, sancti, sancta, sanctam, sanctorum, sanctis |
via, viae N (1st) F | way, road, street; journey; | 76 | via, viam, viae, vias, viis |
caelus, caeli N (2nd) M | heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah; heaven (eccl.); the_heavens (pl.); [regnum caelorum => kingdom of heaven]; | 76 | caelis, caelos, caeli, caelo, caelorum, caelum |
benedico, benedicere, benedixi, benedictus V (3rd) | to bless; | 75 | benedices, benedicit, benedicam, benedictus, benedic, benedicet, benedicti, benedixit, benedixerit, benedicebant, benedicis, benedicite, benedicat, benedicent, benedictum, benedicentur, benedicas, benedicetur, benedicimus, benedicens, benedicant |
spero, sperare, speravi, speratus V (1st) | to hope; | 74 | sperate, sperant, speravi, sperent, sperantes, sperabo, sperantium, sperat, speraverunt, speravit, sperans, speratis, sperantem, speravimus, sperabunt, spera, sperare, sperabit, spero, supersperavi, speret |
virtus, virtutis N (3rd) F | strength / power; courage / bravery; worth / manliness / virtue / character / excellence; army; host; mighty works (pl.); class of Angels; [Dominus ~ => Lord of hosts]; | 73 | virtute, virtutibus, virtutes, virtutum, virtutem, virtus, virtutis, virtuti |
sanctus, sancti N (2nd) M | saint; | 73 | sanctum, sancto, sanctus, sanctos, sancti, sanctorum, sanctis |
facies, faciei N (5th) F | shape, face, look; presence, appearance; beauty; achievement; | 71 | facie, faciem, facies, faciei |
hic, haec, hoc PRON | this; | 70 | hanc, hae, hac, haec, hoc, huius, his, hi, hic, hunc |
exaudio, exaudire, exaudivi, exauditus V (4th) | to hear; | 69 | exaudivit, exaudi, exaudiet, exaudies, exaudisti, exaudis, exaudiat, exaudivi, exaudiam, exaudiebat, exaudiebas, exaudierunt, exaudit |
rex, regis N (3rd) M | king; | 68 | reges, regem, rex, regis, regi, regum, regibus, rege |
pono, ponere, posui, positus V (3rd) TRANS | to put, to place; | 68 | ponam, posuit, posuisti, pones, ponens, posuerunt, ponas, ponite, positi, pone, posui, ponere, ponant, ponat, ponent, ponet, ponis, ponit |
judicium, judici(i) N (2nd) N | trial, legal action / process; court / tribunal; courts; administration of justice; judgment / sentence / verdict; judging; jurisdiction / authority; opinion / belief; | 68 | iudicio, iudicium, iudicia, iudiciis, iudiciorum |
peccator, peccatoris N (3rd) M | sinner; transgressor; | 67 | peccatorum, peccatores, peccator, peccatoris, peccatoribus, peccatorem, peccatori |
os, oris N (3rd) N | mouth, speech, expression; face; pronunciation; | 67 | ore, os, oris, ori |
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus V (1st) | to praise; | 67 | laudem, laudabo, laudate, laudabunt, laudabit, laudent, laudes, laudamini, lauda, laudet |
confiteor, confiteri, confessus sum V (2nd) DEP | to confess (w / ACC), to acknowledge; | 67 | confitebitur, confitebor, confitemini, confitebimur, confitebuntur, confiteantur, confitentes, confiteri, confiteamur, confitendum |
gens, gentis N (3rd) F | tribe, clan; nation, people; Gentiles; | 66 | gentes, gentium, gens, gente, gentibus, gentem, gentis |
animo, animare, animavi, animatus V (1st) TRANS | animate, give / bring life; revive, refresh; rouse, animate; inspire; blow; | 64 | anima, animas |
secundus, secunda -um, secundior -or -us, secundissimus -a -um ADJ | next, following; second; substituted; secondary / inferior; subordinate; favorable, fair (wind / current); fortunate, propitious; smooth, w / the grain; | 63 | secundum |
secundum, secundi N (2nd) N | good luck / fortune (pl.), success; favorable circumstances; | 63 | secundum |
secundum PREP ACC | after; according to; along / next to, following / immediately after, close behind; | 63 | secundum |
secor, seci, secutus sum V (3rd) DEP | follow; escort / attend / accompany; aim at / reach after / strive for / make for / seek; support / back / side with; obey, observe; pursue / chase; range / spread over; attain; | 63 | secundum |
duo -ae o, secundus -a -um, bini -ae -a, bis NUM | 2th - (ORD, 'in series'); (a / the) 2th (part) (fract w / pars?); | 63 | secundum |
dius, dii N (2nd) M | god; | 62 | die, dii, diis |
caelum, caeli N (2nd) N | chisel; engraving tool; burin; heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah; | 62 | caelis, caeli, caelo, caelorum, caelum |
rego, regere, rexi, rectus V (3rd) | to rule; to direct; | 61 | reges, rectos, recti, regis, rectae, rectus, rectam, rectum, recto, recte, regi, rectis, recta, rectorum, rege |
loquor, loqui, locutus sum V (3rd) DEP | to speak, to tell; | 61 | loquetur, loquimini, loquuntur, locuti, loquitur, locutum, locutus, loquantur, loquebantur, loquebatur, loquar, loquebaris, loqui, loquentium, loquatur, loquentur, loquebar |
custodio, custodire, custodivi, custoditus V (4th) TRANS | to guard, to protect; | 61 | custodies, custodivi, custodi, custodiendis, custodientibus, custodiant, custodit, custodiam, custodierunt, custodierint, custodiebant, custodiunt, custodiet, custodiens, custodiri, custodiendas, custodiendo, custodire, custodientium, custodivit, custodierit |
Israel, Israelis N (3rd) M | Israel / Jacob; Israelites, decedents of Israel; people of God; | 61 | israel, israelis |
opero, operare, operavi, operatus V (1st) | to work; | 60 | operantur, operamini, opera, operati, operatur, operantibus, operatus, operantium, operantes |
dius, dia, dium ADJ | divine; w / supernatural radiance; divinely inspired; blessed, saint (Latham); daylit; charged with brightness of day / daylight; | 60 | die, diis |
vox, vocis N (3rd) F | voice, tone, expression; | 59 | voce, voci, vocem, voces, vox |
chorus, chori N (2nd) M | chorus; choral passage in a play; dancing / singing performance / ers; school; round / ring dance; dancers; movement of planets; magistrate's court; multitude; choir; singing; sanctuary; those in sanctuary; | 59 | chori, choros, choro |
bonus, bona -um, melior -or -us, optimus -a -um ADJ | good; | 59 | bona, bonum, bonis, bono, bonae, melius, melior, bonus, optimum |
venio, venire, veni, ventus V (4th) | to come; | 58 | ventus, ventorum, venti, venturae, venite, ventum, veniat, veniet, venio, veniam, venerunt, venit, veniunt, venient, veni, veniant, ventura, veniebant, venies, veniret, venientes, ventos |
oculus, oculi N (2nd) M | eye; | 58 | oculos, oculus, oculi, oculorum, oculis, oculum, oculo |
veritas, veritatis N (3rd) F | truth, fact, accuracy; honesty, truthfulness, frankness; sincerity, uprightness reality, that which is real; real life, actuality; true nature; correctness; | 57 | veritas, veritatem, veritate, veritatis |
exalto, exaltare, exaltavi, exaltatus V (1st) TRANS | to exalt; to praise; | 57 | exaltans, exaltare, exaltas, exalta, exaltantur, exaltabitur, exaltetur, exaltabit, exaltatur, exaltabo, exaltemus, exaltabor, exaltentur, exaltavi, exaltat, exaltabuntur, exaltata, exaltasti, exaltabis, exaltatus, exaltate, exaltati, exaltent, exaltatum, exaltant, exaltavit |
verbum, verbi N (2nd) N | word; proverb; [verba dare alicui => cheat / deceive someone]; | 55 | verba, verbum, verbo, verbi, verbis, verborum |
opus, operis N (3rd) N | need; work; fortifications (pl.), works; [opus est => is useful, beneficial]; | 55 | opera, operibus, opus, operum |
magister, magistri N (2nd) M | teacher, tutor, master, expert, chief; pilot of a ship; rabbi; | 55 | magistro |
generatio, generationis N (3rd) F | generation, action / process of procreating, begetting; generation of men / family; | 55 | generationem, generatione, generationi, generatio, generationis, generationes |
ab PREP ABL | by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin / time); after (reference); | 55 | ab, abiram |
timeo, timere, timui, - V (2nd) | to fear; | 54 | timebo, timentes, timetis, timentium, timet, timentibus, timebit, timeat, timete, timebunt, timebimus, timueris, timuerunt, timebis, timent, timui, timeamus |
justus, justa -um, justior -or -us, justissimus -a -um ADJ | just, fair, equitable; right, lawful, justified; regular, proper; | 54 | iustorum, iusto, iustum, iustus, iusta, iusti, iustos, iustis |
conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, conspectus V (3rd) TRANS | observe / see / witness; notice; watch; gaze / stare on; catch / be in sight of; face; have appearance; attract attention; discern; (PASS) be conspicuous / visible; | 54 | conspectu, conspectum |
conspectus, conspectus N (4th) M | view, (range of) sight; aspect / appearance / look; perception / contemplation / survey | 54 | conspectu, conspectum |
aqua, aquae N (1st) F | water; sea, lake; river, stream; rain, rainfall (pl.), rainwater; spa; urine; | 54 | aquarum, aqua, aquis, aquas, aquae, aquam |
pecco, peccare, peccavi, peccatus V (1st) INTRANS | to sin; | 53 | peccatorum, peccare, peccator, peccatum, peccata, peccato, peccati, peccavi, peccavit, peccatis, peccaverunt, peccavimus, peccem |
servus, servi N (2nd) M | slave; servant; | 52 | servi, servus, servum, servo, servorum, servos, servis |
domus, domi N (2nd) F | house, home; [domi => at home]; | 52 | domum, domo, domus, domos |
mons, montis N (3rd) M | mountain; huge rock; towering heap; | 51 | montem, monte, montium, montes, mons, montibus, monti |
usque PREP ACC | up to (name of town or locality); | 50 | usque |
usque ADV | all the way, right on; all the time, continuously, at every point, always; | 50 | usque |
gloria, gloriae N (1st) F | glory; | 48 | gloria, gloriam, gloriae |
exsulto, exsultare, exsultavi, exsultatus V (1st) | rejoice; boast; | 48 | exsultate, exsultent, exsultabo, exsultem, exsultabit, exsultaverunt, exsultavit, exsultabunt, exsultabimus, exsultemus, exsultet |
salvus, salva, salvum ADJ | well, unharmed, sound; alive; safe, saved; | 47 | salvum, salvos, salvus, salvi, salva, salvam, salvas |
malus, mala -um, pejor -or -us, - ADJ | bad, evil, wicked; ugly; unlucky; | 47 | mala, malo, malum, malorum, malis, malas |
clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus V (1st) | to cry out, to proclaim; | 47 | clamavi, clamavero, clamor, clamaverunt, clamo, clamaret, clamabo, clamabam, clamarem, clamavit, clamabunt, clamans, clamantem, clamabit |
canticus, cantica, canticum ADJ | musical; | 47 | cantici, cantico, canticum, cantica, canticis |
canticum, cantici N (2nd) N | song; passage in a comedy chanted or sung; sing-song voice; | 47 | cantici, cantico, canticum, cantica, canticis |
propter PREP ACC | near; on account of; by means of; because of; | 46 | propter |
malum, mali N (2nd) N | apple; fruit; lemon; quince; evil, mischief; disaster, misfortune, calamity, plague; punishment; harm / hurt; | 46 | mala, malo, malum, malorum, malis |
converto, convertere, converti, conversus V (3rd) | to turn, to turn around; | 45 | convertere, convertantur, convertetur, convertuntur, convertentur, converterit, convertebar, convertisti, convertebatur, converte, convertit, conversus, conversi, converti, convertendo |
audio, audire, audivi, auditus V (4th) | to hear, to listen; | 45 | auditu, auditas, audivit, audivi, audiant, audite, audiebam, audiens, audivimus, audi, audire, audit, audis, auditam, auditum, audias, audisset, audiam, audiet, audiatis, audiret, audiendo, audient, audisti, audierunt |
si CONJ | if, if only; whether; [quod si / si quis or quid => but if / if anyone or anything] | 44 | si |
multus, multa -um, -, plurimus -a -um ADJ | much, many; | 44 | multi, multis, multum, multa, multas, multorum, multarum, multam, multae, multo |
laetor, laetari, laetatus sum V (1st) DEP | to rejoice; | 44 | laetentur, laetabor, laetabitur, laetatum, laetabimur, laetamini, laetati, laetetur, laetata, laetemur, laetabuntur, laetantem, laetatus, laetantes |
laeto, laetare, laetavi, laetatus V (1st) TRANS | to gladden, to rejoice; | 44 | laetentur, laetabor, laetabitur, laetatum, laetabimur, laetamini, laetati, laetetur, laetata, laetemur, laetabuntur, laetantem, laetatus, laetantes |
salutaris, salutaris, salutare ADJ | healthful; useful; helpful; advantageous; | 43 | salutari, salutare, salutaris, salutarium |
salutaris, salutare, salutarior -or -us, salutarissimus -a -um ADJ | healthful, health-giving, wholesome, beneficial; saving; of salvation; | 43 | salutari, salutare, salutaris, salutarium |
salutare, salutaris N (3rd) N | salvation; | 43 | salutari, salutare, salutaris, salutarium |
pauper, pauperis N (3rd) M | poor man; | 43 | pauperum, pauperis, pauperem, pauper, pauperes, pauperi, pauperibus |
pauper, pauperis (gen.), pauperior -or -us, pauperrimus -a -um ADJ | poor / meager / unproductive; scantily endowed; cheap, of little worth; of poor man | 43 | pauperum, pauperis, pauperem, pauper, pauperes, pauperi, pauperibus |
judico, judicare, judicavi, judicatus V (1st) | to judge; | 42 | iudicatis, iudica, iudicat, iudicas, iudicabit, iudicentur, iudicare, iudicantes, iudicabitur, iudicans, iudicet, iudicabo, iudicabitis, iudicate, iudicatur, iudicantibus, iudices |
domus, domus N (4th) F | house, home; [domu => at home]; | 42 | domum, domus, domibus, domui |
diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectus V (3rd) TRANS | to love; | 42 | diligitis, diligunt, diligit, dilexit, diligam, dilexi, diligite, dilexisti, dilecti, dilecta, diligentibus, diligentes, dilectis |
habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus V (1st) | to live, to inhabit; | 41 | habitat, habitabit, habitas, habitant, habitatis, habitabunt, habitabant, habitent, habitasti, habitare, habitavit, habitantibus, habitasset, habitavi, habitabo, habitavero |
qui, quae, quod PRON | who; which; that; what; who / what / which?, what / which one / man / person / thing? what kind / type of?; anyone / anybody / anything; whoever you pick; something (or other); any (NOM S); | 40 | quis |
mirabilis, mirabilis, mirabile ADJ | wonderful, marvelous, astonishing, extraordinary; remarkable; admirable; strange; singular; E:glorious; E:miraculous; [~ dictu => wonderful to say]; | 40 | mirabilia, mirabilis, mirabilium, mirabilibus, mirabile |
mirabile, mirabilis N (3rd) N | miracle; wondrous deed; wonders (pl. Ecc); wonderful things; marvelous works; | 40 | mirabilia, mirabilis, mirabilium, mirabilibus, mirabile |
mando, mandare, mandavi, mandatus V (1st) | to command; | 40 | mandasti, mandavit, mandas, manda, mandaverat, mandata, mandabit, mandatorum, mandatis |
ira, irae N (1st) F | anger; ire, wrath; resentment; indignation; rage / fury / violence; bad blood; | 40 | ira, irae, iram, abiram |
sion ======== UNKNOWN | sion ======== UNKNOWN | 39 | sion |
mas, (gen.), maris ADJ | male; masculine, of the male sex; manly, virile, brave, noble; G:masculine; | 39 | maris, maria, mare, mari |
mare, maris N (3rd) N | sea; sea water; | 39 | maris, maria, mare, mari |
judex, judicis N (3rd) M | judge; juror; | 39 | iudex, iudicium, iudicum, iudices |
ex PREP ABL | out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of; | 39 | ex |
neque CONJ | nor [neque..neque=>neither..nor; neque solum..sed etiam=>not only..but also]; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; | 38 | neque |
neque ADV | nor; and not, not, neither; | 38 | neque |
lex, legis N (3rd) F | law; motion, bill, statute; principle; condition; | 38 | lege, lex, legem, leges |
auris, auris N (3rd) F | ear; hearing; a discriminating sense of hearing, "ear" (for); pin on plow; | 38 | auribus, aurem, aures, auris, aurum, auri |
totus, tota, totum (gen -ius) ADJ | whole, all, entire, total, complete; every part; all together / at once; | 37 | toto, tota, totam |
mas, maris N (3rd) M | male (human / animal / plant); man; | 37 | maris, mare, mari |
manis, manis N (3rd) M | shades / ghosts of dead (pl.); gods of Lower World; corpse / remains; underworld; | 37 | mane, manibus, manum |
magnus, magna -um, major -or -us, maximus -a -um ADJ | great; large; | 37 | maiorem, maximo, magna, magnus, magni, magnum, maior, magno, magnis, maioribus, magnos |
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatus V (1st) | to free; to liberate; | 37 | libera, liberaverat, liberator, liberasti, liberabitur, liberavit, liberabit, liberentur, liberavi, liberate, liberabo |
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus V (1st) | call, summon; name; call upon; | 35 | vocem, voces, vocaverunt, vocavit, vocat |
tribulatio, tribulationis N (3rd) F | tribulation; distress, trouble; | 35 | tribulatione, tribulationis, tribulatio, tribulationibus, tribulationes, tribulationem |
quod CONJ | because, as far as, insofar as; [quod si => but if]; | 35 | quod |
quod ADV | with respect to which; | 35 | quod |
quam CONJ | how, than; | 35 | quam |
quam ADV | how, how much; as, than; [quam + superlative => as ... as possible]; | 35 | quam |
os, ossis N (3rd) N | bone; (implement, gnawed, dead); kernel (nut); heartwood (tree); stone (fruit); | 35 | os, ossibus |
oro, orere, -, - V (3rd) | burn; | 35 | ore, oris, ori, oritur, oram |
opera, operae N (1st) F | work, care; aid; service, effort / trouble; [dare operam => pay attention to]; | 35 | opera |
misereor, misereri, misertus sum V (2nd) DEP | to pity; to have mercy (w / GEN); | 35 | miserere, misertus, miseretur, miserearis, misereatur, misereri, misereberis, miserendi, miserentur, miserebitur |
justum, justi N (2nd) N | justice; what is fair / equitable / right / due / proper; funeral rites / offerings; | 35 | iustorum, iusto, iustum, iusta, iusti, iustis |
ecce INTERJ | behold! see! look! there! here! [ecce eum => here he is]; | 35 | ecce |
salus, salutis N (3rd) F | health; prosperity; good wish; greeting; salvation, safety; | 34 | salus, salutis, salutes, salute, salutem |
os, ossuis N (3rd) N | bones (pl.); (dead people); | 34 | os |
lingua, linguae N (1st) F | tongue; speech, language; dialect; | 34 | linguas, lingua, linguam, linguarum |
finis, finis N (3rd) C | boundary, end, limit, goal; (pl.) country, territory, land; | 34 | finem, fines, finibus, finis, finium |
eo, eare, evi, etus V (1st) Medieval | | 34 | eo, eas |
dextera, dexterae N (1st) F | right hand; weapon / greeting / shaking hand; right side; soldier; pledge / contract; metal model of hand as token of agreement; | 34 | dextera, dexterae, dexteram |
dexter, dextera -um, dexterior -or -us, dextimus -a -um ADJ | right, on / to the right hand / side; skillful / dexterous / handy; favorable / fortunate / portentous; opportune (L+S); proper / fitting / suitable; | 34 | dextera, dexterae, dexteram |
adverto, advertere, adverti, adversus V (3rd) | turn / face to / towards; direct / draw one's attention to; steer / pilot (ship); | 34 | adversus, adversum |
adversus, adversi N (2nd) M | person / foe opposite / directly facing (w / hostile intent); political opponent; | 34 | adversus, adversum |
adversus, adversa -um, adversior -or -us, adversissimus -a -um ADJ | opposite, directly facing, ranged against; adverse, evil, hostile; unfavorable; | 34 | adversus, adversum |
Jacob, undeclined N M | Jacob; | 34 | iacob |
psallo, psallere, psalli, - V (3rd) | play on the cithara (by plucking with fingers); sing the Psalms (eccl.) (L+S); | 33 | psallam, psallite, psallemus, psallat, psallentes, psallere, psallant |
pes, pedis N (3rd) M | foot; [pedem referre => to retreat]; | 33 | pedibus, pes, pedes, pede, pedem, pedum |
misereor, misereri, miseritus sum V (2nd) DEP | | 33 | miserere, miseretur, miserearis, misereatur, misereri, misereberis, miserendi, miserentur, miserebitur |
misereo, miserere, miserui, miseritus V (2nd) | | 33 | miserere, miseretur, miserearis, misereatur, misereri, misereberis, miserendi, miserentur, miserebitur |
ignis, ignis N (3rd) M | fire, brightness; passion, glow of passion; | 33 | ignis, igne, ignem, igni |
veneo, venire, venivi(ii), venitus V | go for sale, be sold; | 32 | venite, veniet, veniam, venit, venient, veni, veniebant, venies, veniret |
testimonium, testimoni(i) N (2nd) N | testimony; deposition; evidence; witness; (used of ark and tabernacle) (Plater) | 32 | testimonium, testimonia, testimoniorum, testimoniis |
spiritus, spiritus N (4th) M | breath, breathing, air, soul, life; | 32 | spiritus, spiritum, spiritu |
justitium, justiti(i) N (2nd) N | cessation of judicial and all public business, due to national calamity; | 32 | iustitia |
eripio, eripere, eripui, ereptus V (3rd) | to snatch away; to rescue; | 32 | eripe, eripuit, eripuisti, eripis, eripiat, eripiet, eripiens, eripiar, eripite, eripiam, erepta, erepti |
eo ADV | therefore, for that reason, consequently; by that degree; so much the more / less there, to / toward that place; in that direction; to that object / point / stage; | 32 | eo |
confundo, confundere, confudi, confusus V (3rd) TRANS | to confuse; to make ashamed; | 32 | confundetis, confusi, confundentur, confundantur, confundar, confudisti, confusus, confundere, confundas, confundetur |
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus V (3rd) TRANS | to know; | 32 | cognovi, cognitum, cognosco, cognoscatur, cognoscerem, cognoscat, cognoscuntur, cognovimus, cognoscant, cognoscentur, cognovit, cognoscet, cognoverunt, cognoscam, cognoscit, cognovisti, cognosce, cognosceret |
tabernaculum, tabernaculi N (2nd) N | tent; Jewish Tabernacle; [~ capere => (augur) set up tent to make observations] tabernacle; canopy, covered shrine, niche; reliquary; receptacle for Host; | 31 | tabernaculo, tabernaculum, tabernaculi, tabernacula, tabernaculis |
obliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus sum V (3rd) DEP | forget; (with GEN); | 31 | oblitus, obliviscuntur, obliviscaris, oblivisceris, obliti, obliviscere, obliviscimini, obliviscatur, obliviscetur, obliviscantur, oblivisci, obliviscar |
mala, malae N (1st) F | cheeks, jaws; | 31 | mala, malis, malas |
deficio, deficere, defeci, defectus V (3rd) TRANS | to fail, to disappoint; | 31 | defecerunt, defecit, deficerent, deficient, defeci, deficiet, defecerit, deficiant, deficit, defecimus |
deficio, deficere, defeci, defectus V (3rd) INTRANS | to fail, to faint; | 31 | defecerunt, defecit, deficerent, deficient, defeci, deficiet, defecerit, deficiant, deficit, defecimus |
servo, servare, servavi, servatus V (1st) | to guard; to keep; | 30 | servabis, servo, servabit, servent, servabo, servant, servavi, servavit, serva |
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus V (3rd) | to search for, seek, ask; | 30 | quaeritis, quaerentes, quaeres, quaerentium, quaerens, quaerit, quaesivi, quaerebant, quaerunt, quaesierunt, quaerite, quaerent, quaerant, quaere |
praecipio, praecipere, praecepi, praeceptus V (3rd) | take or receive in advance; anticipate; warn; order; teach, instruct; | 30 | praeceptum, praecepta, praecepti, praeceptis, praeceptorum |
praeceptum, praecepti N (2nd) N | teaching, lesson, precept; order, command; | 30 | praeceptum, praecepta, praecepti, praeceptis, praeceptorum |
miseror, miserari, miseratus sum V (1st) DEP | pity, feel sorry for; view with compassion; (vocal sorrow / compassion); | 30 | miserere, miseretur, miserator, miserentur |
misereo, miserere, miserui, misertus V (2nd) | to pity; to have mercy (w / GEN); | 30 | miserere, miseretur, misereatur, miserendi, miserentur, miserebitur |
memor, (gen.), memoris ADJ | remembering; mindful (of w / GEN), grateful; unforgetting, commemorative; | 30 | memor, memoria, memores |
laus, laudis N (3rd) F | praise, approval, merit; glory; renown; | 30 | laudem, laudibus, laus, laudis, laude, laudes |
invoco, invocare, invocavi, invocatus V (1st) | to call upon, invoke; | 30 | invocarem, invocaverunt, invocabo, invocavi, invocavimus, invocaverimus, invocat, invoca, invocavero, invocabimus, invocasti, invocantibus, invocabit, invocant, invocabant, invocate, invocabam |
him / her / it / ones-self; him / her / it; them (selves) (pl.); each other, one another; | him / her / it / ones-self; him / her / it; them (selves) (pl.); each other, one another; | 30 | sibi, se |
eloquium, eloqui(i) N (2nd) N | eloquence; speech, utterance / word; manner of speaking, diction; pronouncement; | 30 | eloquia, eloqui, eloquium, eloquii |
caput, capitis N (3rd) N | head; person; life; leader; top; source / mouth (river); capital (punishment); heading; chapter, principal division; [~ super pedibus => head over heels]; | 30 | caput, capite, capita, capitis |
canto, cantare, cantavi, cantatus V (1st) | to sing; | 30 | cantavit, cantabo, cantabimus, cantet, cantate, cantavero, cantant, cantandum, cantaverunt, cantabunt |
annuntio, annuntiare, annuntiavi, annuntiatus V (1st) TRANS | to announce, to say; | 30 | annuntiate, annuntiem, annuntiat, annuntiabunt, annuntiabit, annuntiabo, annuntiavi, annuntiaverunt, annuntiantes, annuntiabimus, annuntiare, annuntient, annuntiavit |
tuor, tuoris N (3rd) M | sight, vision; | 29 | tuorum |
multum, multi N (2nd) N | much; many; | 29 | multi, multis, multum, multa, multorum, multo |
medius, media, medium ADJ | middle, middle of, mid; common, neutral, ordinary, moderate; ambiguous; | 29 | medio, medias, medium, media |
convertor, converti, conversus sum V (3rd) DEP Medieval | to convert; turn; | 29 | convertere, convertantur, convertetur, convertuntur, convertentur, convertebar, convertebatur, conversus, conversi, converti, convertendo |
adjutor, adjutoris N (3rd) M | assistant, deputy; accomplice; supporter; secretary; assistant schoolmaster; | 29 | adiutorium, adiutor, adiutori |
vita, vitae N (1st) F | life, career, livelihood; mode of life; | 28 | vitam, vitae, vita, vitas, vitis |
vir, viri N (2nd) M | man; husband; hero; person of courage, honor, and nobility; | 28 | vir, virum, viros, viro, viris, viri |
tamquam CONJ | as, just as, just as if; as it were, so to speak; as much as; so as; | 28 | tamquam |
medium, medi(i) N (2nd) N | middle, center; medium, mean; midst, community, public; publicity; | 28 | medio, medium, media |
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectus V (3rd) | understand; realize; | 28 | intellegite, intellege, intellegens, intellectum, intellegantur, intellegit, intellectus, intellegere, intellegent, intelleget, intellegam, intellectu |
hereditas, hereditatis N (3rd) F | inheritance, possession; hereditary succession; generation; heirship; | 28 | hereditatem, hereditatis, hereditas, hereditati, hereditate |
filia, filiae N (1st) F | daughter; | 28 | filiae, filiis, filia, filias, filiarum |
ei INTERJ | Ah! Woe!, oh dear, alas; (of grief or fear); | 28 | ei, eique |
doceo, docere, docui, doctus V (2nd) | to teach; | 28 | docet, doce, docebit, docebo, doceat, docendum, docuisti, docueris, doceret, docentes |
ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatus V (1st) INTRANS | to walk; | 28 | ambulant, ambulavero, ambulavi, ambulabam, ambulantes, ambulavimus, ambulem, ambulare, ambulasset, ambulabit, ambulabunt, ambulaverint, ambulabis, ambulat, ambulas, ambulabo, ambulaverunt |
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessus V (2nd) | to sit, to remain; | 27 | sedit, sedisti, sedebit, sedet, sedes, sedi, sedebo, sedens, sedeat, sedebant, sedent, sedeant, sedentes, sede, sederunt, sedebunt, sedimus |
rectus, recta -um, rectior -or -us, rectissimus -a -um ADJ | right; straight; honest; | 27 | rectos, recti, rectae, rectus, rectam, rectum, recto, recte, rectis, recta, rectorum |
nox, noctis N (3rd) F | night [prima nocte => early in the night; multa nocte => late at night]; | 27 | nocte, noctes, noctibus, nox, nocti, noctem |
nec CONJ | nor, and..not; not..either, not even; | 27 | nec |
nec ADV | nor; and not, not, neither, not even; | 27 | nec |
multa, multae N (1st) F | fine; penalty; penalty involving property (livestock, later money); | 27 | multis, multa, multas, multarum, multam, multae |
mors, mortis N (3rd) F | death; corpse; annihilation; | 27 | morte, mortis, mors, mortem, morti |
medius, medii N (2nd) M | mediator; one who stands in the middle, one who comes between; | 27 | medio, medium |
medio, mediare, mediavi, mediatus V (1st) | halve, divide in the middle; be in the middle; | 27 | medio, medias, media |
labium, labi(i) N (2nd) N | lip; flange; | 27 | labiis, labia, labiorum |
beo, beare, beavi, beatus V (1st) TRANS | bless, make happy, gladden, delight; enrich (with); | 27 | beatus, beati, beata, beatum |
beatus, beata -um, beatior -or -us, beatissimus -a -um ADJ | happy, blessed; | 27 | beatus, beati, beata, beatum |
antis, antis N (3rd) M | rows (pl.) (vines / plants); ranks (soldiers); files (cavalry); | 27 | ante |
ante PREP ACC | in front / presence of, in view; before (space / time / degree); over against, facing | 27 | ante |
ante ADV | before, previously, first, before this, earlier; in front / advance of; forwards; | 27 | ante |
refugium, refugi(i) N (2nd) N | refuge; | 26 | refugium, refugii |
pono, ponere, posivi, postus V (3rd) TRANS | to put, to place (archaic form of perf. of pono); | 26 | ponam, pones, ponens, ponas, ponite, pone, ponere, ponant, ponat, ponent, ponet, ponis, ponit |
peccatum, peccati N (2nd) N | sin; moral offense; error, mistake; lapse, misdemeanor; transgression; wrong; | 26 | peccatorum, peccata, peccato, peccati, peccatis |
odi, odisse, osus V (3rd) PERFDEF | hate (PERF form, PRES force), dislike; be disinclined / reluctant / adverse to; | 26 | odisti, odit, oderunt, oderit, oderat, oderam |
nimis ADV | very much; too much; exceedingly; | 26 | nimis |
mandatum, mandati N (2nd) N | order, command, commission; mandate; commandment; | 26 | mandata, mandatorum, mandatis |
justificatio, justificationis N (3rd) F | justification; due formality; doing right (Def); cleansing of injustice; | 26 | iustificationem, iustificationes, iustificationibus, iustificationum |
factum, facti N (2nd) N | fact, deed, act; achievement; | 26 | facti, factum, facta, factorum, factis |
deduco, deducere, deduxi, deductus V (3rd) TRANS | to lead out; | 26 | deduc, deducat, deduxisti, deduxit, deduces, deducant, deducet, deducis, deduxerunt |
altus, alta -um, altior -or -us, altissimus -a -um ADJ | high; deep / profound; shrill; lofty / noble; deep rooted; far-fetched; grown great | 26 | altum, altissimi, altissime, altissimus, altissimo, altissimum, altissima, alto, altis |
potens, potentis (gen.), potentior -or -us, potentissimus -a -um ADJ | powerful, strong; capable; mighty; | 25 | potens, potentissime, potentes, potentia, potentium, potente, potentis, potenti |
operor, operari, operatus sum V (1st) DEP | labor, toil, work; perform (religious service), attend, serve; devote oneself; | 25 | operantur, operamini, operati, operatur, operantibus, operatus, operantium, operantes |
novi, novisse, notus V (3rd) PERFDEF | to know, know of; (PERF form, PRES force); | 25 | novit, noverunt, notas, notis, notum, notus, notam, nota, noveram, notos, noti, novisti, nosti |
nosco, noscere, novi, notus V (3rd) TRANS | get to know; learn; | 25 | novit, noverunt, notas, notis, notum, notus, notam, nota, noveram, notos, noti, novisti, nosti |
misero, miserare, miseravi, miseratus V (1st) | pity, feel sorry for; view with compassion; (vocal sorrow / compassion); | 25 | miserere, miseretur, miserentur |
ignio, ignire, ignivi, ignitus V (4th) | ignite; make red-hot; | 25 | ignis, igni, ignitum |
dico, dicare, dicavi, dicatus V (1st) TRANS | dedicate / consecrate; deify; devote; attach to another state; assign; show; | 25 | dicat, dicent, dicant, dico, dicet, dicetur |
dexterum, dexteri N (2nd) N | right hand; right-hand side; | 25 | dextera |
dextera ADV | on the right; on the right-hand side (of); | 25 | dextera |
corda, cordae N (1st) F | tripe; catgut, musical instrument string; rope / cord (binding a slave) (L+S); | 25 | corda, cordis |
oratio, orationis N (3rd) F | speech, oration; eloquence; prayer; | 24 | orationem, orationis, oratio, orationi |
humilio, humiliare, humiliavi, humiliatus V (1st) TRANS | to humble; | 24 | humiliabis, humiliabam, humiliatus, humiliasti, humiliata, humiliatum, humiliabit, humiliat, humiliassem, humiliant, humiliavit, humiliati, humiliarer, humilia, humilians |
exsurgo, exsurgere, exsurrexi, exsurrectus V (3rd) INTRANS | to rise; to take action; | 24 | exsurrexi, exsurge, exsurgam, exsurgat, exsurgit, exsurgeret, exsurgent, exsurgens, exsurgerent, exsurgant |
eo, eare, evi, etus V (1st) Medieval | to go; | 24 | ea |
abscondo, abscondere, abscondi, absconditus V (3rd) | | 24 | abscondis, abscondito, abscondat, abscondet, abscondes, abscondi, abscondit, absconditus, abscondita, abscondaris, absconderent, absconderis, abscondas |
Alleluia INTERJ | Halleluia, cry of joy and praise to God; (praise ye Jehovah); | 24 | alleluia |
vivo, vivere, vixi, victus V (3rd) | to live; to reside; | 23 | vivit, vivant, vivet, viventium, vivunt, vivat, viventes, vivimus, vivam, vivens |
semper ADV | always; | 23 | semper |
pro PREP ABL | on behalf of; before; in front / instead of; for; about; according to; as, like; | 23 | pro |
pereo, perire, perivi(ii), peritus V | die, pass away; be ruined, be destroyed; go to waste; | 23 | peribit, pereatis, pereunt, periit, perierunt, peribunt, pereant, periissem |
paro, parare, paravi, paratus V (1st) TRANS | to prepare; | 23 | paravit, paraverunt, parati, parasti, paratus, paratum, parare, parabo, parat |
impius, impia, impium ADJ | wicked, impious, irreverent; showing no regard for divinely imposed moral duty; | 23 | impiorum, impii, impium, impius, impio, impie, impiis |
etenim CONJ | and indeed, because, since, as a matter of fact (independent reason, emphasis); | 23 | etenim |
enim CONJ | for; | 23 | enim |
auro, aurare, auravi, auratus V (1st) TRANS | gild, overlay with gold; | 23 | aurem, aures, auro |
vereor, vereri, veritus sum V (2nd) DEP | revere, respect; fear; dread; | 22 | veritas |
tribulo, tribulare, tribulavi, tribulatus V (1st) TRANS | press, squeeze; exact (dues / payment); trouble; | 22 | tribulant, tribulantium, tribulor, tribulantes, tribulantis, tribulaverunt, tribularentur, tribularer |
redimo, redimere, redemi, redemptus V (3rd) TRANS | buy back, recover, replace by purchase; buy up; make good, fulfill (promise); redeem; atone for; ransom; rescue / save; contract for; buy / purchase; buy off; | 22 | redime, redemisti, redimet, redemit, redimit, redempti, redimis |
quando CONJ | when, since, because; [si quando => if ever]; | 22 | quando |
quando ADV | when (interog), at what time; at any time (indef adv); | 22 | quando |
pax, pacis N (3rd) F | peace; harmony; | 22 | pace, pacem, pacis, pax |
labia, labiae N (1st) F | lip; (alt. form of labium); | 22 | labiis, labia |
fortitudo, fortitudinis N (3rd) F | strength, courage, valor; firmness; | 22 | fortitudine, fortitudo, fortitudinem, fortitudinis |
eligo, eligere, elegi, electus V (3rd) | to choose; | 22 | electo, electus, eligat, elegit, elegisti, electos, elegi, electum, electi, electorum |
descendo, descendere, descendi, descensus V (3rd) INTRANS | to descend; | 22 | descendet, descendit, descendunt, descendentibus, descenderem, descendo, descendent, descendant, descendero, descende |
circumdo, circumdare, circumdedi, circumdatus V (1st) TRANS | to surround; | 22 | circumdantis, circumdabit, circumdederunt, circumdabo, circumdabis, circumdate, circumdantes, circumdant, circumdabunt |
averto, avertere, averti, aversus V (3rd) | to turn away from; to withdraw; to steal; | 22 | avertit, avertes, avertas, avertisti, avertantur, avertere, avertis, averte, avertam, avertente, averteret |
who / what / which?, what / which one / man / person / thing? what kind / type of?; anyone / anybody / anything; whoever you pick; something (or other); any (NOM S); | who / what / which?, what / which one / man / person / thing? what kind / type of?; anyone / anybody / anything; whoever you pick; something (or other); any (NOM S); | 21 | quid |
sanguis, sanguinis N (3rd) M | blood; family; | 21 | sanguinum, sanguinem, sanguinibus, sanguine, sanguis, sanguinis |
respicio, respicere, respexi, respectus V (3rd) | look back at; gaze at; consider; respect; care for, provide for; | 21 | respiciunt, respice, respexisti, respexit, respicite, respiciet, respicit, respiciat |
princeps, principis N (3rd) M | leader / chief, first / leading member / citizen / man; master / expert; founder / proposer Princeps (non-military title of Roman Emperor); senior Senator; leader of pack; | 21 | principes, principum, principibus, princeps, principem, principium |
princeps, (gen.), principis ADJ | first, foremost, leading, chief, front; earliest, original; most necessary; | 21 | principes, principum, principibus, princeps, principem, principium |
odio, odire, odivi, - V (4th) TRANS Medieval | to hate; (usu. PREFDEF); | 21 | odisti, odit, odientes, odio, odivi, odivit, odite, odirent, odientis, odii |
mitto, mittere, misi, missus V (3rd) | send, throw, hurl, cast; let out, release, dismiss; disregard; | 21 | misit, mittat, miserunt, mittet, mittentes, misissem, mittit |
malus, mali N (2nd) M | mast; beam; tall pole, upright pole; standard, prop, staff; | 21 | malo, malum, malorum, malis |
malus, mali N (2nd) F | apple tree; | 21 | malo, malum, malorum, malis |
lego, legare, legavi, legatus V (1st) | bequeath, will; entrust, send as an envoy, choose as a deputy; | 21 | legem, leges |
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus V (4th) | to find; | 21 | invenies, inveniet, inveniat, inventus, inveniaris, inveni, invenerunt, invenit, inveniam, invenimus |
derelinquo, derelinquere, dereliqui, derelictus V (3rd) TRANS | to leave behind, to abandon; | 21 | dereliquisti, derelictus, derelinques, derelinquas, dereliquerunt, derelinque, derelictum, derelinquet, dereliquit, dereliquerint, derelinquentes, dereliqui |
civitas, civitatis N (3rd) F | community / city / town / state; citizens; citizen rights / citizenship; naturalization | 21 | civitates, civitate, civitatem, civitas, civitatis |
circueo, circuire, circuivi(ii), circuitus V | encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate / wander through; go / measure round; | 21 | circuitu, circuibunt, circuierunt |
testamentum, testamenti N (2nd) N | will, testament; covenant; | 20 | testamentum, testamento, testamenti |
per PREP ACC | through (space); during (time); by, by means of; | 20 | per |
pater, patris N (3rd) M | father; [pater familias, patris familias => head of family / household]; | 20 | patres, pater, patris, patribus, patrum |
nolo, nolle, nolui, - V | be unwilling; wish not to; refuse to; | 20 | nolite, noli, noluisti, noluit |
maneo, manere, mansi, mansus V (2nd) | remain, stay, abide; wait for; continue, endure, last; spend the night (sexual) | 20 | mane, manet, manebo, manebit |
iro, irare, iravi, iratus V (1st) INTRANS Medieval | get / be / become angry; fly into a rage; be angry at (with DAT); feel resentment; | 20 | ira, irent |
inclino, inclinare, inclinavi, inclinatus V (1st) | to incline, to lower; | 20 | inclinat, inclina, inclinavit, inclinatus, inclinabo, inclinatum, inclinate, inclinabitur, inclinavi |
habeo, habere, habui, habitus V (2nd) | have, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend / pass (time); | 20 | habeat, habitas, habens, habuimus, habui, habebo, habuerunt, habent |
dum CONJ | while, as long as, until; provided that; | 20 | dum |
desertus, deserta -um, desertior -or -us, desertissimus -a -um ADJ | deserted, uninhabited, without people; solitary / lonely; forsaken; desert / waste; | 20 | desertum, deserto, deserta, deserti, desertis |
desertum, deserti N (2nd) N | desert; wilderness (pl.); unfrequented places; desert places, wastes (L+S); | 20 | desertum, deserto, deserta, deserti, desertis |
desero, deserere, deserui, desertus V (3rd) TRANS | leave / depart / quit / desert; forsake / abandon / give up; withdraw support, let down; cease to be concerned with; fail / fall short; (PASS w / ABL) be without / deprived; | 20 | desertum, deserto, deserta, deserti, desertis |
delecto, delectare, delectavi, delectatus V (1st) TRANS | to delight; (w / INF) to enjoy (being / doing); | 20 | delectasti, delectabitur, delectare, delectabuntur, delectant, delectaris, delectabantur, delectabis, delectentur, delectabimur, delectabor, delectatus, delectatur |
consilium, consili(i) N (2nd) N | debate / discussion / deliberation / consultation; advice / counsel / suggestion; adviser decision / resolution; intention / purpose / policy / plan / action; diplomacy / strategy; deliberative / advisory body; state council, senate; jury; board of assessors; intelligence, sense, capacity for judgment / invention; mental ability; choice; | 20 | consilio, consiliis, consilia, consilium |
caelo, caelare, caelavi, caelatus V (1st) TRANS | carve, make raised work / relief; engrave, emboss; chase, finish; embroider; | 20 | caelo |
benedictus, benedicti N (2nd) M | blessed / blest one; an approved / praised person, spoken well of; | 20 | benedictus, benedicti, benedictum |
benedictus, benedicta, benedictum ADJ | blessed; blest; approved / praised / spoken well of (person); | 20 | benedictus, benedicti, benedictum |
aut CONJ | or, or rather / else; either...or (aut...aut) (emphasizing one); | 20 | aut |
vester, vestra, vestrum ADJ | your (pl.); | 19 | vestris, vestra, vestrum, vestrae, vestro, vestram, vestri, vestros, vestras |
universus, universa, universum ADJ | whole, entire; all together; all; universal; | 19 | universa, universas, universum, universi, universae, universis |
sto, stare, steti, status V (1st) | stand; remain; | 19 | stetit, stas, stare, stabit, steterunt, stabant, stet, stantes, statis |
servio, servire, servivi, servitus V (4th) | serve; (w / DAT); | 19 | servite, servi, servivit, serviet, servient, servis, serviant, servierunt, serviunt |
sedo, sedare, sedavi, sedatus V (1st) | settle, allay; restrain; calm down; | 19 | sedet, sedes, sedem, sedent |
salvo, salvare, salvavi, salvatus V (1st) | save; | 19 | salva, salvatur, salvabit, salvavit, salvabis, salvasti, salvandum, salvas |
persequor, persequi, persecutus sum V (3rd) DEP | to pursue; attack; accomplish; | 19 | persequentibus, persequatur, persequebar, persequere, persequuntur, persequens, persecuti, persequimini, persequeris, persecutus, persequentes |
opprobrium, opprobri(i) N (2nd) N | reproach, taunt; disgrace, shame, scandal; source of reproach / shame; | 19 | opprobrium, opprobria, opprobrii |
nunc ADV | now, today, at present; | 19 | nunc |
mare X | male; masculine, of the male sex; manly, virile, brave, noble; G:masculine; | 19 | mare |
intendo, intendere, intendi, intentus V (3rd) | pay attention / give heed to; look at or upon; | 19 | intende, intendes, intenderunt, intendit, intendentes |
heredito, hereditare, hereditavi, hereditatus V (1st) TRANS | inherit; | 19 | hereditatis, hereditas, hereditabit, hereditati, hereditabunt, hereditate, hereditabis |
educo, educere, eduxi, eductus V (3rd) | lead out; draw up; bring up; rear; | 19 | eduxit, eduxisti, educes, educet, educit, eduxi, educens, educ |
conturbo, conturbare, conturbavi, conturbatus V (1st) | to confuse, to dismay; | 19 | conturbabit, conturbata, conturbentur, conturbaverunt, conturbavit, conturbatus, conturbaris, conturbati, conturba |
caro, carnis N (3rd) F | meat, flesh; the_body; pulpy / fleshy / soft parts (plant), sapwood; low passions; | 19 | caro, carnes, carne, carni |
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus V (3rd) INTRANS | to fall; to die; | 19 | cadunt, ceciderunt, cadebant, cades, cadat, ceciderit, cadent, cecidit, cadetis, caderem, cadant |
adversum, adversi N (2nd) N | direction / point opposite / facing; uphill slope / direction; obstacle, trouble; | 19 | adversum |
adversum PREP ACC | facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of; | 19 | adversum |
adversum ADV | opposite, against, in opposite direction; in opposition; (w / ire go to meet); | 19 | adversum |
vivifico, vivificare, vivificavi, vivificatus V (1st) | bring back to life; make live; | 18 | vivificasti, vivificabit, vivificabis, vivifica, vivificavit |
verus, vera -um, verior -or -us, verissimus -a -um ADJ | true, real, genuine, actual; properly named; well founded; right, fair, proper; | 18 | vera, vero, vere |
timor, timoris N (3rd) M | fear; dread; | 18 | timore, timorem, timor |
tempus, temporis N (3rd) N | time, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessity; | 18 | tempore, tempus, tempora |
semen, seminis N (3rd) N | seed; | 18 | semini, semen |
sedes, sedis N (3rd) F | seat; home, residence; settlement, habitation; chair; | 18 | sedes, sedi, sedem, sedis, sede |
paupero, pauperare, pauperavi, pauperatus V (1st) | make poor, deprive; | 18 | pauperem, pauperes |
ovis, ovis N (3rd) F | sheep; | 18 | oves, ovibus, ovium, ovem, ovis |
multitudo, multitudinis N (3rd) F | multitude, great number; crowd; rabble, mob; | 18 | multitudine, multitudinem, multitudo, multitudinis |
moveo, movere, movi, motus V (2nd) | to move; | 18 | movebor, motus, movebitur, moveantur, moverunt, moveat, movetur, movebunt, mota, moti, movebuntur, moveatur |
liber, libera -um, liberior -or -us, liberrimus -a -um ADJ | free (man); unimpeded; void of; independent, outspoken / frank; free from tribute unconstrained, unrestrained, unencumbered; licentious; idle; w / abandon; | 18 | libera, liber |
laqueus, laquei N (2nd) M | noose; snare, trap; | 18 | laqueo, laqueum, laquei, laqueos, laqueus |
excelsus, excelsa, excelsum ADJ | high pitched (sound / note); | 18 | excelsa, excelso, excelsi, excelsum, excelsus, excelsis |
excelsus, excelsa -um, excelsior -or -us, excelsissimus -a -um ADJ | lofty / high; tall; exalted; elevated; noble; of high position / rank / reputation; | 18 | excelsa, excelso, excelsi, excelsum, excelsus, excelsis |
excello, excellere, -, excelsus V (3rd) | be eminent / preeminent; excel; | 18 | excelsa, excelso, excelsi, excelsum, excelsus, excelsis |
dedo, dedere, dedidi, deditus V (3rd) TRANS | give up / in, surrender; abandon / consign / devote (to); yield, hand / deliver over; | 18 | dedit |
contero, conterere, contrivi, contritus V (3rd) TRANS | to grind, to crush; to make weary; | 18 | contrivisti, contere, contrivi, contrito, conteretur, conterentur, conteret, conteres, contritum, contrivit, contritus, contritos |
adoro, adorare, adoravi, adoratus V (1st) TRANS | honor, adore, worship, pay homage, reverence; beg, plead with, appeal to; | 18 | adorabo, adorabunt, adorate, adora, adoret, adorabis, adoremus, adorant, adoraverunt |
Jerusalem, undeclined N N Archaic | Jerusalem (Hebrew); | 18 | ierusalem |
you (pl.), ye; | you (pl.), ye; | 17 | vos, vestrum, vestri, vobis |
vultus, vultus N (4th) M | face, expression; looks; | 17 | vultus, vultum, vultu |
virum, viri N (2nd) N NeoLatin | virus; | 17 | virum, viro, viris, viri |
statuo, statuere, statui, statutus V (3rd) | set up, establish, set, place, build; decide, think; | 17 | statuerunt, statuit, statuisti, statuam, statuero, statui |
sol, solis N (3rd) M | sun; | 17 | soli, solum, solis, solem, sole, sol |
simul ADV | at same time; likewise; also; simultaneously; at once; | 17 | simul |
sermo, sermonis N (3rd) M | conversation, discussion; rumor; diction; speech; talk; the word; | 17 | sermones, sermonem, sermo, sermonum, sermonibus |
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus V (3rd) | return; restore; deliver; hand over, pay back, render, give back; translate; | 17 | reddidi, reddet, reddam, redde, reddes, reddetur, reddite |
quare ADV | in what way? how? by which means, whereby; why; wherefore, therefore, hence; | 17 | quare |
porta, portae N (1st) F | gate, entrance; city gates; door; avenue; goal (soccer); | 17 | portis, portae, porta, portas, portarum |
populo, populare, populavi, populatus V (1st) TRANS | ravage, devastate, lay waste; plunder; despoil, strip; | 17 | populo |
pedes, peditis N (3rd) M | foot soldier, infantryman; pedestrian, who goes on foot; infantry (pl.); | 17 | pedes |
pedes, (gen.), peditis ADJ | on foot; | 17 | pedes |
panis, panis N (3rd) M | bread; loaf; | 17 | panis, panem, pane, panibus |
orbis, orbis N (3rd) M | circle; territory / region; sphere; [orbis terrarum => world / (circle of lands)]; | 17 | orbem, orbis, orbi |
occido, occidere, occidi, occasus V (3rd) | to fall, to perish; | 17 | occasum, occiderent, occidas, occidentis, occidente, occidit, occideret, occidunt, occasu |
oblitus, oblita, oblitum ADJ | forgetful (with gen.); | 17 | oblitus, obliti |
nubs, nubis N (3rd) M | cloud / mist / haze / dust / smoke; sky / air; billowy formation (hair); swarm / multitude; frown, gloomy expression; gloom / anxiety; mourning veil; cloud / threat (of war); | 17 | nubes, nubibus, nube, nubis, nubem |
nubis, nubis N (3rd) M | cloud / mist / haze / dust / smoke; sky / air; billowy formation (hair); swarm / multitude; frown, gloomy expression; gloom / anxiety; mourning veil; cloud / threat (of war); | 17 | nubes, nubibus, nube, nubis, nubem |
nubes, nubis N (3rd) F | cloud / mist / haze / dust / smoke; sky / air; billowy formation (hair); swarm / multitude; frown, gloomy expression; gloom / anxiety; mourning veil; cloud / threat (of war); | 17 | nubes, nubibus, nube, nubis, nubem |
magnifico, magnificare, magnificavi, magnificatus V (1st) TRANS | to praise, to extol; | 17 | magnificabimur, magnificavit, magnificans, magnificate, magnificetur, magnificantur, magnificatus, magnificata, magnificabo, magnificabunt, magnificasti |
gladius, gladii N (2nd) M Medieval | swordfish; | 17 | gladium, gladius, gladio, gladii |
gladius, gladi(i) N (2nd) M | sword; | 17 | gladium, gladius, gladio, gladii |
effundo, effundere, effudi, effusus V (3rd) TRANS | to pour out; | 17 | effundam, effusus, effunde, effusum, effudi, effundite, effundebas, effusi, effuderunt, effudit, effundas, effundo |
domo, domare, domui, domitus V (1st) | subdue, master, tame; conquer; | 17 | domo, domui |
contra PREP ACC | against, facing, opposite; weighed against; as against; in resistance / reply to; contrary to, not in conformance with; the reverse of; otherwise than; towards / up to, in direction of; directly over / level with; to detriment of; | 17 | contra |
contra ADV | facing, face-to-face, in the eyes; towards / up to; across; in opposite direction against, opposite, opposed / hostile / contrary / in reply to; directly over / level; otherwise, differently; conversely; on the contrary; vice versa; | 17 | contra |
confirmo, confirmare, confirmavi, confirmatus V (1st) TRANS | to strengthen; to confirm; | 17 | confirma, confirmabis, confirmat, confirmantur, confirmati, confirmavi, confirmasti, confirmabo, confirmata, confirmatum |
circuitus, circuitus N (4th) M | going round; patrol / circuit; way / path round; circumference; outer surface / edge; revolution, spinning, rotation; (recurring) cycle; period; circumlocution; | 17 | circuitu |
apud PREP ACC | at, by, near, among; at the house of; before, in the presence / writings / view of; | 17 | apud |
adjutor, adjutari, adjutatus sum V (1st) DEP | help (w / burden / activity); help realize a program / purpose; | 17 | adiutor |
adjuto, adjutare, adjutavi, adjutatus V (1st) | | 17 | adiutor |
Verus, Veri N (2nd) M | Verus; (Emperor Lucius Verus 161-169); | 17 | vero, vere |
sustineo, sustinere, sustinui, sustentus V (2nd) | to support; put up with; sustain; | 16 | sustinent, sustinui, sustine, sustinet, sustinentes, sustinuissem, sustinebo, sustinuerunt, sustenta, sustinebit, sustinuit |
scio, scire, scivi(ii), scitus V TRANS | know, understand; | 16 | scitote, sciant, scient, sciam, scisti, scis, scit, scito |
rectum, recti N (2nd) N | virtue; the_right | 16 | recti, rectum, recto, rectis, recta, rectorum |
percutio, percutere, percussi, percussus V (3rd) | beat, strike; pierce; | 16 | percussisti, percutientes, percussit, percutiam, percussum, percutiet, percutiat |
nomine ADV | in name only, nominally (ABL S of nomen); | 16 | nomine |
multiplico, multiplicare, multiplicavi, multiplicatus V (1st) TRANS | multiply; repeat; increase (number / quantity / extent); have / use on many occasions | 16 | multiplicati, multiplicantur, multiplicabuntur, multiplicatae, multiplicata, multiplicasti, multiplicabis, multiplicaverunt |
laetitia, laetitiae N (1st) F | joy / happiness; source of joy / delight; fertility; fruitfulness; floridity; | 16 | laetitiam, laetitiae, laetitia |
introeo, introire, introivi(ii), introitus V | enter, go in or into; invade; | 16 | introibo, introivit, introibit, introibunt, introeat, introite, introitum |
inhabito, inhabitare, inhabitavi, inhabitatus V (1st) | to well, inhabit; | 16 | inhabitabo, inhabitem, inhabitantes, inhabitabis, inhabitabunt, inhabitabit, inhabitare, inhabitet, inhabitantium |
glorior, gloriari, gloriatus sum V (1st) DEP | to boast; to glory; | 16 | gloriabuntur, gloriatur, gloriamini, gloriabitur, gloriabimur, gloriantur, gloriaris, gloriantes, gloriantibus, gloriari, gloriemur |
flumen, fluminis N (3rd) N | river, stream; any flowing fluid; flood; onrush; [adverso ~ => against current] | 16 | flumina, fluminis, flumen, flumine |
exsultatio, exsultationis N (3rd) F | exultation, joy; | 16 | exsultationibus, exsultationis, exsultatione, exsultatio |
custodia, custodiae N (1st) F | protection, safe-keeping, defense, preservation; custody, charge; prisoner; watch / guard / picket; guard post / house; prison; confinement; protective space; | 16 | custodiam, custodia |
coram PREP ABL | in the presence of, before; (may precede or follow object); personally (L+S); | 16 | coram |
coram ADV | in person, face-to-face; in one's presence, before one's eyes; publicly / openly; | 16 | coram |
cora, corae N (1st) F | pupil of the eye; | 16 | coram |
ascensio, ascensionis N (3rd) F | ascent; progress, advancement; rising series / flight of stairs; soaring; | 16 | ascensiones, ascensionum |
ascendo, ascendere, ascendi, ascensus V (3rd) | to climb; to ascend; | 16 | ascendit, ascendet, ascende, ascendisti, ascensum, ascendunt, ascendentes, ascenderunt, ascendam, ascendero |
unus, una, unum (gen -ius) ADJ | alone, a single / sole; some, some one; only (pl.); one set of (denoting entity); | 15 | unum, unus, una |
unus -a -um, primus -a -um, singuli -ae -a, semel NUM | 1 - (CARD answers 'how many'); | 15 | unum, unus, una |
tunc ADV | then, thereupon, at that time; | 15 | tunc |
tenebra, tenebrae N (1st) F | darkness (pl.), obscurity; night; dark corner; ignorance; concealment; gloom; | 15 | tenebras, tenebrae, tenebris |
superbus, superba, superbum ADJ | arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud; | 15 | superborum, superbos, superbi, superbis, superbum |
repleo, replere, replevi, repletus V (2nd) | fill again; complete, fill; | 15 | repleta, repleatur, replebimur, repletum, replebitur, reple, replebo, replet, replevit, repleti |
potentia, potentiae N (1st) F | force, power, political power; | 15 | potentiam, potentia, potentias, potentiae |
operio, operire, operui, opertus V (4th) TRANS | cover (over); bury; overspread; shut / close; conceal; clothe, cover / hide the hea | 15 | operuisti, operuit, operiantur, operti, operire, operitur, operiat, operit |
notus, nota -um, notior -or -us, notissimus -a -um ADJ | well known, familiar, notable, famous, esteemed; notorious, of ill repute; | 15 | notas, notis, notum, notus, notam, nota, notos, noti |
mendacium, mendaci(i) N (2nd) N | lie, lying, falsehood, untruth; counterfeit, fraud; | 15 | mendacium, mendacio, mendacii |
locus, loci N (2nd) M | seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic; place, territory / locality / neighborhood / region; position / point; aim point; site; part of the body; female genitals (pl.); grounds of proof; | 15 | loco, locum, locus |
laqueum, laquei N (2nd) N | noose, halter; snare, trap; lasso; bond, tie; | 15 | laqueo, laqueum, laquei |
inops, (gen.), inopis ADJ | weak, poor, needy, helpless; lacking, destitute (of), meager; | 15 | inopum, inopis, inopia, inopem, inopi, inops |
innocens, (gen.), innocentis ADJ | harmless, innocent; virtuous, upright; | 15 | innocentem, innocente, innocens, innocentia |
illic ADV | in that place, there, over there; | 15 | illic |
furor, furoris N (3rd) M | madness, rage, fury, frenzy; passionate love; | 15 | furore, furorem, furor, furoris |
firmo, firmare, firmavi, firmatus V (1st) | strengthen, harden; support; declare; prove, confirm, establish; | 15 | firmavit, firmabo, firmaverunt, firmans, firmabitur, firma, firmata, firmasti |
dolosus, dolosa, dolosum ADJ | crafty, cunning; deceitful; | 15 | dolosum, dolosis, dolosa, doloso, dolosi, dolose |
dolor, doloris N (3rd) M | pain, anguish, grief, sorrow, suffering; resentment, indignation; | 15 | dolorem, dolor, dolores, dolore, doloris |
declino, declinare, declinavi, declinatus V (1st) | deflect / divert / turnaside / swerve / change direction / deviate / dodge; digress / diverge avoid / stray; vary / be different; bend / sink down, subside / decline; lower / descend; | 15 | declinaverunt, declines, declina, declinantes, declinat, declinavi, declinate |
declino, declinare, declinavi, declinatus V (1st) TRANS | decline / conjugate / inflect (in the same manner / like); change word form, modify; | 15 | declinaverunt, declines, declina, declinantes, declinat, declinavi, declinate |
confringo, confringere, confregi, confractus V (3rd) TRANS | to break, to destroy; | 15 | confringes, confringebam, confringentis, confringet, confractos, confringetur, confringuntur, confringe, confregisti, confringam, confregit |
commoveo, commovere, commovi, commotus V (2nd) TRANS | shake / stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble / worry, upset; jolt; excite; waken; provoke; move (money / camp); produce; cause, start (war); raise (point); | 15 | commovebor, commota, commovebitur, commoventur, commotae, commoveantur |
adversus PREP ACC | facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of; | 15 | adversus |
adversus ADV | opposite, against, in opposite direction; in opposition; (w / ire go to meet); | 15 | adversus |
Aegyptus, Aegypti N (2nd) F | Egypt; | 15 | aegypto, aegypti, aegyptum, aegyptus, aegypte |
volo, velle, volui, - V | wish, want, prefer; be willing, will; | 14 | volens, voluit, volunt, volet, voluero, volui, voluisti |
verum, veri N (2nd) N | truth, reality, fact; | 14 | vera, vero |
veritate ADV | in point of fact; actually; | 14 | veritate |
vanitas, vanitatis N (3rd) F | emptiness, untruthfulness; futility, foolishness, empty pride; | 14 | vanitatem, vanitatis, vanitates, vanitas, vanitati |
sus, suis N (3rd) C | swine; hog, pig, sow; him / her / it / ones-self; him / her / it; them (selves) (pl.); each other, one another; | 14 | sui |
spes, spei N (5th) F | hope / anticipation / expectation; prospect / hope / promise; (inheriting / succeeding); object / embodiment of hope; [optio ad ~ => junior hoping to make centurion]; | 14 | spe, spes, spem |
similis, simile, similior -or -us, simillimus -a -um ADJ | like, similar, resembling; | 14 | similis, similes |
scutum, scuti N (2nd) N | shield; (heavy shield of Roman legion infantry); | 14 | scuto, scutum, scuta |
scio, scire, scivi, scitus V (4th) TRANS | | 14 | scitote, sciant, scient, scisti, scis, scit, scito |
retribuo, retribuere, retribui, retributus V (3rd) TRANS | to repay; to render; | 14 | retribuenti, retribuet, retribuit, retribuebant, retribuentes, retribuam, retribue, retribuisti, retribueris |
pulvis, pulveris N (3rd) M | dust, powder; sand; | 14 | pulvis, pulverem, pulvere, pulveris, pulveri |
plebs, plebis N (3rd) F | common people, general citizens, commons / plebeians; lower class / ranks; mob / mass | 14 | plebem, plebis, plebi, plebs, plebe |
ossum, ossi N (2nd) N | bone; (implement, gnawed, dead); kernel (nut); heartwood (tree); stone (fruit); | 14 | ossa |
os, ossis N (3rd) N | | 14 | ossa |
ora, orae N (1st) F | shore, coast; | 14 | oris, oram |
morior, mori, mortuus sum V (3rd) DEP | to die; | 14 | mortuis, mortuus, morietur, morientes, moreris, moriemini, mortuos, moriens, mortuorum, mortui, moriar |
meditor, meditari, meditatus sum V (1st) DEP | consider / contemplate / ponder; meditate, think about; reflect on; devise / plan; have in mind, intend; think out, prepare a speech; practice public speaking; rehearse; go over, say to oneself; declaim, work over (song) in performance; | 14 | meditatur, meditati, meditabitur, meditatus, meditabantur, meditabor, meditamini, meditarer |
medito, meditare, meditavi, meditatus V (1st) Medieval | consider / contemplate / ponder; meditate, think about; reflect on; devise / plan; have in mind, intend; think out, prepare a speech; practice public speaking; rehearse; go over, say to oneself; declaim, work over (song) in performance; | 14 | meditatur, meditati, meditabitur, meditatus, meditabantur, meditabor, meditamini, meditarer |
locum, loci N (2nd) N | seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic; place, territory / locality / neighborhood / region; position / point; aim point; site; region, places (pl.); places connected with each other; | 14 | loco, locum |
intro, intrare, intravi, intratus V (1st) | enter; go into, penetrate; reach; | 14 | intrabit, intra, intravit, intravi, intret, intrabunt, intres |
infernus, inferni N (2nd) M | inhabitants of the lower world (pl.), the shades; the damned; Hell (Bee); | 14 | inferno, infernum, inferni, infernus |
infernus, inferna, infernum ADJ | lower, under; underground, of the lower regions, infernal; of hell; | 14 | inferno, infernum, inferni, infernus |
excelsum, excelsi N (2nd) N | height, high place / ground / altitude; eminence; high position / rank / station; altar, temple (pl.); citadel; [in ~is / in ~o => in the highest / on high]; | 14 | excelsa, excelso, excelsi, excelsum, excelsis |
esca, escae N (1st) F | food, meat; a dish prepared for the table; victuals; bait (for fish / animals); | 14 | escam, escas, escae |
erus, eri N (2nd) M | master, owner; | 14 | ero, eris |
disperdo, disperdere, disperdidi, disperditus V (3rd) TRANS | to destroy | 14 | disperdat, disperdidisti, disperde, disperdit, disperdamus, disperdet, disperdam, disperderet, disperdiderunt, disperdes |
deprecatio, deprecationis N (3rd) F | prayer to avert / ward off; invocation; supplication / entreaty / plea; extenuation; | 14 | deprecationem, deprecationis, deprecatione, deprecatio |
delector, delectari, delectatus sum V (1st) DEP | to delight; (w / INF) enjoy (being / doing); | 14 | delectabitur, delectare, delectabuntur, delectaris, delectabantur, delectentur, delectabimur, delectabor, delectatus, delectatur |
cornu, cornus N (4th) N | horn; hoof; beak / tusk / claw; bow; horn / trumpet; end, wing of army; mountain top; | 14 | cornu, cornibus, cornua |
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatus V (1st) | think; consider, reflect on, ponder; imagine, picture; intend, look forward to; | 14 | cogitant, cogitaverunt, cogitantes, cogitabant, cogitasti, cogitabam, cogitavi |
brachium, brachi(i) N (2nd) N | arm; lower arm, forearm; claw; branch, shoot; earthwork connecting forts; | 14 | brachiorum, brachium, brachia, brachio, brachii |
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus V (4th) TRANS | to open; to uncover; | 14 | aperuit, aperuerunt, aperiens, aperiam, aperies, aperiente, aperta, apertum, aperite, aperui, aperis |
annus, anni N (2nd) M | year (astronomical / civil); age, time of life; year's produce; circuit, course; | 14 | anni, annos, annum, annorum, annis |
adjuvo, adjuvare, adjuvi, adjutus V (1st) TRANS | | 14 | adiuvet, adiuvandum, adiuvabit, adiuva, adiuvat, adiuvaret, adiuvabunt |
adjuvo, adjuvare, adjuvavi, adjuvatus V (1st) TRANS | help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable; | 14 | adiuvet, adiuvandum, adiuvabit, adiuva, adiuvat, adiuvaret, adiuvabunt |
Spes, Spei N (5th) F | Spes, goddess of hope; hope personified; | 14 | spe, spes, spem |
vis, viris N (3rd) F | strength (bodily) (pl.), force, power, might, violence; resources; large body; | 13 | virum, viris, viri |
virus, viri N (2nd) N | venom (sg.), poisonous secretion of snakes / creatures / plants; acrid element; | 13 | viro, viris, viri |
verumtamen CONJ | but yet, nevertheless, but even so, still (resuming after digression); | 13 | verumtamen |
vero ADV | yes; in truth; certainly; truly, to be sure; however; | 13 | vero |
usquequo ADV | how long? (Douay); to what point / time / extent?; until (Rufine); | 13 | usquequo |
umbra, umbrae N (1st) F | shade; ghost; shadow; | 13 | umbra, umbrae |
transeo, transire, transivi(ii), transitus V | go over, cross; | 13 | transierunt, transivi, transibam, transeant, transit, transivimus, transivit, transeunt, transeuntes |
templum, templi N (2nd) N | temple, church; shrine; holy place; | 13 | templum, templo, templi |
superbio, superbire, superbivi, superbitus V (4th) INTRANS | show / have (too much) pride / disdain (to); be proud / gorgeous / superb / magnificent; | 13 | superbit, superbiam, superbi, superbis |
superbio, superbire, -, - V (4th) | show pride or disdain on account (of); be proud / haughty; be splendid; | 13 | superbit, superbiam, superbi, superbis |
sacrificium, sacrifici(i) N (2nd) N | sacrifice, offering to a deity; | 13 | sacrificium, sacrificii, sacrificio, sacrificiis, sacrificia |
regnum, regni N (2nd) N | royal power; power; control; kingdom; | 13 | regnum, regni, regna, regno |
redimo, redimere, redimi, - V (3rd) TRANS | buy back, recover, replace by purchase; buy up; make good, fulfill (promise); redeem; atone for; ransom; rescue / save; contract for; buy / purchase; buy off; | 13 | redime, redimet, redimit, redimis |
quasi CONJ | as if, just as if, as though; as it were; about; | 13 | quasi |
quasi ADV | | 13 | quasi |
porto, portare, portavi, portatus V (1st) | carry, bring; | 13 | portabit, porta, portas, portavi, portabunt, portantes |
plebes, plebis N F | | 13 | plebem, plebis, plebi, plebe |
ovo, ovare, ovavi, ovatus V (1st) | rejoice; | 13 | oves, ovem |
occido, occidere, occidi, occisus V (3rd) | kill, murder, slaughter, slay; cut / knock down; weary, be the death / ruin of; | 13 | occiderent, occidas, occidentis, occidente, occidit, occideret, occidunt |
maskil ======== UNKNOWN | maskil ======== UNKNOWN | 13 | maskil |
levo, levare, levavi, levatus V (1st) TRANS | lift / raise / hold up; support; erect, set up; lift off, remove (load); comfort; undo, take off; release, rid; free from (worry / expense); refresh / restore; lighten, lessen, relieve; reduce in force / potency; bring down (cost / prices); alleviate (condition); make smooth, polish; free from hair, depilate; | 13 | leva, levabimus, levavit, levavi, leves, levabo |
lego, legere, legi, lectus V (3rd) | read; gather, collect (cremated bones); furl (sail), weigh (anchor); pick out; | 13 | lege, lectum, leges |
labor, laboris N (3rd) M | labor / toil / exertion / effort / work; task / undertaking; production; childbirth; preoccupation / concern; struggle / suffering / distress / hardship / stress; wear+tear; | 13 | labor, laborem, labore, labores, laboribus, laboris |
irascor, irasci, iratus sum V (3rd) DEP | get / be / become angry; fly into a rage; be angry at (with DAT); feel resentment; | 13 | irascatur, irascimini, irascens, iratus, irasceris, irascetur, irasceretur |
iniquus, iniqua -um, iniquior -or -us, iniquissimus -a -um ADJ | unjust, unfair; disadvantageous, uneven; unkind, hostile; | 13 | iniquo, iniqui, inique, iniquos, iniqua |
infernum, inferni N (2nd) N | lower regions (pl.), infernal regions, hell; | 13 | inferno, infernum, inferni |
fruor, frui, fructus sum V (3rd) DEP | enjoy (proceeds / socially / sexually), profit by, delight in (w / ABL); | 13 | fructum, fructus, fructu |
fructus, fructus N (4th) M | produce, crops; fruit; profit; enjoyment; reward; | 13 | fructum, fructus, fructu |
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutus V (3rd) | to establish; | 13 | constitui, constituisti, constitue, constitutus, constitues, constituit, constituerunt, constitutum, constituebant |
cogitatio, cogitationis N (3rd) F | thinking, meditation, reflection; thought; intention; plan; opinion, reasoning; | 13 | cogitationibus, cogitationes, cogitatio |
cithara, citharae N (1st) F | cithara, lyre; lute, guitar (L+S); | 13 | cithara, citharas |
capitum, capiti N (2nd) N | fodder for cattle; | 13 | capita, capitis |
adjutorium, adjutori(i) N (2nd) N | help, assistance, support; argumentation; | 13 | adiutorium, adiutori, adiutorio |
abyssus, abyssi N (2nd) F | deep, sea; abyss; hell, infernal pit; bowels of the earth; primal chaos; | 13 | abyssos, abyssus, abyssum, abyssis, abyssi |
voveo, vovere, vovi, votus V (2nd) | vow, dedicate, consecrate; | 12 | vota, votum, vovete, vovit |
voluntas, voluntatis N (3rd) F | will, desire; purpose; good will; wish, favor, consent; | 12 | voluntas, voluntate, voluntatem, voluntatis |
terribilis, terribilis, terribile ADJ | frightful, terrible; | 12 | terribilis, terribilia, terribili, terribile, terribilium |
suscipio, suscipere, suscepi, susceptus V (3rd) | undertake; support; accept, receive, take up; | 12 | suscepit, suscipiant, suscepisti, suscipiet, suscipit, suscipies, suscipiam, suscipe |
sub PREP ACC | under; up to, up under, close to (of motion); until, before, up to, about; | 12 | sub |
sub PREP ABL | under, beneath, behind, at the foot of (rest); within; during, about (time); | 12 | sub |
solus, sola, solum (gen -ius) ADJ | only, single; lonely; alone, having no companion / friend / protector; unique; | 12 | soli, solum, solis, solius, solus |
simile, similis N (3rd) N | comparison; parallel; | 12 | similis |
simila, similae N (1st) F | normal flour produced from triticum; finest wheat flour (L+S); | 12 | similis |
sic ADV | thus, so; as follows; in another way; in such a way; | 12 | sic |
semita, semitae N (1st) F | path; | 12 | semitas, semitis, semitam, semitae |
sed CONJ | but, but also; yet; however, but in fact / truth; not to mention; yes but; | 12 | sed |
sagitta, sagittae N (1st) F | arrow; | 12 | sagittas, sagittae, sagitta |
regno, regnare, regnavi, regnatus V (1st) | reign, rule; be king; play the lord, be master; | 12 | regna, regnavit, regno, regnabit |
quo CONJ | whither, in what place, where; | 12 | quo |
quo ADV | where, to what place; to what purpose; for which reason, therefore; | 12 | quo |
narro, narrare, narravi, narratus V (1st) | tell, tell about, relate, narrate, recount, describe; | 12 | narrabo, narrabitur, narravit, narrabimus, narraverunt, narrantes, narrabunt, narrabit |
mater, matris N (3rd) F | mother, foster mother; lady, matron; origin, source, motherland, mother city; | 12 | matris, mater, matrem |
malo, malle, malui, - V | prefer; incline toward, wish rather; | 12 | malo, malis |
lumen, luminis N (3rd) N | light; daylight; | 12 | lumen, lumine |
juro, jurare, juravi, juratus V (1st) | swear; call to witness; vow obedience to; [jus jurandum => oath]; conspire; | 12 | iuravit, iurant, iuravi, iurasti, iurabant |
inter PREP ACC | between, among; during; [inter se => to each other, mutually]; | 12 | inter |
insurgo, insurgere, insurrexi, insurrectus V (3rd) | rise up; rise up against; | 12 | insurgunt, insurgentibus, insurgentes, insurrexerunt |
gradior, gradi, gressus sum V (3rd) DEP | walk, step, take steps, go, advance; | 12 | gressus, gradieris |
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitus V (3rd) | flee, fly, run away; avoid, shun; go into exile; | 12 | fugit, fugiebant, fugiens, fugiant, fugiunt, fugisti, fugiam |
fortis, forte, fortior -or -us, fortissimus -a -um ADJ | strong, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, steadfast, courageous, brave, bold; | 12 | fortis, fortissimis, fortiorum, fortes, forte |
fenum, feni N (2nd) N | hay; [~ Graecum => fenugreek]; | 12 | fenum |
exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus V (1st) | lookout for, await; expect, anticipate, hope for; | 12 | exspectabo, exspecta, exspectans, exspectavi, exspectant, exspectaverunt, exspectabam |
exeo, exire, exivi(ii), exitus V INTRANS | to go out; | 12 | exivit, exitus, exiret, exit, exibis, exeat, exitu, exitum, exibit |
eruo, eruere, erui, erutus V (3rd) | pluck / dig / root up, overthrow, destroy; elicit; | 12 | erue, eruas, eruat, eruet, eruam, eruisti |
erro, errare, erravi, erratus V (1st) | wander, go astray; make a mistake, err; vacillate; | 12 | erraverunt, errabunt, errantium, errare, errant, erravi |
donec CONJ | while, as long as, until; | 12 | donec |
dolus, doli N (2nd) M | trick, device, deceit, treachery, trickery, cunning, fraud; | 12 | dolo, dolum, dolus, dolos |
disperdo, disperdere, disperdi, disperditus V (3rd) TRANS | to destroy; | 12 | disperdat, disperde, disperdit, disperdamus, disperdet, disperdam, disperderet, disperdes |
destruo, destruere, destruxi, destructus V (3rd) TRANS | demolish, pull / tear down; destroy, ruin; demolish / refute (arguments / evidence); | 12 | destruas, destruxisti, destruet, destruxeris, destrueret |
contreo, contrire, contrivi(ii), contritus V TRANS | destroy, crush; go against; | 12 | contrivisti, contrivi, contrito, contritum, contrivit, contritus, contritos |
aurum, auri N (2nd) N | gold (metal / color), gold money, riches; | 12 | auris, aurum, auro, auri |
asaph ======== UNKNOWN | asaph ======== UNKNOWN | 12 | asaph |
arcus, arcus N (4th) M | bow, arc, coil, arch; rainbow; anything arched or curved; | 12 | arcum, arcus, arcu |
angelus, angeli N (2nd) M | angel; messenger; | 12 | angelis, angelus, angelorum, angeli, angelos |
affero, afferre, attuli, allatus V TRANS | bring to (word / food), carry, convey; report, allege, announce; produce, cause; | 12 | afferte, afferuntur, afferent, afferant, attulit |
aequitas, aequitatis N (3rd) F | justice, equity, fairness, impartiality; symmetry, conformity; evenness; | 12 | aequitate, aequitates, aequitas, aequitatem, aequitatis |
aedifico, aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatus V (1st) | to build; | 12 | aedificabit, aedificentur, aedificavit, aedificabitur, aedificabo, aedificantes, aedificata, aedificaverit, aedificant, aedificans |
adhuc ADV | thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides; | 12 | adhuc |
abscondo, abscondere, abscondidi, absconditus V (3rd) | to hide; to engulf; | 12 | abscondis, abscondat, abscondi, abscondit, abscondaris, abscondas |
abscondo, abscondere, abscondidi, absconditus V (3rd) | | 12 | abscondito, abscondet, abscondes, absconditus, abscondita, absconderent, absconderis |
abscondeo, abscondere, abscondui, absconditus V (2nd) | to hide; to engulf; | 12 | abscondito, abscondet, abscondes, absconditus, abscondita, absconderent, absconderis |
Syncopated perfect ivi can drop 'v' without contracting vowel | Syncopated perfect ivi can drop 'v' without contracting vowel | 12 | abiit, parturiit, periit, petiit, petii, desiit, praeteriit, pertransii, periissem |
venter, ventris N (3rd) M | stomach, womb; belly; | 11 | ventrem, ventre, ventris, venter |
umbro, umbrare, umbravi, umbratus V (1st) | cast a shadow on, shade; | 11 | umbra |
sino, sinere, sivi, situs V (3rd) | allow, permit; | 11 | sine, siti, sivi |
signum, signi N (2nd) N | battle standard; indication; seal; sign, proof; signal; image, statue; | 11 | signum, signa, signis, signorum |
sero, serere, serui, sertus V (3rd) | wreath; join, entwine, interweave, bind together; compose; contrive; | 11 | servi, sero, seras |
res, rei N (5th) F | thing; event / affair / business; fact; cause; property; [~ familiaris => property] | 11 | res, rem |
proximus, proxima, proximum ADJ | nearest / closest / next; most recent, immediately preceding, last; most / very like; | 11 | proximum, proximo, proxima, proximi, proximae, proximos |
propterea ADV | therefore, for this reason; [propterea quod => because]; | 11 | propterea |
petra, petrae N (1st) F | rock, boulder; shaped stone as used in building; | 11 | petra, petram, petrae |
orior, oriri, ortus sum V (4th) DEP | rise (sun / river); arise / emerge, crop up; get up (wake); begin; originate from; be born / created; be born of, descend / spring from; proceed / be derived (from); | 11 | orientis, ortu, orientem, oriente, orta, ortus, oritur |
odeo, odire, odivi(ii), - V TRANS | | 11 | odisti, odit, odivi, odivit, odite, odirent, odii |
numquid ADV | is it possible, surely ... not; can it be that; (question expecting negative); | 11 | numquid |
nubo, nubere, nupsi, nuptus V (3rd) | marry, be married to; | 11 | nubes, nube, nubis |
multo, multare, multavi, multatus V (1st) TRANS | punish, fine; extract as forfeit; sentence to pay; | 11 | multa, multas, multo |
miseret, miserere, miseruit, - V (2nd) IMPERS | it distresses / grieves me; I am moved to pity, I feel sorry for (w / me + GEN); | 11 | miseretur, misereatur, miserendi, miserentur, miserebitur |
mendax, (gen.), mendacis ADJ | lying, false; deceitful; counterfeit; | 11 | mendacium, mendaces, mendax |
mano, manare, manavi, manatus V (1st) | flow, pour; be shed; be wet; spring; | 11 | manet, manasses, manasse, salmana |
mane, undeclined N N | morning, morn; [multo mane => very early in the morning]; | 11 | mane |
mane ADV | in the morning; early in the morning; | 11 | mane |
malitia, malitiae N (1st) F | ill will, malice; wickedness; vice, fault; | 11 | malitia, malitiam, malitiae, malitiis |
leo, leonis N (3rd) M | lion; | 11 | leo, leonis, leonibus, leonum, leonem |
jubilo, jubilare, jubilavi, jubilatus V (1st) | shout / sing out / joyfully, rejoice; invoke with / let out shouts / whoops, halloo; | 11 | iubilate, iubilo, iubilemus, iubilent |
intellectus, intellectus N (4th) M | comprehension / understanding; recognition / discerning; intellect; meaning / sense; | 11 | intellectum, intellectus, intellectu |
innocentia, innocentiae N (1st) F | harmlessness; innocence, integrity; | 11 | innocentiam, innocentia |
infirmo, infirmare, infirmavi, infirmatus V (1st) | weaken; diminish; annul; (PASS) be ill (Bee); | 11 | infirmantur, infirmata, infirmabor, infirmati, infirmarentur, infirmavit, infirmatam, infirma |
induo, induere, indui, indutus V (3rd) | put on, clothe, cover; dress oneself in; [se induere => to impale oneself]; | 11 | induebar, induantur, induta, indutus, induisti, induit, induam |
immaculatus, immaculata, immaculatum ADJ | immaculate / unstained / spotless / without blemish; undefiled / pure / chaste; blameless | 11 | immaculatus, immaculatam, immaculata, immaculatorum, immaculatum, immaculati |
gressus, gressus N (4th) M | going; step; the feet (pl.); | 11 | gressus |
ecclesia, ecclesiae N (1st) F | church; assembly, meeting of the assembly (Greek); (Universal) Church (Dif); | 11 | ecclesiae, ecclesia, ecclesiam, ecclesiis |
dissipo, dissipare, dissipavi, dissipatus V (1st) | scatter, disperse, dissipate, squander; destroy completely; circulate; | 11 | dissipavit, dissipat, dissipa, dissipantur, dissipatur, dissipas, dissipaverunt, dissipata |
delinquo, delinquere, deliqui, delictus V (3rd) | fail (duty), be wanting / lacking, fall short; offend / do wrong / err / commit offense | 11 | delicto, delicta, delictum, delinquam, delictis, delinquentibus |
corus, cori N (2nd) M | north-west wind; | 11 | core |
coris, coris N (3rd) F Pliny | plant; (species of hypericon); its seed; | 11 | core |
congrego, congregare, congregavi, congregatus V (1st) TRANS | collect / bring together / assemble / convene; flock, congregate; group; concentrate; | 11 | congregans, congregabit, congregabat, congregati, congregate, congregantur, congrega, congregavit |
aufero, auferre, apstuli, ablatus V TRANS | bear / carry / take / fetch / sweep / snatch away / off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain; | 11 | auferre, auferant, auferet, auferas, auferatur, aufert, auferes, aufer |
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus V TRANS | | 11 | auferre, auferant, auferet, auferas, auferatur, aufert, auferes, aufer |
alto, altare, altavi, altatus V (1st) TRANS | raise, make high, elevate; | 11 | altare, alto, alter, altaris |
ago, agere, egi, actus V (3rd) | to drive; to act; to give thanks (w / gratias); | 11 | egit, agentes, aget, agentibus, age, agite, ageret, egimus, agentis, agent |
MANE, undeclined V | MENE; (MENE TEKEL PHARES writing on the wall - Vulgate Daniel 5:25); | 11 | mane |
Leo, Leonis N (3rd) M | Leo (name of several Popes); priests (pl.) of Persian god Mithras; | 11 | leo, leonis, leonibus, leonum, leonem |
votum, voti N (2nd) N | vow, pledge, religious undertaking / promise; prayer / wish; votive offering; vote; | 10 | vota, votum |
violentia, violentiae N (1st) F | violence, aggressiveness; | 10 | violentiam, violentia, violentiae |
trado, tradere, tradidi, traditus V (3rd) | hand over, surrender; deliver; bequeath; relate; | 10 | tradas, tradideris, tradet, tradentur, tradidit |
sperno, spernere, sprevi, spretus V (3rd) | scorn, despise, spurn; | 10 | spernit, sprevit, spernet, spreverunt, sprevisti |
sagitto, sagittare, sagittavi, sagittatus V (1st) | shoot arrows; | 10 | sagittas, sagittent, sagittabunt, sagittavit, sagitta |
retrorsum ADV | back, backwards; in reverse order; | 10 | retrorsum |
requiro, requirere, requisivi, requisitus V (3rd) | require, seek, ask for; need; miss, pine for; | 10 | requirens, requiret, requires, requirunt, requiram, requirebant, requirat |
repello, repellere, reppuli, repulsus V (3rd) TRANS | drive / push / thrust back / away; repel / rebuff / spurn; fend off; exclude / bar; refute; | 10 | reppuli, reppulisti, reppulit |
pertranseo, pertransire, pertransivi(ii), pertransitus V INTRANS Pliny | pass right through; go / pass by (L+S); pass away; cross (Bee); | 10 | pertransit, pertransibunt, pertransires, pertransirent, pertransii, pertransisset, pertransissent, pertranseam |
percipio, percipere, percepi, perceptus V (3rd) | secure, gain; perceive, learn, feel; | 10 | percipe, percipite |
paco, pacare, pacavi, pacatus V (1st) | pacify, subdue; | 10 | pacem, pacatam |
magnificentia, magnificentiae N (1st) F | greatness; loftiness, nobleness; generosity; grandeur, splendor, luxury; pride; | 10 | magnificentia, magnificentiam, magnificentiae |
longus, longa -um, longior -or -us, longissimus -a -um ADJ | long; tall; tedious, taking long time; boundless; far; of specific length / time; | 10 | longe |
longe, longius, longissime ADV | far (off), distant, a long way; by far; for a long while, far (in future / past); | 10 | longe |
juventus, juventutis N (3rd) F | youth; the age of youth (20-40), young persons; young men, knights; | 10 | iuventutis, iuventute, iuventus |
ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum V (3rd) DEP | advance, walk; enter, step / go into; undertake, begin; | 10 | ingreditur, ingressus, ingrediebar, ingrediebatur, ingrediar, ingrediamur |
impleo, implere, implevi, impletus V (2nd) | fill up; satisfy, fulfill; fill, finish, complete; spend (time); | 10 | impleat, impleti, implevit, implebo, imple, impleta, implebuntur, imples |
illumino, illuminare, illuminavi, illuminatus V (1st) TRANS | illuminate, give light to; light up; reveal / throw light on; brighten (w / color); | 10 | illumina, illuminat, illuminans, illuminamini, illuminet, illuminabitur |
illumino, illuminare, illuminavi, illuminatus V (1st) NeoLatin | illuminate; color; | 10 | illumina, illuminat, illuminans, illuminamini, illuminet, illuminabitur |
fors, fortis N (3rd) F | chance; luck, fortune; accident; | 10 | fortis, fortes, forte |
fidelis, fidele, fidelior -or -us, fidelissimus -a -um ADJ | faithful / loyal / devoted; true / trustworthy / dependable / reliable; constant / lasting; | 10 | fideles, fidele, fidelis, fidelia |
fe, undeclined N N | pe; (17th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as P or F); | 10 | phe |
extendo, extendere, extendi, extentus V (3rd) TRANS | stretch / thrust out; make taut; extend / prolong / continue; enlarge / increase; make even / straight / smooth; stretch out in death, (PASS) lie full length; | 10 | extendit, extendam, extendes, extendens, extendant, extento, extenderunt |
exquiro, exquirere, exquisivi, exquisitus V (3rd) | seek out, search for, hunt up; inquire into; | 10 | exquirite, exquiram, exquisivi, exquirenda, exquirunt, exquisierunt |
exardesco, exardescere, exarsi, exarsus V (3rd) INTRANS | flare / blaze up; break out; glow; rage; be provoked, enraged; be exasperated; | 10 | exarserit, exarsit, exardescet, exardescentes, exarserunt |
erubesco, erubescere, erubui, - V (3rd) | redden, blush, blush at; blush for shame, be ashamed of; | 10 | erubescant, erubescam |
ero, eronis N (3rd) M | kind of basket made with plaited reeds; hamper; (aero); | 10 | ero |
elevo, elevare, elevavi, elevatus V (1st) | lift up, raise; alleviate; lessen; make light of; | 10 | elevata, elevamini, elevatum, elevatus, elevaverunt, elevans, elevavit |
dominor, dominari, dominatus sum V (1st) DEP | be master / despot / in control, rule over, exercise sovereignty; rule / dominate; | 10 | dominetur, dominabitur, dominatur, dominaris, dominati, dominare |
domino, dominare, dominavi, dominatus V (1st) INTRANS | | 10 | dominetur, dominabitur, dominatur, dominaris, dominati, dominare |
dirigo, dirigere, direxi, directus V (3rd) TRANS | arrange / set in line / direction; align; set in order; form up, fall in (army); mark / fix (boundary); demarcate; straighten (out); level; square (up); point; direct (word / attention); bring proceedings; end word w / inflection; direct (course / steps), turn / steer / guide; propel / direct (missiles / blows); | 10 | dirige, diriget, directo, dirigis, dirigantur, dirigebar, dirigatur |
despicio, despicere, despexi, despectus V (3rd) | look down on / over; relax attention; disdain, despise; express contempt for; | 10 | despiciunt, despexit, despicies, despiciam, despiciet, despiciat, despicias |
decor, decoris N (3rd) M | beauty / good looks, decent appearance; ornament; grace / elegance / charm; propriety | 10 | decorem, decori, decor, decore |
custos, custodis N (3rd) C | guard; sentry / watch; guardian / protector / keeper; doorkeeper / watchman / janitor; jailer, warden; poll watcher; spy; garrison; container; replacement vine shoot; | 10 | custodi, custodes |
cornus, cornus N (4th) F | cornel-cherry-tree (Cornus mas); cornel wood; javelin (of cornel wood); | 10 | cornu, cornibus |
confusio, confusionis N (3rd) F | mingling / mixture / union; confusion / confounding / disorder; trouble; blushing / shame | 10 | confusione, confusionem, confusio |
confido, confidere, confisus sum V (3rd) SEMIDEP | have confidence in, rely on, trust (to); believe, be confident / assured; be sure | 10 | confidunt, confido, confidere |
conculco, conculcare, conculcavi, conculcatus V (1st) TRANS | to tread, to trample upon; | 10 | conculcet, conculcavimus, conculcavit, conculcaverunt, conculcantes, conculcatum, conculcabit, conculcasti, conculcabis |
comedo, comedere, comedi, comesus V (3rd) TRANS | | 10 | comedit, comederunt, comedere, comedentis, comedam |
comedo, comedere, comedi, comessus V (3rd) TRANS | | 10 | comedit, comederunt, comedere, comedentis, comedam |
caveo, cavere, cavi, cautus V (2nd) | beware, avoid, take precautions / defensive action; give / get surety; stipulate; | 10 | caro |
carus, cara -um, carior -or -us, carissimus -a -um ADJ | dear, beloved; costly, precious, valued; high-priced, expensive; | 10 | caro |
caros, cari N M Pliny | variety / seed of plant hypericum; heavy sleep, stupor, sleep of death (L+S); | 10 | caro |
caro, carere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS | card / comb (wool / flax / etc.); | 10 | caro |
caro ADV | dearly; dear, at a high price; | 10 | caro |
capio, capere, cepi, captus V (3rd) TRANS | take hold, seize; grasp; take bribe; arrest / capture; put on; occupy; captivate; | 10 | capite, capias, capitis, capient |
alo, alere, alui, altus V (3rd) TRANS | feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop; | 10 | altum, alat, alto, alis, altis |
adhaereo, adhaerere, adhaesi, adhaesus V (2nd) INTRANS | adhere, stick, cling / cleave to; hang on; be attached / concerned / involved; | 10 | adhaesit, adhaerere, adhaerebit, adhaeserunt, adhaesi, adhaereat |
Christus, Christi N (2nd) M | Christ; | 10 | christum, christo, christi, christos |
Carus, Cari N (2nd) M | Carus; (Emperor Marcus Aurelius Numerius Carus 282-283); | 10 | caro |
An internal 'ph' might be rendered by 'f' | An internal 'ph' might be rendered by 'f' | 10 | phe |
vivus, viva, vivum ADJ | alive, fresh; living; | 9 | vivum, vivorum, vivam, vivos |
vivificus, vivifica, vivificum ADJ Medieval | live-giving, life-restoring; | 9 | vivifica |
visito, visitare, visitavi, visitatus V (1st) | visit, call upon; see frequently / habitually; | 9 | visitas, visita, visitem, visitaret, visitandas, visitasti, visitabo |
vanus, vana, vanum ADJ | empty, vain; false, untrustworthy; | 9 | vana, vanae, vanum |
tribuo, tribuere, tribui, tributus V (3rd) | give, bestow; | 9 | tribuit, tribuat, tribuisti, tribue, tribuet, tribuite |
torreo, torrere, torrui, tostus V (2nd) TRANS | parch, roast, scorch, bake, burn; dry up; begin to burn; harden by charring; | 9 | torrentes, torrente, torrens |
torrens, torrentis N (3rd) M | torrent, rushing stream; | 9 | torrentes, torrente, torrens |
torrens, (gen.), torrentis ADJ | burning hot; rushing; torrential; | 9 | torrentes, torrente, torrens |
superbia, superbiae N (1st) F | arrogance, pride, haughtiness; | 9 | superbiam, superbia, superbiae |
sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptus V (3rd) | take up; begin; suppose, assume; select; purchase; exact (punishment); obtain; | 9 | assumam, assumpsit, sumet, assumis, assumpsisti, sumite, sumetis, sumpsero |
sinus, sini N (2nd) M | bowl for serving wine, etc; | 9 | sine |
sine PREP ABL | without; (sometimes after object); lack; [Johannis sine Terra => John Lackland] | 9 | sine |
saturo, saturare, saturavi, saturatus V (1st) | fill to repletion, sate, satisfy; drench, saturate; | 9 | saturentur, saturabuntur, saturati, saturarem, saturavit, saturabo |
sapientia, sapientiae N (1st) F | wisdom (goal of philosopher, Stoic virtue); judgment / understanding; reason; prudence, discretion, discernment (L+S); good sense; good taste; intelligence; | 9 | sapientiam, sapientia, sapientiae |
sanctuarium, sanctuari(i) N (2nd) N | sanctuary, shrine; place keeping holy things or private / confidential records; | 9 | sanctuario, sanctuarium |
ruina, ruinae N (1st) F | fall; catastrophe; collapse, destruction; | 9 | ruinam, ruinas, ruinis, ruina |
revertor, reverti, reversus sum V (3rd) DEP | turn back, go back, return; recur; | 9 | revertentur, reversus, revertatur, reversi, revertimini, revertetur |
res, undeclined N N | res; (20th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as R); | 9 | res |
psalterium, psalterii N (2nd) N | stringed instrument; | 9 | psalterio, psalterium |
proximus, proximi N (2nd) M | neighbor; nearest one; | 9 | proximum, proximo, proximi, proximos |
protector, protectoris N (3rd) M | protector, guardian, defender; member of corps of guards (Souter); | 9 | protector |
profundus, profunda, profundum ADJ | deep, profound; boundless; insatiable; | 9 | profundo, profundi, profunda, profundis, profundum, profundae |
prae PREP ABL | before, in front; in view of, because of; | 9 | prae |
prae ADV | before, in front of; forward [prae sequor => go on before]; | 9 | prae |
planto, plantare, plantavi, plantatus V (1st) TRANS | propagate from cuttings; set out, transplant (L+S); fix in place; form, make; | 9 | plantatum, plantasti, plantavit, plantati, plantaverunt |
permaneo, permanere, permansi, permansus V (2nd) | last, continue; remain; endure; | 9 | permanebunt, permanens, permanebit, permanes, permanet, permanent |
perdo, perdere, perdidi, perditus V (3rd) | ruin, destroy; lose; waste; | 9 | perdes, perdidisti, perditum, perdat, perdidit, perderent |
orbo, orbare, orbavi, orbatus V (1st) | bereave (of parents, children, etc), deprive (of); | 9 | orbem |
oleum, olei N (2nd) N | oil; | 9 | oleo, oleum |
nonne ADV | not? (interog, expects the answer "Yes"); | 9 | nonne |
natio, nationis N (3rd) F | nation, people; birth; race, class, set; gentiles; heathens; | 9 | nationibus, nationi |
memoria, memoriae N (1st) F | memory, recollection; history; time within memory [~ tenere => to remember]; | 9 | memoria, memoriae, memoriam |
malignus, maligna, malignum ADJ | spiteful; niggardly; narrow; | 9 | malignus, maligni, maligno, malignum, maligne |
luna, lunae N (1st) F | moon; month; | 9 | lunam, luna, lunae |
liber, libri N (2nd) M | book, volume; inner bark of a tree; | 9 | libri, liber, libro, librum |
labos, laboris N (3rd) M | labor / toil / exertion / effort / work; task / undertaking; production; childbirth; preoccupation / concern; struggle / suffering / distress / hardship / stress; wear+tear; | 9 | laborem, labore, labores, laboribus, laboris |
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus V (1st) | work, labor; produce, take pains; be troubled / sick / oppressed, be in distress; | 9 | laboravi, laborem, labores, laborant |
jumentum, jumenti N (2nd) N | mule; beast of burden; | 9 | iumenta, iumentis, iumentorum, iumentum |
ita ADV | thus, so; therefore; | 9 | ita |
iste, ista, istud PRON | that, that of yours, that which you refer to; such; | 9 | istud, isto, iste, ista, istam, isti |
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectus V (3rd) | | 9 | intellexerunt, intellexit, intellexi, intellexisti |
intellego, intellegere, additional, forms V | understand; realize; | 9 | intellexerunt, intellexit, intellexi, intellexisti |
insipio, insipere, insipui, insipitus V (3rd) TRANS | throw in; | 9 | insipiens, insipienti, insipiente, insipientes |
insipio, insipere, insipui, insipitus V (3rd) INTRANS | act foolishly; | 9 | insipiens, insipienti, insipiente, insipientes |
insipiens, (gen.), insipientis ADJ | foolish; | 9 | insipiens, insipienti, insipiente, insipientes |
inclinus, inclina, inclinum ADJ | leaning; (Douay); | 9 | inclina |
he, undeclined N N | he; (5th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as H); | 9 | he, heman |
gemitus, gemitus N (4th) M | groan, sigh; roaring; | 9 | gemitum, gemitu, gemitibus, gemitus |
fons, fontis N (3rd) M | spring, fountain, well; source / fount; principal cause; font; baptistry; | 9 | fontes, fons, fontibus, fontem |
fluctus, fluctus N (4th) M | wave; disorder; flood, flow, tide, billow, surge; turbulence, commotion; | 9 | fluctus, fluctuum |
fidis, fidis N (3rd) F | chord, instrument string; constellation Lyra; stringed instrument (pl.); lyre; | 9 | fidibus, fide |
fides, fidis N (3rd) F | | 9 | fidibus, fide |
extendo, extendere, extendi, extensus V (3rd) TRANS | stretch / thrust out; make taut; extend / prolong / continue; enlarge / increase; make even / straight / smooth; stretch out in death, (PASS) lie full length; | 9 | extendit, extendam, extendes, extendens, extendant, extenderunt |
electus, electa, electum ADJ | chosen, select, picked; choice; | 9 | electo, electus, electos, electum, electi, electorum |
ego PRON + cum | "with me" | 9 | mecum |
desiderium, desideri(i) N (2nd) N | desire / longing / want / requirement; desire / grief / regret for dead / absent / loss; favorite, object of desire; pleasure, that desired / needed; petition, request; | 9 | desideriis, desiderium, desiderio, desideria |
delictum, delicti N (2nd) N | fault / offense / misdeed / crime / transgression; sin; act short of standard; defect; | 9 | delicto, delicta, delictum, delictis |
consolor, consolari, consolatus sum V (1st) DEP | console, (be source of) comfort / solace; soothe; alleviate / allay / assuage (grief) | 9 | consolata, consolaretur, consolaberis, consolari, consolatus, consolatum, consoletur |
consolo, consolare, consolavi, consolatus V (1st) TRANS | console, cheer, comfort; (PASS) console oneself, take comfort; | 9 | consolata, consolaretur, consolaberis, consolari, consolatus, consolatum, consoletur |
conforto, confortare, confortavi, confortatus V (1st) TRANS | strengthen very much; (reinforce, fortify); console, comfort (Bee); encourage; | 9 | confortetur, confortati, confortabit, confortavit |
comprehendo, comprehendere, comprehendi, comprehensus V (3rd) TRANS | catch / seize / grasp firmly; arrest; take hold / root / fire, ignite; conceive (baby); embrace; include / cover / deal with (in speech / law); express (by term / symbol); | 9 | comprehendat, comprehensus, comprehendantur, comprehendebam, comprehenderunt, comprehendite |
clamor, clamoris N (3rd) M | shout, outcry / protest; loud shouting (approval / joy), applause; clamor / noise / din war-cry, battle-cry; roar (thunder / surf); cry of fear / pain / mourning; wailing; | 9 | clamoris, clamorem, clamor |
carnis, carnis N (3rd) F | meat / flesh; the_body; pulp / flesh of plants, sapwood; soft part; low passions; | 9 | carnes, carne, carni |
caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesus V (3rd) TRANS | chop, hew, cut out / down / to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize; | 9 | ceciderunt, ceciderit, cecidit |
beneplacitus, beneplacita, beneplacitum ADJ | pleasing, acceptable; agreeable; | 9 | beneplacitum, beneplaciti, beneplacito, beneplacita |
beneplacitum, beneplaciti N (2nd) N | pleasure; approval, favor; good will, gracious purpose; | 9 | beneplacitum, beneplaciti, beneplacito, beneplacita |
beneplaceo, beneplacere, beneplacui, beneplacitus V (2nd) INTRANS | please; be pleasing to; | 9 | beneplacitum, beneplaciti, beneplacito, beneplacita |
benedicus, benedica, benedicum ADJ | friendly, kind; speaking friendly words; beneficent; | 9 | benedicam, benedicis, benedicas |
benedictio, benedictionis N (3rd) F | blessing; benediction; extolling, praising; consecrated / sacred object; | 9 | benedictio, benedictionibus, benedictionem, benedictione |
affligo, affligere, afflixi, afflictus V (3rd) TRANS | overthrow / throw down; afflict, damage, crush, break, ruin; humble, weaken, vex; | 9 | afflixerunt, afflictus, affligit, afflixisti, affligentibus, afflicti, affligebant |
aaron ======== UNKNOWN | aaron ======== UNKNOWN | 9 | aaron |
Servius, Servi N (2nd) M | Servius (Roman praenomen); (abb. Ser.); | 9 | servi |
Judes, Judae N M | Judah; Jude; Judas; a son of Jacob; tribe of Judah; | 9 | iudae, iuda |
Judas, Judae N M | Judas; Jude; | 9 | iudae, iuda |
An internal 'h' might be rendered by '' | An internal 'h' might be rendered by '' | 9 | ghimel, rhamnum |
zain, undeclined N N | zayin; (7th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as Z); | 8 | zain |
voto, votare, votui, votitus V (1st) TRANS | forbid, prohibit; reject, veto; be an obstacle to; prevent; | 8 | vota |
volvo, volvere, volvi, volutus V (3rd) TRANS | roll, cause to roll; travel in circle / circuit; bring around / about; revolve; envelop, wrap up; unroll (scroll); recite, reel off; turn over (in mind); roll along / forward; (PASS) move sinuously (snake); grovel, roll on ground; | 8 | voluit, voluero, volui, voluisti |
vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatus V (1st) | avoid, shun; evade; | 8 | vita, vitas |
vestimentum, vestimenti N (2nd) N | garment, robe; clothes; | 8 | vestimenta, vestimentum, vestimento, vestimenti |
ventus, venti N (2nd) M | wind; | 8 | ventus, ventorum, venti, ventum, ventos |
vehementer, vehementius, vehementissime ADV | vehemently, vigorously; exceedingly, very much; | 8 | vehementer |
ubi CONJ | where, whereby; | 8 | ubi |
ubi ADV | where; in what place; (time) when, whenever; as soon as; in which; with whom; | 8 | ubi |
turbo, turbare, turbavi, turbatus V (1st) | disturb, agitate, throw into confusion; | 8 | turbata, turbatus, turbabitur, turbabis, turbati, turbabuntur |
thau, undeclined N N | tav; (22nd letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as T); (mark of Cain); | 8 | tau |
teth, undeclined N N | tet; (9th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as T); | 8 | teth |
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus V (2nd) | hold, keep; comprehend; possess; master; preserve; [tenere memoria => remember] represent; support; | 8 | tenta, tenerent, tenuisti, tenes, tenuit, tenebit |
taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitus V (2nd) | be silent; pass over in silence; leave unmentioned, be silent about something; | 8 | taceas, taceat, tacui, tacens, tacuerunt, tacueris |
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectus V (3rd) | rise, lift; grow; | 8 | surreximus, surgentes, surgens, surge, surgent, surgebam, surgere |
super-, over, above, upon; from above; over and above; | super-, over, above, upon; from above; over and above; | 8 | supergaudeant, supersperavi |
sin CONJ | but if; if on the contrary; | 8 | sin |
sade, undeclined N N | sade; (18th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as TS); | 8 | sade |
reverto, revertere, reverti, - V (3rd) | turn back, go back, return; recur (usually DEP); | 8 | revertentur, revertatur, revertisti, revertimini, revertetur |
retributio, retributionis N (3rd) F | retribution, recompense / repayment; punishment (Souter); reward (from judgment); | 8 | retributio, retributionem, retributiones |
recordor, recordari, recordatus sum V (1st) DEP | think over; call to mind, remember; | 8 | recordatus, recordati, recordaremur |
quiesco, quiescere, quievi, quietus V (3rd) | rest, keep quiet / calm, be at peace / rest; be inactive / neutral; permit; sleep; | 8 | quietis, quiesce, quievit, quiescas, quiescere, quietam |
profundum, profundi N (2nd) N | depths, abyss, chasm; boundless expanse; | 8 | profundo, profundi, profunda, profundis, profundum |
praesidium, praesidi(i) N (2nd) N | protection; help; guard; garrison, detachment; | 8 | praesidii, praesidium |
plenus, plena -um, plenior -or -us, plenissimus -a -um ADJ | full, plump; satisfied; | 8 | plenum, plena, plenae, plenus |
peccatus, peccatus N (4th) M | sin; moral offense; error, mistake; lapse, misdemeanor; transgression; wrong; | 8 | peccatum |
peccatum, peccati N (2nd) N | | 8 | peccatum |
patro, patrare, patravi, patratus V (1st) | accomplish, bring to completion; | 8 | patres |
pasco, pascere, pavi, pastus V (3rd) | feed, feed on; graze; | 8 | pascit, pasce, pasces, pasceris, pascere, pavit, pascis, parat |
pane, panis N (3rd) N | bread; | 8 | panis, pane, panibus |
ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostensus V (3rd) | | 8 | ostendit, ostende, ostendam, ostendisti |
orior, ori, oritus sum V (3rd) DEP | rise (sun / river); arise / emerge, crop up; get up (wake); begin; originate from; be born / created; be born of, descend / spring from; proceed / be derived (from); | 8 | ori, orientis, orientem, oriente, oritur |
orbus, orba, orbum ADJ | bereft, deprived,childless; | 8 | orbis, orbi |
nun, undeclined N N | nun; (14th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as N); | 8 | nun |
notus, noti N (2nd) M | friends (pl.), acquaintances; | 8 | notis, notum, notus, notos, noti |
nota, notae N (1st) F | mark, sign, letter, word, writing, spot brand, tattoo-mark; | 8 | notas, notis, notam, nota |
mortuus, mortui N (2nd) M | corpse, the dead one; the dead; | 8 | mortuis, mortuus, mortuos, mortuorum, mortui |
mortuus, mortua, mortuum ADJ | dead, deceased; limp; | 8 | mortuis, mortuus, mortuos, mortuorum, mortui |
miseratio, miserationis N (3rd) F | pity, compassion; | 8 | miserationum, miserationes, miserationibus |
mille, milis N (3rd) N | thousand; thousands (men / things); miles; [~ passuum => thousand paces = 1 mile] | 8 | milia, milium, milibus |
malignor, malignari, malignatus sum V (1st) DEP | malign; act / do / contrive maliciously; act badly / wickedly (Ecc); | 8 | malignantium, malignantibus, malignantur, malignantes, malignari |
maligno, malignare, malignavi, malignatus V (1st) TRANS | | 8 | malignantium, malignantibus, malignantur, malignantes, malignari |
loco, locare, locavi, locatus V (1st) | place, put, station; arrange; contract (for); farm out (taxes) on contract; | 8 | loco |
loco ADV | for, in the place of, instead of; | 8 | loco |
lex, lexeos / is N F | word; (Greek); | 8 | lex |
lamed, undeclined N N | lamed / lameth; (12th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as L); | 8 | lamed |
laetifico, laetificare, laetificavi, laetificatus V (1st) TRANS | fertilize, enrich, make fruitful (land); delight, cheer, gladden, rejoice; | 8 | laetificantes, laetificabis, laetificant, laetifica, laetificasti, laetificaverunt, laetificat |
lacrima, lacrimae N (1st) F | tear; exuded gum / sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping (pl.); dirge; | 8 | lacrimis, lacrimas, lacrimae, lacrimarum |
jod, undeclined N N | jod; (tenth letter of Hebrew alphabet); | 8 | iod |
intereo, interire, interivi(ii), interitus V | perish, die; be ruined; cease; | 8 | interitum, interierit, interitus, interitu, interitionibus |
insidio, insidiare, insidiavi, insidiatus V (1st) INTRANS | lie in wait (to rob / assault; lie in ambush; make treacherous attack (on); plot; lay traps; act to catch person out; wait and watch; be on lookout (for); lurk; | 8 | insidiatur, insidias, insidiabitur, insidiabantur, insidiati |
ideo ADV | therefore, for the reason that, for that reason; | 8 | ideo |
humilis, humile, humilior -or -us, humillimus -a -um ADJ | low, lowly, small, slight, base, mean, humble, obscure, poor, insignificant; | 8 | humili, humilem, humiles, humilis, humilia |
heth, undeclined N N | het; (8th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as CH); | 8 | heth |
gimel, undeclined N N | gimel; (3rd letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as G); | 8 | ghimel |
gemo, gemere, gemui, gemitus V (3rd) | moan, groan; lament (over); grieve that; give out a hollow sound (music, hit); | 8 | gemitum, gemitu, gemitus |
fundo, fundare, fundavi, fundatus V (1st) | establish, found, begin; lay the bottom, lay a foundation; confirm; | 8 | fundasti, fundavit |
fovea, foveae N (1st) F | pit, pitfall; | 8 | fovea, foveam, foveas |
floreo, florere, florui, - V (2nd) | flourish, blossom, be prosperous; be in one's prime; | 8 | florebit, florebunt, floret, floruerint, efflorebit |
festino, festinare, festinavi, festinatus V (1st) | hasten, hurry; | 8 | festina, festinavi |
exprobro, exprobrare, exprobravi, exprobratus V (1st) TRANS | reproach, upbraid, reprove; bring up as reproach (against person DAT); | 8 | exprobraverunt, exprobrantis, exprobrantium, exprobrabant, exprobrantibus |
exardo, exardere, exarsi, exarsus V (3rd) INTRANS | kindle; inflame; break out; | 8 | exarserit, exarsit, exarserunt |
euge INTERJ | oh, good! fine! well done! (delight / pleasure / surprise, sometimes ironic); | 8 | euge |
emitto, emittere, emisi, emissus V (3rd) | hurl; let go; utter; send out; drive; force; cast; discharge; expel; publish; | 8 | emitte, emittis, emittes, emittet, emittit |
divitia, divitiae N (1st) F | riches (pl.), wealth; | 8 | divitias, divitiarum, divitiae, divitiis |
dica, dicae N (1st) F | lawsuit; legal action; judicial process (L+S); | 8 | dicam |
devoro, devorare, devoravi, devoratus V (1st) TRANS | devour, consume; swallow, gulp down; engulf / ingulf, absorb, drink in; use up; waste; swallow, endure, put up with; repress / suppress, check (emotion); | 8 | devorant, devorans, devorabit, devoravimus, devorantium, devorata |
desum, desse, defui, defuturus V | be wanting / lacking; fail / miss; abandon / desert, neglect; be away / absent / missing; | 8 | dentes, dentibus, des |
cujus, cuja, cujum ADJ | of whom?, whose?; (interrogative); of / to whom, whose (relative); | 8 | cuius |
creo, creare, creavi, creatus V (1st) TRANS | create / bring into being / make; procreate; beget / sire; give birth to; produce / bear fruit; bring about; cause to grow; elect, appoint, invest; institute; conjure up; (PASS) be born / spring from; be home / native of; | 8 | creata, crea, creasti, creabitur, creatura, creabuntur |
convenit, convenire, convenit, conventus est V (4th) IMPERS | it agrees / came together / is agreed / asserted; [bene ~ nobis=>we're on good terms] | 8 | conventu, convenerunt, convenirent |
convenio, convenire, conveni, conventus V (4th) | be appropriate to, fit, be correctly shaped / consistent; harmonize, agree, tally meet / assemble; go to meet; come together; (have sex); converge; visit / approach; resort to; sue, prosecute, take legal action; be agreed upon / arranged (PASS); | 8 | conventu, convenerunt, convenirent |
collis, collis N (3rd) M | hill, hillock, eminence, hill-top; mound; high ground; mountains (pl.) (poetic) | 8 | collis, colles, collibus, collum |
caph, undeclined N N | kaf; (11th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K and CH); | 8 | caph |
beth, undeclined N N | bet; (2nd letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as B and V); | 8 | beth |
bellus, bella -um, bellior -or -us, bellissimus -a -um ADJ | pretty, handsome, charming, pleasant, agreeable, polite; nice, fine, excellent; | 8 | bellum, bella, belli, bello |
bellum, belli N (2nd) N | war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; (at / in) (the) war(s); military force, arms | 8 | bellum, bella, belli, bello |
atrium, atri(i) N (2nd) N | atrium, reception hall in a Roman house; auction room; palace (pl.), house; | 8 | atriis, atria |
argentum, argenti N (2nd) N | silver; money, cash; silver-plate; [argentum vivum => quicksilver / mercury]; | 8 | argentum, argento, argenti |
altum, alti N (2nd) N | the_deep, the_sea; deep water; a height / depth; remote / obscure period / source; | 8 | altum, alto, altis |
alienus, aliena -um, alienior -or -us, alienissimus -a -um ADJ | foreign; unconnected; another's; contrary; unworthy; averse, hostile; mad; | 8 | alienos, alieni, alienum, alienis, alienus, aliena |
aleph, undeclined N N | aleph; (1st letter of Hebrew alphabet); (silent, use as an A only in order); | 8 | aleph |
adinventio, adinventionis N (3rd) F | invention; | 8 | adinventionum, adinventionibus, adinventiones |
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus V (3rd) TRANS | take, grasp, receive, accept, undertake; admit, let in, hear, learn; obey; | 8 | accepit, accipiet, accipiam, accepisti, accipiat |
abscondo, abscondere, abscondi, absconditus V (3rd) | to hide; to engulf; | 8 | absconderunt, abscondisti, abscondissem |
absconditus, abscondita, absconditum ADJ | hidden, secret, concealed; covert, disguised; abstruse, recondite; | 8 | abscondito, absconditus, abscondita |
Pan, Panos / is N M | Pan; Greek god of shepherds; | 8 | panis, pane, panibus |
Moyses, Moysis N M | Moses; | 8 | moysi, moysis, moyses, moysen |
An internal 't' might be rendered by 'th' | An internal 't' might be rendered by 'th' | 8 | tau |
vitulus, vituli N (2nd) M | calf; | 7 | vituli, vitulum, vitulos, vitulis |
velociter, velocius, velocissime ADV | swiftly / rapidly, with speed of movement; quickly, in a short time; | 7 | velociter |
vav, undeclined N N | vav; (6th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as V); | 7 | vau |
tribus, tribus N (4th) F | third part of the people; tribe, hereditary division (Ramnes, Tities, Luceres); | 7 | tribus, tribum, tribubus |
tento, tentare, tentavi, tentatus V (1st) | handle, feel; attempt, try; prove; test; attack; brave; make an attempt; | 7 | tenta, tentaverunt |
suavis, suave, suavior -or -us, suavissimus -a -um ADJ | agreeable, pleasant, gratifying, sweet; charming, attractive; | 7 | suavis, suave, suavia |
signo, signare, signavi, signatus V (1st) | mark, stamp, designate, sign; seal; | 7 | signa, signanda |
sano, sanare, sanavi, sanatus V (1st) | cure, heal; correct; quiet; | 7 | sana, sanasti, sanat, sanavit |
sanctor, sanctoris N (3rd) M | establisher; one who enacts; | 7 | sanctorum |
samech, undeclined N N | samekh; (15th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as S); | 7 | samech |
repletus, repleta, repletum ADJ | full (of); | 7 | repleta, repletum, repleti |
recedo, recedere, recessi, recessus V (3rd) | recede, go back, withdraw, ebb; retreat; retire; move / keep / pass / slip away; | 7 | recessi, recessit, recesserant, recesserunt, recedet |
rapio, rapere, rapui, raptus V (3rd) | drag off; snatch; destroy; seize, carry off; pillage; hurry; | 7 | rapiat, rapit, rapiens, rapiam, rapui, rapiant |
qua ADV | where; by which route; | 7 | qua |
protego, protegere, protexi, protectus V (3rd) | cover, protect; | 7 | protege, protegat, proteges, protegar |
praevenio, praevenire, praeveni, praeventus V (4th) | arrive / occur / come first / before / too soon; precede; surpass; anticipate / forestall | 7 | praeveni, praevenisti, praeveniet, praevenerunt |
possum, posse, potui, - V | be able, can; [multum posse => have much / more / most influence / power]; | 7 | poterant, potuerunt, potui, poterit |
perficio, perficere, perfeci, perfectus V (3rd) | complete, finish; execute; bring about, accomplish; do thoroughly; | 7 | perfecisti, perfecit, perfecerunt, perficiet, perfecto, perficias |
pascuus, pascua, pascuum ADJ | used / suitable for pasture / grazing / pasture-land; | 7 | pascuis, pascua, pascuae |
paratus, parata -um, paratior -or -us, paratissimus -a -um ADJ | prepared; ready; equipped, provided; | 7 | parati, paratus, paratum |
odium, odi(i) N (2nd) N | hate / hatred / dislike / antipathy; odium, unpopularity; boredom / impatience; hatred (manifested by / towards group), hostility; object of hate / odium; | 7 | odio, odium |
occultus, occulta -um, occultior -or -us, occultissimus -a -um ADJ | hidden, secret; [in occulto => secretly]; | 7 | occultis, occulte, occulto, occulta |
occulo, occulere, occului, occultus V (3rd) | cover; cover up, hide, cover over, conceal; | 7 | occultis, occulte, occulto, occulta |
observo, observare, observavi, observatus V (1st) | watch, observe; heed; | 7 | observavi, observantes, observa, observabant, observarent, observaveris |
numerus, numeri N (2nd) M | number / sum / total / rank; (superior) numerical strength / plurality; category; tally rhythm / cadence / frequency; meter / metrical foot / line; melody; exercise movements; | 7 | numerum, numerus, numero |
novus, nova -um, novior -or -us, novissimus -a -um ADJ | new, fresh, young; unusual, extraordinary; (novae res, f. pl. = revolution); | 7 | novum, novissima |
nitor, niti, nisus sum V (3rd) DEP | press / lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on (with abl.); strive, labor; | 7 | nisi |
nisi CONJ | if not; except, unless; | 7 | nisi |
nascor, nasci, natus sum V (3rd) DEP | be produced spontaneously, come into existence / being; spring forth, grow; live; be born / begotten / formed / destined; rise (stars), dawn; start, originate; arise; | 7 | nascetur, nascentur, nati, natus, nascerentur |
mundo, mundare, mundavi, mundatus V (1st) TRANS | clean, cleanse, make clean / tidy; (eccl. - ceremonially / spiritually); | 7 | munda, mundo, mundabor, mundavi, mundabit |
milium, milii N (2nd) N | millet; | 7 | milia, milium |
milium, mili(i) N (2nd) N | thousands (pl.); | 7 | milia, milium |
memoro, memorare, memoravi, memoratus V (1st) | remember; be mindful of (w / GEN / ACC); mention / recount / relate, remind / speak of; | 7 | memorabor, rememorati, memoretur, memorare, memores |
mem, undeclined N N | mem; (13th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as M); | 7 | mem |
meditatio, meditationis N (3rd) F | contemplation, meditation; practicing; | 7 | meditatio, meditatione |
mansuetus, mansueta, mansuetum ADJ | tame; mild, gentle; less harsh / severe; | 7 | mansuetos, mansueti |
mansuesco, mansuescere, mansuevi, mansuetus V (3rd) | tame; become / grow tame; render / become mild / gentle / less harsh / severe; | 7 | mansuetos, mansueti |
lacus, lacus N (4th) M | basin / tank / tub; lake / pond; reservoir / cistern / basin, trough; lime-hole; bin; pit | 7 | lacum, lacu |
labor, labi, lapsus sum V (3rd) DEP | slip, slip and fall; slide, glide, drop; perish, go wrong; | 7 | labor, lapsum, lapsu |
insidia, insidiae N (1st) F | ambush / ambuscade (pl.); plot; treachery, treacherous attack / device; trap / snare; | 7 | insidiis, insidias, insidiae |
indignatio, indignationis N (3rd) F | indignation; anger; angry outburst; | 7 | indignationem, indignatio, indignationis |
holocaustum, holocausti N (2nd) N | whole burnt offering, sacrifice wholly consumed by fire; holocaust; (Hebrew); | 7 | holocaustum, holocausta, holocaustis |
habitaculum, habitaculi N (2nd) N | dwelling place; home, residence; habitation (Bee); | 7 | habitaculum, habitaculi, habitaculis, habitaculo |
fumus, fumi N (2nd) M | smoke, steam, vapor, fume; | 7 | fumus, fumum, fumo |
foveo, fovere, fovi, fotus V (2nd) | keep warm; favor, cherish, maintain, foster; | 7 | foveam, foras, foveas |
festinus, festina, festinum ADJ | swift / quick / rapid; fast moving (troops); impatient, in a hurry; early / premature | 7 | festina |
fero, ferre, tuli, latus V | bring, bear; tell / speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get; | 7 | ferebatur, feret, fertur, feram, latum |
exerceo, exercere, exercui, exercitus V (2nd) | exercise, train, drill, practice; enforce, administer; cultivate; | 7 | exerceor, exercebor, exercetur |
excito, excitare, excitavi, excitatus V (1st) | wake up, stir up; cause; raise, erect; incite; excite, arouse; | 7 | excitabo, excitaverunt, excitavit, excitatus, excita |
exacerbo, exacerbare, exacerbavi, exacerbatus V (1st) TRANS | irritate / exasperate, enrage / provoke; aggravate / make worse; grieve, afflict; | 7 | exacerbatum, exacerbaverunt |
erudio, erudire, erudivi, eruditus V (4th) | educate, teach, instruct; | 7 | erudimini, erudierunt, eruditur, erudieris, erodii, erudiret |
egredior, egredi, egressus sum V (3rd) DEP | go / march / come out; set sail; land, disembark; surpass, go beyond; | 7 | egrediebatur, egredieris, egressus, egredereris, egrediar |
egenus, egena, egenum ADJ | in want of, destitute of; | 7 | egenum, egenus, egeno |
dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitus V (4th) INTRANS | sleep, rest; be / fall asleep; behave as if asleep; be idle, do nothing; | 7 | dormiam, dormiunt, dormitis, dormierunt, dormiens, dormientes, dormiet |
dispergo, dispergere, dispersi, dispersus V (3rd) | scatter (about), disperse; | 7 | dispersisti, disperge, dispergit, dispergentur, dispergeret, dispersos |
dimitto, dimittere, dimisi, dimissus V (3rd) TRANS | send away / off; allow to go, let go / off; disband, discharge, dismiss (soldiers); dissolve (assembly); part with; put away; divorce; pay off, settle (debt); release, set free; allow to escape / slip away; shake off / scatter / shed; discontinue, renounce, abandon / forsake, forgo, give up (activity); dispatch; | 7 | dimittens, dimittant, dimitte, dimissus, dimittebas, dimisi, dimisit |
dilato, dilatare, dilatavi, dilatatus V (1st) TRANS | widen / broaden, expand / enlarge / extend / spread / dilate; prolong; flatten / roll out; exaggerate, magnify; fill out; express more fully; pronounce more broadly; | 7 | dilatasti, dilata, dilataverunt |
dextrum, dextri N (2nd) N | right hand; right-hand side; | 7 | dextris |
dextra, dextrae N (1st) F | right hand; weapon / greeting / shaking hand; right side; soldier; pledge / contract; metal model of hand as token of agreement; | 7 | dextris |
dexter, dextra -um, dexterior -or -us, dextimus -a -um ADJ | right, on / to the right hand / side; skillful / dexterous / handy; favorable / fortunate / pretentious; opportune (L+S); proper / fitting / suitable; | 7 | dextris |
desidero, desiderare, desideravi, desideratus V (1st) TRANS | desire / want, long / wish for, request, require / need; miss, lack; lose; want to know; investigate / examine / discuss (L+S); raise the question; | 7 | desiderat, desideravit, desiderando, desiderabam, desideravi |
dens, dentis N (3rd) M | tooth; tusk; ivory; tooth-like thing, spike; destructive power, envy, ill will; | 7 | dentes, dentibus |
deleo, delere, delevi, deletus V (2nd) TRANS | erase, wipe / scratch / remove (letters / marks), wipe / blot out, expunge, delete; annihilate / exterminate, kill every member of a group; put end to, end / abolish; destroy completely, demolish / obliterate / crush; ruin; overthrow; nullify / annul; | 7 | delesti, dele, deleantur, deleatur |
daleth, undeclined N N | dalet / daleth; (4th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as D); | 7 | daleth |
credo, credere, credidi, creditus V (3rd) | trust, entrust; commit / consign; believe, trust in, rely on, confide; suppose; lend (money) to, make loans / give credit; believe / think / accept as true / be sure; | 7 | credo, crediderunt, credidi |
coph, undeclined N N | qof; (19th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K); | 7 | coph |
conversus, conversi N (2nd) M | convert; one who has changed; | 7 | conversus, conversi |
conversus, conversa, conversum ADJ | upside down; inverted; turned backward; recurved; facing in specified direction | 7 | conversus, conversi |
converro, converrere, converri, conversus V (3rd) TRANS | sweep / brush / scrape together / thoroughly / up; sweep / beat clean; clear away (L+S); | 7 | conversus, conversi |
consumo, consumere, consumpsi, consumptus V (3rd) TRANS | burn up, destroy / kill; put end to; reduce / wear away; annul; extinguish (right); devour / swallow up / consume / eat / use up / exhaust / expend; spend; squander / waste; | 7 | consumatur, consumens, consume, consumpsit, consumpsimus |
considero, considerare, consideravi, consideratus V (1st) TRANS | examine / look at / inspect; consider closely, reflect on / contemplate; investigate; | 7 | consideras, consideraverunt, considerat, considerabis, considerabo, considerabam |
congregatio, congregationis N (3rd) F | act of forming social group; association, community; brotherhood; congregation; | 7 | congregatio, congregationem, congregationis, congregationes, congregatione |
confugio, confugere, confugi, confugitus V (3rd) INTRANS | flee (for refuge / safety / protection); take refuge; have recourse / appeal to; | 7 | confugit, confugiam, confugies, confugere, confugi |
cedrus, cedri N (2nd) F | cedar / juniper; cedar wood; cedar-oil / tar (used as preservative / medicine); | 7 | cedros, cedrum, cedri, cedrus |
captivitas, captivitatis N (3rd) F | captivity / bondage; capture / act of being captured; blindness; captives (Plater); | 7 | captivitatem |
campus, campi N (2nd) M | plain; level field / surface; open space for battle / games; sea; scope; campus; | 7 | campi, camporum, campo, campis |
auxilium, auxili(i) N (2nd) N | help, assistance; remedy / antidote; supporting resource / force; auxiliaries (pl.) | 7 | auxilium |
aresco, arescere, arui, - V (3rd) INTRANS | become dry; dry up; wither (plants); run dry (stream / tears); languish (L+S); | 7 | aruit, arescent, arescant, arescit, aruerunt, arui |
anyone / anybody / anything; whoever you pick; something (or other); any (NOM S); any; anyone / anything, any such; unspecified some; (after si / sin / sive / ne); | anyone / anybody / anything; whoever you pick; something (or other); any (NOM S); any; anyone / anything, any such; unspecified some; (after si / sin / sive / ne); | 7 | qua |
alienus, alieni N (2nd) M | foreigner; outsider; stranger to the family; person / slave of another house; | 7 | alienos, alieni, alienum, alienis, alienus |
ala, alae N (1st) F | wing; upper arm / foreleg / fin; armpit; squadron (cavalry), flank, army's wing; | 7 | alarum, alae, alis |
ain, undeclined N N | ayin; (16th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (silent); | 7 | ain |
adhaeresco, adhaerescere, adhaesi, - V (3rd) INTRANS | cling to, adhere, stick (in trouble); become lodged in (weapons); run aground; | 7 | adhaesit, adhaeserunt, adhaesi |
adduco, adducere, adduxi, adductus V (3rd) TRANS | lead up / to / away; bring up / to; persuade, induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten; | 7 | adducant, adducetur, adducuntur, adducet, adducent, adducens |
absconditum, absconditi N (2nd) N | hidden / secret / concealed place / thing; secret; | 7 | abscondito, abscondita |
virga, virgae N (1st) F | twig, sprout, stalk; switch, rod; staff, wand; stripe / streak; scepter (Plater); | 6 | virga, virgam |
vinum, vini N (2nd) N | wine; | 6 | vinum, vino, vini |
vicinus, vicini N (2nd) M | neighbor; | 6 | vicinis |
vicinus, vicina, vicinum ADJ | nearby, neighboring; | 6 | vicinis |
vicinum, vicini N (2nd) N | neighborhood, neighboring place, vicinity (of ); | 6 | vicinis |
universus, universi N (2nd) M | whole world; all men (pl.), everybody, the mass; [in universum => in general]; | 6 | universum, universi, universis |
terminus, termini N (2nd) M | boundary, limit, end; terminus; | 6 | terminos, termini, terminum |
solum, soli N (2nd) N | bottom, ground, floor; soil, land; | 6 | soli, solum, solis |
sitio, sitire, sitivi, - V (4th) | be thirsty; | 6 | sitivit, siti, sitientem, sitientes |
sinus, sinus N (4th) M | curved or bent surface; bending, curve, fold; bosom, lap; bay; | 6 | sinu, sinum |
silva, silvae N (1st) F | wood, forest (sylvan); | 6 | silvarum, silva, silvam, silvae |
sileo, silere, silui, - V (2nd) | be silent, not to speak (about); be quiet; not to function; | 6 | sileas, silui, silebit, siluerunt, silentium |
scio, scire, scivi, scitus V (4th) TRANS | know, understand; | 6 | scientibus, sciam, scientia, scientes |
sapio, sapere, sapivi, - V (3rd) | taste of; understand; have sense; | 6 | sapientes, sapietis, sapientia, sapiens, sapientem |
rugio, rugire, rugivi, rugitus V (4th) INTRANS | bellow, roar; | 6 | rugitus, rugiens, rugirem, rugiebam, rugierunt, rugientes |
revereor, revereri, reveritus sum V (2nd) DEP | respect, stand in awe of, honor, fear; reverence, revere, venerate; | 6 | revereantur, reverentia, reveriti |
quomodo ADV | how, in what way; just as; | 6 | quomodo |
quemadmodum ADV | in what way, how; as, just as; to the extent that; | 6 | quemadmodum |
quantus, quanta, quantum ADJ | how great; how much / many; of what size / amount / degree / number / worth / price; | 6 | quanta, quantas, quantum |
proximo, proximare, proximavi, proximatus V (1st) | come / draw near, approach; be near; | 6 | proximo, proxima |
prosterno, prosternere, prostravi, prostratus V (3rd) TRANS | knock over, lay low; strike down, overthrow; exhaust; debase / demean; prostrate; | 6 | prosternere, prosterne, prosternant, prostravit, prosterneret |
proicio, proicere, projeci, projectus V (3rd) TRANS | throw down, throw out; abandon; throw away; | 6 | proicit, proiciamus, proiectus, proicias, proiciet |
profundo, profundere, profudi, profusus V (3rd) | pour, pour out; utter; squander; | 6 | profundo, profundi, profundis, profundit |
prodigium, prodigi(i) N (2nd) N | portent; prodigy, wonder; | 6 | prodigia, prodigium, prodigiorum |
procella, procellae N (1st) F | storm, gale; tumult, commotion; | 6 | procellarum, procellae, procella, procellam |
probo, probare, probavi, probatus V (1st) TRANS | approve (of), esteem / commend / recommend / certify; give assent / approval / sanction; let; show to be real / true; examine / test / try / prove / demonstrate; get accepted; | 6 | proba, probasti, probavi, probaverunt |
pretiosus, pretiosa -um, pretiosior -or -us, pretiosissimus -a -um ADJ | expensive, costly, of great value, precious; rich in; | 6 | pretiosum, pretiosa, pretiosis, pretiosus, pretiosae |
praeses, praesidis N (3rd) C | protector; guard; guardian; defender; chief; president, governor, procurator; | 6 | praesidium |
pluvius, pluvia, pluvium ADJ | rainy, causing or bringing rain; | 6 | pluviam, pluvia, pluvias |
pluvia, pluviae N (1st) F | rain, shower; | 6 | pluviam, pluvia, pluvias |
plenitudo, plenitudinis N (3rd) F | fullness, abundance of content; thickness, fullness of shape; whole / full amount | 6 | plenitudinem, plenitudo |
penna, pennae N (1st) F | feather, wing; | 6 | pennas, pennae |
pars, partis N (3rd) F | part, region; share; direction; portion, piece; party, faction, side; role (of actor); office / function / duty (usu. pl.); [centesima ~ => 1% monthly]; | 6 | pars, partum, partes |
ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentus V (3rd) | | 6 | ostendit, ostende, ostendisti |
ostendeo, ostendere, ostendi, - V (2nd) TRANS | show; reveal; make clear, point out, display, exhibit; | 6 | ostendit, ostende, ostendisti |
oleo, olere, olui, - V (2nd) | smell of, smell like; | 6 | oleo |
occultum, occulti N (2nd) N | secrecy; hiding; | 6 | occultis, occulto, occulta |
necessitas, necessitatis N (3rd) F | need / necessity; inevitability; difficult straits; poverty; obligation; bond; | 6 | necessitatibus, necessitates |
munus, muneris N (3rd) N | service; duty, office, function; gift; tribute, offering; bribes (pl.); | 6 | munera, muneribus |
mundus, munda -um, mundior -or -us, mundissimus -a -um ADJ | clean, cleanly, nice, neat, elegant, delicate; refined, pure; | 6 | mundus, munda, mundo, mundum |
miktam ======== UNKNOWN | miktam ======== UNKNOWN | 6 | miktam |
mando, mandere, mandi, mansus V (3rd) | chew, champ, masticate, gnaw; eat, devour; lay waste; | 6 | mandas, mandatis |
malignans, malignantis N (3rd) M | wicked / bad / malicious person; the wicked (pl.); | 6 | malignantium, malignantibus, malignantes |
malignans, (gen.), malignantis ADJ | wicked; malicious; | 6 | malignantium, malignantibus, malignantes |
magnitudo, magnitudinis N (3rd) F | size, magnitude, bulk; greatness. importance, intensity; | 6 | magnitudine, magnitudinem, magnitudinis |
lavo, lavare, lavi, lotus V (1st) | wash, bathe; soak; | 6 | lavabam, lavabo, lava, lavabis, lavabit, lavi |
lavo, lavare, lavi, lavatus V (1st) | | 6 | lavabam, lavabo, lava, lavabis, lavabit, lavi |
lavo, lavare, lavi, lautus V (1st) | | 6 | lavabam, lavabo, lava, lavabis, lavabit, lavi |
jucundus, jucunda -um, jucundior -or -us, jucundissimus -a -um ADJ | pleasant / agreeable / delightful / pleasing (experience / person / senses); congenial; | 6 | iucundum, iucundus, iucunda |
irrito, irritare, irritavi, irritatus V (1st) | excite; exasperate, provoke, aggravate, annoy, irritate; | 6 | irritaverunt, irritas, irrita |
interitus, interitus N (4th) M | ruin; violent / untimely death, extinction; destruction, dissolution; | 6 | interitum, interitus, interitu |
injustus, injusta, injustum ADJ | unjust, wrongful; severe, excessive; unsuitable; | 6 | iniusti, iniustam, iniuste |
inferus, infera -um, inferior -or -us, infimus -a -um ADJ | | 6 | inferi, inferiora, inferiori, inferioribus |
infer, infera -um, inferior -or -us, infumus -a -um ADJ | below, beneath, underneath; of hell; vile; lower, further down; lowest, last; | 6 | inferi, inferiora, inferiori, inferioribus |
induco, inducere, induxi, inductus V (3rd) | lead in, bring in (performers); induce, influence; introduce; | 6 | inducere, induxisti, induxit, inducamus |
increpatio, increpationis N (3rd) F | rebuke; chiding; reproof; | 6 | increpatione, increpationibus, increpationis |
honorus, honora, honorum ADJ | conferring honor; | 6 | honore |
hic ADV | here, in this place; in the present circumstances; | 6 | hic |
habitatio, habitationis N (3rd) F | lodging, residence; | 6 | habitationis, habitatio, habitationem |
gratus, grata -um, gratior -or -us, gratissimus -a -um ADJ | pleasing, acceptable, agreeable, welcome; dear, beloved; grateful, thankful; | 6 | gratis |
gratis ADV | gratis, without payment, for nothing; freely; for no reward but thanks; | 6 | gratis |
grates, gratis N (3rd) F | thanks (pl.); (esp. to gods); thanksgivings; [~es agere => give thanks]; | 6 | gratis |
grando, grandinis N (3rd) F | hail, hail-storm; | 6 | grando, grandine, grandini, grandinem |
glorifico, glorificare, glorificavi, glorificatus V (1st) TRANS | glorify; magnify, honor, worship (Def); exalt in thought / speech; uplift; | 6 | glorificat, glorificate, glorificabunt, glorificabo |
fundamentum, fundamenti N (2nd) N | foundation; beginning; basis; | 6 | fundamenta, fundamentum |
frumentum, frumenti N (2nd) N | grain; crops; | 6 | frumentum, frumenta, frumento, frumenti |
frater, fratris N (3rd) M | brother; cousin; | 6 | fratribus, fratre, fratrem, fratres |
fodio, fodere, fodi, fossus V (3rd) | dig, dig out / up; stab; | 6 | foderunt, fodisti, fodiatur |
fleo, flere, flevi, fletus V (2nd) | cry for; cry, weep; | 6 | fletus, flevi, fletu, flebant, flevimus |
extermino, exterminare, exterminavi, exterminatus V (1st) | banish, expel; dismiss; | 6 | exterminabuntur, exterminabitur, exterminavit |
exitus, exitus N (4th) M | exit, departure; end, solution; death; outlet, mouth (of river); | 6 | exitus, exitu, exitum |
esurio, esurire, esurivi, esuritus V (4th) | be hungry, hunger; want to eat, desire food; desire eagerly; | 6 | esurierunt, esuriero, esurientes, esurientem, esurientibus |
era, erae N (1st) F | mistress; lady of the house; woman in relation to her servants; Lady; | 6 | eris, eram |
elongo, elongare, elongavi, elongatus V (1st) | withdraw, depart; remove; keep aloof; | 6 | elongaveris, elongabo, elongeris, elongant, elongasti, elongetur |
dolo, dolare, dolavi, dolatus V (1st) TRANS | hew / chop into shape, fashion / devise; inflict blows, batter / cudgel soundly, drub | 6 | dolor, dolo, dolantis |
divido, dividere, divisi, divisus V (3rd) | divide; separate, break up; share, distribute; distinguish; | 6 | diviserunt, divide, dividit, divisit, dividam |
dirumpo, dirumpere, dirupi, diruptus V (3rd) TRANS | cause to break apart / shatter / burst / split / rupture / disrupt; (PASS) burst / break; | 6 | dirumpamus, dirupisti, dirupit, dirumpentis |
dinumero, dinumerare, dinumeravi, dinumeratus V (1st) TRANS | count, calculate (number of); enumerate; reckon; count / pay out (money); | 6 | dinumeravi, dinumerare, dinumerabo |
delectatio, delectationis N (3rd) F | conferring / gaining delight; (source of) delight / pleasure / enjoyment / amusement; straining / effort / tenesmus; inclination / futile straining to void bowels / bladder; | 6 | delectationes, delectatio |
deicio, deicere, dejeci, dejectus V (3rd) TRANS | throw / pour / jump / send / put / push / force / knock / bring down; cause to fall / drop; hang; overthrow, bring down, depose; kill, destroy; shoot / strike down; fell (victim); unhorse; let fall; shed; purge / evacuate bowel; dislodge / rout; drive / throw out; | 6 | deiciant, deiecisti, deiecerunt, deiceret, deicias, deiecti |
conturbatus, conturbata -um, conturbatior -or -us, conturbatissimus -a -um ADJ | disturbed, perplexed, disquieted, confused; disordered, diseased (L+S); | 6 | conturbata, conturbatus, conturbati |
contremisco, contremiscere, contremui, - V (3rd) | tremble all over; shake (violently), quake; tremble at / with fear, be afraid of; | 6 | contremuit, contremuerunt, contremiscite, contremisce |
contereo, conterere, conterui, conteritus V (2nd) TRANS | frighten thoroughly; fill with terror; suppress / intimidate by terrorizing; | 6 | contere, conteretur, conterentur, conteret, conteres |
confortor, confortari, confortatus sum V (1st) DEP Medieval | wax strong; take courage; | 6 | confortetur, confortati |
commotus, commota -um, commotior -or -us, commotissimus -a -um ADJ | excited, nervous; frenzied / deranged; angry / annoyed; temperamental; tempestuous; | 6 | commota, commotae |
cesso, cessare, cessavi, cessatus V (1st) INTRANS | be remiss / inactive; hold back, leave off, delay, cease from; rest; be free of; | 6 | cessabit, cessare, cessavit |
causa, causae N (1st) F | cause / reason / motive; origin, source, derivation; responsibility / blame; symptom; occasion, subject; plea, position; lawsuit, case, trial; proviso / stipulation; thing(s); [sine causa => in vain (Vulgate)]; | 6 | causam, causa |
carbo, carbonis N (3rd) M | charcoal; glowing coal; pencil / marker; worthless thing; charred remains; coal; | 6 | carbones, carbonibus |
bonitas, bonitatis N (3rd) F | goodness, integrity, moral excellence; kindness, benevolence, tenderness; | 6 | bonitatem, bonitate |
benefacio, benefacere, benefeci, benefactus V (3rd) TRANS | do service / good to; make well / ably; benefit; bless; (usu. 2 words); | 6 | benefecisti, benefecit, benefac, benefaciens |
basis, basos / is N F | pedestal; base, point of attachment; foundation, support; chord (of an arc); | 6 | basan |
averta, avertae N (1st) F | saddle-bags, traveling bag, luggage for horseback, portmanteau; (mantica); | 6 | avertas, avertis, avertam |
arx, arcis N (3rd) F | citadel, stronghold, city; height, hilltop; Capitoline hill; defense, refuge; | 6 | arcum |
arcs, arcis N (3rd) F | citadel, stronghold; height; the Capitoline hill Rome; defense, refuge; | 6 | arcum |
appropinquo, appropinquare, appropinquavi, appropinquatus V (1st) INTRANS | approach (w / DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near / nigh (space / time); be close | 6 | appropinquavit, appropinquabit, appropinquaverunt, appropinquet |
appono, apponere, apposui, appositus V (3rd) TRANS | place near, set before / on table, serve up; put / apply / add to; appoint / assign; | 6 | apponat, apponere, appone, apponet, apposuerunt, apponatur |
amplus, ampla -um, amplior -or -us, amplissimus -a -um ADJ | great, large, spacious, wide, ample; distinguished, important, honorable; | 6 | amplius |
amplius, undeclined N N | greater amount / number / distance, more, any more / further; "judgment reserved"; | 6 | amplius |
amplius, undeclined ADJ | greater (w / indef. subject, eg., number than), further / more, longer; | 6 | amplius |
amplius ADV | greater number (than); further, more, beyond, besides; more than (w / numerals); | 6 | amplius |
ample, amplius, amplissime ADV | in liberal manner / complimentary terms / dignified style, handsomely, impressively | 6 | amplius |
alter, altera, alterum ADJ | one (of two); second / another; former / latter; [unus et ~=> one or two / other]; second / further / next / other / latter / some person / thing (PRONominal ADJ); either; | 6 | altera, alteri, alterum, alter |
alienum, alieni N (2nd) N | another's property / land / possessions; foreign soil; other's affairs / views (pl.); | 6 | alieni, alienum, alienis, aliena |
adeps, adipis N (3rd) C | fat, lard, grease; fatty tissue; bombast; corpulence, obesity (pl.); sapwood; | 6 | adipem, adipe, adeps |
Marius, Mari N (2nd) M | Marius; (Roman gens name); (C. Marius, consul around 100 BC); | 6 | mari |
-an, -ain; of, pertaining / belonging to; connected with; derived / coming from; | -an, -ain; of, pertaining / belonging to; connected with; derived / coming from; | 6 | libani, libanum, libanus, pellicano |
virgo, virginis N (3rd) F | maiden, young woman, girl of marriageable age; virgin, woman sexually intact; | 5 | virgines |
vireo, virere, virui, - V (2nd) | be green or verdant; be lively or vigorous; be full of youthful vigor; | 5 | virentibus, virens, virentem, virentes |
virens, (gen.), virentis ADJ NeoLatin | green; (in reference to plants); (Dell); | 5 | virentibus, virens, virentem, virentes |
vineus, vinea, vineum ADJ | made of / belonging to wine, wine-; | 5 | vineas, vineam |
vinea, vineae N (1st) F | vines in a vineyard / arranged in rows; vine; (movable) bower-like shelter; | 5 | vineas, vineam |
viduus, vidua, viduum ADJ | widowed, deprived of (with gen.); bereft; unmarried; | 5 | viduarum, viduae, viduam, vidua |
vestigium, vestigi(i) N (2nd) N | step, track; trace; footstep; | 5 | vestigia |
ver, veris N (3rd) N | spring; spring-time of life, youth; [ver sacrum => sacrifice of spring-born]; | 5 | vera, vere |
vallis, vallis N (3rd) F | valley, vale, hollow; | 5 | valle, valles, vallem |
valles, vallis N (3rd) F | | 5 | valle, valles, vallem |
uterus, uteri N (2nd) M | | 5 | utero |
uterum, uteri N (2nd) N | womb; belly, abdomen; | 5 | utero |
tuba, tubae N (1st) F | trumpet (straight tube); (military signals / religious rites); hydraulic ram pipe | 5 | tubae, tuba, tubis |
taurus, tauri N (2nd) M | bull; | 5 | tauri, taurorum, taurum |
sustento, sustentare, sustentavi, sustentatus V (1st) | endure, hold out; | 5 | sustentat, sustentabat, sustenta |
supplanto, supplantare, supplantavi, supplantatus V (1st) | trip up; | 5 | supplanta, supplantasti, supplantantium, supplantare |
sumo, sumere, sumsi, sumtus V (3rd) | accept; begin; suppose; select; purchase; obtain; (sumpsi, sumptum); | 5 | assumam, sumet, assumis, sumite, sumetis |
subsanno, subsannare, subsannavi, subsannatus V (1st) TRANS | mock, deride; insult by derisive gestures; sneer; | 5 | subsannabit, subsannaverunt, subsannabis |
splendor, splendoris N (3rd) M | brilliance, luster, sheen; magnificence, sumptuousness, grandeur, splendor; | 5 | splendore, splendori, splendor, splendoribus |
sors, sortis N (3rd) F | lot, fate; oracular response; | 5 | sortem, sortes, sors |
sono, sonere, sonui, sonitus V (3rd) | make a noise / sound; speak / utter, emit sound; be spoken of (as); express / denote; echo / resound; be heard, sound; be spoken of (as); celebrate in speech; | 5 | sonitum, sonet, sono |
sepulcrum, sepulcri N (2nd) N | grave, tomb; | 5 | sepulcrum, sepulcra, sepulcris, sepulcro |
senex, senis (gen.), senior -or -us, - ADJ | aged, old; [senior => Roman over 45]; | 5 | senium, senes, seniorum |
sculptilis, sculptilis, sculptile ADJ | engraved; | 5 | sculptilibus, sculptilia, sculptile |
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus V (3rd) | write; compose; | 5 | scriptum, scribentis, scribantur, scripti |
scientia, scientiae N (1st) F | knowledge, science; skill; | 5 | scientiam, scientia |
sapiens, sapientis (gen.), sapientior -or -us, sapientissimus -a -um ADJ | rational; sane, of sound mind; wise, judicious, understanding; discreet; | 5 | sapientes, sapientia, sapiens, sapientem |
salio, salire, salui, saltus V (4th) | leap, jump; move suddenly / spasmodically (part of body under stress), twitch; spurt, discharge, be ejected under force (water / fluid); mount / cover (by stud); | 5 | salvi, salis |
sacrifico, sacrificare, sacrificavi, sacrificatus V (1st) | sacrifice; celebrate the Mass (Erasmus); | 5 | sacrificate, sacrificabo, sacrificaverunt, sacrificent |
sacerdos, sacerdotis N (3rd) C | priest, priestess; | 5 | sacerdotes, sacerdotibus, sacerdos |
ruber, rubra, rubrum ADJ | red, ruddy, painted red; [Rubrum Mare => Red Sea, Arabian / Persian Gulf]; | 5 | rubrum, rubro |
requiesco, requiescere, requievi, requietus V (3rd) | quiet down; rest; end; | 5 | requiescam, requiescet |
reneo, renere, -, - V (2nd) TRANS | unspin; undo; | 5 | renes |
ren, renis N (3rd) M | kidney(s) (usu. pl.); name of precious stone; (sg. ren not used L+S); | 5 | renes |
quacumque ADV | wherever; in whatever part / manner, however; by whatever route / way; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; PACKON w / qui pron with ABL => with what, with whom; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; PACKON w / qui => whoever; whatever; everyone who, all that, anything that; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; | 5 | quacumque |
pupillus, pupilli N (2nd) M | orphan, ward; | 5 | pupillo, pupillos, pupillis, pupillum |
proximo ADV | very lately; | 5 | proximo |
prospicio, prospicere, prospexi, prospectus V (3rd) | foresee; see far off; watch for, provide for, look out for; | 5 | prospexit, prospicit |
propono, proponere, proposui, propositus V (3rd) | display; propose; relate; put or place forward; | 5 | proponebam, proposuerunt, proponam, proposui |
proelium, proeli(i) N (2nd) N | battle / fight / bout / conflict / dispute; armed / hostile encounter; bout of strength; | 5 | proelium, proelio, proelia |
priusquam CONJ | before; until; sooner than; | 5 | priusquam |
primogenitus, primogenita, primogenitum ADJ | first-born; oldest (child); | 5 | primogenitum, primogenita, primogenitis |
primogenitum, primogeniti N (2nd) N | birth-right, right of the first-born / oldest (child); | 5 | primogenitum, primogenita, primogenitis |
poto, potare, potavi, potus V (1st) | | 5 | potabis, potabo, potasti, potaverunt, potabunt |
poto, potare, potavi, potatus V (1st) | drink; drink heavily / convivially, tipple; swallow; absorb, soak up; | 5 | potabis, potabo, potasti, potaverunt, potabunt |
potestas, potestatis N (3rd) F | power, rule, force; strength, ability; chance, opportunity; | 5 | potestate, potestas, potestatem |
possideo, possidere, possedi, possessus V (2nd) | seize, hold, be master of; possess, take / hold possession of, occupy; inherit; | 5 | possederunt, possidebunt, possedisti, possideamus |
portio, portionis N (3rd) F | part, portion, share; proportion; [pro portione => proportionally]; | 5 | portio, portionem |
pone PREP ACC | behind (in local relations) (rare); | 5 | pone |
plebes, plebei N (5th) F | | 5 | plebem, plebe |
passer, passeris N (3rd) M | sparrow; | 5 | passer, passeres |
parvulus, parvuli N (2nd) M | infancy, childhood; small child, infant; | 5 | parvulis, parvulos |
parvulus, parvula, parvulum ADJ | very small, very young; unimportant; slight, petty; | 5 | parvulis, parvulos |
opprimo, opprimere, oppressi, oppressus V (3rd) | press down; suppress; overthrow; crush, overwhelm, fall upon, oppress; | 5 | oppresso, oppressit, opprimamus, opprimet, oppressis |
occulto, occultare, occultavi, occultatus V (1st) | hide; conceal; | 5 | occultabit, occulto, occultabimus, occulta |
numero, numerare, numeravi, numeratus V (1st) TRANS | count, add up, reckon / compute; consider; relate; number / enumerate, catalog; pay | 5 | numerate, numerasti, numero, numeravi, numerat |
notum, noti N (2nd) N | notorious facts (pl.); scandal; | 5 | notis, notum, nota, noti |
nihil, undeclined N N | nothing; no; trifle / thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern | 5 | nihil |
nequities, nequitiae N F | wickedness; idleness; worthlessness; (equivalent to nequitia); | 5 | nequitia, nequitiam, nequitiae |
nequitia, nequitiae N (1st) F | wickedness; idleness; negligence; worthlessness; evil ways; | 5 | nequitia, nequitiam, nequitiae |
muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatus V (1st) | move, change, shift, alter, exchange, substitute (for); modify; | 5 | mutat, muta, mutabis, mutabuntur, mutaverunt |
murus, muri N (2nd) M | wall, city wall; | 5 | murum, muri, muros, muris |
munitus, munita -um, munitior -or -us, munitissimus -a -um ADJ | defended, fortified; protected, secured, safe; | 5 | munitam, munita |
munio, munire, munivi, munitus V (4th) | fortify; strengthen; protect, defend, safeguard; build (road); | 5 | munitam, munita |
multum, plus, plurimum ADV | much, greatly, plenty, very; more; most; | 5 | multum |
morior, moriri, moritus sum V (4th) DEP | die; expire, pass / die / wither away / out; decay; (FUT ACT PPL only, moriturus); | 5 | morietur, morientes, moriemini, moriens, moriar |
misero, miserare, miseravi, miseratus V (1st) | | 5 | miserator |
misereo, miserere, miserui, misertus V (2nd) | | 5 | misertus, miserearis, misereri, misereberis |
miserator, miseratoris N (3rd) M | one who pities / has compassion; merciful person; commiserator; | 5 | miserator |
metuo, metuere, metui, - V (3rd) | fear; be afraid; stand in fear of; be apprehensive, dread; | 5 | metuat, metuentes, metuentibus, metuant, metuendus |
metior, metiri, mensus sum V (4th) DEP | measure, estimate; distribute, mete; traverse, sail / walk through; | 5 | mensam, metibor, mensa, mensae |
matutinus, matutina, matutinum ADJ | early; of the (early) morning; | 5 | matutinum, matutinis, matutina, matutino |
manduco, manducare, manducavi, manducatus V (1st) TRANS | chew, masticate, gnaw; eat, devour; | 5 | manducabo, manducavit, manducaverunt, manducabam, manducabis |
maledico, maledicere, maledixi, maledictus V (3rd) | speak ill / evil of, revile, slander; abuse, curse; | 5 | maledicti, maledixisset, maledicebant, maledicant |
majestas, majestatis N (3rd) F | majesty, dignity (of god / rank / position); majesty of people / state; sovereignty; grandeur, greatness; dignity / majesty (of language); [crimen ~ => high treason]; | 5 | maiestatis, maiestate, maiestatem |
lignum, ligni N (2nd) N | wood; firewood; trunk / stump / tree; timber; beam / post; wood (material); stave; wood thing / part, writing-tablet, spear shaft; stone (of fruit), shell (nut); the Cross; staff, cudgel, club; gallows / stocks; [~ pedaneum => altar step]; | 5 | lignum, ligna |
libum, libi N (2nd) N | cake / pancake; consecrated cake (to gods on 50 birthday); liquid / drink offering; | 5 | libani, libanum, libanus |
libo, libare, libavi, libatus V (1st) | nibble, sip; pour in offering / a libation; impair; graze, touch, skim (over); | 5 | liber |
liberator, liberatoris N (3rd) M | liberator, deliverer; savior; | 5 | liberator |
liber, liberi N (2nd) M | children (pl.); (sg. VOC) child; | 5 | liber |
laudabilis, laudabilis, laudabile ADJ | praiseworthy; | 5 | laudabilem, laudabilis, laudabile |
lacus, laci N (2nd) M | | 5 | lacum |
juxta PREP ACC | near, (very) close to, next to; hard by, adjoining; on a par with; like; according to; | 5 | iuxta |
juxta ADV | nearly; near, close to, near by, hard by, by the side of; just as, equally; | 5 | iuxta |
ioseph ======== UNKNOWN | ioseph ======== UNKNOWN | 5 | ioseph |
insidior, insidiari, insidiatus sum V (1st) DEP | lie in wait (to rob / assault; lie in ambush; make treacherous attack (on); plot; lay traps; act to catch person out; wait and watch; be on lookout (for); lurk; | 5 | insidiatur, insidiabitur, insidiabantur, insidiati |
initium, initi(i) N (2nd) N | beginning, commencement; entrance; [ab initio => from the beginning]; | 5 | initio, initium |
ingressus, ingressus N (4th) M | entry; going in / embarking on (topic / speech); point of entry, approach; steps; | 5 | ingressus |
incurvo, incurvare, incurvavi, incurvatus V (1st) | make crooked or bent; cause to bend down; | 5 | incurvati, incurvabar, incurvatus, incurvavit, incurvaverunt |
inaquosus, inaquosa, inaquosum ADJ | arid, dry, lacking water; | 5 | inaquosa, inaquoso |
inaquosum, inaquosi N (2nd) N | arid / desert / dry places (pl.); | 5 | inaquosa, inaquoso |
impugno, impugnare, impugnavi, impugnatus V (1st) | fight against, attack, assail; | 5 | impugna, impugnantes, impugnant, impugnans, impugnabant |
illustro, illustrare, illustravi, illustratus V (1st) TRANS | illuminate, light up; give glory; embellish; make clear, elucidate; enlighten; | 5 | illustra, illustrarunt |
illuminatio, illuminationis N (3rd) F | glory, illustriousness; enlightening (Ecc); lighting / illumination; | 5 | illuminatio, illuminatione |
ibis, ibos / is N F | ibis; (sacred Egyptian bird); | 5 | ibi |
ibis, ibis N (3rd) F | | 5 | ibi |
ibi ADV | there, in that place; thereupon; | 5 | ibi |
hymnus, hymni N (2nd) M | hymn; | 5 | hymnus, hymnum, hymnis |
gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum V (2nd) SEMIDEP | be glad, rejoice; | 5 | supergaudeant, gaudebit, gaudebunt |
furor, furari, furatus sum V (1st) DEP | steal; plunder; | 5 | furor |
furo, furere, -, - V (3rd) | rave, rage; be mad / furious; be wild; | 5 | furor |
funis, funis N (3rd) M | rope; line, cord, sheet, cable; measuring-line / rope, lot (Plater); | 5 | funes |
fremo, fremere, fremui, fremitus V (3rd) | roar; growl; rage; murmur, clamor for; | 5 | fremuerunt, fremant, fremet |
fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxus V (3rd) | flow, stream; emanate, proceed from; fall gradually; | 5 | fluit, fluxerunt, fluent |
firmamentum, firmamenti N (2nd) N | support, prop, mainstay; support group; | 5 | firmamentum, firmamento |
faux, faucis N (3rd) F | pharynx (usu pl.), gullet / throat / neck / jaws / maw; narrow pass / shaft / strait; chasm | 5 | faucibus, fauces |
expando, expandere, expandi, expassus V (3rd) | spread out, expand; expound; | 5 | expanderimus, expandi, expandit |
expando, expandere, expandi, expansus V (3rd) | | 5 | expanderimus, expandi, expandit |
excindo, excindere, excidi, excissus V (3rd) TRANS | demolish / destroy, raze to ground (town / building); exterminate / destroy (people); | 5 | exciderunt, excidi |
excido, excidere, excidi, excisus V (3rd) | cut out / off / down; raze, destroy; | 5 | exciderunt, excidi |
excido, excidere, excidi, - V (3rd) | perish; disappear; escape, fall out; be deprived of; lose control of senses; | 5 | exciderunt, excidi |
examino, examinare, examinavi, examinatus V (1st) | weigh, examine, consider; | 5 | examinatum, examina, examinata, examinasti, examinatur |
evigilo, evigilare, evigilavi, evigilatus V (1st) | be wakeful; watch throughout the night; devise or study with careful attention; | 5 | evigilavero, evigila, evigilantis |
etiam CONJ | and also, besides / furthermore, in addition / as well; even, actually; yes / indeed; now too, as yet, still, even now; yet again; likewise; (particle); (et-iam); | 5 | etiam |
eructo, eructare, eructavi, eructatus V (1st) | bring up noisily; discharge violently; | 5 | eructat, eructavit, eructabunt |
erigo, erigere, erexi, erectus V (3rd) | raise, erect, build; rouse, excite, stimulate; | 5 | erecti, erigens, erige, erigit |
equus, equi N (2nd) M | horse; steed; | 5 | equis, equus, equi |
ephraim ======== UNKNOWN | ephraim ======== UNKNOWN | 5 | ephraim |
enarro, enarrare, enarravi, enarratus V (1st) | describe; explain / relate in detail; | 5 | enarrant, enarrem, enarretis, enarras, enarrabunt |
electum, electi N (2nd) N Medieval | dainties (pl.), choice bits; | 5 | electo, electum, electi, electorum |
dorsum, dorsi N (2nd) N | back, range, ridge; slope of a hill; | 5 | dorsum, dorso |
dormeo, dormire, dormivi(ii), dormitus V INTRANS | sleep, rest; go to sleep, be / fall asleep; be idle, do nothing; (form for FUT); | 5 | dormiam, dormitis, dormierunt, dormiens, dormiet |
dispono, disponere, disposui, dispositus V (3rd) TRANS | dispose, place here and there, distribute; set / lay out; administer / manage / order appoint, post, station; allot, assign; arrange, ordain, prescribe; regulate; | 5 | disposuerunt, disposuit, disposui, disponet |
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessus V (3rd) | go / march off, depart, withdraw; scatter, dissipate; abandon; lay down (arms); | 5 | discedite, discedas, discesseris, discedemus, discedentes |
diripio, diripere, diripui, direptus V (3rd) TRANS | pull / tear apart / to pieces / away; tear asunder / to shreds; pull out / off; divert; grab; scramble for; snatch a share of; strive; run after, compete for (favor); plunder, pillage, spoil, lay waste; seize and divide; steal / rob; distress; | 5 | diripientibus, diripuerunt, diripiant |
derideo, deridere, derisi, derisus V (2nd) TRANS | mock / deride / laugh at / make fun of; be able to laugh, escape, get off scot free; | 5 | derisorum, deriserunt, derisum, deridebis |
decoris, decoris, decore ADJ | beautiful; pleasing to the senses; | 5 | decorem, decori, decore |
decor, (gen.), decoris ADJ | beautiful; pleasing to the senses; | 5 | decor |
decor, (gen.), decoris ADJ | | 5 | decorem, decori, decore |
curro, currere, cucurri, cursus V (3rd) INTRANS | run / trot / gallop, hurry / hasten / speed, move / travel / proceed / flow swiftly / quickly; | 5 | currendam, currebas, currunt, curram, currit |
corruptus, corrupta -um, corruptior -or -us, corruptissimus -a -um ADJ | rotten / decayed; infected (wounds), corrupt; degenerate / decadent; depraved / venal incorrect / improper / disorderly; impure / adulterated / changed for worse; seditious; | 5 | corrupti |
corruptum, corrupti N (2nd) N | corrupted parts (pl.) (of the body); | 5 | corrupti |
corrumpo, corrumpere, corrupi, corruptus V (3rd) TRANS | spoil / rot; taint / contaminate; damage / ruin, undo; destroy / deface; digest; infect pervert, corrupt, deprave; bribe, suborn; seduce, tempt, beguile; falsify; | 5 | corrupti |
corripio, corripere, corripui, correptus V (3rd) TRANS | seize / grasp / snatch up, lay hold of; sweep off; carry away; appropriate / arrogate censure / reproach / rebuke / chastise; shorten / abridge; hasten (upon); catch (fire); | 5 | corripias, corripuisti, corripit, corripuit |
contristo, contristare, contristavi, contristatus V (1st) TRANS | sadden, make gloomy, depress, discourage; afflict, sap, damage (crops); darken; | 5 | contristatus, contristata, contristaretur |
concupisco, concupiscere, concupivi, concupitus V (3rd) | desire eagerly / ardently; covet, long for; aim at; conceive a strong desire for; | 5 | concupiscet, concupiscit, concupierunt, concupivi |
concludo, concludere, conclusi, conclusus V (3rd) TRANS | shut up, confine; contain, limit; close; include (limit); conceal, keep secret; conclude / finish; define; construct / compose (sentence); infer, deduce, imply; | 5 | concluserunt, conclusisti, conclusit, conclusus |
complaceo, complacere, complacui, complacitus V (2nd) INTRANS | please, take fancy of, capture affections of, be acceptable / agreed to; | 5 | complaceant, complaceat, complacuisti, complacent |
commoto, commotare, commotavi, commotatus V (1st) TRANS | move very violently; agitate; | 5 | commota |
comedo, comesse, -, - V TRANS | eat up / away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume / devour; waste / squande | 5 | comedit |
comedo, comedere, comedi, comestus V (3rd) TRANS | eat up / away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume / devour; waste / squande | 5 | comederunt, comedere, comedentis, comedam |
comedo, comedere, comedi, comestus V (3rd) TRANS | | 5 | comedit |
comburo, comburere, combussi, combustus V (3rd) TRANS | burn up / away; (w / love); consume / destroy w / fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald; | 5 | comburet, combusserunt, comburit, comburentem, combussit |
cano, canere, cecini, cantus V (3rd) | sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play (music) / sound (horn); foretell; | 5 | canes, canis, canebant |
canis, canis N (3rd) C | dog; hound; subordinate; "jackal"; dog-star / fish; lowest dice throw; clamp; | 5 | canes, canis, canum |
canes, canis N (3rd) C | | 5 | canes, canis, canum |
calix, calicis N (3rd) M | cup, goblet, a vessel for drinking; chalice; cup of wine; pot; water regulator; | 5 | calicis, calix, calicem |
brevis, brevis N (3rd) M | short catalog, summary document; | 5 | brevi, brevis |
brevis, breve, brevior -or -us, brevissimus -a -um ADJ | short, little, small, stunted; brief, concise, quick; narrow, shallow; humble; | 5 | brevi, brevis |
breve, brevis N (3rd) N | shallow water, shallows; a short / brief space of time; short speech, a few words short catalog, summary document; brief reply (Cal); | 5 | brevi, brevis |
bestia, bestiae N (1st) F | beast, animal, creature; wild beast / animal, beast of prey in arena; | 5 | bestiis, bestias, bestiae |
bene, melius, optime ADV | well, very, quite, rightly, agreeably, cheaply, in good style; better; best; | 5 | bene, melius |
bellis, bellis N (3rd) F Pliny | flower (perh. daisy); (white daisy, ox-eye - L+S); | 5 | bellum, belli |
aurora, aurorae N (1st) F | dawn, daybreak, sunrise; goddess of the dawn; Orient / East, peoples of the East; | 5 | auroram, aurorae |
asto, astare, astiti, - V (1st) INTRANS | stand at / on / by; assist; stand up / upright / waiting / still, stand on one's feet; | 5 | astiterunt, astabo, astitit |
aspicio, aspicere, aspexi, aspectus V (3rd) TRANS | look / gaze on / at, see, observe, behold, regard; face; consider, contemplate; | 5 | aspectus, aspicies, aspexi, aspice, aspexit |
arguo, arguere, argui, argutus V (3rd) TRANS | prove, argue, allege; disclose; accuse, complain of, charge, blame, convict; | 5 | arguas, arguam, arguet |
appareo, apparere, apparui, apparitus V (2nd) INTRANS | appear; be evident / visible / noticed / found; show up, occur; serve (w / DAT); | 5 | apparuerunt, apparebo, apparui, appareat, apparuit |
antiquus, antiqua -um, antiquior -or -us, antiquissimus -a -um ADJ | old / ancient / aged; time-honored; simple / classic; venerable; archaic / outdated; | 5 | antiquis, antiquos, antiquae, antiquorum |
altare, altaris N (3rd) N | altar (usu. pl.), fitting for burnt offerings; burnt offering; high altar; | 5 | altare, altaria, altaris |
altar, altaris N (3rd) N | altar, fittings for burnt offerings; burnt offerings; high altar; | 5 | altare, altaria, altaris |
alaris, alaris, alare ADJ | of / consisting of auxiliary cavalry or other troops; | 5 | alarum |
alaris, alaris N (3rd) M | auxiliary cavalry (pl.) or other troops; | 5 | alarum |
adips, adipis N (3rd) C | fat, lard, grease; fatty tissue; bombast; corpulence, obesity (pl.); | 5 | adipem, adipe |
acuo, acuere, acui, acutus V (3rd) TRANS | whet, sharpen, cut to a point; spur on, provoke, incite; come to a head (PASS); | 5 | acutae, acuta, acutus, acuerunt |
abundo, abundare, abundavi, abundatus V (1st) | abound (in), have in large measure; overdo, exceed; overflow; be rich / numerous; | 5 | abundantia, abundabunt, abundantes, abundantium |
Saul, undeclined N M | | 5 | saul |
Saul, Saulis N (3rd) M | Saul; King of Israel); (original name of St Paul); | 5 | saul |
PACKON w / qui => whoever; whatever; everyone who, all that, anything that; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; | PACKON w / qui => whoever; whatever; everyone who, all that, anything that; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; | 5 | quacumque |
Breve, Brevis N (3rd) N Medieval | Papal letter, Brief; | 5 | brevi, brevis |
- to, towards, near, for, together (adeo => go to); | - to, towards, near, for, together (adeo => go to); | 5 | assumam, assumpsit, assumis, assumpsisti |
vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi, vulneratus V (1st) TRANS | wound / injure / harm, pain / distress; inflict wound on; damage (things / interest of) | 4 | vulnerasti, vulnerati, vulneratum |
volo, volare, volavi, volatus V (1st) | fly; | 4 | volavit, volet, volabo, volante |
vitula, vitulae N (1st) F | calf, young cow; | 4 | vitulum, vitulis |
violens, (gen.), violentis ADJ | violent; | 4 | violenti, violentia |
vindicta, vindictae N (1st) F | ceremonial act claiming as free one contending wrongly enslaved; vengeance; | 4 | vindictas, vindictam |
vigilo, vigilare, vigilavi, vigilatus V (1st) | remain awake, be awake; watch; provide for, care for by watching, be vigilant; | 4 | vigilo, vigiles, vigilavi, vigilat |
vesper, vesperis N (3rd) M | evening; evening star; west; | 4 | vesperum, vespere |
vere, verius, verissime ADV | really, truly, actually, indeed; rightly, correctly, exactly; truthfully; | 4 | vere |
velut ADV | just as, as if; | 4 | velut |
vallo, vallare, vallavi, vallatus V (1st) | surround / fortify / furnish (camp, etc) with a palisaded rampart; | 4 | vallabit, valles, vallem |
valde, valdius, valdissime ADV | greatly / very / intensely; vigorously / strongly / powerfully / energetically; loudly; | 4 | valde |
utor, uti, usus sum V (3rd) DEP | use, make use of, enjoy; enjoy the friendship of (with ABL); | 4 | usuram, utique |
utinam ADV | if only, would that; | 4 | utinam |
uter, utris N (3rd) N | skin; wine / water skin; bag / bottle made of skin / hide; (inflated for flotation); | 4 | utre, uter |
uter, utris N (3rd) M | | 4 | utre, uter |
ultra, ulterius, ultimum ADV | beyond, further; on the other side; more, more than, in addition, besides; | 4 | ultra, ultimum |
tu PRON + cum | "with you" | 4 | tecum |
tristis, tristis, triste ADJ | sad, sorrowful; gloomy; | 4 | tristis |
tres -es -ia, tertius -a -um, terni -ae -a, ter NUM | 3 - (CARD answers 'how many'); | 4 | tribus |
tremo, tremere, tremui, - V (3rd) | tremble, shake, shudder at; | 4 | tremor, tremuit, tremere |
thronus, throni N (2nd) M | Lamentations (pl. of Jeremiah); (book of OT); dirge, song of mourning; elegy; | 4 | thronum, thronus |
tero, terere, trivi, tritus V (3rd) | rub, wear away, wear out; tread; | 4 | tristis |
tenebro, tenebrare, tenebravi, tenebratus V (1st) | darken, make dark; | 4 | tenebras |
tendo, tendere, tetendi, tentus V (3rd) | stretch / spread / extend; distend; aim / direct weapon / glance / steps / course; strive; pitch tent, encamp; pull tight; draw (bow); press on, insist; exert oneself; | 4 | tetendit, tendunt, tendes, tenta |
tempus, tempi N (2nd) M Medieval | weather; | 4 | tempus |
tempestas, tempestatis N (3rd) F | season, time, weather; storm; | 4 | tempestas, tempestate, tempestatis |
tabesco, tabescere, tabui, - V (3rd) | melt, dissolve; dry up, evaporate; waste away, dwindle away; (mental aspect); | 4 | tabescere, tabescens, tabescebat, tabescet |
susceptor, susceptoris N (3rd) M | contractor / who undertakes (enterprise); one who harbors (gamblers / thieves); one who takes hand in enterprise; one admitting gamblers to his house; supporter, helper, guardian; host / entertainer; receiver / collector of taxes; | 4 | susceptor |
stultus, stulti N (2nd) M | fool; | 4 | stultus, stulti |
stultus, stulta, stultum ADJ | foolish, stupid; | 4 | stultus, stulti |
stratus, strata, stratum ADJ | prostrate; | 4 | stratum, strati |
stratum, strati N (2nd) N | coverlet; bed, couch; horse-blanket; | 4 | stratum, strati |
sterno, sternere, stravi, stratus V (3rd) | spread, strew, scatter; lay out; | 4 | stratum, strati |
stella, stellae N (1st) F | star; planet, heavenly body; point of light in jewel; constellation; star shape | 4 | stellas, stellarum, stellae |
speciosus, speciosa -um, speciosior -or -us, speciosissimus -a -um ADJ | beautiful / handsome / good-looking; attractive / appealing; presentable / respectable; spectacular / brilliant / impressive / splendid; showy / public; plausible, specious; | 4 | speciosa, speciosus |
solvo, solvere, solvi, solutus V (3rd) | loosen, release, unbind, untie, free; open; set sail; scatter; pay off / back; | 4 | solvet, solveret, solvit |
solitudo, solitudinis N (3rd) F | solitude, loneliness; deprivation; wilderness; | 4 | solitudines, solitudine, solitudinis |
serva, servae N (1st) F | slave; | 4 | servis, serva |
senex, senis N (3rd) M | old man; | 4 | senium, senes |
sempiternus, sempiterna, sempiternum ADJ | perpetual / everlasting / permanent / eternal; lasting forever / for relevant period; | 4 | sempiternae, sempiternas, sempiternum |
securis, securis N (3rd) F | ax (battle / headsman's), hatchet, chopper; (death) blow; vine-dresser's blade; ax (bundled in fasces); sovereignty (usu. pl.), authority, domain, supremacy; | 4 | securim, securi |
scrutor, scrutari, scrutatus sum V (1st) DEP | search / probe / examine carefully / thoroughly; explore / scan / scrutinize / investigate; | 4 | scrutans, scrutetur, scrutatus, scrutare |
scruto, scrutare, scrutavi, scrutatus V (1st) TRANS | | 4 | scrutans, scrutetur, scrutatus, scrutare |
sciens, scientis (gen.), scientior -or -us, scientissimus -a -um ADJ | conscious of (one's acts); aware / cognizant; knowledgeable / skilled, expert; | 4 | scientibus, scientia, scientes |
sceptrum, sceptri N (2nd) N | scepter; | 4 | sceptrum |
scandalum, scandali N (2nd) N | temptation / inducement to sin; cause of offense; stumbling block; scandal (Bee); | 4 | scandalum, scandalis |
satio, satiare, satiavi, satiatus V (1st) | satisfy, sate; nourish; | 4 | satiabor, satias, satiavit, satiat |
sanus, sana, sanum ADJ | sound; healthy; sensible; sober; sane; | 4 | sana, sanus |
salto, saltare, saltavi, saltatus V (1st) | dance, jump; portray or represent in a dance; | 4 | saltare, saltaverunt, saltastis |
saeps, saepis N (3rd) F | hedge; fence; anything planted / erected to form surrounding barrier; | 4 | saepe |
saepes, saepis N (3rd) F | | 4 | saepe |
saepe, saepius, saepissime ADV | often, oft, oftimes, many times, frequently; | 4 | saepe |
regio, regionis N (3rd) F | area, region; neighborhood; district, country; direction; | 4 | regiones, regionibus, regione |
reduco, reducere, reduxi, reductus V (3rd) | lead back, bring back; restore; reduce; | 4 | reducam, reduxisti, reducis |
rebellis, rebellis, rebelle ADJ | insurgent, rebellious; | 4 | rebelles, rebellis |
rebellis, rebellis N (3rd) M | insurgent, rebel; | 4 | rebelles, rebellis |
puer, pueri N (2nd) M | boy, lad, young man; servant; (male) child; [a puere => from boyhood]; | 4 | puero, puerum, pueri |
prudentia, prudentiae N (1st) F | discretion; good sense, wisdom; prudence; foresight; | 4 | prudentiam, prudentia |
propitio, propitiare, propitiavi, propitiatus V (1st) TRANS | propitiate, render favorable, win over; sooth (feelings); | 4 | propitiaberis, propitiatur |
prohibeo, prohibere, prohibui, prohibitus V (2nd) | hinder, restrain; forbid, prevent; | 4 | prohibe, prohibebo, prohibeas, prohibui |
progenies, progeniei N (5th) F | race, family, progeny; | 4 | progenie, progeniem |
produco, producere, produxi, productus V (3rd) | lead forward, bring out; reveal; induce; promote; stretch out; prolong; bury; | 4 | producentem, producis, producit |
procedo, procedere, processi, processus V (3rd) | proceed; advance; appear; | 4 | processerunt, procedens, procede, procedunt |
precatio, precationis N (3rd) F | prayer, supplication; | 4 | precatio |
praevaleo, praevalere, praevalui, - V (2nd) INTRANS | prevail; have superior power / force / weight / influence / worth / efficacy (medicine); | 4 | praevalui, praevaluit, praevaluerunt |
praetereo, praeterire, praeterivi(ii), praeteritus V | pass / go by; disregard / neglect / omit / miss; surpass / excel; go overdue; pass over; | 4 | praeteriit, praeteribant, praeteriens, praeteribit |
praecingo, praecingere, praecinxi, praecinctus V (3rd) | gird, surround, encircle; | 4 | praecinxit, praecinxisti, praecingitur |
post PREP ACC | behind (space), after (time); subordinate to (rank); | 4 | post |
post ADV | behind, afterwards, after; | 4 | post |
plaga, plagae N (1st) F | stroke / blow / stripe / cut / thrust; wound / gash / scar, injury; misfortune; E:plague; tract / region / quarter / zone / area; open expanse of country / sea / sky; hunting net, web, trap / snare; curtain; coverlet / counterpane; L:fine (L+S); | 4 | plaga, plagas, plagae |
peto, petere, petivi, petitus V (3rd) | attack; aim at; desire; beg, entreat, ask (for); reach towards, make for; | 4 | petiit, petii, petentes, petierunt |
permano, permanare, permanavi, permanatus V (1st) | flow through; leak through; permeate; | 4 | permanes, permanet, permanent |
peregrinus, peregrini N (2nd) M NeoLatin | pilgrim; | 4 | peregrinus, peregrini |
peregrinus, peregrini N (2nd) C | foreigner, stranger, alien; foreign woman (F); foreign residents (pl.); | 4 | peregrinus, peregrini |
peregrinus, peregrina, peregrinum ADJ | foreign, strange, alien; exotic; | 4 | peregrinus, peregrini |
perambulo, perambulare, perambulavi, perambulatus V (1st) | walk about in, tour; make the round of; | 4 | perambulant, perambulantium, perambulante, perambulabo |
paucus, pauca -um, paucior -or -us, paucissimus -a -um ADJ | little, small in quantity / extent; few (usu. pl.); just a few; small number of; | 4 | paucorum, paucissimi, pauci |
pascua, pascuae N (1st) F inscript | pasture, pasture-land; piece of grazing land; | 4 | pascuae |
pacificus, pacifica, pacificum ADJ | making or tending to make peace; | 4 | pacifice, pacifico, pacificus |
ortus, ortus N (4th) M | rising (sun / star); sunrise, daybreak, dawn, east; the East; beginning / dawning; birth; ancestry; coming into being; source; springing up (wind); | 4 | ortu, ortus |
oro, orare, oravi, oratus V (1st) | beg, ask for, pray; beseech, plead, entreat; worship, adore; | 4 | orabo, orabit, orabunt, orabam |
oriens, orientis N (3rd) M | daybreak / dawn / sunrise; east, sunrise quarter of the sky; the East / Orient; | 4 | orientis, orientem, oriente |
oriens, (gen.), orientis ADJ | rising (sun / star); eastern; beginning, in its early stage (period / activity); | 4 | orientis, orientem, oriente |
offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatus V | offer; present; cause; bestow; | 4 | offeram, offerent |
occasus, occasus N (4th) M | setting; [solis occasus => sunset; west]; | 4 | occasum, occasu |
obscuro, obscurare, obscuravi, obscuratus V (1st) | darken, obscure; conceal; make indistinct; cause to be forgotten; | 4 | obscuro, obscurentur, obscuravit, obscurabuntur |
oblivio, oblivionis N (3rd) F | oblivion; forgetfulness; | 4 | oblivio, oblivioni, oblivionis |
noto, notare, notavi, notatus V (1st) | observe; record; brand; write, inscribe; | 4 | notas, nota |
nix, nivis N (3rd) F | snow; | 4 | nivem, nive, nix |
natus, nati N (2nd) M | son; child; children (pl.); | 4 | nati, natus |
natus, nata, natum ADJ | born, arisen; made; destined; designed, intended, produced by nature; aged, old | 4 | nati, natus |
munero, munerare, muneravi, muneratus V (1st) TRANS | give, present; | 4 | munera |
mundus, mundi N (2nd) M | universe, heavens; world, mankind; toilet / dress (woman), ornament, decoration; | 4 | mundus, mundo, mundum |
mortifico, mortificare, mortificavi, mortificatus V (1st) TRANS | kill; destroy; mortify, subdue, reduce to weakness; | 4 | mortificare, mortificamur, mortificaret |
mille, millis N (3rd) N | thousand; thousands (men / things); miles; [~ passuum => thousand paces = 1 mile] | 4 | mille |
mille, millesimus -a -um, milleni -ae -a, milie (n)s NUM | 1000 - (CARD answers 'how many'); | 4 | mille |
mille, milis N (3rd) N | | 4 | mille |
mensa, mensae N (1st) F | table; course, meal; banker's counter; | 4 | mensam, mensa, mensae |
manifesto, manifestare, manifestavi, manifestatus V (1st) TRANS | make visible / clearer / evident / plain; reveal, make known; disclose; clarify; | 4 | manifestavit, manifestet, manifestasti |
magus, magi N (2nd) M | wise / learned man; magician (Persian); astrologer; | 4 | magis |
magus, maga, magum ADJ | magic, magical; | 4 | magis |
magis ADV | to greater extent, more nearly; rather, instead; more; (forms COMP w / DJ); | 4 | magis |
lux, lucis N (3rd) F | light; | 4 | lucem, luce, lux |
luno, lunare, lunavi, lunatus V (1st) | make crescent-shaped, curve; | 4 | luna |
longitudo, longitudinis N (3rd) F | length; longitude; | 4 | longitudinem, longitudine |
lilium, lili(i) N (2nd) N | lily; "lily" trap; | 4 | lilia, lilium |
laudatio, laudationis N (3rd) F | commendation, praising; eulogy; | 4 | laudationes, laudatio, laudationem |
lapis, lapidis N (3rd) M | stone; milestone; jewel; | 4 | lapidem, lapides |
lapido, lapidare, lapidavi, lapidatus V (1st) | throw stones at; stone; [lapidat => it rains stones]; | 4 | lapidem, lapides |
labo, labare, labavi, labatus V (1st) | totter, be ready to fall; begin to sink; give way; waver, decline, sink; err; | 4 | labor |
irruo, irruere, irrui, irrutus V (3rd) | rush / dash / run in / upon / headlong, attack / charge; throw self on; intrude / encroach; | 4 | irruit, irruerunt, irruitis, irruunt |
irruo, irruere, irrui, irrutus V (3rd) TRANS | intrude / encroach / invade, force way in; demolish (Souter); cause to collapse; | 4 | irruit, irruerunt, irruitis, irruunt |
irruo, irruere, irrui, - V (3rd) INTRANS | rush into; invade; | 4 | irruit, irruerunt, irruitis, irruunt |
iro, irare, iravi, iratus V (1st) INTRANS Medieval | | 4 | iratus |
iratus, irata -um, iratior -or -us, iratissimus -a -um ADJ | angry; enraged; furious; violent (L+S); raging; angered; | 4 | iratus |
intra, interius, intime ADV | within, inside, on the inside; during; under; fewer than; | 4 | intra |
intra PREP ACC | within, inside; during; under; | 4 | intra |
insupo, insupare, insupavi, insupatus V (1st) TRANS | throw in; | 4 | insuper |
insuper PREP ACC | above, on top; in addition (to); over; | 4 | insuper |
insuper ADV | | 4 | insuper |
initio, initiare, initiavi, initiatus V (1st) | initiate (into); admit (to) with introductory rites; | 4 | initio |
infigo, infigere, infixi, infixus V (3rd) | fasten (on), fix, implant, affix; impose; drive / thrust in; | 4 | infixae, infixus, infigar |
increpo, increpare, increpavi, increpatus V (1st) TRANS | rebuke, chide, reprove; protest at / indignantly, complain loudly / scornfully; | 4 | increpasti, increpa, increpet |
increpo, increpare, increpavi, increpatus V (1st) INTRANS | rattle, snap, clash, roar, twang, make noise; (alarm / danger); strike noisily; | 4 | increpasti, increpa, increpet |
incendo, incendere, incendi, incensus V (3rd) TRANS | set on fire; set fire to, kindle, burn; cause to flame / burn; keep fire burning; scorch; make fiery hot (fever / thirst); light up; cause to glow; intensify; inspire, fire, rouse, excite, inflame; provoke, incense, aggravate; | 4 | incenso, incenderunt, incensa, incensum |
impietas, impietatis N (3rd) F | failure in duty or respect, etc; | 4 | impietatum, impietatem, impietates, impietate |
immolo, immolare, immolavi, immolatus V (1st) | sacrifice, offer (victim) in sacrifice; sprinkle with sacred meal; immolate; | 4 | immolabo, immola, immolabit, immolaverunt |
illo ADV | there, thither, to that place / point; | 4 | illo |
ignoro, ignorare, ignoravi, ignoratus V (1st) | not know; be unfamiliar with; disregard; ignore; be ignorant of; | 4 | ignorat, ignorabam, ignoravi |
idumaeam ======== UNKNOWN | idumaeam ======== UNKNOWN | 4 | idumaeam |
idipsum ADV Medieval | together; forthwith; completely; that very thing; [~ sapere => be of one mind]; | 4 | idipsum |
humilitas, humilitatis N (3rd) F | insignificance / unimportance / degradation / debasement / humiliation; commonplaceness lowness (position / rank); shortness; humbleness; submissiveness; humility (Bee); | 4 | humilitatem, humilitate |
hostia, hostiae N (1st) F | victim, sacrifice; sacrificial offering / animal; | 4 | hostium, hostias, hostiam |
herba, herbae N (1st) F | herb, grass; | 4 | herba, herbam |
guttur, gutturis N (3rd) N | throat, neck; gullet; (reference to gluttony / appetite); swollen throat, goiter; | 4 | guttur, gutture |
guttur, gutturis N (3rd) M | | 4 | guttur, gutture |
grex, gregis N (3rd) C | flock, herd; crowd; company, crew; people / animals assembled; set / faction / class; | 4 | gregibus, greges, gregem |
fulguro, fulgurare, fulguravi, fulguratus V (1st) INTRANS | glitter / flash / shine brightly, gleam; light up; (IMPERS) it lightens; | 4 | fulgura |
fulgur, fulguris N (3rd) N | lightning, flashing, brightness; [pubica ~ => things blasted by lightning]; | 4 | fulgura |
forsitan ADV | perhaps; | 4 | forsitan |
formo, formare, formavi, formatus V (1st) | form, shape, fashion, model; | 4 | forma, formaverunt, formasti |
formido, formidare, formidavi, formidatus V (1st) | dread, fear, be afraid of; be afraid for (the safety of) (w / DAT); | 4 | formident, formido, formidant, formidavit |
flamma, flammae N (1st) F | flame, blaze; ardor, fire of love; object of love; | 4 | flammam, flammae, flamma |
firmus, firma -um, firmior -or -us, firmissimus -a -um ADJ | firm / steady; substantial / solid / secure / safe; strong / robust / sturdy / stout / durable; loyal / staunch / true / constant; stable / mature; valid / convincing / well founded; | 4 | firmum, firma, firmus |
fingo, fingere, finxi, fictus V (3rd) TRANS | mold, form, shape; create, invent; produce; imagine; compose; devise, contrive; adapt, transform into; modify (appearance / character / behavior); groom; make up (story / excuse); pretend, pose; forge, counterfeit; act insincerely; | 4 | finxit, fingit, ficti |
fidus, fida, fidum ADJ | faithful, loyal; trusting, confident; | 4 | fide |
fax, facis N (3rd) F | torch, firebrand, fire; flame of love; torment; | 4 | facis |
exspectatio, exspectationis N (3rd) F | expectation; suspense; | 4 | exspectatio, exspectatione |
etsi CONJ | although, though, even if; albeit; I know that but; | 4 | etsi |
esuriens, esurientis N (3rd) C | hungry person; | 4 | esurientes, esurientem, esurientibus |
esuriens, (gen.), esurientis ADJ | hungry; ravenous, starving; | 4 | esurientes, esurientem, esurientibus |
eris, eris N (3rd) M | hedgehog; | 4 | eris |
effusus, effusa -um, effusior -or -us, effusissimus -a -um ADJ | vast, wide, sprawling; disheveled, loose (hair / reins); disorderly; extravagant; | 4 | effusus, effusum, effusi |
dulcis, dulce, dulcior -or -us, dulcissimus -a -um ADJ | pleasant, charming; sweet; kind, dear; soft, flattering, delightful; | 4 | dulciora, dulcis, dulce, dulcia |
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus V (3rd) | lead, command; think, consider, regard; prolong; | 4 | ducet, ducens, duces, ducentes |
dorsum ADV inscript | down, downwards, beneath, below; (motion / direction / order); in lower situation; | 4 | dorsum |
dives, divitis N (3rd) M | rich man; | 4 | divites, dives |
dives, divitis (gen.), divitior -or -us, divitissimus -a -um ADJ | rich / wealthy; costly; fertile / productive (land); talented, well endowed; | 4 | divites, dives |
dium, dii N (2nd) N | open sky; [sub dio => in the open air]]: | 4 | dii, diis |
disco, discere, didici, discitus V (3rd) TRANS | learn; hear, get to know, become acquainted with; acquire knowledge / skill of / in | 4 | didicerunt, didici, discam |
diluculum, diluculi N (2nd) N | dawn, daybreak, first light; break of day; | 4 | diluculo |
diluculo ADV | at dawn / daybreak / first light; early; | 4 | diluculo |
diligens, diligentis (gen.), diligentior -or -us, diligentissimus -a -um ADJ | careful; diligent, scrupulous; accurate; industrious; assiduous; thrifty, economical, frugal; attentive, fond (of), devoted (to); | 4 | diligentibus, diligentes |
dilectus, dilecta -um, dilectior -or -us, dilectissimus -a -um ADJ | beloved, dear; loved (L+S); | 4 | dilecti, dilecta, dilectis |
detraho, detrahere, detraxi, detractus V (3rd) TRANS | drag / pull / strip / take down / away / off; remove; exclude, omit, cut out; subtract; detract (from in speech), disparage; lessen, cause diminishment / detriment; detach, dislodge (troops); draw (into action); demolish; abstract, derive; draw off (blood); promote discharge of; force down, induce to come down; | 4 | detrahebant, detrahebat, detrahentem, detrahunt |
deprecor, deprecari, deprecatus sum V (1st) DEP | avert by prayer; entreat / pray / beg; intercede / beg pardon / mercy / relief / exemption; | 4 | deprecabar, deprecabuntur, deprecatus, deprecor |
depreco, deprecare, deprecavi, deprecatus V (1st) | | 4 | deprecabar, deprecabuntur, deprecatus, deprecor |
dedux, (gen.), deducis ADJ | derived; descended; | 4 | deduces, deducis |
cubile, cubilis N (3rd) N | bed, couch, seat; marriage bed; lair, den, nest, pen, hive of bees; base, bed; | 4 | cubilibus, cubili |
corono, coronare, coronavi, coronatus V (1st) | wreathe, crown, deck with garlands; award prize; surround / encircle, ring round; | 4 | coronabis, coronasti, coronat |
conversus, conversus N (4th) M | turning, twisting around; | 4 | conversus |
contritus, contrita, contritum ADJ Medieval | contrite; penitent; trite, hackneyed, worn out; common (L+S); | 4 | contrito, contritum, contritus, contritos |
contremesco, contremescere, contremui, - V (3rd) | | 4 | contremuit, contremuerunt |
confusus, confusa -um, confusior -or -us, confusissimus -a -um ADJ | mixed together / jumbled / disordered; in disorder; indistinct; inarticulate; confused / perplexed, troubled; vague / indefinite, obscure; embarrassed / blushing; | 4 | confusi, confusus |
confirmatus, confirmata -um, confirmatior -or -us, confirmatissimus -a -um ADJ | confident / assured; well established / firmly based; well attested / certain / proven; encouraged; courageous, resolute; asserted / affirmed; certain, credible; proved; | 4 | confirmati, confirmata, confirmatum |
confessio, confessionis N (3rd) F | confession, creed, avowal of belief / faith; acknowledgement of Christ; suffering confession, acknowledgement; (act implying) admission (of guilt); proof, token; praise, thanksgiving; (Vulgate); | 4 | confessionis, confessione |
concutio, concutere, concussi, concussus V (3rd) TRANS | shake / vibrate / agitate violently; wave, brandish; (sound) strike (the ear); strike together / to damage; weaken / shake / shatter; harass / intimidate; rouse; | 4 | concussa, concutientis, concutiet, concussisti |
concito, concitare, concitavi, concitatus V (1st) TRANS | stir up, disturb; discharge / hurl (missile); flow rapidly / strong current; rush; rush; urge / rouse / agitate; enrage / inflame; spur / impel; summon / assemble; cause; | 4 | concitatur, concitabant, concitaverunt |
colloco, collocare, collocavi, collocatus V (1st) TRANS | place / put / set in order / proper position, arrange; station, post, position; apply put together, assemble; settle / establish in a place / marriage; billet; lie down; | 4 | collocavit, collocet |
cio, cire, civi(ii), citus V TRANS | move, set in motion; excite / rouse / stir up; urge on; summon / muster / call up; disturb, shake; provoke (war); invoke, call on by name; cite; raise / produce; | 4 | cito, cison |
cham ======== UNKNOWN | cham ======== UNKNOWN | 4 | cham |
cano, canere, cani, canitus V (3rd) | sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play (music) / sound (horn); foretell; | 4 | canes, canebant |
caneo, canere, canui, - V (2nd) | be / become covered in white; be hoary, be white / gray (with age); | 4 | canes, canebant |
caela, caelae N (1st) F | kind of beer (made in Spain); | 4 | caelis |
blandior, blandiri, blanditus sum V (4th) DEP | flatter, delude; fawn; coax, urge, behave / speak ingratiatingly; allure; please; | 4 | blanditi, blanditur, blandientur, blandirentur |
blandio, blandire, blandivi, blanditus V (4th) INTRANS | | 4 | blanditi, blanditur, blandientur, blandirentur |
bibo, bibere, bibi, bibitus V (3rd) | drink; toast; visit, frequent (w / river name); drain, draw off; thirst for; suck | 4 | bibebant, bibent, biberent, bibet |
benignitas, benignitatis N (3rd) F | kindness, courtesy; friendliness, benevolence; liberality, favor; bounty; mercy | 4 | benignitas, benignitatem, benignitate |
areo, arere, arui, - V (2nd) INTRANS | be dry / parched; be thirsty; be withered (plants / animals, from lack of water); | 4 | aruit, aruerunt, arui |
ardor, ardoris N (3rd) M | fire, flame, heat; brightness, flash, gleam or color; ardor, love, intensity; | 4 | ardoribus, ardor, ardorem |
apprehendo, apprehendere, apprehendi, apprehensus V (3rd) TRANS | seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake; | 4 | apprehendite, apprehende, apprehendat, apprehendit |
angustia, angustiae N (1st) F | narrow passage / place / space (pl.), defile; strait, pass; difficulties; meanness; | 4 | angustias, angustiam, angustiae, angustia |
amoveo, amovere, amovi, amotus V (2nd) TRANS | move / take / put away, remove, steal; banish, cause to go away; withdraw, retire; | 4 | amove, amoris, amovit |
altus, altus N (4th) M | nourishing, support; | 4 | altum |
altum ADV | deeply, deep; high, on high, from above; | 4 | altum |
ager, agri N (2nd) M | field, ground; farm, land, estate, park; territory, country; terrain; soil; | 4 | agro, agri, agros |
afflictio, afflictionis N (3rd) F | pain, suffering, torment; | 4 | afflictionem, afflictionis, afflictione |
adversor, adversari, adversatus sum V (1st) DEP | be against (w / DAT), oppose, withstand; | 4 | adversantes, adversabantur, adversantur |
adverso, adversare, adversavi, adversatus V (1st) TRANS | apply (the mind), direct (the attention); | 4 | adversantes, adversabantur, adversantur |
adversarius, adversaria, adversarium ADJ | opposed (to), hostile, inimical, adverse; harmful, injurious, prejudicial; | 4 | adversarius, adversariorum, adversarii |
adversarius, adversari(i) N (2nd) C | enemy, adversary, antagonist, opponent, rival, foe; of an opposing party; | 4 | adversarius, adversariorum, adversarii |
adjuvo, adjuvare, adjuvi, adjutus V (1st) TRANS | help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable; | 4 | adiutus, adiuvisti, adiuvit |
adicio, adicere, adjeci, adjectus V (3rd) TRANS | add, increase, raise; add to (DAT / ad+ACC); suggest; hurl (weapon); throw to / at; | 4 | adiciet, adicies, adiciam, adiciat |
acutus, acuta, acutum ADJ | of small radius; acute (angle); | 4 | acutae, acuta, acutus |
acutus, acuta -um, acutior -or -us, acutissimus -a -um ADJ | sharp, sharpened, pointed / tapering; severe; glaring; acute, wise; high-pitched; | 4 | acutae, acuta, acutus |
accingo, accingere, accinxi, accinctus V (3rd) TRANS | gird on or about, surround; equip, provide (with); get ready, prepare (for); | 4 | accinxisti, accingere, accinctus, accingentur |
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensus V (3rd) TRANS | kindle, set on fire, light; illuminate; inflame, stir up, arouse; make bright; | 4 | accendis, accensus, accendit, accendetur |
ac CONJ | and, and also, and besides; | 4 | ac |
abundantia, abundantiae N (1st) F | abundance, plenty; riches; fullness; overflow, excess; discharge (of blood); | 4 | abundantia, abundantiam, abundantiae |
abundans, abundantis (gen.), abundantior -or -us, abundantissimus -a -um ADJ | abundant; overflowing; abounding, copious, in large measure; overdone; rich; | 4 | abundantia, abundantes, abundantium |
abs PREP ABL | by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin (time); after (reference); | 4 | absque, abs |
abraham ======== UNKNOWN | abraham ======== UNKNOWN | 4 | abraham |
abominor, abominari, abominatus sum V (1st) DEP | avert; (seek to) avert (omen / eventuality) (by prayer); loathe, detest, abhor; | 4 | abominabitur, abominatus, abominata |
abomino, abominare, abominavi, abominatus V (1st) TRANS | | 4 | abominabitur, abominatus, abominata |
abeo, abire, abivi(ii), abitus V INTRANS | depart, go away; go off, go forth; pass away, die, disappear; be changed; | 4 | abiit, abeam, abierunt |
PACKON w / qui => whoever; whatever; everyone who, all that, anything that; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; PACKON w / qui pron with ABL => with what, with whom; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; (w / -cum) only ABL with whom?, with which?; (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; PACKON w / qui => whoever; whatever; everyone who, all that, anything that; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; | PACKON w / qui => whoever; whatever; everyone who, all that, anything that; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; PACKON w / qui pron with ABL => with what, with whom; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; (w / -cum) only ABL with whom?, with which?; (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; PACKON w / qui => whoever; whatever; everyone who, all that, anything that; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; | 4 | quaecumque |
zelus, zeli N (2nd) M | jealousy; spirit of rivalry / emulation, partisanship; zeal (L+S); fervor; | 3 | zelus |
zelo, zelare, zelavi, zelatus V (1st) TRANS | love ardently; be jealous of (L+S); be serious about; | 3 | zelaveris, zelavi, zelati |
vult X | be willing; wish; | 3 | vult |
voluntarius, voluntaria, voluntarium ADJ | willing, voluntary; | 3 | voluntarie, voluntariam, voluntaria |
volucris, volucris N (3rd) F | bird, flying insect / creature; constellation Cycnus / Cygnus; | 3 | volucres |
volucer, volucris, volucre ADJ | winged; able to fly; flying; in rapid motion, fleet / swift; transient, fleeting; | 3 | volucres |
volatilis, volatilis, volatile ADJ | equipped to fly, flying fleeing, fleeting transient; | 3 | volatilia, volatilibus |
vinculum, vinculi N (2nd) N | chain, bond, fetter; imprisonment (pl.); | 3 | vincula |
vincio, vincire, vinxi, vinctus V (4th) | bind, fetter; restrain; | 3 | vinctos, vincti |
vexo, vexare, vexavi, vexatus V (1st) | shake, jolt, toss violently; annoy, trouble, harass, plague, disturb, vex; | 3 | vexant, vexatus, vexati |
vertex, verticis N (3rd) M | whirlpool, eddy, vortex; crown of the head; peak, top, summit; the pole; | 3 | verticem, vertice |
vas, vasis N (3rd) N | vessel / dish; vase; pack / kit; utensil / instrument / tool; equipment / apparatus (pl.) | 3 | vas, vasa |
utique ADV | certainly, by all means; at any rate; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; | 3 | utique |
uti CONJ | in order that; that, so that; as, when; [ut primum => as soon as]; | 3 | utique |
usquequaque ADV | in every conceivable situation; wholly, altogether; | 3 | usquequaque |
unus -a -um, primus -a -um, singuli -ae -a, semel NUM | 1 each / apiece / times / fold / together / at a time - 'how many each'; by 1s; | 3 | singulas, singulos |
unicus, unica, unicum ADJ | only, sole, single, singular, unique; uncommon, unparalleled; one of a kind; | 3 | unicam, unicus |
unicornis, unicornis, unicorne ADJ Pliny | one-horned, having a single horn; | 3 | unicornium, unicornis |
unicornis, unicornis N (3rd) M | unicorn, one-horned horse-like creature; | 3 | unicornium, unicornis |
ultra PREP ACC | beyond, on the other side, on that side; more than, besides; | 3 | ultra |
ultio, ultionis N (3rd) F | revenge, vengeance, retribution; | 3 | ultio, ultionum |
tympanum, tympani N (2nd) N | small drum or like (used in worship of Cybele / Bacchus); revolving cylinder; | 3 | tympanum, tympano |
turris, turris N (3rd) F | tower; high building, palace, citadel; dove tower, dove cot; | 3 | turres, turris, turribus |
trepido, trepidare, trepidavi, trepidatus V (1st) | tremble, be afraid, waver; | 3 | trepidaverunt, trepidabo |
tremor, tremoris N (3rd) M | trembling, shuddering; quivering, quaking; | 3 | tremore, tremor |
torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortus V (2nd) | turn, twist; hurl; torture; torment; bend, distort; spin, whirl; wind (round); | 3 | torquentes, torquetur, torques |
torcularius, torcularia, torcularium ADJ | of / connected with / belonging to a wine / oil press; | 3 | torcularia |
torcularium, torculari(i) N (2nd) N | wine / oil press; pressing room, room housing a wine / oil press; oil cellar (L+S); | 3 | torcularia |
torcular, torcularis N (3rd) N | | 3 | torcularia |
testis, testis N (3rd) M | testicle (usu. pl.); | 3 | testes, testis |
testis, testis N (3rd) C | witness; | 3 | testes, testis |
terror, terroris N (3rd) M | terror, panic, alarm, fear; | 3 | terrorem, terroribus, terrores |
tendo, tendere, tetendi, tensus V (3rd) | stretch / spread / extend; distend; aim / direct weapon / glance / steps / course; strive; pitch tent, encamp; pull tight; draw (bow); press on, insist; exert oneself; | 3 | tetendit, tendunt, tendes |
tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus V (3rd) | touch, strike; border on, influence; mention; | 3 | tangit, tangere, tange |
tamen ADV | yet, nevertheless, still; | 3 | tamen |
synagoga, synagogae N (1st) F | synagogue; congregation (of Jews); | 3 | synagoga |
summus, summa, summum ADJ | highest, the top of; greatest; last; the end of; | 3 | summo, summis, summa |
summum, summi N (2nd) N | top; summit, end, last; highest place; top surface; (voice) highest, loudest; | 3 | summo, summis, summa |
subtus ADV | below, underneath, in a lower position; in a position lower than; beneath (L+S) | 3 | subtus |
substantia, substantiae N (1st) F | nature; substance, resources, wealth; [omnem ~ => every living thing (Plater)]; | 3 | substantia, substantiam |
subsannatio, subsannationis N (3rd) F | mockery by gestures; derision in pantomime; | 3 | subsannatione, subsannationem, subsannatio |
subitus, subita, subitum ADJ | sudden; rash, unexpected; | 3 | subito |
subito ADV | suddenly, unexpectedly; at once, at short notice, quickly; in no time at all; | 3 | subito |
subeo, subire, subivi(ii), subitus V INTRANS | go / move / pass / sink / extend underneath / into; climb / come / go up, ascend; steal in on place / be placed under / in support; come up w / aid; assume a form; undergo, endure | 3 | subito |
stratus, stratus N (4th) M | spreading; cover; | 3 | stratum |
stillo, stillare, stillavi, stillatus V (1st) | fall in drops; drip; cause to drip; pour in drops; | 3 | stillantem, stillabunt |
spolio, spoliare, spoliavi, spoliatus V (1st) | rob, strip; despoil, plunder; deprive (with abl.); | 3 | spolia, spoliati |
spiro, spirare, spiravi, spiratus V (1st) | breathe; blow; live; breathe out; exhale; breathe the spirit of; | 3 | spirant, spirat |
spatiosus, spatiosa, spatiosum ADJ | spacious, wide, long; | 3 | spatioso, spatiosum, spatiosa |
sono, sonare, sonavi, sonatus V (1st) | make a noise / sound; speak / utter, emit sound; be spoken of (as); express / denote; echo / resound; be heard, sound; be spoken of (as); celebrate in speech; | 3 | sonet, sono |
somnus, somni N (2nd) M | sleep; | 3 | somnum |
sitis, sitis N (3rd) F | thirst; | 3 | siti, sitim |
sitiens, (gen.), sitientis ADJ | thirsting, producing thirst, arid, dry, parched, thirsty (for); | 3 | sitientem, sitientes |
singulus, singula, singulum ADJ | apiece (pl.); every; one each / at a time; individual / separate / single; several; | 3 | singulas, singulos |
simulacrum, simulacri N (2nd) N | likeness, image, statue; | 3 | simulacris, simulacra |
similitudo, similitudinis N (3rd) F | likeness, imitation; similarity, resemblance; by-word (Plater); parable; | 3 | similitudinem |
serpo, serpere, serpsi, serptus V (3rd) | crawl; move slowly on, glide; creep on; | 3 | serpentis, serpentes |
serpens, serpentis N (3rd) C | serpent, snake; | 3 | serpentis, serpentes |
seneo, senere, -, - V (2nd) | be old; | 3 | senes |
semetipse, semetipsa, semetipsum PRON | he himself, she herself, it itself; they themselves (pl.); (intensive); | 3 | semetipsis, semetipsum |
scabellum, scabelli N (2nd) N | footstool; a musical instrument played with the foot; | 3 | scabellum |
sapiens, sapientis N (3rd) M | wise (virtuous) man, sage, philosopher; teacher of wisdom; | 3 | sapientes, sapiens, sapientem |
sanctitas, sanctitatis N (3rd) F | holiness; | 3 | sanctitatis, sanctitate |
sal, salis N (3rd) M | salt; wit; | 3 | salis, salem, salmana |
rupes, rupis N (3rd) F | cliff; rock; | 3 | rupem |
rivulus, rivuli N (2nd) M | rivulet, rill, small brook; | 3 | rivulos |
revelo, revelare, revelavi, revelatus V (1st) | show; reveal; | 3 | revelata, revelavit, revela |
requies, requiei N (5th) F | rest (from labor), respite; intermission, pause, break; amusement, hobby; | 3 | requiem |
reputo, reputare, reputavi, reputatus V (1st) | think over, reflect; | 3 | reputatus, reputatum, reputas |
repello, repellere, repuli, repulsus V (3rd) TRANS | drive / push / thrust back / away; repel / rebuff / spurn; fend off; exclude / bar; refute; | 3 | repellas, repellis, repellet |
repello, repellere, reppuli, repulsus V (3rd) TRANS | | 3 | repellas, repellis, repellet |
renovo, renovare, renovavi, renovatus V (1st) | renew, restore; revive; | 3 | renovatus, renovabitur, renovabis |
remitto, remittere, remisi, remissus V (3rd) | send back, remit; throw back, relax, diminish; | 3 | remissa, remisisti |
reficio, reficere, refeci, refectus V (3rd) | rebuild, repair, restore; | 3 | reficiens, refecit, refecisti |
redemptio, redemptionis N (3rd) F | redemption, buying back, ransoming; deliverance; | 3 | redemptionis, redemptionem, redemptio |
rebello, rebellare, rebellavi, rebellatus V (1st) | rebel, revolt; | 3 | rebelles |
ramus, rami N (2nd) M | branch, bough; | 3 | ramis, ramorum |
quamdiu ADV | for how long?; how long (ago)?; how long!, what a long time!; until; as long as for the preceding period until; up to the time that; inasmuch as; (quam diu); | 3 | quamdiu |
pusillus, pusilla -um, pusillior -or -us, pusillissimus -a -um ADJ | tiny, wee, very small (amount / degree / extent); miniature, on a tiny scale; petty, trifling, insignificant; petty / mean / ungenerous (person / character); | 3 | pusillum, pusilla, pusillis |
pusillum, pusilli N (2nd) N | small / tiny / little amount; trifle (L+S); little while; very little; | 3 | pusillum, pusilla, pusillis |
purus, pura -um, purior -or -us, purissimus -a -um ADJ | pure, clean, unsoiled; free from defilement / taboo / stain; blameless, innocent; chaste, unpolluted by sex; plain / unadulterated; genuine; absolute; refined; clear, limpid, free of mist / cloud; ringing (voice); open (land); net; simple; | 3 | puritatem, purissimo |
purgo, purgare, purgavi, purgatus V (1st) | make clean, cleanse; excuse; | 3 | purgatum, purgasti, purgaret |
pupilla, pupillae N (1st) F | orphan girl, ward, minor; pupil of the eye; | 3 | pupillam, pupillis, pupillum |
protervus, proterva, protervum ADJ | violent, reckless; impudent, shameless; | 3 | proterva |
prospero, prosperare, prosperavi, prosperatus V (1st) | cause to succeed, further; | 3 | prosperabuntur, prosperantur, prosperatur |
prophetes, prophetae N M | prophet; spokesman / interpreter of a god; foreteller, soothsayer (L+S); | 3 | propheta, prophetis |
propheta, prophetae N (1st) M | | 3 | propheta, prophetis |
prope, propius, proxime ADV | near, nearly; close by; almost; | 3 | prope |
prope PREP ACC | near; | 3 | prope |
projicio, projicere, projeci, projectus V (3rd) TRANS | throw down, throw out; abandon; throw away; | 3 | proiectus, proiecimus, proiecisti |
profano, profanare, profanavi, profanatus V (1st) | desecrate, profane; | 3 | profanaverint, profanabo, profanasti |
procido, procidere, procidi, - V (3rd) | fall prostrate, collapse; | 3 | procident, procidamus |
probus, proba, probum ADJ | good, honest; | 3 | proba |
proba, probae N (1st) F Medieval | proof; evidence; | 3 | proba |
prex, precis N (3rd) F | prayer, request; | 3 | precem, preces |
pravus, prava, pravum ADJ | crooked; misshapen, deformed; perverse, vicious, corrupt; faulty; bad; | 3 | pravus, pravum, pravas |
praecedo, praecedere, praecessi, praecessus V (3rd) | go before, precede; surpass, excel; | 3 | praecedunt, praecedent, praecedet |
potus, potus N (4th) M | drink / draught; something to drink; (action of) drinking (intoxicating drink); | 3 | potui, potum |
postquam CONJ | after; | 3 | postquam |
pluo, pluere, pluvi, - V (3rd) | rain; fall like rain; rain down; drip with rain; | 3 | pluet, pluit |
pluo, pluere, plui, - V (3rd) | rain; fall like rain; rain down; drip with rain; | 3 | pluet, pluit |
pluit, pluere, pluvit, pluvitus est V (3rd) IMPERS | it rains; | 3 | pluet, pluit |
platea, plateae N (1st) F | broad way, street; | 3 | platearum, plateis |
plasmo, plasmare, plasmavi, plasmatus V (1st) TRANS | form, mold, fashion; | 3 | plasmasti, plasmaverunt, plasmatus |
plago, plagare, plagavi, - V (1st) | strike; wound; | 3 | plaga, plagas |
placeo, placere, placui, placitus V (2nd) DAT | please, satisfy, give pleasure to (with dat.); | 3 | placebit, placuerunt |
pinguis, pingue, pinguior -or -us, pinguissimus -a -um ADJ | fat; rich, fertile; thick; dull, stupid; | 3 | pingue, pinguis, pingues |
petitio, petitionis N (3rd) F | candidacy; petition; | 3 | petitiones, petitionem |
pedum, pedi N (2nd) N | shepherd's crook; | 3 | pedum |
pecus, pecoris N (3rd) N | cattle, herd, flock; | 3 | pecora, pecus |
paulus, paula, paulum ADJ | little; small; (only a) small amount / quantity of / little bit of; | 3 | paulo |
paulum, pauli N (2nd) N | little / small; (only a) small amount / quantity / extent; little bit / while; trifle; | 3 | paulo |
paulo ADV | by a little; by only a small amount; a little; somewhat; | 3 | paulo |
paucus, pauci N (2nd) M | only a small / an indefinite number of people (pl.), few; a few; a select few; | 3 | paucorum, pauci |
paucum, pauci N (2nd) N | only a small / an indefinite number of / few things (pl.), a few words / points; | 3 | paucorum, pauci |
patior, pati, passus sum V (3rd) DEP | suffer; allow; undergo, endure; permit; | 3 | patientia, patiens, patientibus |
patiens, patientis (gen.), patientior -or -us, patientissimus -a -um ADJ | patient / long-suffering; tolerant / easy-going; submissive / liable / susceptible to; hardy; able / willing to endure; capable of bearing / standing up to hard use; | 3 | patientia, patiens, patientibus |
pascuum, pascui N (2nd) N | pasture, pasture-land; piece of grazing land; | 3 | pascuis, pascua |
pascua, pascuae N (1st) F inscript | | 3 | pascuis, pascua |
parvus, parva -um, minor -or -us, minimus -a -um ADJ | small, little, cheap; unimportant; (SUPER) smallest, least; | 3 | minus |
parum, minus, minime ADV | too / very little, not enough / so good, insufficient; less; (SUPER) not at all; | 3 | minus |
parabola, parabolae N (1st) F | comparison; explanatory illustration; parable (L+S), allegory; proverb; speech; parabola (math.); | 3 | parabolam, parabolis |
palpebra, palpebrae N (1st) F | eyelid; | 3 | palpebrae, palpebras, palpebris |
ortus, orta, ortum ADJ | descended / born / sprung (from w / ex / ab / ABL); [a se ~ => w / out famous ancestors]; | 3 | orta, ortus |
orphanus, orphani N (2nd) M | orphan; | 3 | orphano, orphanorum, orphani |
orno, ornare, ornavi, ornatus V (1st) | equip; dress; decorate, honor; furnish, adorn, garnish, trim; | 3 | ornatu, ornata |
operatio, operationis N (3rd) F | operation; working (of nature); activity; devotion to task; offering sacrifice; grace, work of Holy Spirit; divine service; effect / result; almsgiving / charity; surgical operation; (Cal); | 3 | operationes, operationem |
occidens, occidentis N (3rd) M | west; region of the setting sun; western part of the world / its inhabitants; | 3 | occidentis, occidente |
occidens, (gen.), occidentis ADJ | connected with sunset / evening; western, westerly; | 3 | occidentis, occidente |
obumbro, obumbrare, obumbravi, obumbratus V (1st) | overshadow, darken; conceal; defend; | 3 | obumbrabis, obumbrabit, obumbrasti |
obsideo, obsidere, obsedi, obsessus V (2nd) | blockade, besiege, invest, beset; take possession of; | 3 | obsederunt, obsedit, obsidebant |
obmutesco, obmutescere, obmutui, - V (3rd) | lose one's speech, become silent; | 3 | obmutescant, obmutui |
obdormio, obdormire, obdormivi, obdormitus V (4th) | fall asleep; | 3 | obdormivi, obdormiam, obdormis |
nos PRON + cum | "with us" | 3 | nobiscum |
nondum ADV | not yet; | 3 | nondum |
nihilum, nihili N (2nd) N | nothing; nothingness, which does not exist; something valueless; no respect; | 3 | nihilum, nihilo |
nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitus V (4th) | not know (how); be ignorant / unfamiliar / unaware / unacquainted / unable / unwilling; | 3 | nescivi, nescierunt |
navis, navis N (3rd) F | ship; [navis longa => galley, battleship; ~ oneraria => transport / cargo ship]; | 3 | naves, navibus |
natis, natis N (3rd) F | buttocks (usu. pl.), rump; | 3 | nati |
nam CONJ | for, on the other hand; for instance; | 3 | nam |
mus, muris N (3rd) C | mouse; | 3 | murum, muri, muris |
modus, modi N (2nd) M | manner, mode, way, method; rule, rhythm, beat, measure, size; bound, limit; | 3 | modum |
moab ======== UNKNOWN | moab ======== UNKNOWN | 3 | moab |
mirifico, mirificare, mirificavi, mirificatus V (1st) TRANS | exalt, magnify, make wonderful; | 3 | mirificavit, mirifica |
minus ADV | less; not so well; not quite; | 3 | minus |
meridies, meridiei N (5th) M | noon; midday; south; | 3 | meridiem, meridie |
meriba ======== UNKNOWN | meriba ======== UNKNOWN | 3 | meriba |
mentior, mentiri, mentitus sum V (4th) DEP | lie, deceive, invent; imitate; feign; pretend; speak falsely about; | 3 | mentiti, mentiar |
memini, meminisse, - V (2nd) PERFDEF | remember (PERF form, PRES force); keep in mind, pay heed to; be sure; recall; | 3 | memineris, meminero |
memento X | remember; be mindful of; | 3 | memento |
mel, mellis N (3rd) N | honey; sweetness; pleasant thing; darling / honey; [luna mellis => honeymoon]; | 3 | mel, melle |
manducor, manducari, manducatus sum V (1st) DEP | chew, masticate, gnaw; eat, devour; | 3 | manducandum, manducatis |
manduco, manducare, manducavi, manducatus V (1st) TRANS | | 3 | manducandum, manducatis |
maligno, malignare, malignavi, malignatus V (1st) TRANS | malign; act / do / contrive maliciously; act badly / wickedly (Ecc); | 3 | malignaverunt, maligno |
maledictio, maledictionis N (3rd) F | slander / abuse; evil speaking, reviling; curse / punishment / condemnation (Souter); | 3 | maledictione, maledictionem |
major, majoris N (3rd) M | ancestors (pl.); mayor; | 3 | maiorem, maior, maioribus |
magnale, magnalis N (3rd) N | great things (pl.); mighty works / deeds / words; | 3 | magnalia, magnalibus |
maeror, maeroris N (3rd) M | grief, sorrow, sadness; mourning; lamentation (L+S); | 3 | maerore |
maceria, maceriae N (1st) F | wall (of brick / stone); (esp. one enclosing a garden); | 3 | maceriam, maceriae |
lutus, luti N (2nd) M | | 3 | lutum, luto |
lutum, luti N (2nd) N | mud, dirt, clay; (for modelling / building); [pro ~ => common as dirt]; weld / plant giving yellow dye (Reseda Luteola); the dye; yellow color; (long u); | 3 | lutum, luto |
luo, luere, lui, lutus V (3rd) TRANS | pay; pay fine, compensate / atone; [poenam ~ => suffer punishment as expiation]; atone, make amends for, expiate; compensate; liberate / set free; redeem (debt); fulfill (promise), make good; discharge (debt); avert (trouble) by expiation; | 3 | lutum, luto |
lucerna, lucernae N (1st) F | oil lamp; midnight oil; | 3 | lucernam, lucerna |
luceo, lucere, luxi, - V (2nd) | shine, emit light (heavenly body); dawn; cause to shine; be clear / evident; sparkle / glitter / shine w / reflected light; be conspicuous in merit, excel; be bright / resplendent; be visible, show up; [lucet => it is (becoming) light]; | 3 | luce, luceret, lucentes |
locusta, locustae N (1st) F | locust; crustacean, lobster (w / marina / maris); | 3 | locustae, locusta |
liquefacio, liquefacere, liquefeci, liquefactus V (3rd) TRANS | melt, dissolve; liquefy; make (melody) clear and sweet (liquid); | 3 | liquefacta, liquefaciet |
lectus, lecti N (2nd) M | chosen / picked / selected men (pl.); bed, couch, lounge, sofa; bridal bed; | 3 | lectum |
lectus, lecta -um, lectior -or -us, lectissimus -a -um ADJ | chosen, picked, selected; choice, excellent; (pl. as subst = picked men); | 3 | lectum |
latitudo, latitudinis N (3rd) F | width, breadth, extent; latitude; | 3 | latitudinem, latitudine |
lapsus, lapsus N (4th) M | gliding, sliding; slipping and falling; | 3 | lapsum, lapsu |
jubilatio, jubilationis N (3rd) F | wild / loud shouting; whooping; jubilation / rejoicing (Ecc); gladness; retirement; | 3 | iubilationem, iubilationis |
jejunium, jejuni(i) N (2nd) N | fasting / fast (day); Lent; hunger; leanness; [caput jejunius => Ash Wednesday]; | 3 | ieiunio |
iterum ADV | again; a second time; for the second time; | 3 | iterum |
iter, itineris N (3rd) N | journey; road; passage, path; march [route magnum => forced march]; | 3 | iter |
iordanis ======== UNKNOWN | iordanis ======== UNKNOWN | 3 | iordanis |
invetero, inveterare, inveteravi, inveteratus V (1st) | make old, give age to; grow old; become rooted; | 3 | inveteravi, inveterati, inveteraverunt |
interrogo, interrogare, interrogavi, interrogatus V (1st) | ask, question, interrogate, examine; indict; go to law with, sue; | 3 | interrogant, interrogat, interrogabant |
interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus V (3rd) | kill; destroy; | 3 | interficit, interficiet, interficiunt |
inopia, inopiae N (1st) F | lack, need; poverty, destitution, dearth, want, scarcity; | 3 | inopia, inopiae |
iniquus, iniqua -um, iniquior -or -us, iniquissimus -a -um ADJ | unjust, unfair; disadvantageous, uneven; unkind, hostile; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; | 3 | inique |
infirmus, infirma -um, infirmior -or -us, infirmissimus -a -um ADJ | fragile / frail / feeble; unwell / sick / infirm; weak (military); mild / irresolute; powerless / ineffectual; unsound / untrustworthy; | 3 | infirmus, infirma |
ineo, inire, inivi(ii), initus V | enter; undertake; begin; go in; enter upon; [consilium ~ => form a plan]; | 3 | inique |
increpo, increpare, increpui, increpitus V (1st) TRANS | rebuke, chide, reprove; protest at / indignantly, complain loudly / scornfully; | 3 | increpa, increpuit, increpet |
increpo, increpare, increpui, increpitus V (1st) INTRANS | rattle, snap, clash, roar, twang, make noise; (alarm / danger); strike noisily; | 3 | increpa, increpuit, increpet |
incola, incolae N (1st) C | inhabitant; resident, dweller; resident alien; foreigner (Plater); | 3 | incolae, incola |
incensus, incensa, incensum ADJ | unassessed, not assessed; unregistered, not registered / enrolled in census; | 3 | incenso, incensa, incensum |
incensus, incensa -um, incensior -or -us, incensissimus -a -um ADJ | ardent, impassioned; radiant, glowing; inflamed, fiery, burning, hot (L+S); | 3 | incenso, incensa, incensum |
incensum, incensi N (2nd) N | incense; sacrifice (w / incense / burning victims); lighting (L+S); setting fire; | 3 | incenso, incensa, incensum |
incedo, incedere, incessi, incessus V (3rd) | advance, march; approach; step, walk, march along; | 3 | incedentes, incedo |
inanis, inanis, inane ADJ | void, empty, hollow; vain; inane, foolish; | 3 | inania, inanem |
impono, imponere, imposui, impositus V (3rd) | impose, put upon; establish; inflict; assign / place in command; set; | 3 | impones, imponent, imposuisti |
impello, impellere, impuli, impulsus V (3rd) TRANS | drive / persuade / impel; urge on / action; push / thrust / strike against; overthrow; | 3 | impellens, impellentes, impulerunt |
illucesco, illucescere, illuxi, - V (3rd) | begin to dawn; | 3 | illuxit, illuxerunt |
illuceo, illucere, illuxi, - V (2nd) INTRANS | illuminate, shine on; | 3 | illuxit, illuxerunt |
hostio, hostire, -, - V (4th) | requite, recompense; | 3 | hostias, hostiam |
honos, honoris N (3rd) M | honor; respect / regard; mark of esteem, reward; dignity / grace; public office; | 3 | honore |
honor, honoris N (3rd) M | honor; respect / regard; mark of esteem, reward; dignity / grace; public office; | 3 | honore |
hodie ADV | today, nowadays; at the present time; | 3 | hodie |
hircus, hirci N (2nd) M | he-goat; | 3 | hircos, hircorum, hircis |
gravo, gravare, gravavi, gravatus V (1st) TRANS | load / weigh down; burden, oppress; pollute (air); accuse, incriminate; aggravate | 3 | gravata, gravant, gravatus |
gravis, grave, gravior -or -us, gravissimus -a -um ADJ | heavy; painful; important; serious; pregnant; grave, oppressive, burdensome; | 3 | gravi, grave, gravis |
gratia, gratiae N (1st) F | popularity / esteem / credit (w / bona); partiality / favoritism; unpopularity (w / mala) favor / goodwill / kindness / friendship; influence; gratitude; thanks (pl.); Graces; agreeableness, charm; grace; [Doctor Gratiae => St. Augustine of Hippo]; | 3 | gratia, gratiam, gratiarum |
gigno, gignere, genui, genitus V (3rd) | give birth to, bring forth, bear; beget; be born (PASSIVE); | 3 | genui, gigneretur |
germino, germinare, germinavi, germinatus V (1st) | sprout forth; | 3 | germinaverint, germinare |
gaudium, gaudi(i) N (2nd) N | joy, delight, gladness; source / cause of joy; physical / sensual delight; everlasting blessedness; gaud / gaudy, bead of rosary (Latham); | 3 | gaudio, gaudium |
fructifer, fructifera, fructiferum ADJ | fruitful; fruit-bearing, bearing fruit; | 3 | fructiferam, fructifera |
framea, frameae N (1st) F | spear used by the Germani; | 3 | framea, frameam |
forte ADV | by chance; perhaps, perchance; as luck would have it; | 3 | forte |
fletus, fletus N (4th) M | weeping, crying, tears; wailing; lamenting; | 3 | fletus, fletu |
festus, festa, festum ADJ | festive, joyous; holiday; feast day; merry; solemn; | 3 | festi, festa, festum |
festum, festi N (2nd) N | holiday; festival; feast day; day in memory of saint / event (usu. pl.) (Bee); | 3 | festi, festa, festum |
ferus, fera, ferum ADJ | wild, savage; uncivilized; untamed; fierce; | 3 | ferae, feram, ferus |
ferreus, ferrea, ferreum ADJ | iron, made of iron; cruel, unyielding; (blue); | 3 | ferrea, ferreos, ferreis |
familia, familiae N (1st) F | household; household of slaves; family; clan; religious community (Ecc); | 3 | familiae, familias |
fames, famis N (3rd) F | hunger; famine; want; craving; | 3 | fame, famis, famem |
extremum, extremi N (2nd) N | limit, outside; end; | 3 | extrema, extremo, extremis |
extollo, extollere, -, - V (3rd) | raise; lift up; extol, advance; erect (building); | 3 | extollo, extolle, extollite |
exter, extera -um, exterior -or -us, extremus -a -um ADJ | outer / external; outward; on outside, far; of another country, foreign; strange; | 3 | extrema, extremo, extremis |
expugno, expugnare, expugnavi, expugnatus V (1st) | assault, storm; conquer, plunder; accomplish; persuade; | 3 | expugnaverunt |
excutio, excutere, excussi, excussus V (3rd) | shake out or off; cast out; search, examine; | 3 | excussus, excussit |
excogito, excogitare, excogitavi, excogitatus V (1st) | think out; devise, invent, contrive; | 3 | excogitaverunt, excogitata |
excidium, excidi(i) N (2nd) N | military destruction (of towns / armies); ruin / demolition; subversion / overthrow; | 3 | excidi |
excelsa, excelsae N (1st) F | citadel; | 3 | excelsa, excelsis |
evello, evellere, evelli, evulsus V (3rd) | pull / pluck / tear / root out; | 3 | evellet, evellatur |
elegus, elegi N (2nd) M | elegiac verses (pl.), elegy; | 3 | elegi |
elatio, elationis N (3rd) F | glorification / extolling / lifting; (ceremonial) carrying out; ecstasy; exaltation | 3 | elatione, elationes |
educo, educare, educavi, educatus V (1st) | bring up; train; educate; rear; | 3 | educes, educet |
edo, edere, edi, esus V (3rd) TRANS | | 3 | edent, edant, edebat |
edo, edere, edi, essus V (3rd) TRANS | eat / consume / devour; eat away (fire / water / disease); destroy; spend money on food | 3 | edent, edant, edebat |
edo, edare, edidi, editus V (1st) TRANS | eject / emit; put / give forth (buds); beget; bear (fruit); display / evince / exhibit; utter solemnly; pronounce / decree (oracle); deliver (message); issue (command); publish; disclose, tell, relate, make known; declare, make formal statement; cause; see birth of; be birthplace / breeding ground of; debouch (river PASS); bring forth, produce / yield (crops), give birth to (often PASS PERF VPAR); notify of suit; nominate for jury; appoint / set (a time); bring witnesses; present (documents for inspection; put on (play); hold (banquet); uplift; | 3 | edent, edant, edidit |
e / ex PREP ABL | out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of | 3 | e |
dulce, dulcis N (3rd) N | sweet drink; sweets (pl.); | 3 | dulcis, dulce, dulcia |
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus V (3rd) | | 3 | duxisti, duxerant, duxerunt |
duco, ducere, additional, forms V | lead, command; think, consider, regard; prolong; | 3 | duxisti, duxerant, duxerunt |
draco, draconis N (3rd) M | dragon; snake; | 3 | draconum, draconem, dracones |
dormito, dormitare, dormitavi, dormitatus V (1st) | feel sleepy, drowsy; do nothing; | 3 | dormitaverunt, dormitabit |
dispereo, disperire, disperivi(ii), disperitus V INTRANS | perish / die; be destroyed; be ruined / lost / undone (completely) (L+S); disappear; | 3 | disperibunt, disperierunt |
dilectus, dilecti N (2nd) M | favorite; pet; | 3 | dilecti, dilectis |
desiderabilis, desiderabile, desiderabilior -or -us, desiderabilissimus -a -u ADJ | wanted, desirable, that is to be wished for; missed (dead people); regretted; | 3 | desiderabilia, desiderabilem |
deserta, desertae N (1st) F | abandoned / deserted wife; | 3 | deserta, desertis |
descendens, descendentis N (3rd) C | descendant; (pl.) posterity, descendants; | 3 | descendentibus |
deprimo, deprimere, depressi, depressus V (3rd) TRANS | suppress / repress / depress / silence, force / / weigh / keep down, disparage; sink; humble, reduce position / fortune / value; lower pitch (sound) / brightness (color); | 3 | deprimentium, depressos |
depello, depellere, depuli, depulsus V (3rd) | drive / push out / / off / away / aside, repel; expel; remove, wean; banish utterly; dislodge; avert; rebut; veer away; force to withdraw / desist; turn out / dismiss; | 3 | depulisti, depulsam, depellere |
dejicio, dejicere, dejeci, dejectus V (3rd) TRANS | throw / pour / jump / send / put / push / force / knock / bring down; cause to fall / drop; hang; overthrow, bring down, depose; kill, destroy; shoot / strike down; fell (victim); unhorse; let fall; shed; purge / evacuate (bowel); dislodge / rout; drive / throw out | 3 | deiecisti, deiecerunt, deiecti |
deglutio, deglutire, deglutivi, deglutitus V (4th) TRANS | swallow down; overwhelm, abolish (L+S); | 3 | deglutiet, deglutivit, deglutissent |
decoro, decorare, decoravi, decoratus V (1st) | adorn / grace, embellish / add beauty to; glorify, honor / add honor to; do credit to | 3 | decorem |
decido, decidere, decidi, decisus V (3rd) TRANS | detach, cut off / out / down; fell; cut / notch / carve to delineate; flog thoroughly; make explicit; put an end to, bring to conclusion, settle / decide / agree (on); | 3 | decidant, decident, decidit |
decido, decidere, decidi, - V (3rd) INTRANS | fall / drop / hang / flow down / off / over; sink / drop; fail, fall in ruin; end up; die; | 3 | decidant, decident, decidit |
decet, decere, decuit, - V (2nd) IMPERS | it is fitting / right / seemly / suitable / proper; it ought; become / adorn / grace; | 3 | decet |
decem, decimus -a -um, deni -ae -a, decie (n)s NUM | 10 - (CARD answers 'how many'); | 3 | decem |
currus, currus N (4th) M | chariot, light horse vehicle; triumphal chariot; triumph; wheels on plow; cart; | 3 | curribus, currum, currus |
coruscatio, coruscationis N (3rd) F | flash, gleam; glittering; | 3 | coruscationes, coruscationem |
conventus, conventus N (4th) M | agreement, covenant; coming together; conjunction (astrology); Roman district; gathering, meeting; assembly, people in assembly; provincial court, "assize"; convent, monastery; religious community; convention (Ecc); | 3 | conventu |
contradictio, contradictionis N (3rd) F | objection; contradiction; opposition; argument against, counter-argument; reply | 3 | contradictionibus, contradictione, contradictionem |
contexo, contexere, contexui, contextus V (3rd) TRANS | weave / entwine / braid / twist together; compose / connect / link / combine; make / join / for | 3 | contexit, contexuisti, contextus |
contemno, contemnere, contempsi, contemptus V (3rd) TRANS | think little of; look down on, take poor view of; pay no heed / disregard / slight; treat with / hold in contempt, scorn, disdain; despise; keep away from, avoid; | 3 | contemnes, contemptum, contemptus |
conservo, conservare, conservavi, conservatus V (1st) | keep safe / intact, save (from danger); preserve, maintain; spare; keep / observe; | 3 | conserva, conservat, conservabis |
confindo, confindere, confidi, confissus V (3rd) TRANS | split, cleave; divide, cleave asunder (L+S); | 3 | confidere |
confideo, confidere, confisus sum V (2nd) SEMIDEP | rely on, trust (to); believe, be confident / assured / sure; (Vulgate 4 Ezra 7:98); | 3 | confidere |
condensus, condensa, condensum ADJ | dense, thick; wedged together, closely / tightly packed; close; coherent; | 3 | condensa, condensis |
condensum, condensi N (2nd) N | thicket; woods (pl.); leafy boughs; | 3 | condensa, condensis |
concupio, concupere, concupivi, concupitus V (3rd) TRANS | desire / wish greatly / eagerly / ardently; covet, long for, be desirous of; | 3 | concupierunt, concupivi |
concilium, concili(i) N (2nd) N | public gathering / meeting; popular assembly, council; hearing; debate / discussion association, society, company; union / connection (of objects); league of states; sexual union / coition; close conjunction; bond of union; plant iasione blossom; | 3 | concilio, concilium |
compeditus, compediti N (2nd) M | fettered slave; | 3 | compeditorum, compeditos |
compeditus, compedita, compeditum ADJ | that wears fetters / shackles; | 3 | compeditorum, compeditos |
compedio, compedire, compedivi, compeditus V (4th) TRANS | shackle, fetter; put fetters on; | 3 | compeditorum, compeditos |
commotio, commotionis N (3rd) F | excitement, commotion, agitation; arousing of emotion; | 3 | commotionem |
comburo, comburere, combusi, combustus V (3rd) TRANS | | 3 | comburet, comburit, comburentem |
columna, columnae N (1st) F | column / pillar (building / monument / pedestal / waterclock), post / prop; portico (pl.) stanchion (press / ballista); water-spout; pillar of fire; penis (rude); | 3 | columnas, columna, columnae |
colligo, colligere, collexi, collectus V (3rd) TRANS | collect, assemble, bring / gather / hold / keep together; combine; harvest; pick up; obtain / acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up; | 3 | colligas, colligent, colligit |
colligo, colligere, collegi, collectus V (3rd) TRANS | collect, assemble, bring / gather / hold / keep together; combine; harvest; pick up; obtain / acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up; | 3 | colligas, colligent, colligit |
citus, cita -um, citior -or -us, citissimus -a -um ADJ | quick, swift, rapid; moving / acting / passing / occurring quickly, speedy; early; | 3 | cito |
cito, citius, citissime ADV | quickly / fast / speedily, with speed; soon, before long; readily; easily; | 3 | cito |
cito, citare, citavi, citatus V (1st) TRANS | urge on, encourage; promote, excite; summon; set in motion; move (bowels); cite | 3 | cito |
cieo, ciere, civi, citus V (2nd) TRANS | move, set in motion; excite / rouse / stir up; urge on; summon / muster / call up; disturb, shake; provoke (war); invoke, call on by name; cite; raise / produce; | 3 | cito |
chordus, chorda, chordum ADJ Archaic | late-born / produced out of / late in season; second (crop of hay), aftermath; | 3 | chordarum, chordae, chordis |
chorda, chordae N (1st) F | tripe; catgut, musical instrument (string); rope / cord (binding slave) (L+S); | 3 | chordarum, chordae, chordis |
cerva, cervae N (1st) F | doe, hind; deer; | 3 | cerva, cervarum, cervis |
cero, cerare, ceravi, ceratus V (1st) TRANS | smear / coat with wax; | 3 | cera |
cera, cerae N (1st) F | wax, beeswax; honeycomb; wax-covered writing tablet, letter; wax image / seal; | 3 | cera |
celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratus V (1st) TRANS | celebrate / perform; frequent; honor / glorify; publicize / advertise; discuss / bandy; | 3 | celebrantis, celebrare |
catulus, catuli N (2nd) M | young dog, puppy, whelp; dog (any age); young of any animal, pup / cub; fetter; | 3 | catuli, catulorum |
castrum, castri N (2nd) N | fort / fortress; camp (pl.), military camp / field; army; war service; day's march; castle, fortress; (fortified) town; [~ doloris => catafalque / coffin platform]; | 3 | castra, castrorum, castris |
captivus, captiva, captivum ADJ | caught, taken captive; captured (in war), imprisoned; conquered; of captives; | 3 | captivam, captivos |
brevi ADV | in a short time; shortly, briefly; in a few words; [in brevi => in brief]; | 3 | brevi |
bovo, bovere, -, - V (3rd) | cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon; | 3 | boves |
bovo, bovare, bovavi, bovatus V (1st) | | 3 | boves |
bos, bovis N (3rd) C | ox; bull; cow; ox-ray; cattle (pl.); (ox-like animals); [luca ~ => elephant]; | 3 | boves |
benignus, benigna -um, benignior -or -us, benignissimus -a -um ADJ | kind, favorable, obliging; kindly, mild, affable; liberal, bounteous; | 3 | benigne, benigna |
bello, bellare, bellavi, bellatus V (1st) INTRANS | fight, wage war, struggle; take part in war / battle / fight (also animals / games); | 3 | bella, bello |
austrum, austri N (2nd) N | purple dye; purple color; material dyed purple (garment, coverlet); | 3 | austrum, austro |
auster, austri N (2nd) M | south; south wind; southern parts (pl.); | 3 | austrum, austro |
aura, aurae N (1st) F | breeze, breath (of air), wind; gleam; odor, stench; vapor; air (pl.), heaven; | 3 | auris, auram |
attendo, attendere, attendi, attentus V (3rd) | turn / stretch towards; apply; attend / pay (close) attention to, listen carefully; | 3 | attendam, attendit, attendite |
aspis, aspidos / is N F | asp, venomous snake of North Africa; | 3 | aspidis, aspidem, aspidum |
aspis, aspidis N (3rd) F | | 3 | aspidis, aspidem, aspidum |
aries, arietis N (3rd) M | ram (sheep); battering ram; the Ram (zodiac); large unidentified marine animal; | 3 | arietum, arietes |
aridus, arida -um, aridior -or -us, aridissimus -a -um ADJ | dry, arid, parched; water / rain-less; used dry, dried; thirsty; poor; shriveled; | 3 | arida, aridam |
aresco, arescere, arescui, - V (3rd) INTRANS Medieval | become dry; dry up; wither (plants); run dry (stream / tears); languish (L=S); | 3 | arescent, arescant, arescit |
ara, arae N (1st) F | altar, structure for sacrifice, pyre; sanctuary; home; refuge, shelter; | 3 | aram, sisarae |
aquilo, aquilonis N (3rd) M | north wind; NNE / NE wind (for Rome); north; Boreas (personified); | 3 | aquilonis, aquilonem, aquilone |
antiquus, antiqui N (2nd) M | men (pl.) of old, ancients, early authorities / writers; ancestors; | 3 | antiquis, antiquos, antiquorum |
animal, animalis N (3rd) N | animal, living thing / offspring; creature, beast, brute; insect; | 3 | animalia, animal |
ancilla, ancillae N (1st) F | slave girl; maid servant; handmaid; (opprobrious of man); nun (selfdescribed); | 3 | ancillae |
alte, altius, altissime ADV | high, on high, from above, loftily; deep, deeply; far, remotely; profoundly; | 3 | altissime |
alieno, alienare, alienavi, alienatus V (1st) TRANS | alienate, give up, lose possession, transfer by sale, estrange; become numb; | 3 | alienatum, alienati, aliena |
agens, agentis N (3rd) M | advocate, pleader; secret police (pl.) (frumentarii / curiosi); land surveyors; | 3 | agentes, agentibus, agentis |
agens, (gen.), agentis ADJ | efficient, effective, powerful; | 3 | agentes, agentibus, agentis |
afflictus, afflicta, afflictum ADJ | in a state of ruin (persons / countries / affairs), shattered; | 3 | afflictus, afflicti |
aeterno, aeternare, aeternavi, aeternatus V (1st) TRANS | immortalize; confer undying fame on; | 3 | aeterno, aeterna |
aemulor, aemulari, aemulatus sum V (1st) DEP | ape, imitate, emulate; be envious, jealous of, vie with a rival; copy (book); | 3 | aemulari |
aemulo, aemulare, aemulavi, aemulatus V (1st) TRANS | | 3 | aemulari |
advenus, advena, advenum ADJ | foreign, alien; migrant; recently arrived; unskilled, inexperienced, ignorant; | 3 | advena, advenam, advenas |
advena, advenae N (1st) C | foreigner, immigrant, visitor from abroad; newcomer, interloper; migrant (bird) | 3 | advena, advenam, advenas |
admirabilis, admirabilis, admirabile ADJ | admirable, wonderful; strange, astonishing, remarkable; paradoxical, contrary; | 3 | admirabile, admirabilis |
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus V (3rd) | come near, approach; agree with; be added to (w / ad or in + ACC); constitute; | 3 | accedis, accede, accedet |
absorbeo, absorbere, absorbui, absorptus V (2nd) TRANS | devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up; | 3 | absorbet, absorbeat, absorbuisset |
abominatus, abominata, abominatum ADJ | abominated / detested; accursed; | 3 | abominatus, abominata |
abominatio, abominationis N (3rd) F | aversion, detestation, loathing; | 3 | abominationes, abominationem |
abdo, abdere, abdidi, abditus V (3rd) TRANS | remove, put away, set aside; depart, go away; hide, keep secret, conceal; | 3 | abditis, abditus |
abditus, abdita, abditum ADJ | hidden, secret, out of the way, remote, secluded; obscure / abstruse (meaning); | 3 | abditis, abditus |
Paulus, Pauli N (2nd) M | Paul; | 3 | paulo |
Manasses, Manassae N M | Manasses; (son of Joseph in Vulgate Genesis); | 3 | manasses, manasse |
Juda, undeclined N M | Judah; Jude; Judas; a son of Jacob; tribe of Judah; | 3 | iuda |
Chanaan, undeclined N F | Canaan / Palestine; | 3 | chanaan |
Babylon, Babylonos / is N F | Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia); people of Babylon; | 3 | babylonis |
- out, away from; beyond; completely; | - out, away from; beyond; completely; | 3 | efflorebit, exqui |
vulpes, vulpis N (3rd) F | fox; | 2 | vulpium |
voluptas, voluptatis N (3rd) F | pleasure, delight, enjoyment; | 2 | voluptatem, voluptatis |
vociferor, vociferari, vociferatus sum V (1st) DEP | utter a loud cry, shout, yell, cry out, announce loudly; | 2 | vociferabor |
vociferatio, vociferationis N (3rd) F | loud cry, yell; | 2 | vociferationis, vociferatione |
viriliter, virilius, virilissime ADV | with masculine / manly vigor; manfully / in a manly / virile way; powerfully (Souter) | 2 | viriliter |
virens, virentiis N (3rd) N | plants (pl.); herbage; | 2 | virens |
vigilia, vigiliae N (1st) F | watch (fourth part of the night), vigil, wakefulness; | 2 | vigilias, vigiliam |
vestis, vestis N (3rd) F | garment, clothing, blanket; clothes; robe; | 2 | vestem, vestibus |
vespera, vesperae N (1st) F | evening, even-tide; | 2 | vesperam |
vesper, vesperi N (2nd) M | evening; evening star; west; [sub vesperum => towards evening]; | 2 | vesperum |
venum, veni N (2nd) N | sale, purchase; (only sg. ACC / DAT w / dare); [venum dare => put up for sale]; | 2 | veni |
venor, venari, venatus sum V (1st) DEP | hunt; | 2 | venantium |
venia, veniae N (1st) F | favor, kindness; pardon; permission; indulgence; | 2 | veniam |
venenum, veneni N (2nd) N | poison; drug; | 2 | venenum |
veneficus, venefica, veneficum ADJ | of / connected with sorcery / charms, sorcerous, magic; poisoning, poisonous; | 2 | venefici, venefica |
velamentum, velamenti N (2nd) N | cover, olive-branch wrapped in wool carried by a suppliant; | 2 | velamento |
vasto, vastare, vastavi, vastatus V (1st) | lay waste, ravage, devastate; | 2 | vastavit, vastante |
vas, vadis N (3rd) M | one who guarantees court appearance of defendant; surety; bail (L+S); | 2 | vas |
varius, varia, varium ADJ | different; various, diverse; changing; colored; party colored, variegated; | 2 | variegatis |
vallus, valli N (2nd) M | stake, palisade, point, post, pole; | 2 | valle |
vacillo, vacillare, vacillavi, vacillatus V (1st) | stagger, totter; be in a weak condition; | 2 | vacillarem, vacillabunt |
uxor, uxoris N (3rd) F | wife; [uxorem ducere => marry, bring home as wife]; | 2 | uxor |
uro, urere, ussi, ustus V (3rd) | burn; | 2 | ure, urentem |
unus -a -um, primus -a -um, singuli -ae -a, semel NUM | 1 times, on 1 occasions - (ADVERB answers 'how often'); | 2 | semel |
unguo, unguere, unxi, unctus V (3rd) TRANS | anoint / rub (w / oil / unguent); smear with oil / grease; dress (food w / oil); add oil; | 2 | unxit, unxi |
ungo, ungere, unxi, unctus V (3rd) TRANS | | 2 | unxit, unxi |
una ADV | together, together with; at the same time; along with; | 2 | una |
ultor, ultoris N (3rd) M | avenger, revenger; | 2 | ultorem, ultoris |
ubertas, ubertatis N (3rd) F | fruitfulness, fertility; abundance, plenty; | 2 | ubertate, ubertas |
uber, uberis N (3rd) N | breast / teat (woman); udder (animal), dugs / teats; rich soil; plenty / abundance; | 2 | ubera, uberi |
uber, uberis (gen.), uberior -or -us, uberrimus -a -um ADJ | fertile, rich, abundant, abounding, fruitful, plentiful, copious, productive; | 2 | uberi, uberes |
turma, turmae N (1st) F | troop (of 30 horsemen), squadron; | 2 | turmas, turma |
tumultus, tumultus N (4th) M | commotion, confusion, uproar; rebellion, uprising, disturbance; | 2 | tumultum, tumultus |
trepidatio, trepidationis N (3rd) F | fear / alarm; nervousness / trepidation; physical trembling / twitching; oscillation; | 2 | trepidatione |
transgredior, transgredi, transgressus sum V (3rd) DEP | cross, go / move / travel over / across; go to other side; change allegiance / policy; | 2 | transgreditur, transgredientur |
transfero, transferre, transtuli, translatus V TRANS | transport / convey / transfer / shift; transpose; carry / bring across / over; transplant copy out (writing); translate (language); postpone, transfer date; transform; | 2 | transferentur, transtulisti |
traduco, traducere, traduxi, traductus V (3rd) TRANS | bring across / over, move / transfer; convert; cause to cross / to extend across area lead across; exhibit / display / carry past in parade / procession; pass / get through; | 2 | traduxit |
tonitruum, tonitrui N (2nd) N | thunder; | 2 | tonitrui |
tonitrus, tonitrus N (4th) M | | 2 | tonitrui |
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus V (3rd) TRANS | lift, raise; destroy; remove, steal; take / lift up / away; | 2 | sustulit, tollite |
tibia, tibiae N (1st) F | flute, pipe; reed-pipe; (tube with holes for stops); B:tibia, shin-bone; | 2 | tibias, tibiis |
thesaurus, thesauri N (2nd) M | treasure chamber / vault / repository; treasure; hoard; collected precious objects; | 2 | thesauris |
tharsis ======== UNKNOWN | tharsis ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | tharsis |
testum, testi N (2nd) N | earthenware pot / vessel (esp. placed as lid over food and heaped with coals); | 2 | testa, testis |
testa, testae N (1st) F | object made from burnt clay; earthenware jar; fragment of earthenware, shard; | 2 | testa, testis |
termen, terminis N (3rd) N | | 2 | termini, terminum |
tentorium, tentori(i) N (2nd) N | tent; | 2 | tentorio, tentoriis |
tenebrosus, tenebrosa, tenebrosum ADJ | dark, gloomy; | 2 | tenebrosa, tenebrosis |
tego, tegere, texi, tectus V (3rd) | cover, protect; defend; hide; | 2 | tecto, tectorum |
tegmen, tegminis N (3rd) N | covering / cover / protection; clothing; body armor; skin / shell / husk (animal / fruit) | 2 | tegmine, tegmen |
tectus, tecta -um, tectior -or -us, tectissimus -a -um ADJ | covered, roofed; hidden, secret; concealed / disguised; guarded / secretive; | 2 | tecto, tectorum |
tectum, tecti N (2nd) N | roof; ceiling; house; | 2 | tecto, tectorum |
tantus, tanta, tantum ADJ | of such size; so great, so much; [tantus ... quantus => as much ... as]; | 2 | tantum |
tantum ADV | so much, so far; hardly, only; | 2 | tantum |
taneos ======== UNKNOWN | taneos ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | taneos |
taedet, taedere, taeduit, taesus est V (2nd) IMPERS | be tired / weary / sick (of) (w / GEN or INF+ACC of person); be disgusted / offended; | 2 | taeduit |
taedeo, taedere, taedui, taesus V (2nd) INTRANS | | 2 | taeduit |
susurro, susurrare, -, - V (1st) | mutter, whisper, hum, buzz, murmur; | 2 | susurrat, susurrabant |
suscito, suscitare, suscitavi, suscitatus V (1st) | encourage, stir up; awaken, rouse, kindle; | 2 | suscitans, suscita |
surdus, surda, surdum ADJ | deaf, unresponsive to what is said; falling on deaf ears; muffled, muted; | 2 | surdus, surdae |
summa, summae N (1st) F | sum; summary; chief point, essence, principal matter, substance; total; | 2 | summis, summa |
sulcus, sulci N (2nd) M | furrow; rut; trail of a meteor, track, wake; female external genitalia (rude); | 2 | sulcos |
succresco, succrescere, succrevi, - V (3rd) | come up; grow up; overflow; | 2 | succrescens, succrescet |
succoth ======== UNKNOWN | succoth ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | succoth |
substo, substare, -, - V (1st) INTRANS | hold firm; stand under; | 2 | substantia |
subjicio, subjicere, subjeci, subjectus V (3rd) TRANS | throw under, place under; make subject; expose; | 2 | subiecisti, subiecit |
subicio, subicere, subjeci, subjectus V (3rd) TRANS | | 2 | subiecisti, subiecit |
subdo, subdere, subdidi, subditus V (3rd) | place under, apply; supply; | 2 | subdis, subdit |
stercus, stercoris N (3rd) M | filth, manure; | 2 | stercus, stercore |
stello, stellare, -, stellatus V (1st) TRANS | set / furnish / cover with stars / points of light; | 2 | stellas |
status, stata, statum ADJ | appointed; | 2 | statis |
stagnum, stagni N (2nd) N | alloy of sliver and lead; tin (late); pool, lake, lagoon, expanse of water; bath, swimming pool; | 2 | stagna |
stagno, stagnare, stagnavi, stagnatus V (1st) | form / lie in pools; be under water; | 2 | stagna |
spondeo, spondere, spopondi, sponsus V (2nd) INTRANS | promise, give pledge / undertaking / surety; contract to give / take in marriage; | 2 | sponsus, sponde |
spondeo, spondere, spepondi, sponsus V (2nd) INTRANS | | 2 | sponsus, sponde |
spolium, spoli(i) N (2nd) N | spoils, booty; skin, hide; | 2 | spolia |
species, speciei N (5th) F | sight, appearance, show; splendor, beauty; kind, type; | 2 | speciem, species |
spargo, spargere, sparsi, sparsus V (3rd) | scatter, strew, sprinkle; spot; | 2 | spargendum, spargit |
sonus, soni N (2nd) M | noise, sound; | 2 | sonus, sono |
sonitus, sonitus N (4th) M | noise, loud sound; | 2 | sonitum |
somnium, somni(i) N (2nd) N | dream, vision; fantasy, day-dream; | 2 | somnium |
sollicitus, sollicita, sollicitum ADJ | concerned, worried; upset, troubled, disturbed, anxious, apprehensive; | 2 | sollicitus |
sollemnitas, sollemnitatis N (3rd) F | solemnity; ritual / solemn observance; proper / necessary / proper formality (legal); | 2 | sollemnitate, sollemnitatem |
solium, soli(i) N (2nd) N | throne, seat; | 2 | soli |
socio, sociare, sociavi, sociatus V (1st) | unite, join, ally; share in; | 2 | sociabatur, sociabitur |
sisto, sistere, stiti, status V (3rd) | stop, check; cause to stand; set up; | 2 | statis |
sinai ======== UNKNOWN | sinai ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | sinai |
similo, similare, similavi, similatus V (1st) | imitate, copy; pretend (to have / be); look like; simulate; counterfeit; feint; | 2 | similes |
silesco, silescere, silui, - V (3rd) | grow quiet; | 2 | silui, siluerunt |
silentium, silenti(i) N (2nd) N | silence; | 2 | silentii, silentium |
sichimam ======== UNKNOWN | sichimam ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | sichimam |
siccus, sicca, siccum ADJ | dry; | 2 | siccam, sicco |
sicco, siccare, siccavi, siccatus V (1st) | dry, drain; exhaust; | 2 | siccasti, sicco |
servitus, servitutis N (3rd) F | slavery; slaves; servitude; | 2 | servituti |
serus, sera -um, serior -or -us, serissimus -a -um ADJ | late; too late; slow, tardy; after the expected / proper time; at a late hour; | 2 | sero, seras |
sero, serere, sevi, satus V (3rd) | sow, plant; strew, scatter, spread; cultivate; beget, bring forth; | 2 | sero, seras |
sequor, sequi, secutus sum V (3rd) DEP | follow; escort / attend / accompany; aim at / reach after / strive for / make for / seek; support / back / side with; obey, observe; pursue / chase; range / spread over; attain; | 2 | sequebar, sequentur |
septuplus, septupla, septuplum ADJ | sevenfold; | 2 | septuplum |
septuplum, septupli N (2nd) N | septuple; seven times as much (Souter); | 2 | septuplum |
septuplum ADV | in a sevenfold way; | 2 | septuplum |
senium, seni(i) N (2nd) N | condition of old age; melancholy, gloom; | 2 | senium, seniorum |
senectus, senecta, senectum ADJ | very old, aged; | 2 | senectam, senecta |
senecta, senectae N (1st) F | old age; extreme old age; senility; old men collectively; shed snake skin; | 2 | senectam, senecta |
semino, seminare, seminavi, seminatus V (1st) | plant, sow; | 2 | seminaverunt, seminant |
sehon ======== UNKNOWN | sehon ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | sehon |
securus, secura, securum ADJ | secure, safe, untroubled, free from care; | 2 | securi |
securitas, securitatis N (3rd) F | freedom from care; carelessness; safety, security; | 2 | securitate, securitas |
scriptum, scripti N (2nd) N | something written; written communication; literary work; | 2 | scriptum, scripti |
scius, scia, scium ADJ | cognizant, possessing knowledge; skilled / expert (in w / ABL); | 2 | sciam |
scisco, sciscere, scivi, scitus V (3rd) TRANS | investigate, inquire; (political) vote; ordain; | 2 | scisti, scito |
scindo, scindere, scidi, scissus V (3rd) TRANS | tear, split, divide; rend, cut to pieces; tear in rage / grief / despair; | 2 | scidit |
sapienter ADV | wisely, sensibly; | 2 | sapienter |
sanitas, sanitatis N (3rd) F | sanity, reason; health; | 2 | sanitas |
rota, rotae N (1st) F | wheel (rotate); | 2 | rota, rotam |
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus V (1st) | ask, ask for; invite; introduce; | 2 | rogate, rogaverunt |
robus, roboris N (3rd) N Archaic | oak (tree / timber / trunk / club / post / cell); tough core; resolve / purpose; B:tetanus; strength / firmness / solidity; vigor, robustness; potency, force, effectiveness; military strength / might / power; heart, main strength, strongest element; mainstay / bulwark, source of strength; stronghold, position of strength; | 2 | roboris |
robur, roboris N (3rd) N | oak (tree / timber / trunk / club / post / cell); tough core; resolve / purpose; B:tetanus; strength / firmness / solidity; vigor, robustness; potency, force, effectiveness; military strength / might / power; heart, main strength, strongest element; mainstay / bulwark, source of strength; stronghold, position of strength; | 2 | roboris |
rigo, rigare, rigavi, rigatus V (1st) | moisten, wet, water, irrigate; | 2 | rigabam, rigas |
reverentia, reverentiae N (1st) F | respect, deference, restraint; awe, reverence; shyness, felling of misgiving; | 2 | reverentia, reverentiam |
retro ADV | backwards, back, to the rear; behind, on the back side; back (time), formerly; | 2 | retro |
resisto, resistere, restiti, - V (3rd) | pause; continue; resist, oppose; reply; withstand, stand (DAT); make a stand; | 2 | resistet, restiterunt |
requies, requietis N (3rd) F | rest (from labor), respite; intermission, pause, break; amusement, hobby; | 2 | requies |
requies, requiei N (5th) F | | 2 | requies |
reptilis, reptilis, reptile ADJ | creeping; reptile; | 2 | reptilia |
reptile, reptilis N (3rd) N | reptile; | 2 | reptilia |
renuo, renuere, renui, renutus V (3rd) | refuse; disapprove; decline; give a refusal; throw back head / eye / brows as sign; | 2 | renuit, renuerunt |
reminiscor, reminisci, - V (3rd) DEP | call to mind, recollect; | 2 | reminiscentur, reminiscere |
reliquia, reliquiae N (1st) F | remains / relics (pl.) (esp. post cremation); remnants / traces / vestiges; survivors | 2 | reliquias, reliquiae |
redundo, redundare, redundavi, redundatus V (1st) | overflow; be too numerous; | 2 | redundat, redundantia |
redimio, redimire, redimivi, redimitus V (4th) TRANS | encircle with a garland, wreathe around; surround, encircle; | 2 | redimit, redimis |
redeo, redire, redivi(ii), reditus V | return, go back, give back; fall back on, revert to; respond, pay back; | 2 | rediens, redeat |
redemptor, redemptoris N (3rd) M | contractor, undertaker, purveyor, farmer; redeemer; one who buys back; | 2 | redemptor |
recumbo, recumbere, recubui, - V (3rd) | recline, lie at ease, sink / lie / settle back / down; recline at table; | 2 | recumbit, recumbunt |
recte ADV | vertically; rightly, correctly, properly, well; | 2 | recte |
recogito, recogitare, recogitavi, recogitatus V (1st) | consider, reflect, think over; examine, inspect; | 2 | recogitamus, recogitabam |
rana, ranae N (1st) F | frog; | 2 | ranam, ranas |
rahab ======== UNKNOWN | rahab ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | rahab |
radix, radicis N (3rd) F | root; base; square-root (math); | 2 | radicem, radices |
radico, radicare, radicavi, radicatus V (1st) INTRANS | take root; grow roots; | 2 | radicem, radices |
quousque ADV | until what time? till when? how long?; | 2 | quousque |
quietus, quieta -um, quietior -or -us, quietissimus -a -um ADJ | at rest; quiet, tranquil, calm, peaceful; orderly; neutral; still; idle; | 2 | quietis, quietam |
quantum ADV | so much as; how much; how far; | 2 | quantum |
puteus, putei N (2nd) M | well; | 2 | puteum, puteus |
punior, puniri, punitus sum V (4th) DEP | punish (person / offense), inflict punishment; avenge, extract retribution; | 2 | punientur |
punio, punire, punivi, punitus V (4th) TRANS | | 2 | punientur |
pullus, pulli N (2nd) M | chicken, young hen; | 2 | pullos, pullis |
pullus, pulla, pullum ADJ | blackish, dark colored, of undyed wool as worn in morning; | 2 | pullos, pullis |
pulchritudo, pulchritudinis N (3rd) F | beauty, excellence; | 2 | pulchritudinem, pulchritudo |
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatus V (1st) | fight; dispute; [pugnatum est => the battle raged]; | 2 | pugna, pugnant |
pudor, pudoris N (3rd) M | decency, shame; sense of honor; modesty; bashfulness; | 2 | pudore |
pruina, pruinae N (1st) F | hoar-frost, rime; | 2 | pruina, pruinam |
prudens, prudentis (gen.), prudentior -or -us, prudentissimus -a -um ADJ | aware, skilled; sensible, prudent; farseeing; experienced; | 2 | prudentia, prudens |
protectio, protectionis N (3rd) F | protection; shelter; | 2 | protectione, protectionem |
prosperitas, prosperitatis N (3rd) F | success; good fortune; | 2 | prosperitatem |
propitius, propitia, propitium ADJ | favorably inclined, well-disposed, propitious; | 2 | propitius |
propitiatio, propitiationis N (3rd) F | atonement, propitiation, appeasement; | 2 | propitiationem, propitiatio |
propinquus, propinqui N (2nd) M | relative; | 2 | propinqui, propinquus |
propinquus, propinqua, propinquum ADJ | near, neighboring; | 2 | propinqui, propinquus |
propheto, prophetare, prophetavi, prophetatus V (1st) | prophesy, foretell, predict; | 2 | propheta |
pronuntio, pronuntiare, pronuntiavi, pronuntiatus V (1st) | announce; proclaim; relate; divulge; recite; utter; | 2 | pronuntio, pronuntiabunt |
proicio, proicere, projeci, projectus V (3rd) TRANS | | 2 | proiecimus, proiecisti |
profero, proferre, protuli, prolatus V | bring forward; advance; defer; discover; mention; | 2 | proferebas, protulerunt |
prodo, prodere, prodidi, proditus V (3rd) TRANS | project, thrust forward; bring forth, produce, give birth to; create; nominate; institute; extend, prolong; hand down (lore); publish / record, reveal, uncover; put out; assert; betray; give up, abandon, forsake; | 2 | prodit, prodidissem |
primitia, primitiae N (1st) F | first-fruits (pl.), first offerings; beginnings; [a ~ => from the beginning]; | 2 | primitias |
praevaricor, praevaricari, praevaricatus sum V (1st) DEP | transgress, sin against; violate; be in collusion; be / walk crooked / not upright; straddle; have secret understanding w / enemy; | 2 | praevaricati, praevaricantes |
praevarico, praevaricare, praevaricavi, praevaricatus V (1st) INTRANS | | 2 | praevaricati, praevaricantes |
praeter PREP ACC | besides, except, contrary to; beyond (rank), in front of, before; more than; | 2 | praeter |
praesum, praeesse, praefui, praefuturus V | be in charge / control / head (of) (w / DAT); take the lead (in); be present (at); | 2 | praeesset, praeessent |
praesto, praestare, praestiti, praestitus V (1st) | to furnish / supply; excel, surpass, be outstanding / superior / best / greater / prefera make available, hand over; tender / offer / present; play part; apply, bring to bear; fulfill, make good; keep word; be responsible for; | 2 | praestans, praestitisti |
praeoccupo, praeoccupare, praeoccupavi, praeoccupatus V (1st) | seize upon beforehand; anticipate; | 2 | praeoccupaverunt, praeoccupemus |
praecordium, praecordi(i) N (2nd) N | vitals (pl.), diaphragm; breast; chest as the seat of feelings; | 2 | praecordia, praecordiis |
praecordia, praecordiae N (1st) F | midriff; diaphragm; P:breast; | 2 | praecordia, praecordiis |
potus, pota, potum ADJ | drunk; drunk up, drained; having drunk; being drunk, drunken, intoxicated; | 2 | potum |
poto, potare, potavi, potus V (1st) | drink; drink heavily / convivially, tipple; swallow; absorb, soak up; | 2 | potum |
postulo, postulare, postulavi, postulatus V (1st) | demand, claim; require; ask / pray for; | 2 | postula, postulasti |
posterus, postera -um, posterior -or -us, postremus -a -um ADJ | coming after, following, next; COMP next in order, latter; SUPER last / hindmost; | 2 | postremi, posteriora |
posteritas, posteritatis N (3rd) F | future time; posterity; | 2 | posteritas |
possessio, possessionis N (3rd) F | possession, property; | 2 | possessionem, possessionis |
polluo, polluere, pollui, pollutus V (3rd) TRANS | soil / foul / dirty / stain / pollute; infect (w / disease); make impure; break (fast); violate; dishonor / defile / degrade (w / illicit sexual conduct / immoral actions); | 2 | polluerunt |
plaudo, plaudere, plausi, plausus V (3rd) | clap, strike (w / flat hand), pat; beat (wings); applaud; express (dis)approval; | 2 | plaudite, plaudent |
placet, placere, -, placitus est V (2nd) IMPERS | it is pleasing / satisfying, gives pleasure; is believed / settled / agreed / decided; | 2 | placebit |
piscis, piscis N (3rd) M | fish; | 2 | pisces |
pinguedo, pinguedinis N (3rd) F | fat / fatness; oiliness; richness / abundance (L+S); fullness; exuberance (Def); | 2 | pinguedine, pinguedinem |
pingue, pinguis N (3rd) N | grease; | 2 | pingue, pinguis |
philistaeam ======== UNKNOWN | philistaeam ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | philistaeam |
philistaea ======== UNKNOWN | philistaea ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | philistaea |
pestis, pestis N (3rd) F | plague, pestilence, curse, destruction; | 2 | peste |
pervenio, pervenire, perveni, perventus V (4th) | come to; reach; arrive; | 2 | pervenient, pervenerim |
perspicio, perspicere, perspexi, perspectus V (3rd) | see through; examine; observe; | 2 | perspexero, perspexisti |
perpetuus, perpetua, perpetuum ADJ | perpetual, lasting; [in ~ => forever]; | 2 | perpetuum |
perfundo, perfundere, perfudi, perfusus V (3rd) | pour over / through, wet, flood, bathe; overspread, coat, overlay; imbue; | 2 | perfudisti, perfusus |
peregrinatio, peregrinationis N (3rd) F | traveling / staying / living abroad, sojourn abroad; travel; pilgrimage; | 2 | peregrinationes, peregrinationis |
perduco, perducere, perduxi, perductus V (3rd) | lead, guide; prolong; induce, conduct, bring through; | 2 | perduxit |
perditio, perditionis N (3rd) F | destruction, ruin, perdition; | 2 | perditionis |
pennatus, pennata, pennatum ADJ | winged; | 2 | pennata, pennatae |
pavor, pavoris N (3rd) M | fear, panic; | 2 | pavor, pavores |
paveo, pavere, pavi, - V (2nd) | be frightened or terrified at; | 2 | pavit, parat |
parturio, parturire, parturivi, - V (4th) | be in labor; bring forth; produce; be pregnant with / ready to give birth; | 2 | parturiit, parturientis |
pario, parere, peperi, partus V (3rd) | bear; give birth to; beget, bring forth; produce, lay (eggs); create; acquire; | 2 | peperit, partum |
parco, parcere, peperci, parsus V (3rd) | forbear, refrain from; spare; show consideration; be economical / thrifty with; | 2 | parcet, pepercit |
paenitet, paenitere, paenituit, - V (2nd) IMPERS | it displeases, makes angry, offends, dissatisfies, makes sorry; | 2 | paenituit, paenitebit |
paeniteo, paenitere, paenitui, - V (2nd) | displease; (cause to) regret; repent, be sorry; [me paenitet => I am sorry]; | 2 | paenituit, paenitebit |
paene ADV | nearly, almost; mostly; | 2 | paene |
ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentus V (3rd) | show; reveal; make clear, point out, display, exhibit; | 2 | ostendam |
orto, ortare, ortavi, ortatus V (1st) TRANS | procreate; give birth / rise to; beget; engender / produce / generate (offspring); | 2 | orta |
opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ | suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable / opportune, ready; liable / exposed | 2 | opportuno |
opportunitas, opportunitatis N (3rd) F | convenience, advantageousness; right time; opportuneness; opportunity, chance; | 2 | opportunitatibus |
onus, oneris N (3rd) N | load, burden; cargo; | 2 | onus, oneribus |
omnipotens, (gen.), omnipotentis ADJ | all-powerful, omnipotent; | 2 | omnipotens, omnipotentis |
ollus, olla, ollum ADJ | that; those; (archaic form of ille / a / ud); | 2 | ollae, olla |
olle, olla, ollud PRON | that; that person / thing; the well known; the former; those (pl.); (ille); | 2 | ollae, olla |
olla, ollae N (1st) F | pot, jar; | 2 | ollae, olla |
oliva, olivae N (1st) F | olive; olive tree; | 2 | oliva, olivarum |
og ======== UNKNOWN | og ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | og |
octo, octavus -a -um, octoni -ae -a, octie (n)s NUM | 8th - (ORD, 'in series'); (a / the) 8th (part) (fract w / pars?); | 2 | octavam |
occursus, occursus N (4th) M | meeting; | 2 | occursus, occursum |
occurro, occurrere, occurri, occursus V (3rd) | run to meet; oppose, resist; come to mind, occur (with DAT); | 2 | occursus, occursum |
occurro, occurrere, occucurri, occursus V (3rd) | | 2 | occursus, occursum |
obscurus, obscura -um, obscurior -or -us, obscurissimus -a -um ADJ | dim, dark, obscure; dusky, shadowy, only faintly / dimly seen; dingy; gloomy; not / barely visible, hidden from sight; imperceptible; muted / muffled, inaudible; little known, undistinguished / insignificant / humble / obscure (person); secret; not open; vague / uncertain / dim / faint, poorly known; unclear; incomprehensible; | 2 | obscuro, obscuris |
oblatio, oblationis N (3rd) F | offer / offering (of something), tender, presentation; right to offer something; | 2 | oblationem, oblationes |
obduro, obdurare, obduravi, obduratus V (1st) | be hard, persist, endure; | 2 | obdurare |
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus V (1st) TRANS | announce / report / bring word / give warning; convey / deliver / relate message / greeting | 2 | nuntiare |
novellus, novella, novellum ADJ | young, tender; | 2 | novellae |
novella, novellae N (1st) F NeoLatin | news (literary kind); | 2 | novellae |
nomino, nominare, nominavi, nominatus V (1st) | name, call; | 2 | nomina |
noceo, nocere, nocui, nocitus V (2nd) | harm, hurt; injure (with DAT); | 2 | nocentes, nocere |
nobilis, nobilis N (3rd) M | nobles (pl.); | 2 | nobiles |
nobilis, nobile, nobilior -or -us, nobilissimus -a -um ADJ | noble, well born; aristocratic; outstanding (in rank / deed); important / prominent famous, celebrated; well / generally known; remarkable, noteworthy (facts); | 2 | nobiles |
no, nare, navi, - V (1st) | swim, float; | 2 | ionat, nares |
navo, navare, navavi, navatus V (1st) | do with zeal; [operam navare => do one's best]; | 2 | naves |
naris, naris N (3rd) F | nostril; nose (pl.); | 2 | naribus, nares |
mutus, muta, mutum ADJ | dumb, silent, mute; speechless; | 2 | muta, mutus |
murmuro, murmurare, murmuravi, murmuratus V (1st) | hum, murmur, mutter; roar; | 2 | murmurabunt, murmuraverunt |
munitio, munitionis N (3rd) F | fortifying; fortification; | 2 | munitio, munitiones |
motus, motus N (4th) M | movement, motion; riot, commotion, disturbance; gesture; emotion; | 2 | motus |
moror, morari, moratus sum V (1st) DEP | delay; stay, stay behind; devote attention to; | 2 | moreris, moratus |
molo, molere, molui, molitus V (3rd) | grind; | 2 | molitur, molas |
mollio, mollire, mollivi, mollitus V (4th) | soften, mitigate, make easier; civilize, tame, enfeeble; | 2 | molliunt, molliti |
mitis, mite, mitior -or -us, mitissimus -a -um ADJ | mild, meek, gentle, placid, soothing; clement; ripe, sweet and juicy; | 2 | mites, mitis |
mitigo, mitigare, mitigavi, mitigatus V (1st) | soften; lighten, alleviate; soothe; civilize; | 2 | mitigas, mitiges |
miseria, miseriae N (1st) F | misery, distress, woe, wretchedness, suffering; | 2 | miseriam, miseriae |
misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtus V (2nd) | mix, mingle; embroil; confound; stir up; | 2 | mixto, miscebam |
mirabiliter, mirabilius, mirabilissime ADV | marvelously, amazingly / remarkably / extraordinarily; to an extraordinary degree; | 2 | mirabiliter |
minoro, minorare, minoravi, minoratus V (1st) TRANS | reduce, make less; | 2 | minorasti, minoravit |
minister, ministri N (2nd) M | attendant, servant, waiter; agent, aide; accomplice; | 2 | ministri, ministros |
metuens, metuentis (gen.), metuentior -or -us, - ADJ | fearing; afraid; | 2 | metuentes, metuentibus |
meto, metere, messui, messus V (3rd) | reap; mow, cut off; | 2 | metent, metit |
mens, mentis N (3rd) F | mind; reason, intellect, judgment; plan, intention, frame of mind; courage; | 2 | mente |
memorialis, memorialis, memoriale ADJ | serving as a memorial; memorial; [w / liber => book of records / memoranda]; | 2 | memoriale |
memorialis, memorialis N (3rd) M | historiographer royal, man employed in the emperor's secretarial bureau; | 2 | memoriale |
memoriale, memorialis N (3rd) N NeoLatin | memorandum; memory; | 2 | memoriale |
memorial, memorialis N (3rd) N | memorial; records / memoranda (pl.); sign of remembrance, monument (Souter); | 2 | memoriale |
mansuetudo, mansuetudinis N (3rd) F | tameness, gentleness, mildness; clemency; | 2 | mansuetudinem, mansuetudinis |
mansues, (gen.), mansuetis ADJ | tame; mild, gentle; soft (L+S); tamed; | 2 | mansueti |
manipulus, manipuli N (2nd) M | maniple, company of soldiers, one third of a cohort; handful, bundle; | 2 | manipulos |
man, undeclined N N | manna; (food from God in Siani); [man / man hu => (Hebrew) what / what is this]; | 2 | heman, man |
maledictum, maledicti N (2nd) N | insult, reproach, taunt; | 2 | maledicti |
mahalat ======== UNKNOWN | mahalat ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | mahalat |
luminare, luminaris N (3rd) N NeoLatin | car-light; projector lamp; window-shutter, window; | 2 | luminaria |
lumbus, lumbi N (2nd) M | loins; loins as the seat of sexual excitement; | 2 | lumbi, lumbos |
lubricus, lubrica, lubricum ADJ | slippery; sinuous; inconstant; hazardous, ticklish; deceitful; | 2 | lubricum, lubrico |
longanimis, longanimis, longanime ADJ | patient, long-suffering; | 2 | longanimis |
locupleto, locupletare, locupletavi, locupletatus V (1st) | enrich; | 2 | locupletare |
liquefio, liqueferi, liquefactus sum V SEMIDEP | be / become melted / dissolved / liquefied; (liquefacio PASS); | 2 | liquefacta |
libro, librare, libravi, libratus V (1st) | balance,swing; hurl; | 2 | libro |
libet, libere, libuit, libitus est V (2nd) IMPERS | it pleases, is pleasing / agreeable; (w / qui whatever, whichever, no matter); | 2 | liberentur |
levis, leve, levior -or -us, levissimus -a -um ADJ | light, thin, trivial, trifling, slight; gentle; fickle, capricious; nimble; smooth; slippery, polished, plain; free from coarse hair / harsh sounds; | 2 | leves, levi |
leviathan, undeclined N N | leviathan, huge aquatic monster (Hebrew); serpent; crocodile; enormous thing; | 2 | leviathan |
lavacrum, lavacri N (2nd) N | bath; | 2 | lavacri |
latus, lateris N (3rd) N | side; flank; | 2 | latere, lateribus |
latus, lata -um, latior -or -us, latissimus -a -um ADJ | wide, broad; spacious, extensive; | 2 | latum |
latro, latrare, latravi, latratus V (1st) | bark, bark at; | 2 | latrabunt |
latibulum, latibuli N (2nd) N | hiding-place, den; | 2 | latibulum, latibula |
laterus, latera, laterum ADJ | | 2 | latere |
later, lateris N (3rd) M | brick; brickwork / bricks; block; bar / ingot; tile (L+S); [~ lictro => mercury]; | 2 | latere, lateribus |
lateo, latere, latui, - V (2nd) | lie hidden, lurk; live a retired life, escape notice; | 2 | latet, latere |
lamentatio, lamentationis N (3rd) F | lamentation, wailing; | 2 | lamentatio, lamentationem |
laetificus, laetifica, laetificum ADJ | gladdening, joyful, joyous; luxuriant, fruitful (plants); | 2 | laetifica |
laetans, (gen.), laetantis ADJ | rejoicing; | 2 | laetantem, laetantes |
lacrimo, lacrimare, lacrimavi, lacrimatus V (1st) | shed tears, weep; | 2 | lacrimas |
juvenis, juvenis, juvene ADJ | youthful, young; | 2 | iuvenes |
juvenis, juvenis N (3rd) C | youth, young man / woman; | 2 | iuvenes |
juvenca, juvencae N (1st) F | young cow, heifer; girl; | 2 | iuvenculae |
justifico, justificare, justificavi, justificatus V (1st) TRANS | act justly towards, do justice to; justify / make just; forgive / pardon; vindicate | 2 | iustificate, iustificabitur |
justificatus, justificata -um, justificatior -or -us, justificatissimus -a -um ADJ | justified; made just; vindicated; | 2 | iustificate |
junior, junioris N (3rd) M | younger man, junior; (in Rome a man younger than 45); | 2 | iunior, iunioribus |
junior, junior, junius ADJ | younger (COMP of juvenis); | 2 | iunior, iunioribus |
janua, januae N (1st) F | door, entrance; | 2 | ianuas |
jam ADV | now, already, by / even now; besides; [non ~ => no longer; ~ pridem => long ago]; | 2 | iam |
jacio, jacere, jeci, jactus V (3rd) | throw, hurl, cast; throw away; utter; | 2 | iecit, iacta |
irritus, irrita, irritum ADJ | ineffective, useless; invalid, void, of no effect; in vain; | 2 | irritas, irrita |
irrigo, irrigare, irrigavi, irrigatus V (1st) TRANS | water / irrigate; inundate / flood; refresh; wet / moisten; diffuse, shed (sensation) | 2 | irrigans |
irrideo, irridere, irrisi, irrisus V (2nd) | ridicule, mock, make fun of; laugh at; | 2 | irridebit |
inveterasco, inveterascere, inveteravi, - V (3rd) | grow old; become established / customary; | 2 | inveteravi, inveteraverunt |
intumesco, intumescere, intumui, - V (3rd) | swell up, become swollen; rise; | 2 | intumescant, intumescentes |
intono, intonare, intonui, intonitus V (1st) | thunder; | 2 | intonuit |
interior, interior, interius ADJ | inner, interior, middle; more remote; more intimate; | 2 | interiora |
intellegens, (gen.), intellegentis ADJ | intelligent; discerning; | 2 | intellegens |
insula, insulae N (1st) F | island; apartment house; | 2 | insulae |
instruo, instruere, instruxi, instructus V (3rd) | construct, build; prepare, draw up; fit out; instruct, teach; | 2 | instruam, instruite |
insipientia, insipientiae N (1st) F | foolishness; | 2 | insipientiae, insipientiam |
inquiro, inquirere, inquisivi, inquisitus V (3rd) | examine, investigate, scrutinize; seek grounds for accusation; search, seek; | 2 | inquirentes, inquire |
injustitia, injustitiae N (1st) F | injustice; severity; | 2 | iniustitiam, iniustitias |
inhabitantis, inhabitantis N (3rd) M | inhabitant, dweller, occupant; | 2 | inhabitantes, inhabitantium |
ingemisco, ingemiscere, ingemui, ingemitus V (3rd) | groan / moan (begin to) at / over; cry w / pain / anguish / sorrow; creak / groan (object); | 2 | ingemiscam, ingemisco |
infirmus, infirmi N (2nd) M | patient, one who is sick / infirm; | 2 | infirmus |
infirmitas, infirmitatis N (3rd) F | weakness; sickness; | 2 | infirmitate, infirmitates |
infidelis, infidelis, infidele ADJ | treacherous, disloyal; | 2 | infideliter |
inferus, inferi N (2nd) M | those below (pl.), the dead; | 2 | inferi |
inebrio, inebriare, inebriavi, inebriatus V (1st) TRANS | intoxicate, make drunk; saturate / drench (with any liquid); | 2 | inebriabuntur, inebriasti |
indumentum, indumenti N (2nd) N | garment, robe; something put on; (mask, sauce); | 2 | indumentum |
incolo, incolare, incolavi, incolatus V (1st) | live, dwell / reside (in); inhabit; sojourn; | 2 | incola |
incido, incidere, incidi, incisus V (3rd) | cut into, cut open; inscribe, engrave inscription; break off; | 2 | incidit, inciderunt |
incido, incidere, incidi, incasus V (3rd) | happen; fall into, fall in with, meet; fall upon, assail; | 2 | incidit, inciderunt |
incenso, incensare, incensavi, incensatus V (1st) INTRANS | burn incense; | 2 | incenso, incensa |
incanto, incantare, incantavi, incantatus V (1st) | sing; say over; consecrate with spells; | 2 | incantantium, incantantis |
inane, inanis N (3rd) N | empty space / expanse / part of structure, hollow, void; space devoid of matter; | 2 | inania |
impropero, improperare, improperavi, improperatus V (1st) | blame (person); reproach (with), taunt, upbraid (L+S); | 2 | improperabit, improperavit |
impropero, improperare, improperavi, improperatus V (1st) INTRANS | hasten into, enter hastily; | 2 | improperabit, improperavit |
improperium, improperii N (2nd) N | taunt; insulting reproach (Def); bitterly sarcastic remark; | 2 | improperiorum, improperium |
impinguo, impinguare, impinguavi, impinguatus V (1st) | fatten, make fat / sleek; become fat / thick; anoint (with oil) (Douay); | 2 | impinguasti, impinguet |
imber, imbris N (3rd) M | rain, shower, storm; shower of liquid / snow / hail / missiles; water (in general); | 2 | imbribus, imber |
imago, imaginis N (3rd) F | likeness, image, appearance; statue; idea; echo; ghost, phantom; | 2 | imago, imaginem |
illuc ADV | there, thither, to that place / point; | 2 | illuc |
ignosco, ignoscere, ignovi, ignotus V (3rd) | pardon, forgive (with DAT); | 2 | ignorat |
idithun ======== UNKNOWN | idithun ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | idithun |
humiliatio, humiliationis N (3rd) F | humiliation, humbling; | 2 | humiliatione, humiliationem |
horror, horroris N (3rd) M | shivering, dread, awe rigidity (from cold, etc); | 2 | horror, horrore |
honorifico, honorificare, honorificavi, honorificatus V (1st) TRANS | honor; do honor to; confer honor; | 2 | honorificabis, honorificabit |
hermon ======== UNKNOWN | hermon ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | hermon |
having X sides (only with numerical prefix); | | 2 | latere |
grego, gregare, gregavi, gregatus V (1st) | gather, assemble; | 2 | greges, gregem |
gravor, gravari, gravatus sum V (1st) DEP | show / bear with reluctance / annoyance; be burdened / vexed; take amiss; hesitate; | 2 | gravata, gravatus |
gravatus, gravata -um, gravatior -or -us, gravatissimus -a -um ADJ | heavy; loaded down; | 2 | gravata, gravatus |
gloriosus, gloriosa -um, gloriosior -or -us, gloriosissimus -a -um ADJ | glorious, full of glory; famous, renowned; boastful, conceited; ostentatious; | 2 | gloriosa |
genu, genus N (4th) N | knee; | 2 | genua |
galaad ======== UNKNOWN | galaad ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | galaad |
funiculus, funiculi N (2nd) M | thin rope, cord, string; | 2 | funiculo, funiculum |
fumigo, fumigare, fumigavi, fumigatus V (1st) TRANS | smoke, fumigate; treat with / subject to smoke; produce smoke (L+S); steam; | 2 | fumigant, fumigabunt |
fumigo, fumigare, fumigavi, fumigatus V (1st) NeoLatin | smoke (kitchen); | 2 | fumigant, fumigabunt |
fructifero, fructiferare, fructiferavi, fructiferatus V (1st) INTRANS | bear fruit; (Vulgate 4 Ezra 16:25 / 26); | 2 | fructifera |
fraudulentia, fraudulentiae N (1st) F | fraud, deceit; dishonesty; knavery; deceitfulness; disposition to defraud; | 2 | fraudulentia |
fornicor, fornicari, fornicatus sum V (1st) DEP | fornicate; commit fornication / whoredom; prostitute / devote to unworthy use (Def) | 2 | fornicantur, fornicati |
fornico, fornicare, fornicavi, fornicatus V (1st) INTRANS Medieval | | 2 | fornicantur, fornicati |
foras ADV | out of doors, abroad, forth, out; | 2 | foras |
flammo, flammare, flammavi, flammatus V (1st) | inflame, set on fire; excite; | 2 | flamma |
flagello, flagellare, flagellavi, flagellatus V (1st) TRANS | flog, whip, lash, scourge; strike repeatedly; thresh / flail (grain); "whip up"; | 2 | flagellantur, flagellatus |
fido, fidere, fisus sum V (3rd) SEMIDEP | trust (in), have confidence (in) (w / DAT or ABL); | 2 | fide |
fides, fidei N (5th) F | faith, loyalty; honesty; credit; confidence, trust, belief; good faith; | 2 | fide |
ferrum, ferri N (2nd) N | iron; any tool of iron; weapon, sword; | 2 | ferrum, ferro |
fera, ferae N (1st) F | wild beast / animal; | 2 | ferae, feram |
faex, faecis N (3rd) F | dregs, grounds; sediment, lees; deposits; dregs of society; | 2 | faecis, faeces |
ezrahitae ======== UNKNOWN | ezrahitae ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | ezrahitae |
extremus, extremi N (2nd) M | rear (pl.); | 2 | extremo, extremis |
extraneus, extranei N (2nd) M | foreigner (male); | 2 | extraneus, extraneum |
extraneus, extranea, extraneum ADJ | external, extraneous, foreign; not belonging to one's family or household; | 2 | extraneus, extraneum |
extraho, extrahere, extraxi, extractus V (3rd) | drag out; prolong; rescue, extract; remove; | 2 | extraxisti |
expello, expellere, expuli, expulsus V (3rd) | drive out, expel, banish; disown, reject; | 2 | expelle, expulsi |
exinanio, exinanire, exinanivi, exinanitus V (4th) TRANS | empty, remove contents of; strip; despoil; drain, dry, pour out; weaken / exhaust | 2 | exinanite |
excussus, excussa, excussum ADJ Medieval | cast out; thrown down / out; | 2 | excussus |
examinatus, examinata, examinatum ADJ | careful, scrupulous; exact; | 2 | examinatum, examinata |
exaltatio, exaltationis N (3rd) F | exaltation, elevation; pride, haughtiness; | 2 | exaltatio, exaltationes |
exacuo, exacuere, exacui, exacutus V (3rd) | make sharp or pointed; stimulate; | 2 | exacuit, exacuerunt |
everto, evertere, everti, eversus V (3rd) | overturn, turn upside down; overthrow, destroy, ruin; | 2 | evertuntur, evertisti |
erumpo, erumpere, erupi, eruptus V (3rd) | burst / pop (abscess / boil); cause (swelling) to burst; become dislocated (limb); break out (of); burst / sally / spring / issue forth / out / on; sprout; erupt; | 2 | erumpunt, erumpite |
eloquor, eloqui, elocutus sum V (3rd) DEP | speak out, utter; | 2 | eloqui, eloquar |
ejicio, ejicere, ejeci, ejectus V (3rd) TRANS | cast / throw / fling / drive out / up, extract, expel, discharge, vomit; out (tongue); | 2 | eiecit, eiecisti |
eicio, eicere, ejeci, ejectus V (3rd) TRANS | | 2 | eiecit, eiecisti |
egressus, egressus N (4th) M | landing place; egress; departure; flight; landing; mouth (of a river); | 2 | egressus |
effulgeo, effulgere, effulsi, - V (2nd) | shine forth, glitter; be or become conspicuous; | 2 | effulge |
effero, efferre, extuli, elatus V | carry out; bring out; carry out for burial; raise; | 2 | extulerunt, elati |
edus, edi N (2nd) M | kid, young goat; two stars in constellation Auriga (Charioteer), "The Kid"; | 2 | edom |
edo, edere, edi, essus V (3rd) TRANS | | 2 | esse |
durus, dura -um, durior -or -us, durissimus -a -um ADJ | hard, stern; harsh, rough, vigorous; cruel, unfeeling, inflexible; durable; | 2 | dura, duras |
duro, durare, duravi, duratus V (1st) | harden, make hard; become hard / stern; bear, last, remain, continue; endure; | 2 | dura, duras |
duplex, (gen.), duplicis ADJ | twofold, double; divided; two-faced; | 2 | duplici, duplices |
dulcedo, dulcedinis N (3rd) F | sweetness, agreeableness; charm; | 2 | dulcedinis |
donum, doni N (2nd) N | gift, present; offering; | 2 | donum, dona |
dominatio, dominationis N (3rd) F | mastery, power; domination; domain; despotism; | 2 | dominationis, dominatio |
dolose ADV | craftily, cunningly; deceitfully; | 2 | dolose |
doleo, dolere, dolui, dolitus V (2nd) | hurt; feel / suffer pain; grieve; be afflicted / pained / sorry; cause pain / grief; | 2 | dolens, doluerunt |
diverto, divertere, diverti, diversus V (3rd) | separate; divert, turn away / in; digress; oppose; divorce / leave marriage; | 2 | diverte, diverti |
dius, dia, dium ADJ | divine; w / supernatural radiance; divinely inspired; blessed, saint (Latham); daylit; charged with brightness of day / daylight; 502 as a ROMAN NUMERAL; | 2 | dii |
disciplina, disciplinae N (1st) F | teaching, instruction, education; training; discipline; method, science, study; | 2 | disciplinam |
discerno, discernere, discrevi, discretus V (3rd) | see, discern; distinguish, separate; | 2 | discerne, discernere |
direptio, direptionis N (3rd) F | plundering / pillage / sacking; struggle for share; scramble; stealing (L+S); rape; | 2 | direptionis, direptionem |
dimidio, dimidiare, dimidiavi, dimidiatus V (1st) TRANS | halve, divide in half / two; divide into two equal parts (L+S); | 2 | dimidiabunt, dimidio |
diluvium, diluvi(i) N (2nd) N | flood, inundation; deluge (L+S); destruction (by water); | 2 | diluvium, diluvio |
dilectio, dilectionis N (3rd) F | love; delight, pleasure (Bee); goodwill; | 2 | dilectione |
diis X | god; | 2 | diis |
dii X | god; | 2 | dii |
digitus, digiti N (2nd) M | finger; toe; finger's breadth, inch; (1 / 16 of a pes); twig; | 2 | digitorum, digitos |
differo, differre, distuli, dilatus V | postpone / delay / differ; put off, keep waiting; give respite to; differ, disagree spread abroad; scatter / disperse; separate; defame; confound / bewilder, distract; | 2 | dilata |
diadema, diadematis N (3rd) N | diadem / crown; ornamental headband; (sign of sovereignty); dominion; preeminence | 2 | diadema |
diadema, diademae N (1st) F | | 2 | diadema |
dia, diae N (1st) F | goddess; | 2 | diis |
devoveo, devovere, devovi, devotus V (2nd) TRANS | devote, consecrate; vow, promise solemnly; mark out, appoint; curse, execrate; dedicate to infernal gods (general / army); destine, doom; bewitch, enchant; | 2 | devorant |
despectio, despectionis N (3rd) F | disdain (for); act of looking down on; (w / GEN); despising, contempt (L+S); | 2 | despectione |
desolo, desolare, desolavi, desolatus V (1st) TRANS | forsake / abandon / desert; leave alone / without; empty of people; deprive / rob; | 2 | desolatos, desolaverunt |
desolatio, desolationis N (3rd) F | desolation; desert; abandonment (Souter); solitude; | 2 | desolatio, desolationem |
desino, desinere, desivi, desitus V (3rd) | stop / end / finish, abandon / leave / break off, desist / cease; come to / at end / close; | 2 | desiit, desine |
desido, desidere, desidi, - V (3rd) | sink / settle down, subside; sit down; defecate; be depressed; deteriorate; | 2 | desiderat |
derisus, derisa -um, derisior -or -us, derisissimus -a -um ADJ | absurd, laughable; scorned (L+S); | 2 | derisorum, derisum |
derelictus, derelictus N (4th) M | neglect; | 2 | derelictus, derelictum |
derelictus, derelicta, derelictum ADJ | abandoned, derelict (places / sites); | 2 | derelictus, derelictum |
depressus, depressa -um, depressior -or -us, depressissimus -a -um ADJ | low / low-lying, deep down; at / having low elevation; low-pitched / subdued (sound); reaching / sloping down; base / mean, pedestrian, lacking moral / style; depressed; | 2 | depressos |
depasco, depascere, depavi, depastus V (3rd) TRANS | graze / feed / pasture (cattle); devour / eat up; waste / consume (w / fire); lay waste; | 2 | depascet, depastus |
demoror, demorari, demoratus sum V (1st) DEP | detain, cause delay, keep waiting / back, hold up; keep (from); delay / linger / stay | 2 | demorabitur, demoratur |
demergo, demergere, demersi, demersus V (3rd) TRANS | submerge / sink; plunge / dip / immerse; set; retract; conceal; bury; overwhelm / engul | 2 | demersit, demergat |
decus, decoris N (3rd) N | glory / splendor; honor / distinction; deeds; dignity / virtue; decorum; grace / beauty | 2 | decori, decore |
decurro, decurrere, decurri, decursus V (3rd) | run / hurry / rush / flow / slope down; hasten; travel downstream; come to land / end; run a race (over course); make for; turn (to); exercise / drill / maneuver (army); | 2 | decursus, decurrens |
decurro, decurrere, decucurri, decursus V (3rd) | run / hurry / rush / flow / slope down; hasten; travel downstream; come to land / end; run a race (over course); make for; turn (to); exercise / drill / maneuver (army); | 2 | decursus, decurrens |
decorus, decora -um, decorior -or -us, decorissimus -a -um ADJ | beautiful / good looking / handsome / comely; adorned; graceful / elegant (non-visual); honorable, noble; glorious, decorated; decorous, proper, decent, fitting; | 2 | decori, decore |
declinis, declinis, decline ADJ | moving / bending / drooping down; declining / ebbing; turning / bending; skewed / averted | 2 | declines |
decachordus, decachorda, decachordum ADJ | ten-stringed; | 2 | decachordo |
decachordum, decachordi N (2nd) N | musical instrument of ten strings; | 2 | decachordo |
dealbo, dealbare, dealbavi, dealbatus V (1st) TRANS | whitewash; whiten (over); plaster, parget (L+S); purify, cleanse (eccl.); | 2 | dealbabor, dealbatur |
cymbalum, cymbali N (2nd) N | | 2 | cymbalis |
cymbalon, cymbali N N | cymbal; (term for tedious / stupid speaker); cymbals (usu. pl.); valve; | 2 | cymbalis |
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitus V (3rd) TRANS | wish / long / be eager for; desire / want, covet; desire as a lover; favor, wish well | 2 | cupiunt, cupit |
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretus V (3rd) INTRANS | come forth / to be; arise / spring (from); be born; become visible / great; grow (up) thrive, increase (size / number / honor), multiply; ascend; attain, be promoted; | 2 | crescit, crescentes |
creatus, creata, creatum ADJ | sprung from, begotten by, born of; | 2 | creata |
creatum, creati N (2nd) N | things made (pl.); | 2 | creata |
cotidie ADV | daily, every day; day by day; usually, ordinarily, commonly; | 2 | cotidie |
corruptio, corruptionis N (3rd) F | corruption; bribery, seduction from loyalty; diseased / corrupt condition; | 2 | corruptionem |
corruo, corruere, corrui, corrutus V (3rd) | fall / break down, fall to ground / from height, collapse; be ruined, come to grief topple (house / wall), totter; subside (ground); rush / sweep together; overthrow; | 2 | corruerunt, corruunt |
copiosus, copiosa -um, copiosior -or -us, copiosissimus -a -um ADJ | plentiful / copious / abundant; well supplied / equipped, w / ample resources; prolific eloquent, w / plentiful command of the language; verbose; rich / wealthy; fruitful; | 2 | copiose, copiosa |
convallo, convallare, convallavi, convallatus V (1st) TRANS | surround with a rampart / entrenchment; hedge in; encircle, surround (L+S); | 2 | convallem |
convallis, convallis N (3rd) F | valley (much shut in), ravine, deep / narrow / enclosed valley, glen; (also pl.); | 2 | convallem |
contribulo, contribulare, contribulavi, contribulatus V (1st) TRANS | crush, bruise; afflict much, crush; | 2 | contribulatus, contribulasti |
contor, contari, cunctatus sum V (1st) DEP | delay, impede, hold up; hesitate, tarry, linger; be slow to act; dawdle; doubt; | 2 | contere |
contor, contari, contatus sum V (1st) DEP | inquire; | 2 | contere |
contineo, continere, continui, contentus V (2nd) TRANS | secure, maintain, sustain; fasten / hold in position; retain, keep safe, preserve hinder, contain / shut in / confine; stay; restrain / hold back; comprise / form basis; keep / hold / hang together / fast; surround, enclose, contain, limit; concentrate; | 2 | continebit, continui |
contemptus, contemptus N (4th) M | contempt / scorn / despising (act / state); ignominy; disregard; object of contempt; | 2 | contemptum, contemptus |
contemptus, contempta -um, contemptior -or -us, contemptissimus -a -um ADJ | despised, despicable, paltry, mean; contemptible, vile; | 2 | contemptum, contemptus |
contempno, contempnere, contempsi, contemptus V (3rd) TRANS | think little of; look down on, take poor view of; pay no heed / disregard / slight; treat with / hold in contempt, scorn, disdain; despise; keep away from, avoid; | 2 | contemptum, contemptus |
contamino, contaminare, contaminavi, contaminatus V (1st) TRANS | corrupt, defile (w / filth / intercourse), stain, befoul spoil; ruin, dishonor; debase w / mixture of inferior material; contaminate, infect; pollute (morally); | 2 | contaminavit, contaminati |
contabesco, contabescere, contabui, - V (3rd) INTRANS | melt / waste slowly / completely away, decline in health; be consumed, pine away; | 2 | contabuerunt, contabuit |
consurgo, consurgere, consurrexi, consurrectus V (3rd) INTRANS | rise / stand up (body of people); rise (jury / from meal / to speak / from bed); ambush aspire to, rouse, prepare; break out, come from hiding; grow / spring up, rise; | 2 | consurgent, consurget |
constitutus, constituti N (2nd) M | meeting; | 2 | constitutus, constitutum |
constitutus, constituta, constitutum ADJ | constituted / disposed, endowed with a nature; ordered / arranged / appointed; being; | 2 | constitutus, constitutum |
consors, consortis N (3rd) C | sharer; partner / associate / collogue / fellow; consort / wife; brother / sister; co-hei | 2 | consortibus, consortium |
consors, (gen.), consortis ADJ | sharing inheritance / property; shared, in common; kindred, brotherly, sisterly; | 2 | consortibus, consortium |
consisto, consistere, constiti, constitus V (3rd) | stop / stand / halt / cease; pause, linger; stop spreading / flowing; take a position; stand together / fast; consist of / be reckoned in; rest / depend upon; be unaltered; make a stand; stay, remain (fixed), stand still / erect / upright; correspond to; come about, exist; fall due (tax); be established; remain valid / applicable; | 2 | consistant, consistit |
consido, considere, considi, consessus V (3rd) INTRANS | sit down / be seated; hold sessions, sit (judge), try; alight; subside / sink (in); encamp / bivouac; take up a position; stop / stay, make one's home, settle; lodge; | 2 | consideras, considerat |
conscindo, conscindere, conscidi, conscissus V (3rd) TRANS | rend / tear to pieces, destroy by tearing; slaughter, cut to pieces; | 2 | conscidisti |
conquasso, conquassare, conquassavi, conquassatus V (1st) TRANS | shake violently; break, shatter; unsettle, disturb, throw into confusion; | 2 | conquassabit |
confugium, confugi(i) N (2nd) N | sanctuary, refuge, place of refuge; shelter (L+S); | 2 | confugi |
condenso, condensare, condensavi, condensatus V (1st) TRANS | compress; pack / press closely together; condense / make firm; (PASS) grow thickly; | 2 | condensa |
condemno, condemnare, condemnavi, condemnatus V (1st) TRANS | condemn, doom, convict; find guilty; (pass) sentence; blame, censure, impugn; | 2 | condemnant, condemnatus |
concipio, concipere, concepi, conceptus V (3rd) TRANS | take in / up, receive, catch; derive / draw (from); contain / hold; grasp; adopt; wed form, devise; understand, imagine; conceive, be mother of; utter (oath / prayer); | 2 | concepit |
concinno, concinnare, concinnavi, concinnatus V (1st) TRANS | prepare / make ready; repair, put / set right / in order, touch up; arrange suitably; make up, construct, concoct, put together; bring about, cause; render, make; | 2 | concinnabat, concinnant |
concilio, conciliare, conciliavi, conciliatus V (1st) TRANS | unite, bring together / about; cause; win over, attract; acquire, procure, buy; attract favor of, render favorably disposed; commend, endear; acquire; gain; bring a woman to man as wife, match; procure as a mistress; obtain improperly; | 2 | concilio |
concido, concidere, concidi, concisus V (3rd) TRANS | cut / chop up / down / to pieces; crop; ruin, kill, destroy; divide minutely; beat; | 2 | concidam, concidit |
concido, concidere, concidi, - V (3rd) INTRANS | fall down / faint / dead / victim / to earth / short, collapse; drop, subside; decline; perish, be slain / sacrificed; lose one's case, fail, give out / lose heart, decay; | 2 | concidam, concidit |
compungo, compungere, compunxi, compunctus V (3rd) TRANS | cause repentance; feel remorse / contrition; inspire w / devotion; (PASS) repent; prick, puncture (thoroughly); goad, stimulate; mark with points, tattoo; | 2 | compuncti, compunctum |
compunctus, compuncta, compunctum ADJ | aroused, pricked; inspired; feeling remorse, remorseful; | 2 | compuncti, compunctum |
complano, complanare, complanavi, complanatus V (1st) TRANS | make (ground) level / flat; smooth out (trouble); pull down, raze to ground; | 2 | complanans, complanavit |
compesco, compescere, compescui, - V (3rd) TRANS | restrain, check; quench; curb, confine, imprison; hold in check; block, close; | 2 | compescens, compescaris |
compes, compedis N (3rd) F | shackles (for feet) (usu. pl.), fetters; things impeding movement; chains; | 2 | compedibus |
comparo, comparare, comparavi, comparatus V (1st) TRANS | prepare; provide; compose; collect, get together / hold of; raise (force); unite; place together, match, couple, pair; set / pit against; treat as equal; compare; set up / establish / institute; arrange, dispose, settle; buy, acquire, secure; | 2 | comparatus |
comparatus, comparatus N (4th) M inscript | proportion; relation (L+S); | 2 | comparatus |
commutatio, commutationis N (3rd) F | change, reversal; upheaval; alteration; exchange, substitution; interchange; | 2 | commutatione, commutatio |
commoror, commorari, commoratus sum V (1st) DEP | stop / stay / remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed (menses); dwell on; | 2 | commoraretur, commorabitur |
commoro, commorare, commoravi, commoratus V (1st) | | 2 | commoraretur, commorabitur |
commodo, commodare, commodavi, commodatus V (1st) | lend, hire; give, bestow, provide; put at disposal of, oblige; make fit, adapt; | 2 | commodat |
commemoro, commemorare, commemoravi, commemoratus V (1st) TRANS | recall (to self / other); keep in mind, remember; mention / relate; place on record | 2 | commemorandum |
columba, columbae N (1st) F | pigeon; dove; (term of endearment); (bird of Venus / symbol of love / gentleness); | 2 | columbae |
collus, colli N (2nd) M | | 2 | collis, collum |
collum, colli N (2nd) N | neck; throat; head and neck; severed head; upper stem (flower); mountain ridge; | 2 | collis, collum |
colligo, colligare, colligavi, colligatus V (1st) TRANS | bind / tie / pack together / up, connect, unite / unify; fetter / bind; immobilize, stop; | 2 | colligas, colligent |
collido, collidere, collisi, collisus V (3rd) TRANS | strike / dash together; crush, batter, deform; set into conflict with each other; | 2 | collidetur, collisisti |
collaudo, collaudare, collaudavi, collaudatus V (1st) TRANS | praise / extol highly; commend; eulogize; | 2 | collaudate, collauda |
coenomyia, coenomyiae N (1st) F | common fly; | 2 | coenomyiam, coenomyia |
circo, circare, circavi, circatus V (1st) TRANS inscript | traverse; go about (L+S); wander through; | 2 | circa |
circa PREP ACC | around, on bounds of; about / near (space / time / numeral); concerning; with; | 2 | circa |
circa ADV | around, all around; round about; near, in vicinity / company; on either side; | 2 | circa |
cinus, cineris N (3rd) C | ashes; embers, spent love / hate; ruin, destruction; the grave / dead, cremation; | 2 | cinerem |
cinis, cineris N (3rd) C | | 2 | cinerem |
ciner, cineris N (3rd) C | | 2 | cinerem |
cilicium, cilicii N (2nd) N | rug / blanket / small garment of goat's hair; (originating in Cilicia); | 2 | cilicio, cilicium |
cibo, cibare, cibavi, cibatus V (1st) TRANS | feed, give food / fodder to animals / men; (also passive sense) eat, take food; | 2 | cibasti, cibarem |
cibarius, cibaria, cibarium ADJ | of / concerning food / rations, ration-; plain / common / servant (food), black (bread) | 2 | cibaria |
cibarium, cibarii N (2nd) N | shorts, coarser meal remaining after fine flour; ordinary musician; | 2 | cibaria |
cibarium, cibari(i) N (2nd) N | ration / allowance of food (pl.); food, provisions; food for animals, feed / fodder | 2 | cibaria |
cervus, cervi N (2nd) M | | 2 | cervorum, cervis |
cervos, cervi N M | stag / deer; forked branches; chevaux-de-frise (spiked barricade against cavalry) | 2 | cervorum, cervis |
cenaculum, cenaculi N (2nd) N | attic, garret (often let as lodging); upstairs dining room; top / upper story; | 2 | cenacula, cenaculis |
caverna, cavernae N (1st) F | hollow / grotto / cavern / cave / crevice / hole; burrow / den; cavity (tooth); hold (ship) aperture; orifice (body); interior (Trojan horse); celestial sphere; "depths"; | 2 | cavernam, caverna |
catulio, catulire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS | be in heat, desire to mate; (e.g., a bitch); | 2 | catuli |
castra, castrae N (1st) F | camp, military camp / field; army; fort, fortress; war service; day's march; | 2 | castra, castris |
castigo, castigare, castigavi, castigatus V (1st) | chastise / chasten, punish; correct, reprimand / dress down, castigate; neutralize; | 2 | castigans, castigavit |
castigatio, castigationis N (3rd) F | punishment; reprimand, reproof; pruning (trees / etc.); tempering (speech) (L+S); | 2 | castigatio, castigationes |
captivus, captivi N (2nd) C | prisoner of war (likely male, but maybe female), captive; | 2 | captivos |
capillus, capilli N (2nd) M | hair; hair of head; single hair; hair / fur / wool of animals; hair-like fiber; | 2 | capillos |
canus, cani N (2nd) M | gray hairs (pl.); old age; | 2 | canis, canum |
canus, cana, canum ADJ | white, gray; aged, old, wise; hoary; foamy, white-capped; white w / snow / frost; | 2 | canis, canum |
canum, cani N (2nd) N | wicker basket (used for food / flowers and in sacrifices); | 2 | canis, canum |
campe, campes N F | caterpillar; (pure Latin eruca); turning / writhing, evasion; | 2 | campis |
calumnior, calumniari, calumniatus sum V (1st) DEP | accuse falsely; misrepresent, interpret wrongly; depreciate, find fault with; | 2 | calumniantibus, calumnientur |
caligo, caliginis N (3rd) F | mist; darkness; | 2 | caligo |
caligo, caligare, caligavi, caligatus V (1st) | be dark / gloomy / misty / cloudy; have bad vision; cloud; be blinded; be / make dizzy; | 2 | caligo |
calceamentum, calceamenti N (2nd) N | shoe; instrument for stretching hides; | 2 | calceamentum |
calcaneus, calcanei N (2nd) M | | 2 | calcaneum |
calcaneum, calcanei N (2nd) N | heel; (rare form for calx); | 2 | calcaneum |
calamitas, calamitatis N (3rd) F | loss, damage, harm; misfortune / disaster; military defeat; blight, crop failure; | 2 | calamitas, calamitatem |
cacumen, cacuminis N (3rd) N | top, peak, summit; shoot, blade of grass, tip of tree / branch; zenith; limit; | 2 | cacuminum |
bruchus, bruchi N (2nd) M | locust; kind of wingless locust; | 2 | brucho, bruchus |
benigne, benignius, benignissime ADV | kindly, benevolently, obligingly; courteously, cheerfully; freely, generously; | 2 | benigne |
beniamin ======== UNKNOWN | beniamin ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | beniamin |
barba, barbae N (1st) F | beard / whiskers; large unkempt beard (pl.); [Jovis ~ => shrub Anthyllis barba]; | 2 | barbam |
auditus, auditus N (4th) M | hearing; listening; act / sense of hearing; hearsay; | 2 | auditu, auditum |
audito, auditare, auditavi, auditatus V (1st) TRANS | hear frequently; | 2 | auditas |
attraho, attrahere, attraxi, attractus V (3rd) TRANS | attract, draw / drag together / in / before / along; inhale; gather saliva; bend (bow); | 2 | attrahit, attraxi |
attollo, attollere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS | raise / lift up / towards / to a higher position; erect, build; exalt; extol, exalt; | 2 | attollite |
assum, adesse, affui, affuturus V | be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid (w / DAT); | 2 | affuisset, ades |
armum, armi N (2nd) N | arms (pl.), weapons, armor, shield; close fighting weapons; equipment; force; | 2 | arma |
armo, armare, armavi, armatus V (1st) TRANS | equip, fit with armor; arm; strengthen; rouse, stir; incite war; rig (ship); | 2 | arma |
arieto, arietare, arietavi, arietatus V (1st) | butt like a ram, batter / buffet, harass; strike violently; collide; stumble / trip | 2 | arietes |
aridum, aridi N (2nd) N | dry land; dry place; dry surface; dryness; | 2 | arida |
arida, aridae N (1st) F | | 2 | arida |
arena, arenae N (1st) F | sand, grains of sand; sandy land or desert; seashore; arena, place of contest; | 2 | arenam |
apsum, apesse, afui, afuturus V | be away / absent / distant / missing; be free / removed from; be lacking; be distinct; | 2 | apes, aperis |
approximo, approximare, approximavi, approximatus V (1st) TRANS | be / draw / come close / near to, approach; | 2 | approximabunt, approximant |
apo, apere, -, aptus V (3rd) TRANS | fasten, attach, join, connect, bind; | 2 | apes, aperis |
apertus, aperta -um, apertior -or -us, apertissimus -a -um ADJ | open / public / free; uncovered / exposed / opened; frank / clear / manifest; cloudless; | 2 | aperta, apertum |
apertum, aperti N (2nd) N | area free from obstacles, open / exposed space, the open (air); known facts (pl.) | 2 | aperta, apertum |
anxior, anxiari, anxiatus sum V (1st) DEP Medieval | be in anguish; be troubled; worry; | 2 | anxiaretur, anxiatus |
anxio, anxiare, anxiavi, anxiatus V (1st) TRANS | make uneasy / anxious / nervous; worry; | 2 | anxiaretur, anxiatus |
antiquum, antiqui N (2nd) N | antiquity; things of olden times; old custom / habit; | 2 | antiquis, antiquorum |
animalis, animalis, animale ADJ | made of air; animal, of living creatures, living, live, animate; vital; | 2 | animalia |
angustio, angustiare, angustiavi, angustiatus V (1st) TRANS | narrow, reduce width / size / amount, constrict, limit; choke, crowd together / hampe | 2 | angustias, angustia |
amorraeorum ======== UNKNOWN | amorraeorum ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | amorraeorum |
amicus, amici N (2nd) M | friend, ally, disciple; loved one; patron; counselor / courtier (to a prince); | 2 | amici, amicum |
amicus, amica -um, amicior -or -us, amicissimus -a -um ADJ | friendly, dear, fond of; supporting (political), loyal, devoted; loving; | 2 | amici, amicum |
amicio, amicire, amixi, amictus V (4th) TRANS | clothe, cover, dress; wrap about; surround; veil; clothe with words; | 2 | amici, amictus |
amicio, amicire, amicui, amictus V (4th) TRANS | | 2 | amici, amictus |
alus, ali N (2nd) F Pliny | | 2 | absalom, alis |
alum, ali N (2nd) N | species of comfrey plant; garlic; | 2 | absalom, alis |
alo, alere, alui, alitus V (3rd) TRANS | | 2 | alat, alis |
alligo, alligare, alligavi, alligatus V (1st) TRANS | bind / fetter (to); bandage; hinder, impede, detain; accuse; implicate / involve in | 2 | alligat, alligandos |
allido, allidere, allisi, allisus V (3rd) TRANS | dash / crush against, bruise; ruin, damage; shipwreck; (PASS) suffer damage; | 2 | allisisti, allidet |
alienor, alienari, alienatus sum V (1st) DEP | avoid (with antipathy); cause to feel disgust; be insane / mad; be different; | 2 | alienatum, alienati |
alienigenus, alienigena, alienigenum ADJ | different, foreign, alien; of / born in another country; imported, exotic; mixed; | 2 | alienigenarum |
alienigena, alienigenae N (1st) M | stranger, foreigner, alien; something imported / exotic; foreign-born; | 2 | alienigenarum |
agnus, agni N (2nd) M | lamb; | 2 | agni |
agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agnitus V (3rd) | recognize, realize, discern; acknowledge, claim, admit to / responsibility; | 2 | agnovisti, agnoscis |
agnos, agni N F | chaste-tree (vitex agnus castus), tall plant resembling the willow; | 2 | agni |
aeternalis, aeternalis, aeternale ADJ inscript | eternal, everlasting; | 2 | aeternales |
aetas, aetatis N (3rd) F | lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era; | 2 | aetatis, aetatem |
aestimo, aestimare, aestimavi, aestimatus V (1st) TRANS | value, assess; estimate; reckon; consider, judge (situation); esteem; | 2 | aestimati, aestimatus |
aestimatus, aestimata, aestimatum ADJ | valuated (price / worth), assessed / estimated (the cost / situation); esteemed; | 2 | aestimati, aestimatus |
aestas, aestatis N (3rd) F | summer; summer heat / weather; a year; | 2 | aestatis, aestatem |
aereus, aerea, aereum ADJ | made of / bound with / armored with / of the color of copper / bronze / brass; of / produced in / existing in / flying in air, airborne / aerial; towering / airy; blue; | 2 | aereum, aereas |
aedificans, aedificantis N (3rd) M Medieval | builder; | 2 | aedificantes, aedificans |
adversarium, adversari(i) N (2nd) N | temporary memorandum / account / day book (pl.); opponent's arguments / assertions; | 2 | adversariorum, adversarii |
adulescentulus, adulescentuli N (2nd) M | young man; mere youth; | 2 | adulescentulus |
adulescentulus, adulescentula, adulescentulum ADJ | very youthful, quite young; | 2 | adulescentulus |
adimpleo, adimplere, adimplevi, adimpletus V (2nd) TRANS | fill up (with); fulfill, carry out (promise / obligation); | 2 | adimpleas, adimpleat |
accelero, accelerare, acceleravi, acceleratus V (1st) | speed up, quicken, hurry; make haste, act quickly, hasten; accelerate; | 2 | acceleraverunt, accelera |
absque PREP ABL | without, apart from, away from; but for; except for; were it not for; (early); -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; | 2 | absque |
absorbeo, absorbere, absorpsi, absorptus V (2nd) TRANS | devour; overwhelm; swallow up / engulf, submerge; absorb, suck in; import; dry up | 2 | absorbet, absorbeat |
ablacto, ablactare, ablactavi, ablactatus V (1st) INTRANS | wean; | 2 | ablactatus |
abimelech ======== UNKNOWN | abimelech ======== UNKNOWN | 2 | abimelech |
abditum, abditi N (2nd) N | hidden / secret / out of the way place, lair, (in) secret; | 2 | abditis |
Tyrus, Tyri N (2nd) F | | 2 | tyri, tyrum |
Tyros, Tyri N F | Tyre; (city on the Phoenician coast); (famous for crimson dye Tyrian purple); | 2 | tyri, tyrum |
TACKON w / i-ea-id idem => same; | TACKON w / i-ea-id idem => same; | 2 | eandem, idem |
Salomon, Salomonis N (3rd) M | King Solomon; | 2 | salomonis |
Pharao, Pharaonis N (3rd) M | Pharaoh, title of King of Egypt; | 2 | pharaonem |
Marius, Maria, Marium ADJ | Marius, Roman gens; (C. Marius, consul around 100 BC); | 2 | maria |
Maria, Mariae N (1st) F | Mary; | 2 | maria |
Gigas, Gigantos / is N M | giant; Giant; the Giants (pl.); (race defeated by the Olympians); | 2 | gigas |
Cherubim, undeclined N M | Cherubim, rank of angels; heavenly choir; cherubs (pl.); | 2 | cherubim |
Aethiops, (gen.), Aethiopis ADJ | Ethiopian, of / connected with "Ethiopia" / Sudan / central Africa; | 2 | aethiopia |
Aethiopia, Aethiopiae N (1st) F | Ethiopia; present day Sudan; inland central Africa; | 2 | aethiopia |
-ity; -ness, makes abstract noun of quality or condition; | -ity; -ness, makes abstract noun of quality or condition; | 2 | puritatem |
-ing, -ion, -ery; the action or result of the action of the verb; | -ing, -ion, -ery; the action or result of the action of the verb; | 2 | redargutiones, interitionibus |
-ily; -ly; | -ily; -ly; | 2 | infideliter |
zona, zonae N (1st) F | zone; woman's girdle; (tunic) belt; money belt; climatic region; celestial zone; encircling band / marking; B:shingles (Herpes zoster); | 1 | zona |
ziphaei ======== UNKNOWN | ziphaei ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | ziphaei |
zebee ======== UNKNOWN | zebee ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | zebee |
zeb ======== UNKNOWN | zeb ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | zeb |
zabulon ======== UNKNOWN | zabulon ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | zabulon |
vulnus, vulneris N (3rd) N | wound; mental / emotional hurt; injury to one's interests; wound of love; | 1 | vulnus |
voluntarius, voluntari(i) N (2nd) M | volunteer; | 1 | voluntarie |
voluntarie ADV | willingly; | 1 | voluntarie |
volumen, voluminis N (3rd) N | book, chapter, fold; | 1 | volumine |
volens, (gen.), volentis ADJ | willing, welcome; | 1 | volens |
volans, volantis N (3rd) M Medieval | mercury (element); flying / soaring things, birds (pl.); | 1 | volante |
volans, (gen.), volantis ADJ Medieval | flying, soaring; movable, hinged; | 1 | volante |
vituperatio, vituperationis N (3rd) F | blame; censure; unfavorable criticism; | 1 | vituperationem |
vitis, vitis N (3rd) F | vine; grape vine; | 1 | vitis |
visum, visi N (2nd) N | vision; that which is seen, appearance, sight; visual / mental image; | 1 | visi |
viso, visere, visi, visus V (3rd) | visit, go to see; look at; | 1 | visi |
visio, visionis N (3rd) F | vision; | 1 | visione |
viscus, visceris N (3rd) N | soft fleshy body parts (usu. pl.), internal organs; entrails, flesh; offspring; | 1 | visceribus |
viscer, visceris N (3rd) N | entrails; innermost part of the body; heart; vitals; | 1 | visceribus |
violentus, violenta, violentum ADJ | violent, vehement, impetuous, boisterous; | 1 | violenti |
vindico, vindicare, vindicavi, vindicatus V (1st) | claim, vindicate; punish, avenge; | 1 | vindica |
vindemio, vindemiare, vindemiavi, vindemiatus V (1st) | gather / harvest grapes (for wine); gather grapes with which to make (wine); | 1 | vindemiant |
vigor, vigoris N (3rd) M | vigor, liveliness; | 1 | vigor |
vigil, vigilis N (3rd) M | sentry, guard; fireman, member of Roman fire / police brigade; watchman; | 1 | vigiles |
vigil, (gen.), vigilis ADJ | awake, wakeful; watchful; alert, vigilant, paying attention; | 1 | vigiles |
viduo, viduare, viduavi, viduatus V (1st) | widow; bereave of a husband; | 1 | vidua |
vicus, vici N (2nd) M | village; hamlet; street, row of houses; | 1 | vicos |
vibro, vibrare, vibravi, vibratus V (1st) | brandish, wave, crimp, corrugate; rock; propel suddenly; flash; dart; glitter; | 1 | vibrantes |
vg ======== UNKNOWN | vg ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | vg |
veterasco, veterascere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS | become long-established; grow old (Cas); | 1 | veterascent |
vestio, vestire, vestivi, vestitus V (4th) | clothe; | 1 | vestiet |
vespertinus, vespertina, vespertinum ADJ | evening; | 1 | vespertinum |
vescor, vesci, - V (3rd) DEP | feed on, eat, enjoy (with ABL); | 1 | vescendum |
verto, vertere, verti, versus V (3rd) | turn, turn around; change, alter; overthrow, destroy; | 1 | vertit |
vertigo, vertiginis N (3rd) F | gyration / rotation, whirling / spinning movement; giddiness, dizziness; changing; | 1 | vertiginis |
verso, versare, versavi, versatus V (1st) | keep turning / going round, spin, whirl; turn over and over; stir; maneuver; | 1 | versabis |
vermis, vermis N (3rd) M | worm, maggot; | 1 | vermis |
verecundia, verecundiae N (1st) F | shame; respect; modesty; | 1 | verecundia |
verber, verberis N (3rd) N | lash, whip; blows (pl.), a beating, flogging; | 1 | verberibus |
venumdo, venumdare, venumdedi, venumdatus V (1st) TRANS | sell; offer for sale; | 1 | venumdatus |
veneficus, venefici N (2nd) M | sorcerer, wizard, enchanter; poisoner; mixer of poisons; rogue; | 1 | venefici |
veneficium, venefici(i) N (2nd) N | magic / sorcery; poisoning; crime of poisoning; mixing of poison; poisoned drink; | 1 | venefici |
venefica, veneficae N (1st) F | witch, sorceress, enchantress; hag; jade; poisoner (female); mixer of poisons; | 1 | venefica |
vendo, vendere, vendidi, venditus V (3rd) | sell; | 1 | vendidisti |
velum, veli N (2nd) N | sail, covering; curtain; [vela vento dare => sail away]; | 1 | velum |
vecto, vectare, vectavi, vectatus V (1st) TRANS | transport, carry; (of habitual agent / means); (PASS) ride, be conveyed, travel; | 1 | vectes |
vectis, vectis N (3rd) M | crowbar, lever; | 1 | vectes |
vasum, vasi N (2nd) N | | 1 | vasa |
validus, valida, validum ADJ | strong, powerful; valid; | 1 | valida |
valet, valere, -, - V (2nd) IMPERS | farewell, goodbye, adieu (the Roman equivalent of "Live long and prosper"); | 1 | valentibus |
valeo, valere, valui, valitus V (2nd) | be strong / powerful / influential / healthy; prevail; [vale => goodbye / farewell]; | 1 | valentibus |
valens, valentis (gen.), valentior -or -us, valentissimus -a -um ADJ | strong; vigorous / healthy / robust; powerful / potent / effective; severe; influential | 1 | valentibus |
vagor, vagari, vagatus sum V (1st) DEP | wander, roam; | 1 | vagentur |
vado, vadere, vasi, - V (3rd) | go, advance, rush, hurry; walk; | 1 | vadens |
vaco, vacare, vacavi, vacatus V (1st) | be empty; be vacant; be idle; be free from, be unoccupied; | 1 | vacate |
utilitas, utilitatis N (3rd) F | usefulness, advantage; | 1 | utilitas |
uter, utra, utrum ADJ | which (of two), whichever, no matter which; one, either, one or other; (w / que) each / either (of two); both (separately); each side (pl.), each set; | 1 | uter |
usura, usurae N (1st) F | interest (usu. fraction / times of 12% per annum); use, enjoyment; | 1 | usuram |
urus, uri N (2nd) M | wild ox; | 1 | ure |
urgeo, urgere, ursi, - V (2nd) | press / squeeze / bear hard / down; tread / traverse continually; push / shove / thrust; spur on, urge; press hard in attack / pursuit, beset, follow hard on heels of; hem in; threaten by proximity; press verbally / argument / point; follow up; | 1 | urgeat |
unusquisque X | each one; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; | 1 | unusquisque |
unusquisque X | each one; | 1 | unusquisque |
unicuique X | each one; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; | 1 | unicuique |
unicuique X | each one; | 1 | unicuique |
unguo, unguere, unxi, unctus V (3rd) TRANS | | 1 | unguentum |
ungula, ungulae N (1st) F | hoof; bird claw / talon; (torture); toe nail; pig's foot / trotter (food / medicine); | 1 | ungulas |
ungueo, unguere, -, - V (2nd) TRANS | anoint / rub (w / oil / unguent); smear with oil / grease; dress (food w / oil); add oil; | 1 | unguentum |
unguentum, unguenti N (2nd) N | oil, ointment; | 1 | unguentum |
unde ADV | from where, whence, from what or which place; from which; from whom; | 1 | unde |
unanimiter ADV | unanimously; harmoniously; cordially; | 1 | unanimiter |
umbraculum, umbraculi N (2nd) N | shelter / shade; protection from sun; parasol / umbrella; shady retreat / bower / arbor | 1 | umbraculum |
ultimum ADV NeoLatin | extremely, to the last degree, utterly; finally, at last; | 1 | ultimum |
ullus, ulla, ullum (gen -ius) ADJ | any; | 1 | ullo |
ulciscor, ulcisci, ultus sum V (3rd) DEP | avenge; punish; | 1 | ulciscens |
tympanistria, tympanistriae N (1st) F | female tympanum (small drum) player; | 1 | tympanistriae |
turtur, turturis N (3rd) M | turtle-dove; | 1 | turtur |
tueor, tueri, tutus sum V (2nd) DEP | see, look at; protect, watch; uphold; | 1 | tueatur |
tueor, tueri, tuitus sum V (2nd) DEP | | 1 | tueatur |
tubus, tubi N (2nd) M | pipe; lute; trumpet; | 1 | tubis |
trucido, trucidare, trucidavi, trucidatus V (1st) | slaughter, butcher, massacre; | 1 | trucident |
transmigro, transmigrare, transmigravi, transmigratus V (1st) | change one's residence from one place to another; transport; spread (disease); | 1 | transmigra |
transilio, transilire, transilui, - V (4th) | jump across, leap over; | 1 | transiliam |
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus V (3rd) | draw, drag, haul; derive, get; | 1 | trahas |
traha, trahae N (1st) F NeoLatin | sleigh; | 1 | trahas |
torquis, torquis N (3rd) F | collar / necklace of twisted metal (often military); wreath (L+S); ring; chaplet; | 1 | torques |
torques, torquis N (3rd) M | | 1 | torques |
tione ======== UNKNOWN | tione ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | tione |
tineo, tineare, tineavi, tineatus V (1st) INTRANS | be infested with moths; (or maggots / larvae of moths which do the eating / damage) | 1 | tinea |
tinea, tineae N (1st) F | moth; | 1 | tinea |
thesaurizo, thesaurizare, thesaurizavi, thesaurizatus V (1st) TRANS | gather up treasure; lay up treasure; hoard; | 1 | thesaurizat |
thalamus, thalami N (2nd) M | bedroom; marriage; | 1 | thalamo |
thabor ======== UNKNOWN | thabor ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | thabor |
textura, texturae N (1st) F | weaving, texture; framework, structure; texture of atoms to void; | 1 | texturis |
texo, texere, texui, textus V (3rd) | weave; plait (together); construct with elaborate care; | 1 | texturis |
testificor, testificari, testificatus sum V (1st) DEP | assert solemnly, testify (to a fact); demonstrate; invoke as a witness; | 1 | testificabor |
tergum, tergi N (2nd) N | back, rear; reverse / far side; outer covering / surface; [terga vertere => flee]; | 1 | tergo |
tergo, tergere, tersi, tersus V (3rd) | rub, wipe; wipe off, wipe dry; clean, cleanse (sometimes tergeo); | 1 | tergo |
temere ADV | rashly, blindly; | 1 | temere |
tector, tectoris N (3rd) M | plasterer; | 1 | tectorum |
tardo, tardare, tardavi, tardatus V (1st) | check, retard; hinder; | 1 | tardaveris |
taliter ADV | in such a manner / way (as described), so; | 1 | taliter |
suspirium, suspiri(i) N (2nd) N | deep breath, sigh; | 1 | suspirium |
suspicor, suspicari, suspicatus sum V (1st) DEP | mistrust, suspect; suppose; | 1 | suspicatus |
suspendo, suspendere, suspendi, suspensus V (3rd) | hang up, suspend; | 1 | suspendimus |
supra PREP ACC | above, beyond; over; more than; in charge of, in authority over; | 1 | supra |
supra ADV | on top; more; above; before, formerly; | 1 | supra |
supputatio, supputationis N (3rd) F | computation; | 1 | supputatione |
supervacuus, supervacua, supervacuum ADJ | superfluous, redundant, more than needed; unnecessary, pointless, purposeless; | 1 | supervacuas |
superstes, (gen.), superstitis ADJ | outliving, surviving; standing over / near; present, witnessing; | 1 | superstites |
supergredior, supergredi, supergressus sum V (3rd) DEP | pass over or beyond; exceed, surpass; | 1 | supergressae |
superexalto, superexaltare, superexaltavi, superexaltatus V (1st) INTRANS | exalt above others; | 1 | superexaltatum |
sulphur, sulphuris N (3rd) N | brimstone, sulfur; lightning / thunder (associated with brimstone); | 1 | sulphur |
suffodio, suffodere, suffodi, suffossus V (3rd) | undermine, dig under; pierce or prod below; | 1 | suffossa |
suffero, sufferre, sustuli, sublatus V | bear, endure, suffer; | 1 | sustulit |
succendo, succendere, succendi, succensus V (3rd) | set on fire; | 1 | succensi |
subsisto, subsistere, substiti, - V (3rd) | halt, stand; cause to stop; | 1 | subsistet |
subsequor, subsequi, subsecutus sum V (3rd) DEP | follow close after; pursue; support; | 1 | subsequentur |
subo, subare, subavi, subatus V (1st) INTRANS | be in heat; | 1 | soba |
sublimus, sublima -um, sublimior -or -us, sublimissimus -a -um ADJ | | 1 | sublimis |
sublimis, sublime, sublimior -or -us, sublimissimus -a -um ADJ | high, lofty; eminent, exalted, elevated; raised on high; in high position; | 1 | sublimis |
suavium, suavi(i) N (2nd) N | kiss; sweetheart; | 1 | suavia |
suavitas, suavitatis N (3rd) F | charm, attractiveness; sweetness; | 1 | suavitatis |
suadeo, suadere, suasi, suasus V (2nd) | urge, recommend; suggest; induce; propose, persuade, advise; | 1 | suaserunt |
studium, studi(i) N (2nd) N | eagerness, enthusiasm, zeal, spirit; devotion, pursuit, study; | 1 | studia |
struo, struere, struxi, structus V (3rd) | build, construct; | 1 | structura |
structura, structurae N (1st) F | building, construction; structure, masonry, concrete; | 1 | structura |
stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictus V (3rd) | draw tight; draw; graze; strip off; | 1 | strinxerunt |
strideo, stridere, stridi, - V (2nd) INTRANS | creak, squeak, grate, shriek, whistle; (make shrill sound); hiss; gnash; | 1 | stridebit |
stipula, stipulae N (1st) F | stalk; stubble; straw; reed played on as a pipe; | 1 | stipulam |
sterilis, sterilis, sterile ADJ | barren, sterile; fruitless; unprofitable, futile; | 1 | sterilem |
status, status N (4th) M | position, situation, condition; rank; standing, status; | 1 | statui |
statua, statuae N (1st) F | statue; image; | 1 | statuam |
statera, staterae N (1st) F | scales, balance; grade, standard of quality; chariot pole; | 1 | stateram |
stabilitas, stabilitatis N (3rd) F | stability, steadiness; | 1 | stabilitatem |
sponsus, sponsus N (4th) M | contract; surety; bail; betrothal; | 1 | sponsus |
sponsus, sponsi N (2nd) M | bridegroom; betrothed man; | 1 | sponsus |
spinus, spini N (2nd) F | thorn-bush; black-thorn, sloe-tree; | 1 | spinis |
spina, spinae N (1st) F | thorn / spine / prickle (plant / animal); spike (asparagus); thorn-bush; blackthorn; spine / backbone / back; Circus center wall; fish-bone; difficulties (pl.); cares; | 1 | spinis |
spelunca, speluncae N (1st) F | cave; | 1 | spelunca |
specio, specere, spexi, - V (3rd) | look at, see; | 1 | species |
spatium, spati(i) N (2nd) N | space; area / expanse, room (for); intervening space, gap / interval; length / width; race course, lap, circuit; closed way / walk, turn; track (planet); act of play; interval, time, extent, period, term; duration; distance; area; size; bulk; | 1 | spatium |
sordes, sordis N (3rd) F | filth, dirt, uncleanness, squalor; meanness, stinginess; humiliation, baseness; | 1 | sordes |
sordeo, sordere, sordui, sorditus V (2nd) | be dirty / soiled; seem mean / unworthy / not good enough / common / coarse / vile / ignoble; | 1 | sordes |
soporo, soporare, soporavi, soporatus V (1st) | rend to sleep, render unconscious, stupefy; | 1 | soporatus |
somnio, somniare, somniavi, somniatus V (1st) | dream; dream of or see in a dream; | 1 | somniantes |
solum ADV | only / just / merely / barely / alone; | 1 | solum |
sollicitudo, sollicitudinis N (3rd) F | anxiety, concern, solicitude; | 1 | sollicitudinum |
solitarius, solitarii N (2nd) M | hermit; anchorite; person living alone; | 1 | solitarius |
solitarius, solitaria, solitarium ADJ | solitary, living / acting on one's own; single (combat); without companion; sole; | 1 | solitarius |
soleo, solere, solitus sum V (2nd) SEMIDEP | be in the habit of; become accustomed to; | 1 | sole |
socius, socia, socium ADJ | sharing; associated; allied; | 1 | socios |
socius, soci(i) N (2nd) M | associate, companion; ally; | 1 | socios |
situs, sita, situm ADJ | laid up, stored; positioned, situated; centered (on); | 1 | siti |
sinus, sini N (2nd) M | | 1 | sinum |
sinum, sini N (2nd) N | bowl for serving wine, etc; | 1 | sinum |
singulariter ADV | separately / singly, one by one; singular (grammar); exceptionally, extremely; particularly; exceedingly; singularly; unusually, remarkably; | 1 | singulariter |
singularis, singularis, singulare ADJ | alone, unique; single, one by one; singular, remarkable, unusual; | 1 | singularis |
singillatim ADV | one by one, singly, separately; | 1 | singillatim |
simulo, simulare, simulavi, simulatus V (1st) | imitate, copy; pretend (to have / be); look like; simulate; counterfeit; feint; | 1 | simulavit |
simplex, (gen.), simplicis ADJ | single; simple, unaffected; plain; | 1 | simplex |
silus, sila, silum ADJ | snub-nosed, pug-nosed; | 1 | silo |
silex, silicis N (3rd) C | pebble / stone, flint; boulder, stone; | 1 | silicem |
silens, (gen.), silentis ADJ | silent, still; | 1 | silentium |
siccum, sicci N (2nd) N | dry land; | 1 | sicco |
sessio, sessionis N (3rd) F | sitting; session; | 1 | sessionem |
serum, seri N (2nd) N | late hour; whey, the watery part of curdled milk; any similar fluid; | 1 | sero |
sero, serius, serissime ADV | late, at a late hour, tardily; of a late period; too late (COMP); | 1 | sero |
sera, serae N (1st) F | bar (for fastening doors); rail of post and rail fence; lock (Cal); | 1 | seras |
septuaginta, septuagesimus -a -um, septuageni -ae -a, septuagie (n)s NUM | 70 - (CARD answers 'how many'); | 1 | septuaginta |
septies ADV | seven times; | 1 | septies |
septem, septimus -a -um, septeni -ae -a, septie (n)s NUM | 7 times, on 7 occasions - (ADVERB answers 'how often'); | 1 | septies |
sepelio, sepelire, sepelivi, sepultus V (4th) TRANS | bury / inter; (Romans cremate + inter ashes); submerge, overcome; suppress; ruin; | 1 | sepeliret |
separo, separare, separavi, separatus V (1st) | divide, distinguish; separate; | 1 | separatum |
sentio, sentire, sensi, sensus V (4th) | perceive, feel, experience; think, realize, see, understand; | 1 | sentiant |
sententio, sententiare, sententiavi, sententiatus V (1st) | decree; L:pronounce sentence; | 1 | sententia |
sententia, sententiae N (1st) F | opinion, feeling, way of thinking; thought, meaning, sentence / period; purpose; | 1 | sententia |
senior, senioris N (3rd) M | older / elderly man, senior; (in Rome a man over 45); | 1 | seniorum |
senesco, senescere, senui, - V (3rd) | grow old; grow weak, be in a decline; become exhausted; | 1 | senui |
senectus, senectutis N (3rd) F | old age; extreme age; senility; old men; gray hairs; shed snake skin; | 1 | senectutis |
selmon ======== UNKNOWN | selmon ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | selmon |
seipse, seipsa, seipsum PRON | he himself, she herself, it itself; they themselves (pl.); | 1 | seipsum |
secus, undeclined N N | sex; | 1 | secus |
secus PREP ACC | by, beside, alongside; in accordance with; | 1 | secus |
secus ADV | otherwise; differently, in another way; contrary to what is right / expected; | 1 | secus |
secretus, secreta -um, secretior -or -us, secretissimus -a -um ADJ | separate, apart (from); private, secret; remote; hidden; | 1 | secreto |
secretum, secreti N (2nd) N | secret, mystic rite, haunt; | 1 | secreto |
secreto ADV | separately; secretly, in private; | 1 | secreto |
secerno, secernere, secrevi, secretus V (3rd) | separate; | 1 | secreto |
sculpo, sculpere, sculpsi, sculptus V (3rd) TRANS | carve, engrave (inscription / face); fashion / work into form by carving / engraving; | 1 | sculptae |
scruto, scrutare, scrutavi, scrutatus V (1st) TRANS | search / probe / examine carefully / thoroughly; explore / scan / scrutinize / investigate; | 1 | scrutare |
scriptus, scriptus N (4th) M | scribe's office; being a clerk; | 1 | scriptum |
scriba, scribae N (1st) M | scribe, clerk; | 1 | scribae |
scoria, scoriae N (1st) F | slag, dross; (of metals); | 1 | scoriam |
scobo, scobere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS | | 1 | scobebam |
scitus, scita, scitum ADJ | having practical knowledge of, neat, ingenious; nice, excellent; | 1 | scito |
scitum, sciti N (2nd) N | ordinance, statute; | 1 | scito |
scinifes, scinifos / is N C | kind of stinging insects; very small flies, gnats; other small creatures (OLD); | 1 | scinifes |
saturitas, saturitatis N (3rd) F | fullness / satiety (food / drink); surplus of digested food; abundance, plenitude; condition of being imbued with a color to saturation; | 1 | saturitatem |
satias, satiatis N (3rd) F | sufficiency, abundance; distaste caused by excess; | 1 | satias |
sarion ======== UNKNOWN | sarion ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | sarion |
sapa, sapae N (1st) F | new wine; | 1 | saba |
sanctitudo, sanctitudinis N (3rd) F | sanctity; | 1 | sanctitudo |
sanctificatio, sanctificationis N (3rd) F | sanctification; | 1 | sanctificationis |
samuel ======== UNKNOWN | samuel ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | samuel |
salvatio, salvationis N (3rd) F | salvation; deliverance; | 1 | salvationum |
salum, sali N (2nd) N | open sea, high sea, main, deep, ocean; sea in motion, billow, waves; | 1 | salis |
salsugo, salsuginis N (3rd) F | brine, water full of salt; salinity, salt quality; | 1 | salsuginem |
salo, salere, -, salsus V (3rd) TRANS | | 1 | salis |
salix, salicis N (3rd) F | willow-tree, willow; | 1 | salicibus |
salio, salire, salivi, saltus V (4th) | leap, jump; move suddenly / spasmodically (part of body under stress), twitch; spurt, discharge, be ejected under force (water / fluid); mount / cover (by stud); | 1 | salis |
salio, salire, salivi, salitus V (4th) TRANS | salt, salt down, preserve with salt; sprinkle before sacrifice; | 1 | salis |
saccus, sacci N (2nd) M | sack, bag; wallet; | 1 | saccum |
sabbatum, sabbati N (2nd) N | Sabbath (usu. pl.); Saturday (Jewish); Sunday (Christian); festival / feast day; | 1 | sabbati |
roto, rotare, rotavi, rotatus V (1st) | whirl round; revolve, rotate; | 1 | rota |
ros, roris N (3rd) M | dew; light rain; spray / splash water; [ros marinus / maris => rosemary]; | 1 | ros |
rivus, rivi N (2nd) M | stream; | 1 | rivi |
rideo, ridere, risi, risus V (2nd) | laugh at (with dat.), laugh; ridicule; | 1 | ridebunt |
reverens, reverentis (gen.), reverentior -or -us, reverentissimus -a -um ADJ | reverent; feeling / showing restraint before superiors; shy / apprehensive / uneasy; | 1 | reverentia |
retineo, retinere, retinui, retentus V (2nd) | hold back, restrain; uphold; delay; hold fast; retain,preserve; | 1 | retine |
retiaculum, retiaculi N (2nd) N | small (fish) net; small mesh bag; hair net; some sort of undergarment; network; | 1 | retiacula |
rete, retis N (3rd) N | net, snare; | 1 | rete |
resuscito, resuscitare, resuscitavi, resuscitatus V (1st) | rouse again, reawaken; | 1 | resuscita |
resurrectio, resurrectionis N (3rd) F | resurrection, rising again; | 1 | resurrectionem |
resurgo, resurgere, resurrexi, resurrectus V (3rd) | rise / appear again; rare up again, lift oneself, be restored / rebuilt, revive; | 1 | resurgat |
resto, restare, restiti, - V (1st) | stand firm; stay behind; be left, be left over; remain; | 1 | restiterunt |
restituo, restituere, restitui, restitutus V (3rd) | restore; revive; bring back; make good; | 1 | restitue |
respondeo, respondere, respondi, responsus V (2nd) | answer; | 1 | respondebo |
repto, reptare, reptavi, reptatus V (1st) | crawl / creep (over); move slowly / lazily / furtively, stroll / saunter, slink, grope; | 1 | reptabunt |
reprobo, reprobare, reprobavi, reprobatus V (1st) TRANS | condemn; reject; | 1 | reprobaverunt |
remissus, remissa -um, remissior -or -us, remississimus -a -um ADJ | relaxed / slack / sagging; loosely spaced; remiss; mild / gentle / free-and-easy / casual lenient, forbearing; moderate, not intense / potent; low (valuation); fever-free; | 1 | remissa |
remaneo, remanere, remansi, remansus V (2nd) | stay behind; continue, remain; | 1 | remansit |
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus V (3rd) | leave behind, abandon; (pass.) be left, remain; bequeath; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; | 1 | relinque |
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus V (3rd) | leave behind, abandon; (pass.) be left, remain; bequeath; | 1 | relinquent |
rejicio, rejicere, rejeci, rejectus V (3rd) TRANS | throw back; drive back; repulse, repel; refuse, reject, scorn; | 1 | reiecisti |
reicio, reicere, rejeci, rejectus V (3rd) TRANS | throw back; drive back; repulse, repel; refuse, reject, scorn; | 1 | reicias |
reicio, reicere, rejeci, rejectus V (3rd) TRANS | | 1 | reiecisti |
rehoqim ======== UNKNOWN | rehoqim ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | rehoqim |
regredior, regredi, regressus sum V (3rd) DEP | go back, return, retreat; | 1 | regredere |
regina, reginae N (1st) F | queen; | 1 | regina |
refrigero, refrigerare, refrigeravi, refrigeratus V (1st) | make cool; | 1 | refrigerer |
refrigerium, refrigeri(i) N (2nd) N | rest; relief; cool period; cooling; consolation, mitigation (L+S); | 1 | refrigerium |
refert, referre, retulit, relatus est V IMPERS | it matters / makes a difference / is of importance; matter / be of importance (PERS); | 1 | referet |
refero, referre, retuli, relatus V | bring / carry back / again / home; move / draw / force back, withdraw; go back, return; report (on), bring back news; record / enter; propose / open debate; assign / count; give / pay back, render, tender; restore; redirect; revive, repeat; recall; | 1 | referet |
refero, referre, rettuli, relatus V | bring / carry back / again / home; move / draw / force back, withdraw; go back, return; report (on), bring back news; record / enter; propose / open debate; assign / count; give / pay back, render, tender; restore; redirect; revive, repeat; recall; | 1 | referet |
redux, (gen.), reducis ADJ | coming back, returning; | 1 | reducis |
redundantia, redundantiae N (1st) F | overflow, overflowing, excessive flow; redundancy; reversal of flow; | 1 | redundantia |
redarguo, redarguere, redargui, - V (3rd) | refute; prove untrue; | 1 | redargutiones |
recubo, recubare, recubui, recubitus V (1st) | lie down / back, recline, lie on the back; | 1 | recubantis |
rector, rectoris N (3rd) M | guide, director, helmsman; horseman; driver; leader, ruler, governor; | 1 | rectorum |
recta ADV | directly, straight; | 1 | recta |
recondo, recondere, recondidi, reconditus V (3rd) | hide, conceal; put away; | 1 | reconditis |
reconditus, recondita, reconditum ADJ | hidden, concealed; abstruse; | 1 | reconditis |
raucus, rauca, raucum ADJ | hoarse; husky; raucous; | 1 | raucae |
rapina, rapinae N (1st) F | robbery, plunder, booty; rape; | 1 | rapina |
ramnum, ramni N (2nd) N | bramble; (buckthorn?); | 1 | rhamnum |
quoties ADV | how often; as often as; | 1 | quoties |
quotidie ADV | daily, every day; day by day; usually, ordinarily, commonly; | 1 | quotidie |
quot, undeclined ADJ | how many; of what number; as many; | 1 | quot |
quies, quietis N (3rd) F | quiet, calm, rest, peace; sleep; | 1 | quietis |
qui ADV | how?; how so; in what way; by what / which means; whereby; at whatever price; PACKON w / qui => whoever it be; whatever; each, each one; everyone, everything; qu PACK (w / -que) each, each one; every, everybody, everything (more than 2); whatever; (w / -que) any; each; | 1 | quique |
quassatio, quassationis N (3rd) F | violent shaking; | 1 | quassatio |
quadraginta, quadragesimus -a -um, quadrageni -ae -a, quadragie (n)s NUM | 40 - (CARD answers 'how many'); | 1 | quadraginta |
putro, putrere, putrui, putritus V (3rd) INTRANS | decay, rot, putrefy; fester; become stale (water) / loose (soil); crumble, molder | 1 | putruerunt |
pullum, pulli N (2nd) N | dark-gray cloth(es) (as pl.); | 1 | pullis |
pugna, pugnae N (1st) F | battle, fight; | 1 | pugna |
provoco, provocare, provocavi, provocatus V (1st) | call forth; challenge; provoke; | 1 | provocaverunt |
proventus, proventus N (4th) M | outcome, result; success; | 1 | proventum |
provenio, provenire, proveni, proventus V (4th) | come forth; come into being; prosper; | 1 | proventum |
propero, properare, properavi, properatus V (1st) | hurry, speed up; be quick; | 1 | properantis |
propago, propaginis N (3rd) F | layer or set by which a plant is propagated; offspring, children, race, breed; | 1 | propagines |
promptus, prompta -um, promptior -or -us, promptissimus -a -um ADJ | set forth, brought forward, manifest, disclosed; willing, ready, eager, quick; | 1 | promptissimo |
promptuarius, promptuaria, promptuarium ADJ | of / belonging to distribution, distributing; (like storehouse / repository / prison) that serves for storing things ready for use; | 1 | promptuaria |
promptuarium, promptuarii N (2nd) N | cupboard; store room; place where things are stored ready for use; storeroom; cupboard; place where things are stored for ready use; repository; | 1 | promptuaria |
prolongo, prolongare, prolongavi, prolongatus V (1st) TRANS | prolong, extend, lengthen; | 1 | prolongaverunt |
projectus, projecta, projectum ADJ | jutting out, projecting; precipitate; abject, groveling; | 1 | proiectus |
proficio, proficere, profeci, profectus V (3rd) | make, accomplish, effect; | 1 | proficiet |
profectio, profectionis N (3rd) F | departure; | 1 | profectione |
prodio, prodire, prodivi, proditus V (4th) INTRANS | go / come forth / out, advance; appear; sprout / spring up; issue / extend / project; | 1 | prodit |
prodeo, prodire, prodivi(ii), proditus V INTRANS | go / come forth / out, advance; appear; sprout / spring up; issue / extend / project; | 1 | prodeat |
prodeo, prodire, prodivi(ii), proditus V INTRANS | | 1 | prodit |
procul ADV | away; at distance, far off; | 1 | procul |
prociedo, prociedere, processi, processus V (3rd) | go forward, proceed; advance; | 1 | processerunt |
probe; look into; search; scope out; sweep (Douay) (prob. confused with V 1 1); | | 1 | scobebam |
privo, privare, privavi, privatus V (1st) | deprive, rob, free; | 1 | privabit |
principor, principari, principatus sum V (1st) DEP | rule; rule over (w / GEN / DAT) (Souter); | 1 | principatus |
principium, principi(i) N (2nd) N | beginning; | 1 | principium |
principatus, principatus N (4th) M | first place; rule; leadership; supremacy; chief command; | 1 | principatus |
pretium, preti(i) N (2nd) N Medieval | price / value / worth; reward / pay; money; prayer / request; [~ natalis => weregeld]; | 1 | pretium |
pravo, pravare, pravavi, pravatus V (1st) INTRANS | misrule; be crooked / bad / vicious / evil / corrupt; bend; | 1 | pravas |
pratum, prati N (2nd) N | meadow, meadowland; meadow grass / crop; broad expanse / field / plain (land / sea); | 1 | prata |
praevaricatio, praevaricationis N (3rd) F | collusion; transgression (Plater); | 1 | praevaricationes |
praetergredior, praetergredi, praetergressus sum V (3rd) DEP | march or go past; | 1 | praetergrediuntur |
praetendo, praetendere, praetendi, praetentus V (3rd) | stretch out; spread before; extend in front; allege in excuse; | 1 | praetende |
praesto, praestare, praestavi, praestatus V (1st) | to furnish / supply; excel, surpass, be outstanding / superior / best / greater / prefera make available, hand over; tender / offer / present; play part; apply, bring to bear; fulfill, make good; keep word; be responsible for; | 1 | praestans |
praestat, praestare, praestitit, praestitus est V (1st) IMPERS | it is better; | 1 | praestans |
praestans, praestantis (gen.), praestantior -or -us, praestantissimus -a -um ADJ | excellent, outstanding (in quality / worth / degree / importance), surpassing all; | 1 | praestans |
praepono, praeponere, praeposui, praepositus V (3rd) | | 1 | praeposuero |
praeparo, praeparare, praeparavi, praeparatus V (1st) | prepare; | 1 | praeparantur |
praedico, praedicare, praedicavi, praedicatus V (1st) TRANS | proclaim / declare / make known / publish / announce formally; praise / recommend; preach | 1 | praedicabo |
praeda, praedae N (1st) F | booty, loot, spoils, plunder, prey; | 1 | praedam |
praeclarus, praeclara, praeclarum ADJ | very clear; splendid; famous; bright, illustrious; noble, distinguished; | 1 | praeclaris |
praecisus, praecisa, praecisum ADJ | abrupt, precipitous; clipped, staccato; | 1 | praecisus |
praecipito, praecipitare, praecipitavi, praecipitatus V (1st) | throw headlong, cast down; | 1 | praecipites |
praecino, praecinere, praecinui, praecentus V (3rd) | predict; | 1 | praecinite |
praecido, praecidere, praecidi, praecisus V (3rd) | cut off in front; cut back, cut short; | 1 | praecisus |
praeceptor, praeceptoris N (3rd) M | teacher, instructor; | 1 | praeceptorum |
praeceps, (gen.), praecipitis ADJ | head first, headlong; steep, precipitous; | 1 | praecipites |
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitus V (2nd) TRANS | present / show / put forward; offer; expose physically oneself; expose / submit / allow make available, supply, provide; be the cause, occasion, produce; render; | 1 | praebeat |
potenter, potentius, potentissime ADV | effectively / cogently; in overbearing manner; powerfully, w / force; competently; | 1 | potentissime |
postulatio, postulationis N (3rd) F | petition, request; | 1 | postulatio |
postremus, postrema, postremum ADJ | last / final / latest / most recent; nearest end / farthest back / hindmost; worst / lowest | 1 | postremi |
postea ADV | afterwards; | 1 | postea |
portus, portus N (4th) M | port, harbor; refuge, haven, place of refuge; | 1 | portum |
ploro, plorare, ploravi, ploratus V (1st) | cry over, cry aloud; lament, weep; deplore; | 1 | plorabantur |
plaudeo, plaudere, plausi, plausus V (2nd) | | 1 | plaudent |
plango, plangere, planxi, planctus V (3rd) | strike, beat; bewail; lament for, mourn; | 1 | planctum |
planctus, planctus N (4th) M | wailing, lamentation, lament, beating of the breast; mourning; | 1 | planctum |
place in command, in front of or before; put X (ACC) in front of Y (DAT); | | 1 | praeposuero |
phinees ======== UNKNOWN | phinees ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | phinees |
philistaei ======== UNKNOWN | philistaei ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | philistaei |
pharetra, pharetrae N (1st) F | quiver; | 1 | pharetram |
perverto, pervertere, perverti, perversus V (3rd) | overthrow; subvert; destroy, ruin, corrupt; | 1 | perverso |
perversus, perversa, perversum ADJ | askew, awry; perverse, evil, bad; | 1 | perverso |
perturbo, perturbare, perturbavi, perturbatus V (1st) | confuse, throw into confusion; disturb, perturb, trouble; alarm; | 1 | perturbabant |
permitto, permittere, permisi, permissus V (3rd) | let through; let go through; relinquish; permit, allow; entrust; hurl; | 1 | permisit |
perfectus, perfecta, perfectum ADJ | perfect, complete; excellent; | 1 | perfecto |
perenno, perennare, perennavi, perennatus V (1st) INTRANS | last many years; | 1 | perennes |
perennis, perennis, perenne ADJ | continual; everlasting, perpetual, perennial; eternal; | 1 | perennes |
peregrinor, peregrinari, peregrinatus sum V (1st) DEP | travel about, be an alien, sojourn in strange country, go abroad, wander, roam; | 1 | peregrinatus |
perditus, perditus N (4th) M | ruination, ruin; | 1 | perditum |
perditus, perdita -um, perditior -or -us, perditissimus -a -um ADJ | ruined; broken / debilitated; bankrupt, financially ruined; lost, done for; degenerate, morally depraved, wild, abandoned; reckless; desperate / hopeless; | 1 | perditum |
percussus, percussus N (4th) M | buffeting; beating; | 1 | percussum |
percurro, percurrere, percurri, percursus V (3rd) | quickly move / run / travel / hasten / pass through / over; form continuous line; stroke; review, run over (in thought / words), run through in sequence; skim over; touch upon different points in quick succession; fill offices in succession; travel quickly from end to end; make rapid tour, visit in quick succession; | 1 | percurrite |
percurro, percurrere, percucurri, percursus V (3rd) | quickly move / run / travel / hasten / pass through / over; form continuous line; stroke; review, run over (in thought / words), run through in sequence; skim over; touch upon different points in quick succession; fill offices in succession; travel quickly from end to end; make rapid tour, visit in quick succession; | 1 | percurrite |
penetralis, penetralis, penetrale ADJ | inner, innermost; | 1 | penetralibus |
penetrale, penetralis N (3rd) N | inner part of a place; inner shrine; sanctuary of the household gods; innermost parts / chambers / self (pl.); spirit, life of soul; gimlet (Latham); | 1 | penetralibus |
pellex, pellicis N (3rd) F | mistress (installed as rival / in addition to wife), concubine; male prostitute; | 1 | pellicano |
pecus, pecudis N (3rd) F | sheep; animal; | 1 | pecus |
pecunia, pecuniae N (1st) F | money; property; | 1 | pecuniam |
peculium, peculi(i) N (2nd) N | small savings; private property; | 1 | peculium |
pecu, pecus N (4th) N | herd, flock; cattle, sheep; farm animals (pl.); pastures (L+S); money; | 1 | pecus |
pavio, pavire, pavivi, pavitus V (4th) | beat, strike; push down; | 1 | pavit |
paupertas, paupertatis N (3rd) F | poverty, need; humble circumstances; | 1 | paupertate |
patientia, patientiae N (1st) F | endurance / hardiness; patience / persistence; apathy; sufferance; hardship; tolerance / forbearance; complaisance / submissiveness; submission by prostitute; | 1 | patientia |
pateo, patere, patui, - V (2nd) | stand open, be open; extend; be well known; lie open, be accessible; | 1 | patens |
patens, patentis (gen.), patentior -or -us, patentissimus -a -um ADJ | open, accessible; | 1 | patens |
pasca, pascae N (1st) F | vinegar mixed in water; (field drink of Roman soldiers); (also for slaves); | 1 | pascis |
partus, partus N (4th) M | birth; offspring; | 1 | partum |
partum, parti N (2nd) N | gains, acquisitions; savings; what one has acquired / saved; | 1 | partum |
partior, partiri, partitus sum V (4th) DEP | share, divide up, distribute; | 1 | partibor |
partio, partire, partivi, partitus V (4th) TRANS | | 1 | partibor |
particeps, participis N (3rd) C | sharer, partaker; | 1 | particeps |
particeps, (gen.), participis ADJ | sharing in, taking part in; | 1 | particeps |
pario, parire, peperi, paritus V (4th) | | 1 | peperit |
paries, parietis N (3rd) M | wall, house wall; | 1 | parietem |
parco, parcere, parsi, parsus V (3rd) | | 1 | parcet |
parco, parcere, parcui, parsus V (3rd) | | 1 | parcet |
parabole, paraboles N F | comparison; explanatory illustration; parable (L+S), allegory; proverb; speech; | 1 | parabolis |
palpo, palpare, palpavi, palpatus V (1st) TRANS | stroke; coax, flatter, wheedle; | 1 | palpabunt |
palpito, palpitare, palpitavi, palpitatus V (1st) | throb, beat, pulsate; | 1 | palpitavit |
palor, palari, palatus sum V (1st) DEP | wander abroad stray; scatter; wander aimlessly; | 1 | palatum |
palmus, palmi N (2nd) M | palm of the hand; width of palm as unit of measure (4 inches); span (L+S); | 1 | palmorum |
palmes, palmitis N (3rd) M | young vine branch / shoot / sprig / sprout; vine, bough, branch; | 1 | palmites |
palma, palmae N (1st) F | palm / width of the hand; hand; palm tree / branch; date; palm award / first place; | 1 | palma |
pallor, palloris N (3rd) M | wanness; paleness of complexion; pallidness; | 1 | pallore |
palatum, palati N (2nd) N | palate; sense of taste; | 1 | palatum |
pacifico, pacificare, pacificavi, pacificatus V (1st) | make peace, conclude peace; grant peace; pacify, appease; | 1 | pacifico |
pacatus, pacata -um, pacatior -or -us, pacatissimus -a -um ADJ | peaceful, calm; | 1 | pacatam |
ovum, ovi N (2nd) N | egg; oval; | 1 | ovis |
ostium, osti(i) N (2nd) N | doorway; front door; starting gate; entrance (underworld); (river) mouth; | 1 | ostium |
osculor, osculari, osculatus sum V (1st) DEP | kiss; exchange kisses; | 1 | osculatae |
ornatus, ornata -um, ornatior -or -us, ornatissimus -a -um ADJ | well equipped / endowed, richly adorned, ornate; distinguished, honored; | 1 | ornata |
organum, organi N (2nd) N | organ; organ pipe; mechanical device; instrument; [~ hydraulicum=>water organ]; | 1 | organo |
oreb ======== UNKNOWN | oreb ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | oreb |
ordo, ordinis N (3rd) M | row, order / rank; succession; series; class; bank (oars); order (of monks) (Bee) | 1 | ordinem |
ordino, ordinare, ordinavi, ordinatus V (1st) | order / arrange, set in order; adjust, regulate; compose; ordain / appoint (Bee); | 1 | ordinem |
optimas, optimatis N (3rd) M | aristocrat, patrician; wellborn; nobles / patricians / "Good men" adherent / partisan | 1 | optimates |
optimas, (gen.), optimatis ADJ | aristocratic; | 1 | optimates |
ops, opis N (3rd) F | power, might; help; influence; resources / wealth (pl.); | 1 | opem |
oppugno, oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatus V (1st) | attack, assault, storm, besiege; | 1 | oppugnaverunt |
oppressio, oppressionis N (3rd) F | force; oppression; seizure; B:catalepsy; | 1 | oppressione |
oppilo, oppilare, oppilavi, oppilatus V (1st) | stop up, block; | 1 | oppilabit |
ophir ======== UNKNOWN | ophir ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | ophir |
opertus, operta, opertum ADJ | hidden; obscure, secret; | 1 | operti |
opertum, operti N (2nd) N | secret; secret place; | 1 | operti |
opertorium, opertori(i) N (2nd) N | blanket. covering for a bed; | 1 | opertorium |
onager, onagri N (2nd) M | wild ass; | 1 | onagri |
olivum, olivi N (2nd) N | olive-oil; wrestling; | 1 | oliva |
offero, offerare, offeravi, offeratus V (1st) Medieval | offer; present; cause; bestow; (medieval form of offerre); | 1 | offerent |
offendo, offendere, offendi, offensus V (3rd) | offend, give offense (to); displease / annoy / vex; trouble / upset, hurt (feelings); strike / knock against; bump into; stumble upon; check, stop short; spoil / harm; come upon, meet, find, encounter, be faced with; run aground; violate / wrong; | 1 | offendas |
offendiculum, offendiculi N (2nd) N | obstacle, stumbling block, hindrance; cause of offense (L+S); | 1 | offendicula |
odoro, odorare, odoravi, odoratus V (1st) | perfume, make fragrant; | 1 | odorabunt |
odium, odi(i) N (2nd) N | hate / hatred / dislike / antipathy; odium, unpopularity; boredom / impatience; hatred (manifested by / towards group), hostility; object of hate / odium; Syncopated perfect ivi can drop 'v' without contracting vowel | 1 | odii |
octoginta, octogesimus -a -um, octogeni -ae -a, octogie (n)s NUM | 80 - (CARD answers 'how many'); | 1 | octoginta |
occulte ADV | secretly; | 1 | occulte |
occisio, occisionis N (3rd) F | murder, killing; slaughter; | 1 | occisionis |
obvio, obviare, obviavi, obviatus V (1st) DAT | meet (with dat.); | 1 | obviaverunt |
obturo, obturare, obturavi, obturatus V (1st) TRANS | stop up; | 1 | obturantis |
obtego, obtegere, obtexi, obtectus V (3rd) | cover over; conceal; protect; | 1 | obtectum |
obsurdesco, obsurdescere, obsurdui, - V (3rd) INTRANS | become deaf; turn a deaf ear; | 1 | obsurdescas |
obstupesco, obstupescere, obstupui, - V (3rd) | be stupefied; be struck dumb; be astounded; | 1 | obstupescant |
obstruo, obstruere, obstruxi, obstructus V (3rd) | block up, barricade; | 1 | obstructum |
obsido, obsidere, -, - V (3rd) | besiege; occupy; | 1 | obsidebant |
obsecratio, obsecrationis N (3rd) F | supplication, entreaty; public act of prayer; | 1 | obsecrationem |
obryzum, obryzi N (2nd) N | pure gold; (also written obryzum aurum); | 1 | obryzum |
obryza, obryzae N (1st) F | standard gold; fine / pure gold (OLD); | 1 | obryzum |
obrigesco, obrigescere, obrigui, - V (3rd) | stiffen; | 1 | obriguit |
oboedio, oboedire, oboedivi, oboeditus V (4th) | obey; listen / harken / submit (to); be subject / obedient / responsible / a slave (to); | 1 | oboedivit |
obloquor, obloqui, oblocutus sum V (3rd) DEP | interpose remarks, interrupt; | 1 | obloquentis |
oblivium, oblivi(i) N (2nd) N | forgetfulness, oblivion; | 1 | oblivio |
nycticorax, nycticoracis N (3rd) M | night raven; | 1 | nycticorax |
numero ADV | quickly, rapidly; prematurely, too soon; too much(?); | 1 | numero |
nubilus, nubila, nubilum ADJ | cloudy; lowering; | 1 | nubila |
nubilum, nubili N (2nd) N | clouds (pl.), rain clouds; | 1 | nubila |
novissimus, novissima, novissimum ADJ | last, rear; most recent; utmost; | 1 | novissima |
novissimum, novissimi N (2nd) N | rear (pl.), those at the rear (the freshest troops); | 1 | novissima |
novacula, novaculae N (1st) F | razor; | 1 | novacula |
not (introducing negative clause, w / qui); verily, truely (affirmative particle | not (introducing negative clause, w / qui); verily, truely (affirmative particle | 1 | nequam |
nocturnus, nocturna, nocturnum ADJ | nocturnal, of night, at night, by night; | 1 | nocturno |
nocens, (gen.), nocentis ADJ | harmful; guilty; criminal; | 1 | nocentes |
niteo, nitere, nitui, - V (2nd) | shine, glitter, look bright; be sleek / in good condition; bloom, thrive; | 1 | nitent |
nimius, nimia, nimium ADJ | excessive, too great; | 1 | nimium |
nimium ADV | too, too much; very, very much, beyond measure, excessive, too great; | 1 | nimium |
nidus, nidi N (2nd) M | nest; | 1 | nidum |
nidifico, nidificare, nidificavi, nidificatus V (1st) INTRANS | build a nest; | 1 | nidificabunt |
nervus, nervi N (2nd) M | sinew / muscle / nerve; hamstring; tendon (as material); stringed instrument (pl.); strength; vigor, nerve, force, power; sexual power, virility; penis (rude); string / cord; bowstring; bow; (leather) thong; fetter (for prisoner); prison; | 1 | nervum |
nequam, undeclined ADJ | wicked / licentious / depraved; bad / vile; naughty / roguish; worthless / useless; | 1 | nequam |
nephthali ======== UNKNOWN | nephthali ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | nephthali |
neomenia, neomeniae N (1st) F | new moon; | 1 | neomenia |
natus, natus N (4th) M | birth; age, years [minor natu => younger; major natu => older]; | 1 | natus |
nathan ======== UNKNOWN | nathan ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | nathan |
naharaim ======== UNKNOWN | naharaim ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | naharaim |
myrrha, myrrhae N (1st) F | myrrh (aromatic gum / ointment); tree source of myrrh (Commiphora schimperi); | 1 | myrrha |
mutuor, mutuari, mutuatus sum V (1st) DEP | borrow, obtain on loan; | 1 | mutuatur |
mutuo, mutuare, mutuavi, mutuatus V (1st) Medieval | lend; exchange; | 1 | mutuatur |
mutatio, mutationis N (3rd) F | change, alteration; interchange, exchange; | 1 | mutatio |
mut ======== UNKNOWN | mut ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | mut |
mulus, muli N (2nd) M | mule; | 1 | mulus |
multo ADV | much, by much, a great deal, very; most; by far; long (before / after); | 1 | multo |
mulier, mulieris N (3rd) F | woman; wife; mistress; | 1 | mulieris |
moto, motare, motavi, motatus V (1st) | set in motion, shake, stir, etc; | 1 | mota |
mosoch ======== UNKNOWN | mosoch ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | mosoch |
morus, mori N (2nd) F | black mulberry tree; | 1 | moros |
morticinus, morticina, morticinum ADJ | not slaughtered, of animal that died natural death / its flesh; of dead tissue; | 1 | morticina |
mortalis, mortalis, mortale ADJ | mortal, transient; human, of human origin; | 1 | mortalium |
moratus, morata, moratum ADJ | endowed with character or manners of a specified kind; gentle, civilized; | 1 | moratus |
monstrum, monstri N (2nd) N | monster; portent, unnatural thing / event regarded as omen / sign / portent; | 1 | monstris |
momentum, momenti N (2nd) N | moment, importance, influence; motion, movement; impulse, effort; | 1 | momentum |
molior, moliri, molitus sum V (4th) DEP | struggle, labor, labor at; construct, build; undertake, set in motion, plan; | 1 | molitur |
molestus, molesta -um, molestior -or -us, molestissimus -a -um ADJ | annoying; troublesome; tiresome; [molestus esse => to be a worry / nuisance]; | 1 | molesti |
molestia, molestiae N (1st) F | trouble, annoyance; | 1 | molestiam |
mola, molae N (1st) F | millstone; ground meal; mill (pl.) [salsa ~ => salted meal, for sacrifices]; | 1 | molas |
modicus, modici N (2nd) M Medieval | | 1 | modicum |
modicus, modica, modicum ADJ | moderate; temperate, restrained; small (Bee); | 1 | modicum |
modicum, modici N (2nd) N | short / small time; short distance, little way; little, small amount; | 1 | modicum |
miser, miseri N (2nd) M | wretched people (pl.); | 1 | miseri |
miser, misera -um, miserior -or -us, miserrimus -a -um ADJ | poor, miserable; | 1 | miseri |
misar ======== UNKNOWN | misar ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | misar |
mirificus, mirifica, mirificum ADJ | wonderful; amazing; | 1 | mirifica |
minuo, minuere, minui, minutus V (3rd) | lessen, reduce, diminish, impair, abate; | 1 | minuisti |
ministro, ministrare, ministravi, ministratus V (1st) DAT | attend (to), serve, furnish; supply; | 1 | ministrabit |
ministerium, ministerii N (2nd) N Medieval | ministry (of state); | 1 | ministerium |
ministerium, ministeri(i) N (2nd) N | office, attendance, service, employment, body of helpers; occupation, work; | 1 | ministerium |
merx, mercis N (3rd) F | commodity; merchandise (pl.), goods; | 1 | merces |
merus, mera, merum ADJ | unmixed (wine), pure, only; bare, mere, sheer; | 1 | meri |
merum, meri N (2nd) N | wine (unmixed with water); | 1 | meri |
meridio, meridiare, meridiavi, meridiatus V (1st) INTRANS | take a siesta; | 1 | meridiem |
merces, mercedis N (3rd) F | pay, recompense, hire, salary, reward; rent, price; bribe; | 1 | merces |
mendicus, mendica, mendicum ADJ | poor as a beggar, beggarly; paltry, pitiful; | 1 | mendicum |
mendico, mendicare, mendicavi, mendicatus V (1st) | beg for; be a beggar, go begging; | 1 | mendicent |
mendicitas, mendicitatis N (3rd) F | beggary; | 1 | mendicitate |
mementote X | remember; be mindful of; | 1 | mementote |
melchisedech ======== UNKNOWN | melchisedech ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | melchisedech |
medulla, medullae N (1st) F | marrow, kernel; innermost part; quintessence; | 1 | medullata |
maximus, maxima, maximum ADJ | greatest / biggest / largest; longest; oldest; highest, utmost; leading, chief; | 1 | maximo |
maxilla, maxillae N (1st) F | jaw (viewed externally), lower part of the face; jaws / jaw-bones (usu. pl.); | 1 | maxillam |
massa, massae N (1st) F Medieval | mace; club; mass, bulk; heavy weight, load, burden; lump; kneaded dough; | 1 | massa |
manna, undeclined N N | manna; (food from God for wandering Hebrews); [man hu => (Hebrew) what is this] | 1 | manna |
manna, mannae N (1st) F | manna; (food from God for Exodus Jews); food for the soul, divine support; manna, vegetable juice hardened to grains (Pliny); | 1 | manna |
manica, manicae N (1st) F | sleeves (pl.), long sleeves; gloves, gauntlets; armlets; handcuffs, manacles; | 1 | manicis |
malignitas, malignitatis N (3rd) F | ill-will, spite, malice; niggardliness; | 1 | malignitate |
maleficium, malefici(i) N (2nd) N | crime / misdeed / offense; injury / hurt / wrong; fraud / deception (L+S); sorcery; pest; | 1 | maleficium |
magniloquus, magniloqua, magniloquum ADJ | boastful; | 1 | magniloquam |
madian ======== UNKNOWN | madian ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | madian |
maculo, maculare, maculavi, maculatus V (1st) | spot; pollute; dishonor, taint; | 1 | macula |
macula, maculae N (1st) F | spot, stain, blemish; dishonor; mesh in a net; | 1 | macula |
machinor, machinari, machinatus sum V (1st) DEP | devise; plot; | 1 | machinandas |
machinatio, machinationis N (3rd) F | machine; engine (of war), mechanism, contrivance, artifice; trick, device; | 1 | machinationes |
lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctus V (2nd) | mourn, grieve (over); bewail, lament; be in mourning; | 1 | lugens |
ludo, ludere, lusi, lusus V (3rd) | play, mock, tease, trick; | 1 | ludendum |
lucus, luci N (2nd) M | grove; sacred grove; | 1 | luce |
lucrum, lucri N (2nd) N | gain, profit; avarice; | 1 | lucro |
lucifer, luciferi N (2nd) M | morning star, day star, planet Venus; bringer of light; | 1 | luciferum |
lucifer, lucifera, luciferum ADJ | light bringing; | 1 | luciferum |
lucidus, lucida, lucidum ADJ | bright, shining; clear; | 1 | lucidum |
lubrico, lubricare, lubricavi, lubricatus V (1st) TRANS | make slippery; slip (especially morally) (Souter); render uncertain; | 1 | lubrico |
lot ======== UNKNOWN | lot ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | lot |
lorica, loricae N (1st) F | coat of mail; breastwork, parapet, fortification; | 1 | lorica |
loquela, loquelae N (1st) F | speech, utterance; | 1 | loquelae |
longinquus, longinqua -um, longinquior -or -us, longinquissimus -a -um ADJ | remote, distant, far off; lasting, of long duration; | 1 | longinqui |
livor, livoris N (3rd) M | bluish discoloration (produced by bruising, etc); envy, spite; | 1 | livores |
little, small, -let (Diminutive) target is of gender of root => decl; | little, small, -let (Diminutive) target is of gender of root => decl; | 1 | iuvenculae |
liquesco, liquescere, -, - V (3rd) | become liquid / fluid, melt, liquefy; decompose, putrefy; grow soft / effeminate; | 1 | liquescens |
lino, linere, levi, litus V (3rd) TRANS | smear, plaster (with); seal (wine jar); erase / rub over; befoul; cover / overlay; | 1 | levi |
linguosus, linguosa, linguosum ADJ | talkative; | 1 | linguosus |
lingo, lingere, linxi, linctus V (3rd) TRANS | lick; lick up (L+S); | 1 | lingent |
limus, limi N (2nd) M | apron crossed with purple, worn by attendants at sacrifice / by magistrates; mud / mire; slime; filth / pollution; silt; crusted dirt; sediment of wine; | 1 | limo |
limus, lima, limum ADJ | oblique, transverse; sidelong, sideways; askew, aslant; askance; | 1 | limo |
limo, limare, limavi, limatus V (1st) | file; polish; file down; detract gradually from; | 1 | limo |
limen, liminis N (3rd) N | threshold, entrance; lintel; house; | 1 | limen |
limax, limacis N (3rd) C | slug; snail; | 1 | limax |
libra, librae N (1st) F | scales, balance; level; Roman pound, 12 unciae / ounces; (3 / 4 pound avoirdupois); | 1 | librum |
libatio, libationis N (3rd) F | libation, sacrificial offering (esp. of drink); | 1 | libationes |
lenis, lene, lenior -or -us, lenissimus -a -um ADJ | gentle, kind, light; smooth, mild, easy, calm; | 1 | lene |
lebes, lebetis N M | copper cauldron, kettle; basin (washing); (prize in the Grecian games); | 1 | lebes |
lava, lavae N (1st) F NeoLatin | lava; | 1 | lava |
languesco, languescere, langui, - V (3rd) | become faint or languid or weak, wilt; | 1 | languerunt |
lana, lanae N (1st) F | wool; fleece; soft hair; down; trifles; | 1 | lanam |
lamina, laminae N (1st) F | plate; veneer; thin sheet of metal / other material; (blade); money / cash; | 1 | laminis |
lacto, lactare, lactavi, lactatus V (1st) | entice, lead on, induce; wheedle, cajole, dupe; | 1 | lactantium |
lactans, (gen.), lactantis ADJ | giving milk, lactating; | 1 | lactantium |
lacrimor, lacrimari, lacrimatus sum V (1st) DEP | shed tears, weep; | 1 | lacrimata |
lacrimo, lacrimare, lacrimavi, lacrimatus V (1st) | | 1 | lacrimata |
labben ======== UNKNOWN | labben ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | labben |
juvencus, juvenci N (2nd) M | young bull; young man; -ulus; of a, pertaining to a, in a condition of, in a state of; | 1 | iuvenculae |
juvencus, juvenci N (2nd) M | young bull; young man; | 1 | iuvenculae |
jurgium, jurgi(i) N (2nd) N | quarrel / dispute / strife; abuse / vituperation / invective; L:separation (man+wife); | 1 | iurgia |
juramentum, juramenti N (2nd) N | oath; | 1 | iuramenti |
juniperus, juniperi N (2nd) F | juniper; | 1 | iuniperorum |
jugum, jugi N (2nd) N | yoke; team, pair (of horses); ridge (mountain), summit, chain; | 1 | iugum |
jugis, jugis, juge ADJ | continual; ever-flowing; | 1 | iugum |
jucundo, jucundare, jucundavi, jucundatus V (1st) TRANS | please, delight; feel delighted; take delight; | 1 | iucunda |
jubilus, jubili N (2nd) M | joyful melody; | 1 | iubilo |
jubilum, jubili N (2nd) N | wild / joyful shout / cry; whoop of joy; halloo; shepherd's song (L+S); | 1 | iubilo |
jacto, jactare, jactavi, jactatus V (1st) | throw away, throw out, throw, jerk about; disturb; boast, discuss; | 1 | iacta |
isto ADV | thither, to you, to where you are; in that matter; to the point you reached; | 1 | isto |
istic, istaec, istoc PRON | that of yours / mentioned by you / at hand; | 1 | isti |
isti ADV | there, in that place; where you are; herein, in this affair; | 1 | isti |
ismaelitae ======== UNKNOWN | ismaelitae ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | ismaelitae |
isaac ======== UNKNOWN | isaac ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | isaac |
irrumpo, irrumpere, irrupi, irruptus V (3rd) | invade; break / burst / force / rush in / upon / into, penetrate; intrude on; interrupt; | 1 | irrupit |
iracundus, iracunda, iracundum ADJ Medieval | angry; hot-tempered; enraged; furious; | 1 | iracundis |
ioab ======== UNKNOWN | ioab ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | ioab |
invius, invia, invium ADJ | impassable; inaccessible; | 1 | invio |
invideo, invidere, invidi, invisus V (2nd) | envy, regard with envy / ill will; be jealous of; begrudge, refuse; | 1 | invidetis |
inveteratus, inveterata, inveteratum ADJ | old, inveterate, of long standing; hardened by age; | 1 | inveterati |
investigo, investigare, investigavi, investigatus V (1st) | investigate; search out / after / for; track down; find (by following game trail); | 1 | investigasti |
investigatio, investigationis N (3rd) F | search; inquiry, investigation; research; | 1 | investigatio |
inundo, inundare, inundavi, inundatus V (1st) | overflow, inundate, flood; swarm; | 1 | inundaverunt |
introitus, introitus N (4th) M | entrance; going in, invasion; | 1 | introitum |
intrinsecus, intrinseca, intrinsecum ADJ | inward; internal (Souter); | 1 | intrinsecus |
intrinsecus ADV | internally, on / in the inside; from within; inwards, to the inside; | 1 | intrinsecus |
intingo, intingere, intinxi, intinctus V (3rd) TRANS | dip / plunge in; saturate, steep; cause to soak in; color (w / cosmetics); | 1 | intingatur |
intereo, interire, interivi(ii), interitus V | perish, die; be ruined; cease; -ing, -ion, -ery; indicates the action or result of the action of the verb; | 1 | interitionibus |
intercido, intercidere, intercidi, intercisus V (3rd) | cut through, sever; | 1 | intercidentis |
intercido, intercidere, intercidi, - V (3rd) | happen; perish; fall from memory, cease to exist; | 1 | intercidentis |
instabilis, instabilis, instabile ADJ | unsteady, shaky; unstable; inconstant; | 1 | instabiles |
inspiratio, inspirationis N (3rd) F | inspiration; act of breathing in (Souter); breath of life; soul (without body); | 1 | inspiratione |
inspicio, inspicere, inspexi, inspectus V (3rd) | examine, inspect; consider, look into / at, observe; | 1 | inspexerunt |
insequor, insequi, insecutus sum V (3rd) DEP | follow / come after; attack; overtake; pursue (hostile); come after (time); | 1 | insequitur |
insequo, insequere, -, - V (3rd) | tell; tell of; relate (L+S); declare; pursue the narration; tell me about it; | 1 | insequitur |
inpinguo, inpinguare, inpinguavi, inpinguatus V (1st) | fatten, make fat / sleek; become fat / thick; anoint (with oil) (Douay); | 1 | impinguasti |
innumerabilis, innumerabilis, innumerabile ADJ | innumerable, countless, numberless; without number; immense; | 1 | innumerabiles |
innovo, innovare, innovavi, innovatus V (1st) TRANS | alter, make a innovation in; renew, restore; return to a thing (L+S); | 1 | innova |
innotesco, innotescere, innotui, - V (3rd) | become known, be made conspicuous; | 1 | innotescat |
innitor, inniti, innixus sum V (3rd) DEP | lean / rest on (w / DAT), be supported by (w / ABL); | 1 | innixus |
injurius, injuria, injurium ADJ | unjust, harsh; | 1 | iniuriam |
injuria, injuriae N (1st) F | injury; injustice, wrong, offense; insult, abuse; sexual assault; | 1 | iniuriam |
ingens, ingentis (gen.), ingentior -or -us, ingentissimus -a -um ADJ | not natural, immoderate; huge, vast, enormous; mighty; remarkable, momentous; | 1 | ingens |
inflo, inflare, inflavi, inflatus V (1st) | blow into / upon; puff out; | 1 | inflatum |
inflatus, inflata -um, inflatior -or -us, inflatissimus -a -um ADJ | inflated, puffed up; bombastic; turgid; | 1 | inflatum |
inflammo, inflammare, inflammavi, inflammatus V (1st) | set on fire, inflame, kindle; excite; | 1 | inflammabit |
infirmum, infirmi N (2nd) N | weak parts (pl.); | 1 | infirma |
inficio, inficere, infeci, infectus V (3rd) | corrupt, infect, imbue; poison; dye, stain, color, spoil; | 1 | infecta |
infero, inferre, intuli, inlatus V TRANS | bring / carry in, import; advance, bring / march / step / move foward; impel, urge; inflict / cause / inflict / impose / inspire (w / DAT); [bellum inferre => make war on]; put / throw / thrust in / on, insert; bury / inter; pay; charge as expense; append; | 1 | intulit |
infero, inferre, intuli, illatus V TRANS | bring / carry in, import; advance, bring / march / step / move foward; impel, urge; inflict / cause / inflict / impose / inspire (w / DAT); [bellum inferre => make war on]; put / throw / thrust in / on, insert; bury / inter; pay; charge as expense; append; | 1 | intulit |
infectus, infecta, infectum ADJ | unfinished, undone, incomplete; infecta re = without having accomplished it; | 1 | infecta |
infans, infantis N (3rd) C | infant; child (Bee); | 1 | infantium |
infans, (gen.), infantis ADJ | speechless, inarticulate; new born; childish, foolish; | 1 | infantium |
indico, indicere, indixi, indictus V (3rd) | declare publicly; proclaim, announce; appoint; summon; | 1 | indicat |
indico, indicare, indicavi, indicatus V (1st) | point out, show, indicate, expose, betray, reveal; inform against, accuse; | 1 | indicat |
incubo, incubare, incubui, incubitus V (1st) | lie in or on (w / DAT); sit upon; brood over; keep a jealous watch (over); | 1 | incubuit |
incrasso, incrassare, incrassavi, incrassatus V (1st) TRANS | fatten; make thick / stout; | 1 | incrassatum |
incrassatus, incrassata, incrassatum ADJ | fattened; | 1 | incrassatum |
inclitus, inclita -um, inclitior -or -us, inclitissimus -a -um ADJ | glorious; | 1 | inclitos |
incensus, incensus N (4th) M | incense; fire; | 1 | incensum |
inaccessus, inaccessa, inaccessum ADJ | inaccessible; unapproachable; not approached by any rival; | 1 | inaccessam |
imputo, imputare, imputavi, imputatus V (1st) | charge, enter as debt / credit; take into account; impute, ascribe; lay to charge claim credit / recompense for; make a favor a cause for obligation; | 1 | imputavit |
impollutus, impolluta, impollutum ADJ | undefiled; | 1 | impolluta |
impio, impiare, impiavi, impiatus V (1st) TRANS | render impervious; stain with sin; | 1 | impio |
imperfectus, imperfecta, imperfectum ADJ | unfinished, incomplete; imperfect; not complete in every respect; undigested; | 1 | imperfectum |
impedimentum, impedimenti N (2nd) N | hindrance, impediment; heavy baggage (of an army) (pl.); | 1 | impedimenta |
immuto, immutare, immutavi, immutatus V (1st) | change, alter, transform; | 1 | immutatus |
immitto, immittere, immisi, immissus V (3rd) | send in / to / into / against; cause to go; insert; hurl / throw in; let go / in; allow; | 1 | immisit |
immissio, immissionis N (3rd) F | insertion / engrafting, action of putting / sending in, of allowing to enter; | 1 | immissionem |
illusio, illusionis N (3rd) F | irony; mocking, jeering; illusion; deceit; | 1 | illusio |
ignominia, ignominiae N (1st) F | disgrace, ignominy, dishonor; | 1 | ignominia |
ignitus, ignita -um, ignitior -or -us, ignitissimus -a -um ADJ | containing fire; | 1 | ignitum |
igitur CONJ | therefore (postpositive), so / then; consequently; accordingly; well / in that case | 1 | igitur |
iens, (gen.), euntis ADJ | going; (PRES PPL of eo); | 1 | euntes |
iduthun ======== UNKNOWN | iduthun ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | iduthun |
idumaeorum ======== UNKNOWN | idumaeorum ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | idumaeorum |
idem, eadem, idem PRON | the same, the very same; 2 as a ROMAN NUMERAL; Syncopated perfect ivi can drop 'v' without contracting vowel | 1 | ii |
ictus, ictus N (4th) M | blow, stroke; musical / metrical beat; measure (music); | 1 | ictu |
ico, icere, ici, ictus V (3rd) | hit, strike; smite, stab, sting; [foedus ~ => conclude / make a treaty, league]); | 1 | ictu |
icio, icere, ici, ictus V (3rd) | hit, strike; smite, stab, sting; [foedus ~ => conclude / make a treaty, league]; | 1 | ictu |
iabin ======== UNKNOWN | iabin ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | iabin |
iaar ======== UNKNOWN | iaar ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | iaar |
hyssopus, hyssopi N (2nd) F | | 1 | hyssopo |
hyssopum, hyssopi N (2nd) N | aromatic herb; (perh. various species of origanum); Hyssopus officinalis (L+S); | 1 | hyssopo |
hyrax, hyracis N (3rd) M Modern | hyrax, rock badger, rock rabbit; (previously classified as Rodentia); | 1 | hyracibus |
hostis, hostis N (3rd) C | enemy (of the state); stranger, foreigner; the enemy (pl.); | 1 | hostium |
horresco, horrescere, horrui, - V (3rd) | dread, become terrified; bristle up; begin to shake / tremble / shudder / shiver; | 1 | horruit |
horreo, horrere, horrui, - V (2nd) | dread, shrink from, shudder at; stand on end, bristle; have rough appearance; | 1 | horruit |
honoro, honorare, honoravi, honoratus V (1st) | respect, honor; | 1 | honorabit |
hiems, hiemis N (3rd) F | winter, winter time; rainy season; cold, frost; storm, stormy weather; | 1 | hiemem |
hiemps, hiemis N (3rd) F | | 1 | hiemem |
hiemo, hiemare, hiemavi, hiematus V (1st) | winter, pass the winter, keep winter quarters; be wintry / frozen / stormy; | 1 | hiemem |
heu INTERJ | oh! ah! alas! (an expression of dismay or pain); | 1 | heu |
hesternus, hesterna, hesternum ADJ | of yesterday; | 1 | hesterna |
hermonim ======== UNKNOWN | hermonim ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | hermonim |
halitus, halitus N (4th) M | breath, steam, vapor; | 1 | halitu |
half; [dimidio w / COMP ADJ ~ => twice as ~]; | | 1 | dimidio |
hac ADV | here, by this side, this way; | 1 | hac |
habitans, habitantis N (3rd) C | inhabitant; dweller; | 1 | habitantibus |
gusto, gustare, gustavi, gustatus V (1st) | taste, sip; have some experience of; enjoy; | 1 | gustate |
gurges, gurgitis N (3rd) M | whirlpool; raging abyss; gulf, the sea; "flood", "stream"; | 1 | gurgites |
gratulor, gratulari, gratulatus sum V (1st) DEP | congratulate; rejoice, be glad; thank, give / render thanks; | 1 | gratulantur |
gramen, graminis N (3rd) N | grass, turf; herb; plant; | 1 | gramen |
gleba, glebae N (1st) F | clod / lump of earth / turf; land, soil; hard soil; piece, lump, mass; | 1 | glebas |
germen, germinis N (3rd) N | sprout, bud; shoot; | 1 | germini |
genero, generare, generavi, generatus V (1st) | beget, father, produce, procreate; spring / descend from (PASSIVE); | 1 | generatus |
gebal ======== UNKNOWN | gebal ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | gebal |
gath ======== UNKNOWN | gath ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | gath |
gata, gatae N (1st) F Medieval | bowl, trough; jar; | 1 | variegatis |
furs, furis N (3rd) C | thief, robber; robber bee; the Devil (personified); | 1 | furem |
fur, furis N (3rd) C | thief, robber; robber bee; the Devil (personified) (Souter); | 1 | furem |
fumo, fumare, fumavi, - V (1st) | smoke, steam, fume, reek; | 1 | fumo |
fulgor, fulgoris N (3rd) M | brightness / brilliance / radiance; splendor / glory; flame / flash; lightening / meteor; | 1 | fulgore |
fulcimentum, fulcimenti N (2nd) N Medieval | book-rest; | 1 | fulcimentum |
fugo, fugare, fugavi, fugatus V (1st) | put to flight, rout; chase away; drive into exile; | 1 | fuga |
fuga, fugae N (1st) F | flight, fleeing, escape; avoidance; exile; fugue (music); | 1 | fuga |
frustum, frusti N (2nd) N | crumb, morsel, scrap of food; | 1 | frusta |
frustro, frustrare, frustravi, frustratus V (1st) TRANS | disappoint, frustrate, deceive (w / false hope); escape / elude; baffle / evade; fail reject; delay; rob / defraud / cheat; pretend; refute (argument); corrupt / falsify; | 1 | frustra |
frustra ADV | in vain; for nothing, to no purpose; | 1 | frustra |
frons, frontis N (3rd) C | forehead, brow; face; look; front; fore part of anything; | 1 | fronte |
frigus, frigoris N (3rd) N | cold; cold weather, winter; frost; | 1 | frigoris |
frigor, frigoris N (3rd) M | cold; chill (esp. of feverish person) (Souter); | 1 | frigoris |
frenus, freni N (2nd) M | | 1 | freno |
frenum, freni N (2nd) N | bridle / harness / rein / bit; harnessed horses / team; check / restraint / brake; mastery; | 1 | freno |
freno, frenare, frenavi, frenatus V (1st) | brake, curb, restrain, check; | 1 | freno |
frendo, frendere, frendui, fresus V (3rd) | gnash the teeth, grind up small; | 1 | frenduerunt |
fragor, fragoris N (3rd) M | noise, crash; | 1 | fragorem |
fornicatus, fornicata, fornicatum ADJ | arched, vaulted; (Via Fornicata, a street in Rome); | 1 | fornicati |
formido, formidinis N (3rd) F | fear / terror / alarm; religious dread / awe; thing / reason which scares, bogy / horror; rope strung with feathers used by hunters to scare game; | 1 | formido |
forma, formae N (1st) F | form, figure, appearance; beauty; mold, pattern; | 1 | forma |
for, fari, fatus sum V (1st) DEP | speak, talk; say; | 1 | femur |
folium, foli(i) N (2nd) N | leaf; | 1 | folium |
foedus, foederis N (3rd) N | treaty, league, formal agreement (between states), alliance; P:peace, amity; contract, compact; promise, undertaking; marriage bond; other sexual unions; bond / tie (friendship / kinship / hospitality); law / limit (imposed by nature / fate); | 1 | foedus |
foedus, foeda -um, foedior -or -us, foedissimus -a -um ADJ | foul; filthy, unclean; disgusting, loathsome, ghastly, beastly; hideous, ugly; shameful / disgraceful; vile / infamous; coarse / low / base; indecent / obscene (words); fearful / frightful / severe (storm); grievous; monstrous, horrible; abominable; atrocious, beastly, shocking; repugnant to refined / civilized taste / feelings; | 1 | foedus |
fluvius, fluvi(i) N (2nd) M | river, stream; running water; | 1 | fluvios |
fluctuo, fluctuare, fluctuavi, fluctuatus V (1st) | rise in waves, surge, swell, undulate, fluctuate; float; be agitated / restless; | 1 | fluctuabit |
fluctuatio, fluctuationis N (3rd) F | swaying / shaking, restless movement (wave); vacillation / uncertainty / fluctuation; | 1 | fluctuationem |
flos, floris N (3rd) M | flower, blossom; youthful prime; | 1 | flos |
flo, flare, flavi, flatus V (1st) | breathe; blow; | 1 | flabit |
flecto, flectere, flexi, flexus V (3rd) | bend, curve, bow; turn, curl; persuade, prevail on, soften; | 1 | flectamus |
flagellum, flagelli N (2nd) N | whip, lash, scourge; thong (javelin); vine shoot; arm / tentacle (of polyp); | 1 | flagellum |
finio, finire, finivi, finitus V (4th) | limit, end; finish; determine, define; mark out the boundaries; | 1 | finis |
fingo, fingere, fixi, finctus V (3rd) TRANS | mold, form, shape; create, invent; produce; imagine; compose; devise, contrive; adapt, transform into; modify (appearance / character / behavior); groom; make up (story / excuse); pretend, pose; forge, counterfeit; act insincerely; | 1 | fingit |
figuro, figurare, figuravi, figuratus V (1st) | form, fashion, shape; | 1 | figura |
figura, figurae N (1st) F | shape, form, figure, image; beauty; style; figure of speech; | 1 | figura |
figulus, figuli N (2nd) M | potter; maker of earthenware vessels; | 1 | figuli |
figmentum, figmenti N (2nd) N | figment, fiction, invention, unreality; thing formed / devised; image; | 1 | figmentum |
fiducia, fiduciae N (1st) F | trust, confidence; faith, reliance; courage; | 1 | fiducia |
fidelia, fideliae N (1st) F | earthen pot (esp. for whitewash); | 1 | fidelia |
ficulneus, ficulnea, ficulneum ADJ | of the fig or fig tree, fig-; | 1 | ficulneas |
fictus, ficta, fictum ADJ | feigned, false; counterfeit; | 1 | ficti |
feto, fetare, fetavi, fetatus V (1st) INTRANS | breed / spawn; hatch / bring forth offspring / young; impregnate, make fruitful (L+S) | 1 | fetantes |
festinatio, festinationis N (3rd) F | haste, speed, hurry; | 1 | festinatione |
ferus, feri N (2nd) C | wild beast / animal; wild / untamed horse / boar; | 1 | ferus |
feneror, fenerari, feneratus sum V (1st) DEP | lend money at interest; make interest / profit; invest / finance / supply; borrow; | 1 | fenerator |
fenero, fenerare, feneravi, feneratus V (1st) | | 1 | fenerator |
femur, femoris N (3rd) N | thigh (human / animal); flat vertical band on triglyph; [~ bubulum => plant]; | 1 | femur |
femur, feminis N (3rd) N | | 1 | femur |
fel., abb. ADJ Medieval | happy; [fel. (felis) mem. (memoriae) / rec. (recordationis) => of happy memory]; | 1 | fel |
fel, fellis N (3rd) N | gall, bile; poison; bitterness, venom; gall bladder; | 1 | fel |
favus, favi N (2nd) M | honeycomb; | 1 | favum |
fatigo, fatigare, fatigavi, fatigatus V (1st) | weary, tire, fatigue; harass; importune; overcome; | 1 | fatigantur |
familiariter ADV | on friendly terms; | 1 | familiariter |
familiaris, familiaris, familiare ADJ | domestic; of family; intimate; [familiaris res => one's property or fortune]; | 1 | familiaris |
familiaris, familiaris N (3rd) C | member of household (family / servant / esp. slave); familiar acquaintance / friend; | 1 | familiaris |
fama, famae N (1st) F | rumor; reputation; tradition; fame, public opinion, ill repute; report, news; | 1 | famis |
falsus, falsa, falsum ADJ | wrong, lying, fictitious, spurious, false, deceiving, feigned, deceptive; | 1 | falsa |
falsum, falsi N (2nd) N | falsehood, untruth, fraud, deceit; | 1 | falsa |
falso, falsare, falsavi, falsatus V (1st) TRANS | falsify; | 1 | falsa |
fallo, fallere, fefelli, falsus V (3rd) | deceive; slip by; disappoint; be mistaken, beguile, drive away; fail; cheat; | 1 | falsa |
fallax, fallacis (gen.), fallacior -or -us, fallacissimus -a -um ADJ | deceitful, treacherous; misleading, deceptive; false, fallacious; spurious; | 1 | fallax |
factura, facturae N (1st) F | creation; work; deed; performance; handiwork; | 1 | factura |
factor, factoris N (3rd) M | maker; perpetrator (of a crime); player (in a ballgame); | 1 | factorum |
fabricor, fabricari, fabricatus sum V (1st) DEP | build / construct / fashion / forge / shape; train; get ready (meal); invent / devise; | 1 | fabricatus |
fabrico, fabricare, fabricavi, fabricatus V (1st) TRANS | | 1 | fabricatus |
extranea, extraneae N (1st) F | foreigner (female); | 1 | extraneum |
exterminium, exterminii N (2nd) N | extermination, utter destruction; | 1 | exterminio |
exstruo, exstruere, exstruxi, exstructus V (3rd) | pile / build up, raise, build, construct; | 1 | exstruis |
exstinguo, exstinguere, exstinxi, exstinctus V (3rd) | put out, extinguish, quench; kill, destroy; | 1 | exstinguent |
exspolio, exspoliare, exspoliavi, exspoliatus V (1st) | pillage, rob, plunder; | 1 | exspoliavi |
exsolvo, exsolvere, exsolvi, exsolutus V (3rd) TRANS | unfasten / undo / loose; open (vein); thaw (ice); let flow (body discharge); solve; set free, release; end, do away with; pay; award; release; perform / discharge; | 1 | exsolvebam |
exsicco, exsiccare, exsiccavi, exsiccatus V (1st) | dry up; empty (vessel); | 1 | exsiccatum |
exsecratio, exsecrationis N (3rd) F | imprecation, curse; | 1 | exsecrationem |
expando, expandere, expandi, expansus V (3rd) | spread out, expand; expound; | 1 | expansae |
exors, (gen.), exortis ADJ | without share in; exempt from lottery; | 1 | exortum |
exorior, exoriri, exortus sum V (4th) DEP | come out, come forth; bring; appear; rise, begin, spring up; cheer up; | 1 | exortum |
existimo, existimare, existimavi, existimatus V (1st) TRANS | value / esteem; form / hold opinion / view; think / suppose; estimate; judge / consider; | 1 | existimasti |
exhilaro, exhilarare, exhilaravi, exhilaratus V (1st) TRANS | gladden, cheer; brighten, spruce up, enhance appearance; | 1 | exhilarans |
exercitus, exercitus N (4th) M | army, infantry; swarm, flock; | 1 | exercituum |
exercito, exercitare, exercitavi, exercitatus V (1st) | practice, exercise, train hard, keep at work; | 1 | exercitabar |
excio, excire, excivi, excitus V (4th) | rouse; call out send for; summon; evoke; | 1 | excita |
exauditio, exauditionis N (3rd) F | favorable answer to prayer; | 1 | exauditio |
exaspero, exasperare, exasperavi, exasperatus V (1st) | roughen; irritate; | 1 | exasperans |
exaresco, exarescere, exarui, - V (3rd) | dry up; | 1 | exaruit |
examen, examinis N (3rd) N | exam / test; apparatus / process of weighing, balance; swarm (bees); crowd; agony; | 1 | examina |
evanesco, evanescere, evanui, - V (3rd) INTRANS | vanish / disappear; pass / fade / die (away / out); lapse; become weak / void / forgotten; | 1 | evanuerunt |
evagino, evaginare, evaginavi, evaginatus V (1st) TRANS Medieval | unsheathe; | 1 | evaginaverunt |
ethan ======== UNKNOWN | ethan ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | ethan |
error, erroris N (3rd) M | wandering; error; winding, maze; uncertainty; deception; | 1 | errores |
ergo ADV | therefore; well, then, now; | 1 | ergo |
eremus, eremi N (2nd) M | wilderness, wasteland, desert; | 1 | eremo |
eremus, erema, eremum ADJ | waste, desert; | 1 | eremo |
erectus, erecta -um, erectior -or -us, erectissimus -a -um ADJ | upright, erect; perpendicular; confident / bold / assured; noble; attentive / alert; | 1 | erecti |
equa, equae N (1st) F | mare; | 1 | equis |
epoto, epotare, epotavi, epotus V (1st) | | 1 | epotabunt |
epoto, epotare, epotavi, epotatus V (1st) | drink down / up, quaff, drain; absorb; swallow / suck up; empty (vessel); engulf; | 1 | epotabunt |
ephratha ======== UNKNOWN | ephratha ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | ephratha |
enutrio, enutrire, enutrivi, enutritus V (4th) TRANS | nurture, rear (offspring); | 1 | enutriet |
enuntio, enuntiare, enuntiavi, enuntiatus V (1st) | reveal; say; disclose; report; speak out, express, declare; | 1 | enuntiavi |
enuntio, enuntiare, enuntiavi, enuntiatus V (1st) TRANS | reveal / divulge / make known / disclose; speak out, express / state / assert; articulate | 1 | enuntiavi |
en INTERJ | behold! see! lo! here! hey! look at this!; | 1 | endor |
emundo, emundare, emundavi, emundatus V (1st) TRANS | clean thoroughly, free of dirt / impurity; make quite clean (L+S); cleanse / purify | 1 | emundabor |
emollio, emollire, emollivi, emollitus V (4th) | soften; enervate, mellow; | 1 | emollis |
emigro, emigrare, emigravi, emigratus V (1st) | move out; depart; | 1 | emigrabit |
elevatio, elevationis N (3rd) F | raising, lifting up; | 1 | elevatio |
elem ======== UNKNOWN | elem ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | elem |
elector, electoris N (3rd) M Medieval | elector; | 1 | electorum |
elatus, elata -um, elatior -or -us, elatissimus -a -um ADJ | raised, reaching high level; head high, proudly erect; sublime / exalted / grand; | 1 | elati |
elanguesco, elanguescere, elangui, - V (3rd) | begin to lose one's vigor, droop, flag; slacken, relax; | 1 | elangui |
eicio, eicere, ejeci, ejectus V (3rd) TRANS | cast / throw / fling / drive out / up, extract, expel, discharge, vomit; out (tongue); | 1 | eiciantur |
eicio, eicere, eici, eictus V (3rd) | accomplish, perform, bring about, cause; | 1 | eiciantur |
egressio, egressionis N (3rd) F | digression (rhetoric); action of going out; | 1 | egressio |
egeo, egere, egui, - V (2nd) | need (w / GEN / ABL), lack, want; require, be without; | 1 | eguerunt |
effor, effari, effatus sum V (1st) DEP | utter, say (solemn words); declare, announce, make known; speak, express; | 1 | effabuntur |
effodio, effodere, effodi, effossus V (3rd) | dig out, excavate; gouge out; | 1 | effodit |
effo, effare, effavi, effatus V (1st) TRANS | demarcate in words areas / boundaries for augury signs might be observed (PASS); | 1 | effabuntur |
efficio, efficere, effeci, effectus V (3rd) | bring about; effect, execute, cause; accomplish; make, produce; prove; | 1 | effecit |
edomo, edomare, edomui, edomitus V (1st) TRANS | subdue / tame thoroughly / completely, subjugate / conquer / vanquish; master (vices); overcome (difficulties); bring (land / plants)under cultivation; | 1 | edomita |
edoceo, edocere, edocui, edoctus V (2nd) | teach or inform thoroughly; | 1 | edoce |
eburneus, eburnea, eburneum ADJ | ivory, of ivory; white as ivory, ivory-colored; [dens ~ => elephant tusk]; | 1 | eburneis |
ebrius, ebria, ebrium ADJ | drunk, intoxicated; riotous; like a drunk, exhilarated, distraught; soaked in; | 1 | ebrius |
dux, ducis N (3rd) M | leader, guide; commander, general; Duke (medieval, Bee); | 1 | duces |
durum, duri N (2nd) N Medieval | hardships (pl.); | 1 | dura |
duritia, duritiae N (1st) F | hardness, insensibility; hardship, oppressiveness; strictness, rigor; | 1 | duritiam |
duplico, duplicare, duplicavi, duplicatus V (1st) | double, bend double; duplicate; enlarge; | 1 | duplices |
duodecim, duodecimus -a -um, duodeni -ae -a, duodecie (n)s NUM | 12 - (CARD answers 'how many'); | 1 | duodecim |
duo -ae o, secundus -a -um, bini -ae -a, bis NUM | 2 - (CARD answers 'how many'); | 1 | duo |
ductilis, ductilis, ductile ADJ | ductile / malleable (metals); that is led along a course; | 1 | ductilibus |
dormitatio, dormitationis N (3rd) F Medieval | slumber, sleep; | 1 | dormitationem |
dono, donare, donavi, donatus V (1st) | present, grant; forgive; give (gifts), bestow; | 1 | dona |
domina, dominae N (1st) F | mistress of a family, wife; lady, lady-love; owner; | 1 | dominae |
doctrina, doctrinae N (1st) F | education; learning; science; teaching; instruction; principle; doctrine; | 1 | doctrinam |
divisio, divisionis N (3rd) F | division; distribution; | 1 | divisiones |
divinus, divini N (2nd) M | prophet; | 1 | divino |
divinus, divina -um, divinior -or -us, divinissimus -a -um ADJ | divine, of a deity / god, godlike; sacred; divinely inspired, prophetic; natural; | 1 | divino |
divino, divinare, divinavi, divinatus V (1st) | divine; prophesy; guess; | 1 | divino |
distribuo, distribuere, distribui, distributus V (3rd) | divide, distribute, assign; | 1 | distribuit |
disto, distare, -, - V (1st) | stand apart, be distant; be different; | 1 | distat |
distillo, distillare, distillavi, distillatus V (1st) | drip / trickle down; wet / sprinkle; distill; have dripping off; fall bit by bit; | 1 | distillaverunt |
dissolvo, dissolvere, dissolvi, dissolutus V (3rd) | unloose; dissolve, destroy; melt; pay; refute; annul; | 1 | dissoluta |
dissolutus, dissoluta, dissolutum ADJ | loose; lax; negligent, dissolute; | 1 | dissoluta |
disputo, disputare, disputavi, disputatus V (1st) | discuss, debate, argue; | 1 | disputaverunt |
discerpo, discerpere, discerpsi, discerptus V (3rd) | pluck or tear in pieces; rend, mutilate, mangle; | 1 | discerpens |
dis, ditis (gen.), ditior -or -us, ditissimus -a -um ADJ | rich / wealthy; richly adorned; fertile / productive (land); profitable; sumptuous; | 1 | ditior |
directus, directi N (2nd) M | person given rights by direct procedure; | 1 | directo |
directus, directa -um, directior -or -us, directissimus -a -um ADJ | straight / not curved; moving straight forward / in straight line; direct / absolute; vertical, upright, perpendicular; simple; forthright / undisguised; strict legal; steep (L+S); level; open / straightforward (Ecc); proper, helpful / guiding; | 1 | directo |
directum, directi N (2nd) N | straight line; | 1 | directo |
directo ADV | straight, in straight line; directly, immediately, without intervening action; | 1 | directo |
directio, directionis N (3rd) F | direction / act of directing; arranging in line / leveling / straightening; aiming; sending (to place); right living; righteousness; fairness / justice; correction; | 1 | directione |
diplois, diploidis N (3rd) F | cloak, robe; double robe wrapped around body; double wrapping; layer (Souter); | 1 | diploide |
dimissus, dimissi N (2nd) M Medieval | surrender; handing over; demise; | 1 | dimissus |
dimidius, dimidia, dimidium ADJ | half; incomplete, mutilated; [parte ~a auctus => twice as large, doubled]; | 1 | dimidio |
dimidium, dimidii N (2nd) N | | 1 | dimidio |
dimetior, dimetiri, dimensus sum V (4th) DEP | measure out / off; (space / time / words); weigh out, measure by weight; lay out; | 1 | dimetiar |
diluvio, diluvionis N (3rd) F | flood, inundation; deluge (L+S); destruction (by water); | 1 | diluvio |
diluvio, diluviare, diluviavi, diluviatus V (1st) TRANS | flood, inundate; deluge (L+S); | 1 | diluvio |
diffusus, diffusa -um, diffusior -or -us, diffusissimus -a -um ADJ | spread out; wide; extending / covering widely; extensive / expansive (writing); | 1 | diffusa |
diffundo, diffundere, diffundi, diffusus V (3rd) TRANS | diffuse; spread / pour out / widely; bottle / draw off; squander, distribute lavishly expand / enlarge; spread / extend over area / time; relax / cheer up / free of restraint; | 1 | diffusa |
diffugio, diffugere, diffugi, diffugitus V (3rd) INTRANS | scatter, disperse, dispel; flee / run away in different / several directions; | 1 | diffugerunt |
diffluo, diffluere, diffluxi, diffluctus V (3rd) INTRANS | flow away; waste / wear / melt away; dissolve / disappear; pass out; ramble (speaker) | 1 | diffluant |
dictum, dicti N (2nd) N | words / utterance / remark; one's word / promise; saying / maxim; bon mot, witticism; | 1 | dicta |
dicto, dictare, dictavi, dictatus V (1st) TRANS | dictate (for writing / speaking); compose; draw up; order / prescribe; fix (survey) say / declare / assert repeatedly / habitually / often / frequently; reiterate; recite; | 1 | dicta |
devolvo, devolvere, devolvi, devolutus V (3rd) TRANS | roll / fall / tumble down; roll off; fall / sink back; fall into; | 1 | devolverunt |
devinco, devincere, devici, devictus V (3rd) TRANS | subdue; defeat decisively, conquer / overcome entirely; | 1 | devicit |
devasto, devastare, devastavi, devastatus V (1st) TRANS | devastate, lay waste (territory / people); ravage; slaughter; | 1 | devastans |
detrimentum, detrimenti N (2nd) N | diminishment, material reduction; detriment; harm / loss / damage; reverse / defeat; defeat, loss of battle; overthrow; | 1 | detrimentum |
detineo, detinere, detinui, detentus V (2nd) TRANS | detain, hold; hold off, keep away (from); hold prisoner; retain; occupy; hold / keep back (from use); keep, cause to remain; reserve; delay end, protract; | 1 | detines |
desursum ADV | from above, from overhead; up above; | 1 | desursum |
desuper PREP ACC | over, above; | 1 | desuper |
desuper ADV | from above, from overhead; up above; | 1 | desuper |
desum, deesse, defui, defuturus V | be wanting / lacking; fail / miss; abandon / desert, neglect; be away / absent / missing; | 1 | deerit |
destringo, destringere, destrinxi, destrictus V (3rd) TRANS | strip off, remove by cutting; strip (clothes); scrape / rub down (w / strigil); scour (bowels); draw (sword); graze; touch lightly; censure / criticize / satirize; | 1 | destricti |
destrictus, destricta -um, destrictior -or -us, destrictissimus -a -um ADJ | strict, severe; uncompromising; unreserved; rigid (L+S); censorious; | 1 | destricti |
desponso, desponsare, desponsavi, desponsatus V (1st) TRANS | betroth, promise in marriage; | 1 | desponsatae |
desponsatus, desponsata, desponsatum ADJ | betrothed; engaged; | 1 | desponsatae |
desolatus, desolata, desolatum ADJ | desolate; empty; | 1 | desolatos |
desisto, desistere, destiti, destitus V (3rd) | stop / cease / desist (from); give up, leave / stand off; dissociate oneself; | 1 | desistebant |
des NUM Archaic | two thirds; [bes alter => one and two thirds]; | 1 | des |
derisus, derisus N (4th) M | mockery; scorn, derision; | 1 | derisum |
derisor, derisoris N (3rd) M | scoffer, mocker; cynic; satirical person; | 1 | derisorum |
derisio, derisionis N (3rd) F | mockery, scorn, derision; | 1 | derisione |
derelictum, derelicti N (2nd) N | that which has been given up / abandoned; (legal); | 1 | derelictum |
deprecabilis, deprecabilis, deprecabile ADJ | exorable; that may be entreated; accessible to entreaty / begging / prayer; | 1 | deprecabilis |
depascor, depasci, depastus sum V (3rd) DEP | graze down; feed / pasture (cattle); devour / eat up; consume (by fire); cull, select; prune away, remove; destroy, waste; lay waste; | 1 | depastus |
denudo, denudare, denudavi, denudatus V (1st) TRANS | strip, denude, lay bare, uncover; reveal / disclose; expose; rob / plunder / despoil; | 1 | denudabit |
denego, denegare, denegavi, denegatus V (1st) TRANS | deny (fact / allegation); say that ... not; deny / refuse (favor / request); | 1 | denegasti |
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratus V (1st) TRANS | point out / at / to, draw attention to; explain / describe / show, give an account of; reveal, mention, refer to; allege; prove, demonstrate; represent; recommend; | 1 | demonstra |
deminutus, deminuta, deminutum ADJ | diminished; small, diminutive; | 1 | deminuti |
deminuo, deminuere, deminui, deminutus V (3rd) TRANS | make smaller; cut up small; lessen / diminish / reduce (size / number / amount / scope); weaken; curtail; impair; understate; make diminutive; take away / deduct / deprive; | 1 | deminuti |
delicius, delicii N (2nd) M inscript | pleasure / delight / fun, activity affording enjoyment; curiosities of art; | 1 | deliciis |
delicium, delicii N (2nd) N | darling, person one is fond of; pet (animal); delight, source / thing of joy; | 1 | deliciis |
delicia, deliciae N (1st) F | favorite / pet / darling / beloved; man w / fine taste / gourmet; voluptuary; pleasure / delight / fun (usu. pl.), activity affording enjoyment, luxuries; toys; ornaments / decorations; erotic verse; charms; elegant / affected manner / mannerism; luxurious habits / selfindulgence; airs, manners of superiority; caprices / whims; corner beam supporting a section of an outward-sloping roof; gutter (L+S); | 1 | deliciis |
dejectus, dejecta, dejectum ADJ | downcast / dismayed / subdued / dejected; drooping / hanging / sunk / cast down; low lying; | 1 | deiecti |
defluo, defluere, defluxi, defluxus V (3rd) INTRANS | flow / glide / run down; descend / fall; flow / stream away; float / swim / row downstream; flow / drain / die / melt / slip away, fade / disappear; originate / stem, be derived from; | 1 | defluet |
defetiscor, defetisci, defessus sum V (3rd) DEP | become exhausted / suffer exhaustion, grow weary / faint / tired / weak; lose heart; | 1 | defessus |
defessus, defessa, defessum ADJ | worn out, weary, exhausted, tired; weakened (L+S); | 1 | defessus |
dedicatio, dedicationis N (3rd) F | dedication, consecration, ceremonial opening; act / rite conferring sanctity; | 1 | dedicationis |
decursus, decursus N (4th) M | descent; downward course / slope / rush / fall / flow; attack / charge downhill; maneuver running race / course; finish; flow (verse); coming to land; watercourse / channel; | 1 | decursus |
decumbo, decumbere, decumbui, - V (3rd) INTRANS | to lie down, recline; take to bed; lie ill, die; fall (in a fight), fall down; | 1 | decumbit |
decretum, decreti N (2nd) N | dogma, principle, doctrine; idea held w / conviction; course of action, resolve; decree, ordinance; legal decision, verdict, order (judge), sentence; vote; | 1 | decretum |
decresco, decrescere, decrevi, decretus V (3rd) | decrease; abate; diminish, dwindle, shrink; (in number / amount); be subtracted; lose vigor / intensity, decline / weaken / fade influence / reputation; grow shorter; | 1 | decretum |
decorum, decori N (2nd) N | decorum, that which is suitable / seemly, propriety; | 1 | decori |
decore ADV | beautifully, in a pleasing manner; properly / suitably, in correct / seemly manner; | 1 | decore |
declaratio, declarationis N (3rd) F | revelation, disclosure, announcement; act of making known / clear / evident; | 1 | declaratio |
decipio, decipere, decepi, deceptus V (3rd) TRANS | cheat / deceive / mislead / dupe / trap; elude / escape notice; disappoint / frustrate / foil | 1 | decipi |
decerno, decernere, decrevi, decretus V (3rd) | decide / settle / determine / resolve; decree / declare / ordain; judge; vote for / contend | 1 | decretum |
datus, datus N (4th) M | act of giving; | 1 | datus |
datum, dati N (2nd) N | present / gift; that which is given; debit; [~ dandis => w / all supplied]; | 1 | data |
dato, datare, datavi, datatus V (1st) TRANS | be in habit of giving; make a practice of giving; give away, administer (L+S); | 1 | data |
dathan ======== UNKNOWN | dathan ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | dathan |
damno, damnare, damnavi, damnatus V (1st) TRANS | pass / pronounce judgment, find guilty; deliver / condemn / sentence; harm / damn / doom; discredit; seek / secure condemnation of; find fault; bind / oblige under a will; | 1 | damnabit |
daemonium, daemoni(i) N (2nd) N Classic | | 1 | daemoniis |
daemonion, daemonii N N Classic | spirit; Socrates' indwelling genius; familiar; little spirit (L+S); demon / devil | 1 | daemoniis |
cura, curae N (1st) F | concern, worry, anxiety, trouble; attention, care, pains, zeal; cure, treatment office / task / responsibility / post; administration, supervision; command (army); | 1 | curam |
cur ADV | why, wherefore; for what reason / purpose?; on account of which?; because; | 1 | cur |
cumulo, cumulare, cumulavi, cumulatus V (1st) TRANS | heap / pile up / high, gather into a pile / heap; accumulate, amass; load / fill full; increase / augment / enhance; perfect / finish up; (PASS) be made / composed of; | 1 | cumulantur |
crystallus, crystalli N (2nd) F | ice; rock crystal; crystal drinking cup; crystal-ware (pl.); | 1 | crystallum |
crystallum, crystalli N (2nd) N | ice; rock crystal; crystal drinking cup; crystal-ware (pl.); crystal-like thing | 1 | crystallum |
crystallos, crystalli N F | ice; rock crystal; crystal drinking cup; crystal-ware (pl.); | 1 | crystallum |
crudelis, crudele, crudelior -or -us, crudelissimus -a -um ADJ | cruel / hardhearted / unmerciful / severe, bloodthirsty / savage / inhuman; harsh / bitter; | 1 | crudeli |
cremium, cremii N (2nd) N | firewood; (singular or collective); dry fire-wood (pl.), brush-wood (L+S); | 1 | cremium |
credibilis, credibilis, credibile ADJ | credible / trustworthy / believable / plausible / convincing / likely / probable; | 1 | credibilia |
creatura, creaturae N (1st) F | creation; creature, thing created; servant (late Latin); | 1 | creatura |
crassus, crassa -um, crassior -or -us, crassissimus -a -um ADJ | thick / deep; thick coated (w / ABL); turbid / muddy (river); dense / concentrated / soli fat / stout; rude, coarse, rough, harsh, heavy, gross; stupid, crass / insensitive; | 1 | crassae |
crapulatus, crapulata, crapulatum ADJ | inebriated, intoxicated, drunk; drunken with wine; | 1 | crapulatus |
coturnix, coturnicis N (3rd) F | quail; (also term of endearment); | 1 | coturnix |
corvus, corvi N (2nd) M | raven; cormorant (w / aquaticus); kind of sea fish; constellation Corvus / Raven; military engine; grappling iron; surgical instrument; fellator (rude) (L+S); | 1 | corvorum |
corrigo, corrigere, correxi, correctus V (3rd) TRANS | correct, set right; straighten; improve, edit, reform; restore, cure; chastise; | 1 | correxit |
corona, coronae N (1st) F | crown; garland, wreath; halo / ring; circle of men / troops; [sub ~ => as slaves]; | 1 | coronam |
corneus, cornea, corneum ADJ | made of / belonging to cornel-tree / wood; (of genus Cornus); (for arrow / javelin); of horn, made of horn, horn-; resembling horn (hardness / appearance); horny; | 1 | corneae |
copiose, copiosius, copiosissime ADV | eloquently / fully / at length; w / abundant provisions, sumptuously / copiously / richly | 1 | copiose |
cophinus, cophini N (2nd) M | basket, hamper; | 1 | cophino |
cooperio, cooperire, cooperui, coopertus V (4th) TRANS | cover wholly / completely, cover up; overwhelm, bury deep; [lapidibus ~ => stone] | 1 | cooperuit |
conturbatio, conturbationis N (3rd) F | disorder (physical / mental / emotional); perturbation, dismay, confusion, panic; | 1 | conturbatione |
contundo, contundere, contudi, contusus V (3rd) TRANS | quell / crush / outdo / subdue utterly; bruise / beat; pound to pieces / powder / pulp; | 1 | contunditis |
contritio, contritionis N (3rd) F | grief, dismay, despondency; grinding (L+S); | 1 | contritiones |
contrio, contrire, -, - V (4th) TRANS | wear down; | 1 | contrito |
contraho, contrahere, contraxi, contractus V (3rd) TRANS | enter into / upon relationship / agreement / business / marriage / loan / battle, deal with bring / draw together / in, assemble, collect / gather; unite in friendship / alliance; sadden / depress / diminish / contract / tighten; cause / provoke (disease / war); commit; | 1 | contraxisti |
continuus, continui N (2nd) M | attendant, one who is always around; | 1 | continui |
continuus, continua, continuum ADJ | incessant / unremitting, constantly repeated / recurring; successive, next in line; continuous, connected / hanging together; uninterrupted; indivisible; lasting; | 1 | continui |
continuum, continui N (2nd) N Medieval | continuum; | 1 | continui |
contextus, contextus N (4th) M | weaving (action), joining / putting together; connection, coherence; continuity; ordered scheme, plan / course; structure / fabric; series, complex / whole of parts; context; | 1 | contextus |
contextus, contexta, contextum ADJ | interwoven; closely joined; connected, coherent (literary composition); continuous, uninterrupted, unbroken; covered with a network (of rivers); | 1 | contextus |
contestor, contestari, contestatus sum V (1st) DEP | call to witness; appeal to the gods that (w / ut); join issue (w / litis); | 1 | contestabor |
contentio, contentionis N (3rd) F | stretching, tension; strenuous exercise (physical / mental); comparison (of ADJ); competition, struggle, effort, exertion; controversy, contention, contrast; raising voice, speaking passionately / vigorously / formally; intensification; | 1 | contentionem |
contendo, contendere, contendi, contentus V (3rd) | stretch, draw tight, make taut; draw / bend (bow / catapult); tune; stretch out; compete / contend (fight / law), dispute; compare / match / contrast; demand / press for; strain / tense; make effort, strive for; speak seriously / passionately; assert; hurl, shoot; direct; travel; extend; rush to, be in a hurry, hasten; | 1 | contendet |
contemptio, contemptionis N (3rd) F | contempt / scorn / destain (act / state); (act) disregard / paying no attention to; | 1 | contemptionem |
contemno, contemnere, contemsi, contemtus V (3rd) TRANS | think little of; look down on, take poor view of; pay no heed / disregard / slight; treat with / hold in contempt, scorn, disdain; despise; keep away from, avoid; | 1 | contemnes |
contego, contegere, contexi, contectus V (3rd) TRANS | cover up, conceal, hide; protect; clothe; roof over; bury / entomb; strew thickly | 1 | contexit |
contaminatus, contaminati N (2nd) M | abandoned youths (pl.); (juvenile delinquents?); | 1 | contaminati |
contaminatus, contaminata -um, contaminatior -or -us, contaminatissimus -a -um ADJ | contaminated, polluted, adulterated; used, second-hand, soiled by use; profane; impure, vile, defiled, degraded; morally foul, guilt stained; ritually unclean; | 1 | contaminati |
contaminatum, contaminati N (2nd) N | adulterated / contaminated things (pl.); | 1 | contaminati |
consumptio, consumptionis N (3rd) F | consumption, process of consuming or wearing away; wasting; employing, use; | 1 | consumptionem |
consummo, consummare, consummavi, consummatus V (1st) | add / reckon / total / sum / make up; finish off, end; bring about, achieve / accomplish; bring to perfection; put finishing / crowning touch; serve one's time; be grown; | 1 | consummaverunt |
consummatio, consummationis N (3rd) F | accumulation, process / result of addition; total / sum; purpose; acme / zenith; final result, conclusion, completion, achievement; consummation; perfection; | 1 | consummationi |
constringo, constringere, constrinxi, constrictus V (3rd) TRANS | bind fast / tight, tie up / together; confine, restrain; hinder, inhibit, control; compress / squeeze; make smaller / lessen / contract; hold together; congeal / freeze; | 1 | constringendum |
constitutum, constituti N (2nd) N | agreed arrangement, appointment; agreement to pay a sum on a date, note, IOU; agreed price; decree, ordinance, law; order / conventional rule (architecture); | 1 | constitutum |
conspectus, conspecta -um, conspectior -or -us, conspectissimus -a -um ADJ | visible, open to view; remarkable / striking / eminent / distinguished; conspicuous; | 1 | conspectum |
consortium, consorti(i) N (2nd) N | sharing, partnership, fellowship, participation; close connection; partner; possession in common, sharing property; community life; conjunction (stars); | 1 | consortium |
consolatio, consolationis N (3rd) F | consolation; comfort / encouragement (act / instance); consoling fact / circumstance; confirming; establishing of ownership; | 1 | consolationes |
consilior, consiliari, consiliatus sum V (1st) DEP | take counsel, consult; deliberate; advise, give advice; | 1 | consiliati |
conserva, conservae N (1st) F | fellow-slave (female); (sometimes informal wife); | 1 | conserva |
conscriptus, conscripti N (2nd) M | senator / counselor; enrolling of the people for the purpose of bribery (L+S); | 1 | conscriptum |
conscribo, conscribere, conscripsi, conscriptus V (3rd) TRANS | enroll / enlist / raise (army); write on / down, commit to / cover with writing; compos | 1 | conscriptum |
conscendo, conscendere, conscendi, conscensus V (3rd) | climb up, ascend, scale; rise to; mount (horse); board (ship) / embark / set out; | 1 | conscendant |
conquiesco, conquiescere, conquievi, conquietus V (3rd) INTRANS | rest, take repose / be quiet, nap / go to sleep; have respite / pause from (w / ab / ex); be inactive; pause (speaking); relax; settle / quiet down; come to an end / cease; | 1 | conquiescite |
congregus, congrega, congregum ADJ | united / collected in flocks / herds; | 1 | congrega |
conglutinor, conglutinari, conglutinatus sum V (1st) DEP Medieval | glue / stick / bind / cohere together; cement; cleave to; bring to agreement; devise; | 1 | conglutinatus |
conglutino, conglutinare, conglutinavi, conglutinatus V (1st) TRANS | | 1 | conglutinatus |
conglutino, conglutinare, conglutinavi, conglutinatus V (1st) NeoLatin | bind (books); | 1 | conglutinatus |
confractus, confracta, confractum ADJ | broken; irregular; uneven; | 1 | confractos |
confractio, confractionis N (3rd) F | breach; rupture; fracture; | 1 | confractione |
concussus, concussa, concussum ADJ | stirred / shaken up; restless; | 1 | concussa |
concursus, concursus N (4th) M | running to and fro / together, collision, charge / attack; assembly / crowd; tumult; encounter; combination, coincidence; conjunction, juxtaposition; joint right; | 1 | concursu |
concurro, concurrere, concurri, concursus V (3rd) INTRANS | run / assemble / knock / snap together; agree, fit, concur; coincide; make same claim charge, fight / engage in battle; come running up / in large numbers; rally; | 1 | concursu |
concurro, concurrere, concucurri, concursus V (3rd) INTRANS | run / assemble / knock / snap together; agree, fit, concur; coincide; make same claim charge, fight / engage in battle; come running up / in large numbers; rally; | 1 | concursu |
concupiscentia, concupiscentiae N (1st) F | longing, eager desire for; concupiscence; desire for carnal / worldly things; | 1 | concupiscentiam |
conclusus, conclusus N (4th) M | shutting up; confining; | 1 | conclusus |
conclusus, conclusa -um, conclusior -or -us, conclusissimus -a -um ADJ | restricted, closed, confined; | 1 | conclusus |
concedo, concedere, concessi, concessus V (3rd) | relinquish / give up / concede; depart; pardon; submit, allow / grant / permit / condone; | 1 | concedas |
concalesco, concalescere, concalui, - V (3rd) INTRANS | become / grow warm; warm up (with enthusiasm); glow with love (L+S); | 1 | concaluit |
concaleo, concalere, concalui, - V (2nd) INTRANS | be / become warm; (thoroughly); | 1 | concaluit |
comprimo, comprimere, compressi, compressus V (3rd) TRANS | press / squeeze together, fold, crush; hem / shut / keep / hold in; copulate (male); suppress / control / stifle / frustrate / subdue / cow, put down; hold breath; silence; | 1 | compriment |
complector, complecti, complexus sum V (3rd) DEP | embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve; lay hold of, grip; seize; grasp, take in / up; sum up; include in scope, cover; | 1 | complectimini |
complecto, complectere, complecti, complexus V (3rd) TRANS | embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve; lay hold of, grip; seize; grasp, take in / up; sum up; include in scope, cover; | 1 | complectimini |
complaco, complacare, complacavi, complacatus V (1st) TRANS | conciliate (greatly), placate; win sympathy of; | 1 | complacent |
complacitus, complacita -um, complacitior -or -us, complacitissimus -a -um ADJ | pleased; favorable; | 1 | complacitior |
compingo, compingere, compegi, compactus V (3rd) TRANS | join / fix / attach; bind together; build / construct / compose; put / shut away, confine | 1 | compacta |
compactus, compacta, compactum ADJ | joined / fastened together, united; close-packed, firm, thick; well-set, compact; | 1 | compacta |
compactum, compacti N (2nd) N | agreement / compact; [ABL compacto => according to / in accordance with agreement]; | 1 | compacta |
compaciscor, compacisci, compactus sum V (3rd) DEP | make an agreement / arrangement / compact; | 1 | compacta |
commoratio, commorationis N (3rd) F | stay (at a place), tarrying, abiding; delay; dwelling on a point; residence; | 1 | commoratio |
committo, committere, commisi, commissus V (3rd) | bring together, unite / join, connect / attach; put together, construct; entrust; engage (battle), set against; begin / start; bring about; commit; incur; forfeit; | 1 | committe |
commisceo, commiscere, commiscui, commixtus V (2nd) TRANS | intermingle, mix together / up, combine (ingredients); unite / join sexually; mingle (with another race); transact business (w / cum), discuss; confuse; Syncopated perfect sometimes drops the 'is' after 's' or 'x' | 1 | commixti |
comminuo, comminuere, comminui, comminutus V (3rd) TRANS | break / crumble into pieces, shatter; break up; crush, smash, pulverize; lessen; | 1 | comminui |
comminatio, comminationis N (3rd) F | threat, menace; | 1 | comminationem |
commendo, commendare, commendavi, commendatus V (1st) TRANS | entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend to; point out, designate; | 1 | commendo |
commeio, commeiere, commixi, commictus V (3rd) TRANS | defile with urine, wet; soil, defile; have sexual intercourse (Adams); | 1 | commixti |
colliga, colligae N (1st) F Pliny | place / cave for gathering natron (native sesquicarbonate of soda from dripping); | 1 | colligas |
collaudatio, collaudationis N (3rd) F | high / warm praise; commendation; eulogy; | 1 | collaudatio |
cognitus, cognitus N (4th) M | act of getting to know / becoming acquainted with; | 1 | cognitum |
cognitus, cognita, cognitum ADJ | known (from experience / carnally)), tried / proved; noted, acknowledged / recognized | 1 | cognitum |
coarto, coartare, coartavi, coartatus V (1st) TRANS | narrow; hem in, pack / crowd / bring / fit close together, restrict; shorten / abridge; | 1 | coartasti |
coaequalis, coaequalis, coaequale ADJ | having same age as; be of equal / same age; | 1 | coaequalis |
coaequalis, coaequalis N (3rd) M | one of same age, contemporary; comrade / companion of same age (L+S); | 1 | coaequalis |
clipeus, clipei N (2nd) M | | 1 | clipeum |
clipeum, clipei N (2nd) N | round / embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite; | 1 | clipeum |
clibanus, clibani N (2nd) M | oven; earthen / iron vessel w / small holes / broad bottom for baking / serving bread; | 1 | clibanum |
cissos, cissi N F Pliny | ivy; | 1 | cison |
circumplector, circumplecti, circumplexus sum V (3rd) DEP | encompass; embrace; surround, encircle; enclose (w / wall); cover round about; | 1 | circumplexi |
circumplecto, circumplectere, circumplexi, circumplexus V (3rd) TRANS | encompass; embrace / clasp; surround / encircle; enclose (w / wall); cover roundabout | 1 | circumplexi |
circumeo, circumire, circumivi(ii), circumitus V | encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate / wander through; go / measure round; | 1 | circumeunt |
circumdatus, circumdati N (2nd) M | surrounding soldiers / men (pl.); those around; | 1 | circumdate |
circumamictus, circumamicta, circumamictum ADJ | enveloped, invested, surrounded, besieged; | 1 | circumamicta |
cibus, cibi N (2nd) M | food; fare, rations; nutriment, sustenance, fuel; eating, a meal; bait; | 1 | cibum |
chus, choos / is N M | liquid measure; (equal to congius / 3 quarts); | 1 | chus |
cervus, cervi N (2nd) M | stag / deer; forked branches; chevaux-de-frise (spiked barricade against cavalry) | 1 | cervus |
cervix, cervicis N (3rd) F | neck (sg / pl.), nape; severed neck / head; cervix, neck (bladder / uterus / jar / land) | 1 | cervices |
celebrans, celebrantis N (3rd) M | celebrant, officiating minister; | 1 | celebrantis |
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus V (3rd) | go / pass (from / away); withdraw / retire / leave; step aside / make way; take place of; grant, concede, yield, submit; fall back / to; happen / result; start (period); | 1 | cedar |
caverno, cavernare, cavernavi, cavernatus V (1st) TRANS | make hollow; | 1 | caverna |
causo, causare, causavi, causatus V (1st) TRANS Medieval | cause; | 1 | causa |
causa PREP GEN | for sake / purpose of (preceded by GEN.), on account / behalf of, with a view to; | 1 | causa |
caula, caulae N (1st) F | railing (pl.), lattice barrier; holes, pores, apertures; fold, sheepfold (Ecc); | 1 | caulas |
cataractes, cataractae N M | cataract / rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird; | 1 | cataractarum |
cataracta, cataractae N (1st) F | | 1 | cataractarum |
castus, casta -um, castior -or -us, castissimus -a -um ADJ | pure, moral; chaste, virtuous, pious; sacred; spotless; free from / untouched by; | 1 | casta |
castum, casti N (2nd) N | festival / period of ceremonial / required abstinence / continence dedicated to a god | 1 | casta |
castro, castrare, castravi, castratus V (1st) | castrate, emasculate / unman; spay (animal); dock (tail); diminish / impair / weaken; | 1 | castra |
casia, casiae N (1st) F | cinnamon (Cinnamomum tree / bark / spice); aromatic shrub (mezereon or marjoram?); | 1 | casia |
carmen, carminis N (3rd) N | card for wool / flax; song / music; poem / play; charm; prayer, incantation, ritual / magic formula; oracle | 1 | carmen |
captiva, captivae N (1st) F | prisoner (female), captive; | 1 | captivam |
captio, captionis N (3rd) F | deception / trick / fraud; disadvantage, loss; a sophistry / quibble; right to take; | 1 | captio |
capillatus, capillati N (2nd) M | long hairs (pl.); young aristocrats; | 1 | capillatum |
capillatus, capillata, capillatum ADJ | having long hair (older generation / foreign peoples / boys); hairy; hair-like; | 1 | capillatum |
cantor, cantoris N (3rd) M | singer, poet; actor (of musical parts in play); precentor; cantor; eulogist; | 1 | cantores |
cantio, cantionis N (3rd) F | song; singing (birds); playing, music (instrumental); incantation, spell; | 1 | cantionum |
cano, canere, cani, canitus V (3rd) | | 1 | canis |
camus, cami N (2nd) M | necklace; collar for neck (L+S); muzzle / bit / curb for horses (late); | 1 | camo |
camum, cami N (2nd) N | kind of beer; | 1 | camo |
calumniator, calumniatoris N (3rd) M | false accuser; pettifogger, chicaner; perverter of law; carping critic; | 1 | calumniatorem |
calumnia, calumniae N (1st) F | sophistry, sham; false accusation / claim / statement / pretenses / objection; quibble; charge; accusation; | 1 | calumniis |
calor, caloris N (3rd) M | heat; | 1 | calore |
calo, calare, calavi, calatus V (1st) TRANS | announce, proclaim; summon, convoke, call forth / together; let down, allow to hang free; loosen; slacken; | 1 | calamus |
callidus, callida -um, callidior -or -us, callidissimus -a -um ADJ | crafty, sly, cunning; wise, expert, skillful, clever, experienced, ingenious; | 1 | callidus |
calico, calicare, calicavi, calicatus V (1st) TRANS | coat with lime / whitewash, whitewash; | 1 | calicem |
calamus, calami N (2nd) M | reed, cane; reed pen; reed / pan pipe; arrow; fishing pole; stalk; sweet flag; branch; arm; branch of a candelabrum; | 1 | calamus |
calamites, calamitae N M Pliny | small green frog; (rain frog); (also called diopetes rana); | 1 | calamitas |
caecus, caeci N (2nd) M | blind person; | 1 | caecos |
caecus, caeca -um, caecior -or -us, caecissimus -a -um ADJ | blind; unseeing; dark, gloomy, hidden, secret; aimless, confused, random; rash; | 1 | caecos |
cadaver, cadaveris N (3rd) N | corpse, cadaver, dead body; ruined city; | 1 | cadavera |
butyron, butyri N N | butter; | 1 | butyrum |
bucino, bucinare, bucinavi, bucinatus V (1st) INTRANS | give signal with / sound trumpet / horn; blow trumpet (bucina); honk (Cal); | 1 | bucinate |
buccella, buccellae N (1st) F | morsel, small mouthful of food; | 1 | buccellas |
blanditus, blandita, blanditum ADJ | pleasant, agreeable, charming; | 1 | blanditi |
bethsabee ======== UNKNOWN | bethsabee ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | bethsabee |
beniaminitam ======== UNKNOWN | beniaminitam ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | beniaminitam |
benesonans, (gen.), benesonantis ADJ | melodious, sweet-sounding; loud; | 1 | benesonantibus |
belial ======== UNKNOWN | belial ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | belial |
basiliscus, basilisci N (2nd) M | basilisk, cockatrice; kind of snake / lizard; | 1 | basiliscum |
basilisca, basiliscae N (1st) F | plant; (also called regula); (antidote for bite of basilisk / cockatrice); | 1 | basiliscum |
barbo, barbare, barbavi, barbatus V (1st) TRANS | supply with a beard (or perhaps a nonsense word); | 1 | barbaro |
barbarus, barbari N (2nd) M | barbarian, uncivilized person; foreigner (not Greek / Roman); | 1 | barbaro |
barbarus, barbara -um, barbarior -or -us, barbarissimus -a -um ADJ | foreign, of / used by / typical of foreigners; cruel, savage; uncivilized, uncouth; | 1 | barbaro |
barbarum, barbari N (2nd) N | barbarism; impropriety of speech; kind of plaster (applied to raw wounds L+S); | 1 | barbaro |
baculus, baculi N (2nd) M | stick, walking stick, staff; lictor's rod / staff (not fascas); scepter; crozier; | 1 | baculus |
baculus, baculi N (2nd) M | | 1 | baculum |
baculum, baculi N (2nd) N | stick, walking stick, staff; lictor's rod / staff (not fascas); scepter; crozier; | 1 | baculum |
baalphegor ======== UNKNOWN | baalphegor ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | baalphegor |
avolo, avolare, avolavi, avolatus V (1st) INTRANS | fly / rush away / off; hasten away, flee, vanish; fly away (missile); | 1 | avolamus |
avarus, avari N (2nd) M | miser; stingy / mean / greedy person; | 1 | avarus |
avarus, avara -um, avarior -or -us, avarissimus -a -um ADJ | avaricious, greedy; stingy, miserly, mean; covetous, hungry for; | 1 | avarus |
avaritia, avaritiae N (1st) F | greed, avarice; rapacity; miserliness, stinginess, meanness; | 1 | avaritiam |
auxilior, auxiliari, auxiliatus sum V (1st) DEP | help (w / DAT); give help / aid; assist; be helpful, be of use / avail; remedy, heal; | 1 | auxiliatus |
auxilio, auxiliare, auxiliavi, auxiliatus V (1st) TRANS | | 1 | auxiliatus |
auxiliatus, auxiliatus N (4th) M | help, aid; | 1 | auxiliatus |
aurigo, aurigare, aurigavi, aurigatus V (1st) INTRANS | drive / race a chariot; | 1 | auriga |
auriga, aurigae N (1st) M | charioteer, driver; groom, ostler; helmsman; the Waggoner (constellation); | 1 | auriga |
aureus, aurei N (2nd) M | gold coin (equivalent to 25 silver denarii at Rome) (120 grains / 0.25 oz.); | 1 | aureis |
aureus, aurea, aureum ADJ | of gold, golden; gilded; gold bearing; gleaming like gold; beautiful, splendid; | 1 | aureis |
aurea, aureae N (1st) F | bridle of a horse; | 1 | aureis |
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus V (2nd) TRANS | increase, enlarge, augment; spread; honor, promote, raise; exalt; make a lot of | 1 | auxit |
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus V TRANS | bear / carry / take / fetch / sweep / snatch away / off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain; | 1 | abstulit |
auditio, auditionis N (3rd) F | hearing, act / sense of hearing; report, hearsay, rumor; lecture, recital; | 1 | auditione |
audiens, audientis N (3rd) M | auditor, one who hears; hearer of, obedient to (your command); public penitent; catechumen (eccl.), convert under instruction before baptism; new initiate; | 1 | audiens |
attulo, attulere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS Archaic | bring / carry / bear to; | 1 | attulit |
attingo, attingere, attinxi, attinctus V (3rd) TRANS | wipe / smear on?; | 1 | attingam |
attingo, attingere, attigi, attactus V (3rd) TRANS | touch, touch / border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to; | 1 | attingam |
assur ======== UNKNOWN | assur ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | assur |
assimilor, assimilari, assimilatus sum V (1st) DEP Medieval | become like; be compared to; | 1 | assimilabor |
assimilo, assimilare, assimilavi, assimilatus V (1st) TRANS | make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part; | 1 | assimilabor |
aspernor, aspernari, aspernatus sum V (1st) DEP | despise, scorn, disdain; spurn, push away, repel, reject; refuse, decline; | 1 | aspernatur |
aspergo, aspergere, aspersi, aspersus V (3rd) TRANS | sprinkle / strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm) | 1 | asperges |
aspectus, aspectus N (4th) M | appearance, aspect, mien; act of looking; sight, vision; glance, view; horizon; | 1 | aspectus |
ascius, ascia, ascium ADJ Pliny | shadowless; (said of countries near the equator L+S); | 1 | ascia |
ascio, asciare, -, - V (1st) TRANS | chop / slice with a trowel; | 1 | ascia |
ascia, asciae N (1st) F | carpenter's axe; mason's trowel; [sub ~ => under the trowel / construction]; | 1 | ascia |
ascensus, ascensus N (4th) M | ascent; act of scaling (walls); approach; a stage / step in advancement; height; | 1 | ascensum |
ascendens, (gen.), ascendentis ADJ | of / for climbing (machine); enabling one to climb; | 1 | ascendentes |
arvus, arva, arvum ADJ | arable (land); cultivated, plowed; | 1 | arui |
arvum, arvi N (2nd) N | arable land / field, soil, region; country; dry land; stretch of plain; female external genitalia (rude); | 1 | arui |
arundo, arundinis N (3rd) F | reed; fishing rod; arrowshaft; arrow; pen; shepherd's pipe; | 1 | arundinis |
arrogo, arrogare, arrogavi, arrogatus V (1st) TRANS | ask, question; arrogate to one's self, claim, make undue claim; confer (upon); adopt (an adult) as one's son (esp. at his instance); | 1 | arrogantia |
arrogantia, arrogantiae N (1st) F | insolence, arrogance, conceit, haughtiness; presumption; | 1 | arrogantia |
arrogans, (gen.), arrogantis ADJ | arrogant, insolent, overbearing; conceited; presumptuous, assuming; | 1 | arrogantia |
around, round about; having two; | around, round about; having two; | 1 | amalec |
aro, arare, aravi, aratus V (1st) TRANS | plow, till, cultivate; produce by plowing, grow; furrow, wrinkle; | 1 | araverunt |
arida, aridae N (1st) F | dry land; dry place; dry surface; dryness; | 1 | aridam |
ardeo, ardere, arsi, arsus V (2nd) | be on fire; burn, blaze; flash; glow, sparkle; rage; be in a turmoil / love; | 1 | ardentes |
ardens, ardentis (gen.), ardentior -or -us, ardentissimus -a -um ADJ | burning, flaming, glowing, fiery; shining, brilliant; eager, ardent, passionate | 1 | ardentes |
arcanus, arcana, arcanum ADJ | secret, private, hidden; intimate, personal; confidential; mysterious, esoteric | 1 | arcana |
arcanum, arcani N (2nd) N | secret, mystery; secret / hidden place; | 1 | arcana |
arca, arcae N (1st) F | box, chest; strong-box, coffer; wealth, money; coffin, bier; cell, cage; ark; ark (Noah's); Ark of the Covenant; quadrangular landmark for surveyors; | 1 | arca |
arator, aratoris N (3rd) M | plowman; farmer (esp. farming on shares); cultivators of public land on tenths; | 1 | aratores |
arator, (gen.), aratoris ADJ | plowing, plow-; (of oxen); | 1 | aratores |
aquilus, aquila, aquilum ADJ | dark colored / hued, swarthy; | 1 | aquilae |
aquila, aquilae N (1st) F | silver eagle on pole, standard of a legion; legion; post of standard-bearer; | 1 | aquilae |
aquila, aquilae N (1st) C | eagle; gable / pediment; kind of fish (eagle-ray?); | 1 | aquilae |
appropio, appropiare, appropiavi, appropiatus V (1st) INTRANS | approach (w / DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near / nigh (space / time); be close | 1 | appropiant |
apparet, apparere, -, - V (2nd) IMPERS | it is apparent / evident / clear / certain / visible / noticeable / found; it appears; | 1 | appareat |
apis, apis N (3rd) F | bee; swarm regarded as a portent; Apis, sacred bull worshiped in Egypt; | 1 | apes |
apio, apere, -, aptus V (3rd) TRANS | fasten, attach, join, connect, bind; | 1 | aperis |
apes, apis N (3rd) F | bee; swarm regarded as a portent; | 1 | apes |
aperto, apertare, apertavi, apertatus V (1st) TRANS | bare, expose, lay bare; | 1 | aperta |
aper, apri N (2nd) C | boar, wild boar (as animal, food, or used as a Legion standard / symbol); a fish; | 1 | aper |
anyone / anybody / anything; someone; some / few; some (particular) thing; some; any; a few; a particular / certain ~; some other; about / like (NUM); anyone / anybody / anything; someone; some / few; some (particular) thing; | anyone / anybody / anything; someone; some / few; some (particular) thing; some; any; a few; a particular / certain ~; some other; about / like (NUM); anyone / anybody / anything; someone; some / few; some (particular) thing; | 1 | aliquis |
anticipo, anticipare, anticipavi, anticipatus V (1st) | occupy beforehand; anticipate, get the lead, get ahead of; have preconception; | 1 | anticipent |
annuo, annuere, annui, annutus V (3rd) | designate w / nod, nod assent; indicate, declare; favor / smile on; agree to, grant | 1 | annuunt |
angulus, anguli N (2nd) M | angle, apex; corner, nook, niche, recess, out-of-the-way spot; | 1 | anguli |
angulo, angulare, angulavi, angulatus V (1st) TRANS | make angular / cornered; | 1 | angulares |
angularis, angularis, angulare ADJ | placed at corners, corner; having angles or corners, square; | 1 | angulares |
angularis, angularis N (3rd) M | angular vessel; | 1 | angulares |
angor, angoris N (3rd) M | suffocation, choking, strangulation; mental distress, anxiety, anguish, vexatio | 1 | angorem |
anceps, (gen.), ancipitis ADJ | two headed / fold / edged / meanings; faces two / opposite directions / fronts; twofold; on two sides / fronts (war / attack); undecided / drawn / hanging in balance (battle); double; w / two meanings; uncertain; dangerous / perilous; ambiguous; unsettled; doubtful / undecided / wavering; untrustworthy / unreliable / unpredictable; | 1 | ancipites |
amos, amoris N (3rd) M | love, affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual / illicit / homosexual passion; | 1 | amoris |
amor, amoris N (3rd) M | love; affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual / illicit / homosexual passion; | 1 | amoris |
amo, amare, amavi, amatus V (1st) | love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to; | 1 | amat |
ammon ======== UNKNOWN | ammon ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | ammon |
amictus, amictus N (4th) M | cloak, mantle; outer garment; clothing, garb; fashion; manner of dress; drapery | 1 | amictus |
altitudo, altitudinis N (3rd) F | height, altitude; depth; loftiness, profundity, noblemindedness, secrecy; | 1 | altitudines |
alter CONJ | the_one ... the_other (alter ... alter); otherwise; | 1 | alter |
altarium, altarii N (2nd) N | altar; high altar; | 1 | altaria |
aloe, aloes N F | aloe plant (Aloe vera); thickened aloe juice (as purgative); bitterness; | 1 | aloe |
allevo, allevare, allevavi, allevatus V (1st) TRANS | lift / raise / heap / pile up, exalt; alleviate / diminish / weaken; comfort / console / chee smooth, smooth off, make smooth; polish; depilate; | 1 | allevat |
alius, alia, aliud ADJ | other, another; different, changed; [alii...alii => some...others]; (A+G); | 1 | alienus |
alec, alecis N (3rd) N | herrings; a fish sauce; pickle; | 1 | amalec |
agmen, agminis N (3rd) N | stream; herd, flock, troop, crowd; marching army, column, line; procession; | 1 | agmen |
agite INTERJ | come!, go to!, well!, all right!; | 1 | agite |
aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sum V (3rd) DEP | approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt; | 1 | aggrediar |
aggredio, aggredere, aggressi, aggressus V (3rd) INTRANS | | 1 | aggrediar |
agero, agerere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS | take away, remove; | 1 | ageret |
age INTERJ | come!, go to!, well!, all right!; let come; | 1 | age |
agareni ======== UNKNOWN | agareni ======== UNKNOWN | 1 | agareni |
affluo, affluere, affluxi, affluxus V (3rd) INTRANS | flow on / to / towards / by; glide / drift quietly; flock together, throng; abound; | 1 | affluant |
afflictus, afflictus N (4th) M | collision, blow; a striking against / dashing together; | 1 | afflictus |
aeterno ADV | for ever, always; perpetually; also; constantly; | 1 | aeterno |
aestimatus, aestimatus N (4th) M | valuation (of property), estimation of money value; value, price; | 1 | aestimatus |
aes, aeris N (3rd) N | money, pay, fee, fare; copper / bronze / brass, base metal; (w / alienum) debt; gong; | 1 | aeris |
aereus, aerei N (2nd) M | copper coin; | 1 | aereum |
aera, aerae N (1st) F Pliny | darnel (grass / weed, grows among wheat, subject to ergot, thereby dangerous); parameter from which a calculation is made; item of account; era / epoch; | 1 | aeris |
aer, aeris N C | air (one of 4 elements); atmosphere, sky; cloud, mist, weather; breeze; odor; | 1 | aeris |
aequus, aequa -um, aequior -or -us, aequissimus -a -um ADJ | level, even, equal, like; just, kind, impartial, fair; patient, contented; | 1 | aequus |
aequo, aequare, aequavi, aequatus V (1st) TRANS | level, make even / straight; equal; compare; reach as high or deep as; | 1 | aequabitur |
aenigma, aenigmatis N (3rd) N | puzzle, enigma, riddle, obscure expression / saying; | 1 | aenigma |
aemulatio, aemulationis N (3rd) F | rivalry, ambition; unfriendly rivalry; (envious) emulation, imitation; | 1 | aemulationem |
aedificatus, aedificata, aedificatum ADJ | built, erected, constructed, made; created; established; improved; | 1 | aedificata |
advoco, advocare, advocavi, advocatus V (1st) TRANS | call, summon, invite, convoke, call for; call in as counsel; invoke the Gods; | 1 | advocabit |
adulterus, adultera, adulterum ADJ | adulterous, unchaste; | 1 | adulteris |
adultera, adulterae N (1st) F | adulteress; mistress; unchaste woman; | 1 | adulteris |
adulter, adulteri N (2nd) M | adulterer; illicit lover, paramour; offspring of unlawful love, bastard (eccl.) | 1 | adulteris |
adulter, adultera, adulterum ADJ | impure / adulterated; mixed / crossbred (plant); adulterous, unchaste; of adulterer forged / counterfeit; debased (coinage); [~ clavis => skeleton / false key]; | 1 | adulteris |
adulescentior, adulescentiari, adulescentiatus sum V (1st) DEP | behave in a youthful manner; | 1 | adulescentior |
adulescens, adulescentis (gen.), adulescentior -or -us, adulescentissimus -a -um ADJ | young, youthful; "minor" (in reference to the younger of two having same name); | 1 | adulescentior |
adsum, adesse, arfui, arfuturus V | | 1 | ades |
adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturus V | | 1 | ades |
ador, adoris N (3rd) N | coarse grain; emmer wheat; spelt; | 1 | adora |
admiror, admirari, admiratus sum V (1st) DEP | admire, respect; regard with wonder, wonder at; be surprised at, be astonished; | 1 | admirati |
adjutus, adjutus N (4th) M | help, aid; | 1 | adiutus |
adedo, adesse, -, - V TRANS | eat up, eat into / away at, nibble, squander; wear down, exhaust; erode; | 1 | ades |
addo, addere, addidi, additus V (3rd) TRANS | add, insert, bring / attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate; | 1 | addiderunt |
adaquo, adaquare, adaquavi, adaquatus V (1st) | water, supply with water, bring water to; obtain water; give to drink; | 1 | adaquavit |
actio, actionis N (3rd) F | act, action, activity, deed; incident;, plot (play); legal process, suit; plea; | 1 | actionem |
acquiro, acquirere, acquisivi, acquisitus V (3rd) TRANS | acquire (goods / money / adherents), obtain, gain, get; add to stock; accrue; | 1 | acquisivit |
acies, aciei N (5th) F | sharpness, sharp edge, point; battle line / array; sight, glance; pupil of eye; | 1 | aciem |
acetum, aceti N (2nd) N | vinegar, sour wine; tang of vinegar; sourness of disposition; sharpness of wit; | 1 | aceto |
acesco, acescere, acui, - V (3rd) INTRANS | turn / become sour; | 1 | acuerunt |
aceo, acere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS | be sour; | 1 | aceto |
accubo, accubare, accubui, accubitus V (1st) | lie near or by; recline at table; | 1 | accubitum |
accubitus, accubitus N (4th) M | reclining (at meals), lying (at table); couch / seat; place for a couch (L+S); | 1 | accubitum |
accubitum, accubiti N (2nd) N | couch for large number of guests to recline at meals (triclinium / 3 seats); | 1 | accubitum |
accinctus, accincta, accinctum ADJ | well girded; ready, prepared; strict (opp. negligens); | 1 | accinctus |
accepto, acceptare, acceptavi, acceptatus V (1st) TRANS | receive regularly, take (payment / food); be given (name); submit to; grasp idea; | 1 | acceptabis |
acceo, accere, -, - V (2nd) TRANS | send for, summon (forth), fetch; invite; (w / mortum) commit suicide; | 1 | accendis |
accensus, accensus N (4th) M Pliny | lighting; kindling, setting on fire; | 1 | accensus |
accensus, accensi N (2nd) M | attendant / orderly; supernumerary soldier (usu. pl.) [~ velatus => replacements] | 1 | accensus |
accensus, accensa, accensum ADJ | reckoned among; attached, attending; | 1 | accensus |
accenseo, accensere, accensui, accensus V (2nd) TRANS | attach as an attendant to; add to; | 1 | accensus |
abusio, abusionis N (3rd) F | use of wrong synonym; catachresis, loose / improper use of a word / term / metaphor; | 1 | abusione |
abundanter, abundantius, abundantissime ADV | abundantly; profusely, copiously; on a lavish scale; | 1 | abundanter |
abstulo, abstulere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS | to take away, withdraw; | 1 | abstulit |
abscindo, abscindere, abscidi, abscissus V (3rd) TRANS | tear (away / off) (clothing); cut off / away / short; part, break, divide, separate; | 1 | abscissi |
abortivus, abortivi N (2nd) M | one prematurely born; one addled; | 1 | abortivum |
abortivus, abortiva, abortivum ADJ | abortive; abortificient; contraceptive; addled; prematurely born; | 1 | abortivum |
abortivum, abortivi N (2nd) N | abortifacient, that which caused abortion; contraceptive; premature birth; abortion; miscarriage; means of procuring an abortion; | 1 | abortivum |
abjectio, abjectionis N (3rd) F | dejection; a casting down / out; outcast; | 1 | abiectio |
abhorreo, abhorrere, abhorrui, - V (2nd) | abhor, shrink back; be averse to, shudder at; differ from; be inconsistent; | 1 | abhorrebam |
abbrevio, abbreviare, abbreviavi, abbreviatus V (1st) TRANS | shorten, cut off; abbreviate, abstract; epitomize (Souter); break off; weaken; | 1 | abbreviavit |
Valens, Valentis N (3rd) M | Valens; (Emperor Flavius Julius Valens 364-378 lost at Adrianople); | 1 | valentibus |
Tyrus, Tyri N (2nd) F | Tyre; (city on the Phoenician coast); (famous for crimson dye Tyrian purple); | 1 | tyrus |
PACKON w / qui => whoever; whatever; everyone who, all that, anything that; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; PACKON w / qui pron with ABL => with what, with whom; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; (w / -cum) only ABL with whom?, with which?; PACKON w / qui => whoever; whatever; everyone who, all that, anything that; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; | PACKON w / qui => whoever; whatever; everyone who, all that, anything that; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; PACKON w / qui pron with ABL => with what, with whom; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; (w / -cum) only ABL with whom?, with which?; PACKON w / qui => whoever; whatever; everyone who, all that, anything that; qu PACK (w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small; | 1 | quascumque |
PACKON w / qui => whoever it be; whatever; each, each one; everyone, everything; qu PACK (w / -que) each, each one; every, everybody, everything (more than 2); whatever; (w / -que) any; each; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; | PACKON w / qui => whoever it be; whatever; each, each one; everyone, everything; qu PACK (w / -que) each, each one; every, everybody, everything (more than 2); whatever; (w / -que) any; each; -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; | 1 | quique |
May be 2 words combined (varie+gatis) If not obvious, probably incorrect | May be 2 words combined (varie+gatis) If not obvious, probably incorrect | 1 | variegatis |
May be 2 words combined (sis+arae) If not obvious, probably incorrect | May be 2 words combined (sis+arae) If not obvious, probably incorrect | 1 | sisarae |
May be 2 words combined (sal+mana) If not obvious, probably incorrect | May be 2 words combined (sal+mana) If not obvious, probably incorrect | 1 | salmana |
May be 2 words combined (me+ipso) If not obvious, probably incorrect I, me (PERS); myself (REFLEX); | May be 2 words combined (me+ipso) If not obvious, probably incorrect I, me (PERS); myself (REFLEX); | 1 | meipso |
May be 2 words combined (io+nat) If not obvious, probably incorrect | May be 2 words combined (io+nat) If not obvious, probably incorrect | 1 | ionat |
May be 2 words combined (he+man) If not obvious, probably incorrect | May be 2 words combined (he+man) If not obvious, probably incorrect | 1 | heman |
May be 2 words combined (en+dor) If not obvious, probably incorrect | May be 2 words combined (en+dor) If not obvious, probably incorrect | 1 | endor |
May be 2 words combined (ci+son) If not obvious, probably incorrect | May be 2 words combined (ci+son) If not obvious, probably incorrect | 1 | cison |
May be 2 words combined (ab+iram) If not obvious, probably incorrect | May be 2 words combined (ab+iram) If not obvious, probably incorrect | 1 | abiram |
Lucifer, Luciferi N (2nd) M | Lucifer, Satan; | 1 | luciferum |
Lavabo, undeclined N N Medieval | Lavabo, ceremonial hand washing in liturgy; | 1 | lavabo |
Lactantius, Lactanti N (2nd) M | Lactantius; (Christian apologist, ~250-~325, "Divinarum Institutionum"); | 1 | lactantium |
Judaeus, Judaea, Judaeum ADJ | of / relating to the Jews, Jewish; of / originating / stationed in Judea (troops); | 1 | iudaea |
Judaea, Judaeae N (1st) F | Jewess, Jewish woman; Judea; Israel; Canaan; Palestine; | 1 | iudaea |
Io INTERJ | Yo!; Hurrah! (ritual exclamation of strong emotion / joy); Ho!; Look!; Quick!; | 1 | ionat |
Horeb, undeclined N N | Sinai, Horeb; (mountain of Moses and burning bush); | 1 | horeb |
Cherub, undeclined N M | cherub; | 1 | cherub |
Arabs, Arabis N (3rd) M | Arab, people of Arabia; | 1 | arabum |
Arabia, Arabiae N (1st) F | Arabia; Aden; [~ Felix => Yemen]; | 1 | arabiae |
An internal 'oe' might be rendered by 'e' | An internal 'oe' might be rendered by 'e' | 1 | doeg |
An internal 'o' might be rendered by 'u' Syncopated perfect ivi can drop 'v' without contracting vowel | An internal 'o' might be rendered by 'u' Syncopated perfect ivi can drop 'v' without contracting vowel | 1 | erodii |
An internal 'o' might be rendered by 'u' | An internal 'o' might be rendered by 'u' | 1 | soba |
An internal 'b' might be rendered by 'p' | An internal 'b' might be rendered by 'p' | 1 | saba |
An initial 'inp' may be rendered by 'imp' | An initial 'inp' may be rendered by 'imp' | 1 | impinguasti |
Africus, Africi N (2nd) M | southwest wind; | 1 | africum |
Africus, Africa, Africum ADJ | African; from the southwest (e.g. sea between Africa and Sicily, wind); | 1 | africum |
Adam, undeclined N M | Adam; (from the Hebrew); [NOM S => Adam, not Ada (otherwise 1 DECL Ad...)]; | 1 | adam |
4 as a ROMAN NUMERAL; | 4 as a ROMAN NUMERAL; | 1 | iv |
3 as a ROMAN NUMERAL; | 3 as a ROMAN NUMERAL; | 1 | iii |
-que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; | -que = and (enclitic, translated before attached word); completes plerus / uter; | 1 | eique |
-ed, having, having a, provided with; -able; | -ed, having, having a, provided with; -able; | 1 | medullata |
-, Adae N (1st) M | Adam; (Hebrew); (NOM S => Adam, not Ada, otherwise 1 DECL Ad...?); | 1 | adam |
-, -, ulterior -or -us, ultimus -a -um ADJ | far; farther; farthest, latest; last; highest, greatest; | 1 | ultimum |
- back, - again; | - back, - again; | 1 | rememorati |
- away, off; - aside; | - away, off; - aside; | 1 | absalom |